Devil Seeds

Chapter 581 Earth Abyss

The torrential Yangshui nourishes the polar regions of southern Xinjiang.

As the only mother river in this scorching land, Yangshui represents and symbolizes beyond doubt.

Around this river and the hunting grounds on both sides of the river, the battles between the various tribes have never stopped.

Zhu Yanxu came with anticipation.

Slowly step into the yang water, hoping to use the yang water to wash away the unclean power in the body.

But the soft water waves became hot and hot around him.

A large amount of water vapor was evaporated, leaving a large area around Zhu Yanxu's body in the mighty long river, even exposing the dry riverbed.

The divine power of the God of Yangshui filled this river, which could have resisted the blazing power remaining in the southern polar region after the fall of the Vulcan.

However, the power possessed by Hanba is more like a curse.

It is the embodiment of the common will of today's gods, and even the divine power of the god of Yangshui cannot resist it.

Zhu Yanxu's adoptive father, the head of the Zhu Yan tribe, led many tribesmen, kneeling on the bank together, looking at Zhu Yanxu with desperate and sad eyes.

"Xu! You must leave."

"Your body is no longer clean, and you can no longer serve the God of Yangshui. Compared with the lives of more tribesmen, I can only choose to sacrifice you." The voice of the Zhuyan tribe's patriarch was full of exhaustion that could not be concealed. Struggling, but speaking very frankly, without the slightest tact and hypocrisy.

Zhu Yanxu walked ashore step by step.

Hanba's power grew and released wantonly on his body.

That cursed power is like a virus, expanding, spreading, and becoming stronger very quickly. Any energy that resists it will instead become a nutrient for it.

Under Zhu Yanxu's feet, the most drought-resistant grasses and vines have all withered.

The originally moist land also dried up quickly, and then turned into sand.

Zhu Yanxu stood where he was, and stopped moving.

When he was in the desert, everything was unconscious.

However, when he walked into an area where life and vegetation were active, the power of that curse revealed its terrifying power.

With a distance of not too long and not too short, Zhu Yanxu looked at his own clansmen and stopped moving forward.

There is no resentment in his heart.

To survive in the wilderness, one must get used to death and sacrifice.

For the survival of the whole tribe, anyone needs to contribute, and anyone can sacrifice.

Like those clansmen who died in the desert.

Zhu Yanxu knew that it was his turn to sacrifice now.

He raised his head and let out a few long whistles.

Zhu Yanxu turned around.

"Remember me, my name is Zhu Yanxu!" After saying that, Zhu Yanxu walked back towards the desert with big feet.

Even though his pace was fast, he still avoided those places with dense vegetation.

Looking at the back of Zhu Yanxu going away, all the people of Zhu Yan's tribe were very silent.

They neither retained nor ridiculed.

Zhu Yanxu threw off his steps and plunged into the barren desert again.

Here, he felt uncomfortable.

However, it feels natural and relaxed.

At least, he no longer has to worry about hurting something.

"It seems that I still have to go to Diyuan."

"If I want to return to the tribe, the only way is to go to the abyss to find Nuba and relieve the curse power on my body." Zhu Yanxu thought to himself.

"But where is the abyss?"

"How should I go to Diyuan?" Zhu Yanxu immediately thought of such a question.

Regarding Diyuan, Zhu Yanxu certainly heard from the patriarch.

But the patriarch never said where Diyuan was.

It sounded like it was somewhere deep underground.

But it is absolutely impossible, just dig a hole in the ground, and then dig all the way down.

Zhu Yanxu tried to ask that voice again.

But did not get any response.

It seemed that the voice had really gone away, no longer staring at him.

This inevitably made Zhu Yanxu believe that it was really just a guy who happened to pass by, out of goodwill? Helped him a bit.

After leaving Yangshui, Zhu Yanxu started wandering without bounds.

The curse power given to him by Hanba made him hate ghosts, but it also gave him a stronger self-protection power.

The idle wild beasts and barren warriors are far from his opponents.

When the power of the curse erupts, everything will be completely dried up and devoured in an instant.

Even Zhu Yanxu himself forgot how long he had wandered, how many mountains he had climbed, how many rivers he had drained, how many forests he had burned, and how many tribes he had clashed with.

Until this day, Zhu Yanxu met a 'similar'.

Another unlucky guy who was cursed by the power of Hanba.

Through brief communication, Zhu Yanxu knew that this 'companion' was infected earlier than him.

"You are also looking for Diyuan!" The guy named Yu Yu asked Zhu Yanxu like this.

This question seems simple, but it has been discussed repeatedly.

It was finally identified as this model.

People in the wild world are simple.

Even a child of the world like Zhu Yanxu can't escape the frame.

Therefore, it becomes inevitable to use the simplest and direct communication method possible, and omit unnecessary temptation after getting familiar with it.

Zhu Yanxu looked at the enthusiastic Yu Yu, and thought of the address that the other party had taken the initiative to ask him to call him, he responded a little unnaturally: "Yes! Dried fish!"

Yu Yu said with some embarrassment: "Look, wherever we go now, wherever we are in drought, my name is Yu Yu again, so... let you call me Yugan. This is a kind of... more natural and kinder You don't have to call it... so rigidly."

"Kindness?" Zhu Yanxu didn't particularly understand this word.

In his worldview, there are only enemies and clansmen.

Only prey, and food in captivity.

A stranger who met halfway, who is not a member of the tribe, but wants to become... intimate? Why?

"Forget it! You me whatever you want!"

"In short, we are going to Diyuan together, right?"

"Exactly, I have found the entrance to Diyuan, but before going to Diyuan, we still need to make some preparations." Yu Yu said helplessly to Zhu Yanxu.

"Ready?" Zhu Yanxu still didn't understand.

Yu Yu said: "We have to go to the Blood Mosquito Tribe first, find a member of the Blood Mosquito Tribe, and extract the blood of the new god from our bodies. Only in this way can we go to Diyuan. Otherwise, we won't be able to enter. Even if it goes in, it will be directly killed by the things in the abyss."

Zhu Yanxu said: "The patriarch said that the blood in our body is connected with our life. If the blood is gone, our life will end."

Yu Yu said: "That's right, but now we have the power of Hanba, and we have the blood of Hanba, maybe we won't die."

Speaking of this, Yu Yu showed a strange expression and said: "However... in order to avoid accidents, we can exchange information first. I will tell you the location of Diyuan, and you will also tell you what you know about Hanba. Tell me the message. In this way, even if any one of us has an accident, the other will have a chance to go down to the abyss to find the female demon."

Regarding Yu Yu's proposal, although Zhu Yanxu instinctively felt that something was wrong, but he didn't feel any danger in it at all, so he agreed without hesitation.

Next, the two completed an exchange of information.

Zhu Yanxu didn't hide anything, not only told Yu Yu that the ancient corpse of Hanba was buried in the desert by him, but also relayed the strange sounds and strange runes, and reproduced the runes.

And Yu Yu also told Zhu Yanxu the specific location of the abyss and how to go deep into the abyss.

After arriving at the Blood Mosquito Tribe, Yu Yu called his friends in the Blood Mosquito Tribe with a special cry.

The two exchanged a vague look.

A brief introduction follows.

After that, the warrior from the Blood Mosquito Tribe will use divine magic to extract the new blood of the two of them.

What Yu Yu needs to be drawn is the blood of the horse belly, and what Zhu Yanxu needs to be drawn is naturally the blood of the Yangshui.

"Relax your bodies and try not to resist."

"I will stick a mosquito needle into your body, and then draw out the blood, because it may be very painful, so I will release the toxin first, paralyze your body, so that you can hardly feel it when the blood is drawn. Pain, even very drowsiness. Otherwise, the pain may take your life first, before your blood is exhausted."

"Of course, if you are worried about me, you can choose to give up."

"Also, I would also like to remind you that there is a risk of death in drawing blood. I personally advise you, it is best to make more decisions before making a decision." Said a member of the Blood Mosquito tribe named Blood Mosquito Leopard.

Zhu Yanxu was a little hesitant and wanted to think again.

But I heard Yu Yu say: "Then just smoke me!"

"Let Brother Zhu Yan watch from the sidelines. If I succeed, then I will go to Diyuan alone to find the female demon. When I find a way to relieve the power of the drought demon, I will come back and tell Brother Zhu Yan."

Zhu Yanxu has never seen this kind of guy, who is not related to him, but such a "righteousness" guy, he is not thick enough, so he instinctively refuses: "Let's go together! Let's draw blood together, and go down to the abyss together!"

When Yu Yu heard this, he laughed loudly: "Okay! Draw blood together, and go down to the abyss together!"

"Let's fight together as two brothers. If you finish fighting, you will still have mine, and if I have finished fighting, you will have yours. Neither of us will lose! No one can lose!"

This is a bold statement.

As a spectator, Xue Mosquito Leopard had a sullen face, as if he had committed an embarrassing cancer.

And although Zhu Yanxu felt that some progress was too fast, he couldn't help feeling a surge of enthusiasm for no reason.

"Okay! Come on!" Zhu Yanxu dissipated the aura of divine power around him, and the anxiety and worry in his heart completely dissipated following Yu Yu's words.

The blood mosquito leopard first released a burst of poisonous mist.

In the mist, Zhu Yanxu, who didn't use his divine power to resist, felt his body gradually become numb.

After a while, he threw his head back and fell to the ground.

In reality, Yu Yu did not fall into a coma along with him, but looked at Zhu Yanxu who fell down with complicated eyes.

"Are you hesitating?"

"Have you softened?"

Blood Mosquito Leopard asked Yu Yu.

Yu Yu shook his head: "No way! The last time I softened my heart was more than a hundred years ago. After that time... I will never do it again."

"I'm just... a little emotional."

"How much he resembles me... not like us! Like us at the beginning, serious, persistent, smart, full of vigilance towards the world and strangers, but kind, innocent, easy to move, and easy to be used. "

Blood Mosquito Leopard sneered and said: "Like? What is it like? He was born with the pure blood of the God of Fire and the first generation of blood of the God of Yangshui. He is favored by the world and is a born child of the world. Say something like that?"

Yu Yu was stunned and had nothing to say.

I can't talk anymore today.

One is talking about spring flowers and autumn moon, and the other is talking about firewood, rice, oil and salt, how can we talk about it?

"Who will take over next?" Yu Yu asked.

Blood Mosquito Leopard narrowed his eyes and said: "It's not what you should know, don't ask. I will guide him to the right topic, but I can't guarantee how much effort and painstaking effort I can make. So he has to go through some more Since our plan has not been interrupted, it means that our mode of action is recognized... at least not at the level of 'persecution' recognized by the will of the world, at most it can only be regarded as guiding him to grow."

"The problem is very simple, and the process is very complicated. We must try our best to avoid the maliciousness we may generate. The purpose of avoiding maliciousness is not to target Zhu Yanxu, but to prevent the world from judging us as Zhu Yanxu's opponent. At present, the world It’s quite tolerant, as far as I know...the will of heaven in some worlds is very narrow-minded. The protagonist they appoint, even if others look at it with hatred, will cause catastrophe and die unexpectedly."

Blood Mosquito Leopard seemed to be deliberately diverting the topic.

Inadvertently, Yu Yu's question has been blurred.

Yu Yu didn't continue to ask.

Some emotions are just for a moment.

After that moment, after regaining my composure, I know what is the trade-off, what is the priority, and what is the overall situation.

"Thank you!" Yu Yu said to Blood Mosquito Leopard.

He thanked him not because the other party 'popularized' some knowledge to himself.

"No need!" Blood Mosquito Leopard replied, not because of his previous digression.

"Then... leave!" Yu Yu took one last look at the blood mosquito leopard, and did not look at Zhu Yanxu again.

Then he strode away very neatly.

After Yu Yu's figure completely disappeared, another figure appeared beside the blood mosquito leopard.

"He is an uncontrollable variable. If he didn't have the power of drought, he would not be brought into the game."

"Leave it alone... Is it okay? His real identity has been verified. To protect the overall situation... do you want to...?" The figure made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Blood Mosquito Leopard said: "Don't act like a big villain, we just need to lead Zhu Yanxu into the abyss, and then get back the answer for us. It's not really trying to kill Zhu Yanxu, Yu Yu and Zhu Yanxu's friendship has not yet come. For that sake."

"In order to avoid being targeted by God's will, we have made simple things complicated enough. Don't make any more complications!"

The figure smiled and said, "I was just joking, to liven up the atmosphere."

Then he lay down on the ground and turned into a corpse.

And the appearance of this corpse is exactly the appearance of Yu Yi.

But the blood mosquito leopard also took out several wooden thorns.

It pierced into Zhu Yanxu's body from nine important points one after another.

Before the Blood Mosquito Leopard could make any further moves, the ground jolted.

It seems that some powerful earth-walking beast turned over in the depths of the ground.

Blood Mosquito Leopard had an ugly expression.

Tearing off his wrist, he spilled all kinds of divine blood essence stored in him, dripping on Zhu Yanxu's body, forming strange patterns on Zhu Yanxu's body.

However, Zhu Yanxu's own Yangshui God blood was suppressed.

It merged into the main point where the wooden thorns penetrated, forming nine places similar to the small dantian.

It's just that these nine 'small dantians' are closed and used to store Zhu Yanxu's blood of the God of Yangshui.

After finishing all this, the blood mosquito leopard's body twitched for a while, as if due to excessive blood loss, it looked extraordinarily thin and thin.

Zhu Yanxu slowly woke up from the toxin stupor.

What they saw was the bloody mosquito leopard sitting in front of the stake, and the body of 'Yu Yu'.

"What's wrong!"

"What's wrong with you, Brother Yugan?" Zhu Yanxu inexplicably mentioned the nickname that Yu Yan had chosen for himself.

Blood Mosquito Leopard looked at Zhu Yanxu, who had a tense expression and a slightly ferocious expression, and heaved a sigh of relief.

Then, with a downcast expression, he said, "He's dead!"

"I drew out his blood, and then he died... the power of drought could not save his life."

"So I didn't take away your Yangshui blood, but sealed it in your body, so that its breath will not leak out for a while. However, you can't be too emotional and push your own abilities to the limit. Extreme, otherwise...the seal will be opened, and your Yangshui bloodline will reappear in a more turbulent posture."

"If you were in the abyss at that time, then congratulations, you will become the brightest torch and attract the most enemies." Blood Mosquito Leopard spoke weakly.

He doesn't need to act in this aspect...he is really weak.

Zhu Yanxu looked at the various patterns on his body, pointed to these patterns and asked, "What are these?"

Blood Mosquito Leopard said: "It's the power of other divine blood and bloodlines I collected before. I will engrave them on your body. When you are in danger, you can release their power to fight against the enemy first. Every pattern will be used when the power is consumed. After that, it disappears."

"This is also to prevent you from directly using all your strength to tear the seal."

"Don't worry... Although these patterns use the blood of the descendants of the new god's bloodline, they do not belong to your 'bloodline', but a kind of plunder and extraction, and should not arouse hatred for you."

Zhu Yanxu shook his head and said, "This is not what I most want to know."

"Dried fish... Big brother dried fish! Does he still have a chance?"

The blood mosquito leopard seemed silent.

Then, as if joking, he said casually: "Then unless it is the God of Tai'a who is gracious! He is in charge of all deaths in the world, if you want to save your dried fish brother... only the God of Tai'a is willing to release you." his soul, and reshape his body."

"Of course, you can also try to go to Diyuan to find Beiyin, the god of death of the previous generation."

"Maybe he can do it too."

Blood Mosquito Leopard still didn't point it out, let Zhu Yanxu inquire about how to overthrow the gods and replace them.

Apart from the fact that Zhu Yanxu is a protagonist with free will, it is also because it may cause certain taboos.

The eyes and ears of gods are everywhere in this world, and they may transmit important messages to the gods in the god realm.

There is a difference between pointing it out and talking it out.

"Tai'a...Beiyin!" Zhu Yanxu memorized these two names.

At the same time, the way to Diyuan was automatically recalled in my mind.

"You don't need to worry about me, after I rest, I will go back to the tribe."

"I will keep Yu Yu's body for a while until I am sure that you will not have the opportunity to revive him."

"Remember... if you give up, then go find a colorful bird and let it come and give me a message." Blood Mosquito Leopard said to Zhu Yanxu wearily and weakly.

Zhu Yanxu's words that came to his lips were blocked like this.

He could only nod heavily.

Then, after one or two trimmings, he followed the clues Yu Yu left him to go to the abyss, and headed all the way in the direction of the abyss.

And along the way, he will experience some events and changes, and continue to strengthen some of his determination.

And make some originally vague concepts clearer.

If a person bears the weight of other people's lives, he will become extraordinarily calm.

When he was in the tribe, Zhu Yanxu would not have such a burden.

Because life and death, sacrifice and dedication, are the common duties of the tribe.

Everyone plays the same role in it, and no one owes anyone else.

But now, Zhu Yanxu is bearing the sacrifices and sacrifices of those who pass by.

But he was unable to respond and repay this dedication.

If he had already exterminated his conscience and lost face, he could not take it seriously at all.

Unfortunately, he is not such a person.

Therefore, when Zhu Yanxu experienced too much and walked to the entrance of Diyuan, although he became stronger and stronger.

But it also became more silent and melancholy.

Seems to have matured a lot.

Beyond the human world is the realm of the gods, and beyond the gods and humans is the abyss.

The God Realm hangs high above, although it cannot be touched, it seems to be visible everywhere. The abyss is dark under the thick soil, blocked and covered by many layers, exiled by the power of the gods, and it is almost impossible to see it if you want to see it.

Only Xuanyou Mountain is an exception.

This mountain is the last battlefield between the old gods and the new gods.

The blood of two generations of gods spilled over this cursed land.

So much so that the authority of any god cannot take effect on this barren mountain.

It has no light or darkness, neither cold nor hot, and all the creatures who walk through here will express their sincere fear and resistance to this place.

If Zhu Yanxu hadn't burdened so much.

The original simple unraveling of the curse power for himself has turned into fulfilling wishes for some people and finding opportunities for some people, so he must not want to go deeper here and walk to the entrance of the abyss.

Two huge statues of gods stand at the entrance of the secluded cave.

That is the statue of Shen Hao and the previous god emperor.

It is the afterimage of them staying on this Xuanyou mountain after the great battle.

The howling statue, just as Zhu Yanxu understood, is sacred, majestic, and majestic, but it also seems to be kind, bright, and inclusive.

However, the statues of the previous god emperors carried an unconcealable demonic nature.

After Zhu Yanxu took a few more glances, a lot of evil thoughts could not be stopped in his heart.

If it wasn't for walking all the way, there was an experience that made him have a cold pendant on his neck. The ice heart stone inlaid in the pendant often reminded Zhu Yanxu to keep him calm. I am afraid that Zhu Yanxu at this time could no longer bear it. I want to rush into a certain tribe, vent and kill wantonly, in order to eliminate the negative emotions accumulated in my heart.

"If a god falls into the abyss, is it still a god?" It was the first time that Zhu Yanxu had such a deep and seemingly meaningless question.

Then, he covered his eyes with black leather, and only touched and felt everything with other senses.

With a leap, he crossed the dark hole and rushed straight into the abyss.

Still more than 6,000 words.

Today is still a busy day.

Although it should be taken for granted, pregnant women are really difficult to serve!

Goodnight everybody!

After the update, the waste paper will go to the front of the saddle again, serving tea and water, and going to be a small bridge!

Also, recommend a book.

This person is a friend of Waste Paper for many years, but after reading his new book, this friend... Waste Paper doesn't want to recognize him anymore.

After all, being his friend is really dangerous!

The following is an introduction to his new book.

Interested friends, you can take a look.

"My roommate has become a beautiful girl" author Xu Timo with white beard.

My name is Lu Lin, and when I just woke up, I found that all my roommates had turned into beautiful girls.

But what can I do?

After all, they have been sleeping together for so many years, and they are all biological and can only help.

Unexpectedly, my life would be plunged into "dire straits".

——Because these roommates are too tight together!


This book is also called "My Roommate Wants to Hate Me After Turning into a Beautiful Girl!" ", "You are a strong lock man! ", "There is really nothing left"

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