Devil Seeds

Chapter 472 A corner (for subscription)

At this time, the same camera is shooting and refracting to the whole world. The picture in front of each screen and everyone is completely different.

Children were seen playing in the snow. Some people also saw couples walking on the waves holding hands on the beach. Someone saw an old couple sitting on a park bench basking in the sun. Others saw a young couple arguing endlessly over a wasted roll of toilet paper in a cramped house.

Laughter, singing, love talk, scolding, accusation, greetings... All kinds of sounds in the world are like small trickles, turning into rivers and flowing into people's ears.

There... right there, deep in the thick fog, there must be a country, a country that is peaceful, civilized, tranquil, free, and stable. There, the people who own this world dream of being ordinary.

In an ordinary morning when the sky is slightly bright, I have to force myself to get up and ride a bicycle to take the subway.

After quitting smoking for a week, I bought two boxes of cherries to comfort my wife.

The simple greetings on the phone made the mother far away in her hometown forget that the fish was still cooking on the gas stove, and the father was eating the burnt fish, listening to the mother nagging, worrying about the son who was struggling far away in a foreign country.

The two cities are more than 500 kilometers apart, and dozens of train tickets travel between each year, which binds two souls who are reluctant to part.

This is the most real life in the ordinary world.

There is not so much luxury and enjoyment, and there is not so much satisfaction, but more of the helplessness and difficulties of life.

But... it is this kind of ordinaryness that makes people in the weird world start to yearn for it.

Even in the weird world, the vast majority of countries have long since given up using cheap artificial labor.

The high productivity of society can ensure that every citizen has a relatively fulfilling material life. like this makes people feel more and more gloomy and gloomy, like looking through the layers of the sky, looking through the tall buildings that are rising into the sky, looking at the sky tree...but can't find it To half hope.

At this moment, someone suddenly had an extremely absurd idea.

"Perhaps the ones who are forgotten are not them at all, but us."

"Maybe it's not them who fall into hell, but us."

"Maybe this world is the weird trap, maybe we are in the weird abdomen of S-class, and we bear the crimes and punishments of this world." At first, only a few people had this kind of thought, but suddenly it was silent. It spread until someone yelled.

People are curious about the S-class, and they are thinking about what the S-class is.

But what if the S class is them?

The whole world wrapped in weirdness is superimposed, and it is S-rank... Is that justified?

More and more people have directly issued such doubts.

And suddenly gained a lot of recognition.

General Ghost occupies Chu Yuanxiao's body, and the will-o'-the-wisp flickers on his body.

"No! It's not like that!"

"We have gone through arduous resistance, we have fought steadfastly, we are... the soldiers of the people. We have never given up our pride, let alone surrendered."

"The cruel world is not false. What is false is these pictures... these memories!" Ghost General began to speak.

His voice echoed over Dongbao City.

But no one catered.

Everyone was 'fascinated' by the world shown in the lens.

That is certainly not an ideal Garden of Eden.

The 'people' living there also have their troubles and pains.

But such "simple" troubles and pains appear so beautiful and hypocritical in the eyes of people who are under the poison of weirdness and the oppressive rule of the government.

From nowhere, there was a singing sound.

"Close your eyes and think again."

"That time is in the past."

"I have nowhere to turn back and I can't go back to the past."

"Only the deep darkness spreads endlessly."

Lu Jinnian in the camera continued to penetrate into the thick fog.

When the thick fog gradually thinned, dazzling light enveloped every screen.

Everyone was looking forward to the picture after the light faded.

But what followed... was a pitch blackness that could not be seen directly.

It was like a tightly sealed door, a heavy shackle.

Behind the door and the shackles, it seems that some kind of breathing can be heard.

But the people locked in the door can only guess the unguessable goal and the immeasurable stalwart through their own narrow vision and humble knowledge.

What Lu Jinnian saw was a great will.

He has no form, no fixed incarnation, but it is like a symbol, a punctuation, and a concept.

At this time, Lu Jinnian suddenly thought of before he became a ghost cultivator or a ghost.

That was the time when he was alive.

It seems that in a small wooden house, there is a woman mending his clothes under the dim light, listening to the dog barking outside the door, waiting for him to return in the night.

The singing continued.

Penetrated into the hearts of many people.

"That voice is so gentle that it makes you want to cry."

"No matter how painful it is."

"We still have to move forward bravely and cut through despair."

"No matter how much you lose."

"We can only continue to live."

This song seems to be talking about the people in the thick fog, and it seems to be talking about the people outside the thick fog.

What is S-Class?

Who did the S-class swallow?

Who is forgotten?

At this time, people have their own answers.

But no matter what the answer in their hearts is, people are looking forward to...Looking forward to Lu Jinnian being able to touch the lock and push the door open.

"Come on! Boss Lu!"

"Come on! Lu Jinnian!"

"Boss Lu...we all support you! You will always be the strongest."

"Boss Lu, we wanted to cheat you, but now we are wrong, you are the best!" Whether it is the aborigines of the strange world or those monks who have been operating in the strange world for more than ten years, they all sincerely said at this moment own blessing.

S class!

That is the obsession of all the 'players' in the strange world.

It is also a heavy shackle hanging on the hearts of all aborigines.

Fear can only be broken by facing it.

Lu Jinnian withdrew his nostalgic gaze.

The heart of the past is no longer available.

The heart of the future, why hesitate?

stride! Walk!

No matter what... just move on!

At this time, Lu Jinnian seemed to feel the blessings and expectations of the people.

He continued to hold the camera, and even distributed more power to protect this 'precious' camera.

Lu Jinnian is gambling!

He bet that no matter how strong the S rank is, it is impossible to control the will of everyone in the world in an instant.

Even if the will of the aborigines can be manipulated and played with, those of the monks cannot.

Today...he must get the answer! must!

The hand touched the undisputed darkness.

Like digging into a swamp.

Afterwards, the picture in front of Lu Jinnian was like a curtain, being torn apart bit by bit.

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