Devil’s Advent

Chapter 580: Rivers and Lakes (Part 2)

King Jingnan himself and his king's banner appeared,

The rebel army also began to collapse at this time.

People in Yan don't like King Jingnan, they just don't like him, but if you really want to go to any teahouse in Yandi to ask,

Ask them Dayan, no, in the whole world, who is the most powerful in war?

Basically, you will only get one answer:

Nan Hou!

When I said this, I was still proud in my heart.


Nanhou is the Nanhou of our Yan people;


Nanhou is invincible against the outside world!

This kind of fear is mixed with pride, and the meaning of the former has been washed away invisibly.

But for the people of Chu, let alone the distant ones, the cavalry of King Jingnan’s two armies smashed the land of Jin, and the near ones, let’s talk about the dead souls of the 40,000 Qingluan Army’s main army under Yupan City...

That was a heart-wrenching pain for Chu people.

Furthermore, in the Chu people's country, apart from the war against the tribes of Shanyue, the war friction between the Chu people's nobles, in the end, they will actually pay attention to the dignity of a nobleman.

Because living in this "decent" country and this "decent" environment, Chu people naturally think that this world should be like this.

peace treaty,

tear it up;

captured soldiers,

If you say kill, you will kill.

Although Nian Yao, the great general of Chu's generation, was born as a slave, the people of Chu still admired him when he was fighting the chaos of the princes, arresting those princes was like catching chickens.

But even when General Nian faced that Nanhou, he could only hide in the city and be beaten passively. Just like this, he couldn't restrain the corruption of the battle situation.

The most depressing thing is,

With Nanhou's terrifying strength, he defeated the sword master of Jin in a one-on-one fight. With the physique of a martial artist, he did this for the first time in a hundred years.

The blind man who has always been "ambitious" once said with emotion that if Nanhou is in one day, it is impossible for his family to rebel.

The shadow of a tree, the name of a person.

The Chu people in the city only knew that the Yan army was coming, but most of them didn't know that it was King Jingnan himself who led the army to go deep alone.

Under the situation where dark clouds were pressing down on the city and it was about to be destroyed, erecting a Jingnan Wangwang banner was equivalent to the last straw that broke the camel's back.

This group of people from the rivers and lakes, accompanied by some young aspiring officials who defeated the army, is already one of the few courageous people in the entire Yingdu at this moment.

but now,

this courage,

But because of the appearance of that figure,

To be blown away lightly.

Still the same sentence, the Yan army came too fast, so fast that it was too late for the huge Ying to make any effective and practical response.

Even though the Yan army was delayed for a while after defeating the Chu army outside the city, this period of time was undoubtedly a drop in the bucket for Yingdu at this time.

But no matter what,

Any time,

Those who are timid and timid often make up the majority, but those righteous men who are passionate and generous are always indispensable.

Da Chu has been in the country for eight hundred years, no matter what happens, it is impossible to be so unfavorable.

Zhao Yuelin smiled freely,

With the knife in his right hand and the reins in his left hand, he ignored the dissuasion of Qin Hai, his subordinate, and straightaway kicked the horse's hooves, intending to charge forward.

without him,

Just ask for death.

The ancestors of the nobles in the Chu region opened up the frontiers with the Marquis of Chu, and drove all the original mountain tribes into small puddles in the valleys. Their ancestors came here through thorns and thorns.

After hundreds of years of rich and noble customs, even the hundred-year-old steel will have to rust, let alone human bones?

But if there are too many things, you can still find a few outliers.

Zhao Yuelin knew that if he moved forward, he would surely die, but he moved forward with a smile.

at the end,

He found that he still couldn't escape this romantic atmosphere that belonged to the nobles and belonged to the big Chu,

this way of dying,

very beautiful

also very romantic,

Is not it?

However, Zhaoyue Lin did not rush to the front.

at this time,

When the situation has collapsed,

Ma Laowu, Cui Foshou and Chen Lianhua did not retreat.

Most of the people around them ran away, but there was also a small half of them, after seeing the "Taishan Beidou" in the rivers and lakes of the three capitals, they also continued to rush forward screaming.

Back then at Snow Customs,

When Uncle Zheng was drinking tea with the Juggernaut, he imitated Jingnanhou's tone and teased: Jianghu, in front of the temple, is really not on the stage.

The Juggernaut smiled,


The temple is too high, in the sky;

The rivers and lakes are too short, on the ground;

If it is too high, it is like a cloud. When you take a breath, it will float away;

If it is too short, if you step on it on the ground, you will be splashed with mud from your trouser legs no matter what.

And right now,

These people from the rivers and lakes are undoubtedly mud.

Because they knew how unbearable the so-called heroes of the rivers and lakes were in front of the serious military formation.

Ma Laowu's ancestors and disciples all have the tradition of joining the army; Cui Foshou's ancestor was even the guard of the Chu Emperor. The two of them don't know what will happen to these masters of the rivers and lakes once the elite formation is formed?

Everyone is envious of the sword sage, Xue Xue, who killed thousands of savages before the customs,

But how could everyone be a Juggernaut?


Since that day, has the Juggernaut ever reproduced its former glory?

At that time, the wildling cavalry, whose back road was cut off in chaos, actually collapsed in panic after seeing Grimm beheaded.

Too many coincidences have created the classic of that battle, which has become a good story in the rivers and lakes that can be passed down for a lifetime.

The reason why good stories are good stories is precisely because they are not available.

They rushed up in a hush,

King Jingnan, who was riding on Pixiu's back, did not move.

His gaze was very cold, and he had already jumped over the group in front of him, and landed at the end of the royal road extending from the city gate tower.


It is the palace of Da Chu.

In the past, Uncle Hirano brought the princess to Yanjing to face the saint.

Uncle Hirano told Emperor Yan with a smile, and the princess said that Dayan's palace is really incomparable to that of Dachu.

Longyan Joy!

In fact, it is true.

Qian State is rich, with vast land and abundant resources, and densely populated, but it was only a hundred years since the founding of Qian State. Before that, until the Great Xia collapsed for a long time, the most fertile land had experienced the chaotic baptism of six generations and twelve kingdoms. .

In contrast to Da Chu,

Ever since the Marquis of Chu opened the frontier and the Xiong family established the country, Great Chu has been constantly expanding.

In the north, it connects with the land of Jin; in the west, it connects with the dry land.

For hundreds of years, Yingdu has always stood here quietly and peacefully. This palace is naturally magnificent, showing the true royal style.


so what?

After all, he was beaten here by himself.

The martyrs have rushed up,

The knights beside and behind King Jingnan began to urge the horses under their crotches and rushed up.

Thanks to the spaciousness of Yingdu Avenue, the cavalry here does not seem too cramped and difficult to use.

After the black torrent collided, there was a bloody storm.

Human beings are made of flesh and blood, even warriors. They may be physically stronger, but if they haven't cultivated to that threshold, they can't be regarded as real.

the most important is,

There are masters in the rivers and lakes, so how can there be no masters in the army?

After a round of charging passed, some of the Yan army knights began to chase and flee, while the other part began to turn their horses around, preparing to plow the land they had just plowed again.


Ma Laowu cut off the arm of a knight with a single knife, turned over and pulled the Yanjun knight off the horse, and then he himself got on the horse.


On the tower and at the gate of the city, the crossbowmen of the Yan Army behind opened their bows and set up their arrows, taking advantage of the opportunity that both sides missed and shot.

Ma Laowu, who had just got on his horse, used his own blood to block the arrows, but when the first arrow shot into his body, his body trembled, his blood stagnated, and immediately, the second, third, and third arrows shot into his body. four...


Ma Laowu was shot into a hedgehog, and even the horse under his crotch collapsed in a pool of blood.

In the previous round of charging, Trevor's hand shattered the internal organs of four knights' crotch horses in a row, and then took a knight's saber empty-handed, and sent it backhanded, stabbing the knife edge into the knight's back back.

But in the next moment,

A lieutenant in the army who used a meteor hammer directly threw the hammer out, and the iron chain immediately locked Cui Foshou's neck. The captain's arm strength and the blessing of the speed of the horse lifted Cui Fushou up.

The palm left the ground, like a rootless duckweed, surrounded by soldiers of the Yan army who had experienced countless times of life and death, and immediately swarmed in, stabbing the saber into the body of Cui Buddha, who was not wearing armor at all.

Because Yingdu is just a city, the rivers and lakes in Yingdu are not big; and because there are many people in Yingdu, the rivers and lakes in Yingdu are very deep.

Just as there are four great swordsmen in the rivers and lakes, the four masters in this rivers and lakes in Yingdu have also been excluded from the four masters by troublemakers.

It's not the kind of ranger who walks around, but the kind who has to set up a school to accept disciples to be on the list.

Why the four masters?

Then you have to ask why they are the Four Great Swordsmen.

Anyway, it was four, exactly four, and it turned out to be these four.

Ma Laowu from Majiadao, Cui Buddhashou from Bergamot Street, Chen Lianhua from Caobang,

There is another one, the double eyebrow of Yingdu Qingxuguan.

He is a Qi refiner, and he is called Double Eyebrow, because others have one eyebrow, but he has two.

But today, he didn't show up.

Maybe he was busy, maybe he was sleepy, maybe he didn't hear anything, maybe he heard it and pretended not to hear it.

but now,

Two of the four masters in Yingdu have died.

On the other hand, Chen Lianhua, her kung fu is not really much higher than the other two, but she has some battle experience. Those two have been the heads of a faction for a long time, and behind them, there are people from the palace or the army. Relationship, kung fu has not fallen behind, but he is practicing diligently, but the experience of fighting has really been lost too much these years.

From time to time, Chen Lianhua would be hunted by his enemies or assassinated by someone at the pier. Therefore, only good skills and good consciousness can make him play more effectively.

After the first round of cavalry charge,

Chen Lianhua also had some Cao Gang subordinates, they were the dead fighters trained by Chen Lianhua himself. At this time, under Chen Lianhua's order, they used their own flesh and blood to forcibly help Chen Lianhua open the way.

The sword danced with great aura, like a lotus flower in full bloom. However, Chen Lianhua's sword was not as mainstream as Jindi Sword Master and Qianguo Baili Sword. One point to block, three points to penetrate, and finally, one point to store energy.

The avenue is very wide, but the avenue, after all, is an avenue, so there are only so many contact surfaces under a round of charge.

After the brothers from the gangs around him had reached the same level, Chen Lianhua himself, under the protection of the long sword, pierced through.

his goal,

It's the one under the king's flag.

Chen Lianhua didn't think she could defeat that person, so naturally she didn't take it for granted that she could kill him.

A peak martial artist,

Just thinking about how terrifying his physique is makes one's scalp tingle.

Even if Juggernaut and Bailijian are here, with the sharpness of their swords, they have to cut their body layer by layer first, and then wait for the opportunity to strike.

Chen Lianhua knew that her sword was much worse than the legendary four swordsmen;

at the same time,

This isn't a one-on-one either.

But Chen Lianhua still wanted to fight hard, pass through the obstruction of these Yan army knights, go to that one, and stab her own sword.

Zhaoyue Lin is dead,

Died early in the first round of cavalry charge,

Dead, no suspense.

The identity of a nobleman, the identity of a ninth-rank warrior, in this situation, no matter which one is actually not enough.

But Zhaoyue Lin, who was lying on the ground with blood on his face, still had a smile on his face.


This is the reason why Chen Lianhua is struggling to find that sword at this time.

Nobility, with the romance of nobility;

Literati, with the romance of literati;

What about him?

Looking back on the first half of my life,

People who shouldn't be killed are not less killed, and things that are harmful to morality are not less done.

He knew he wasn't clean, and he didn't care about how clean he looked;

But just like his name,

A lotus that emerges from the mud without staining,


Death is certain, so let yourself satisfy your own bloom before you die.

he came out

he moved forward,

He is fast,

He stepped forward step by step, and even drew an afterimage.

The personal guards beside King Jingnan raised their swords and rode their horses forward, trying to stop him, because with the two rounds of cavalry charging, there was an open space in front of the prince.

However, Chen Lianhua didn't kill anyone, but just bypassed these guards.

His purpose is very simple and direct, so he can have nothing to worry about. On the contrary, those personal guards, who think a little too much, will be restrained.


at this time,

Suddenly, an officer with a long spear stood in front of King Jingnan, and the long spear stabbed out with an indomitable momentum.

This is a master, an opponent that cannot be ignored, even if he leaves the army and goes to the rivers and lakes, he can still establish a sect!

The Dayan army is full of talents, in fact, the soldiers in the army also know how to cultivate.

But personal strength, in the face of the rules of the battlefield, it is difficult to really play a decisive role.

Just like Cui Buddhashou and Ma Laowu who died very simply before,

They are all masters,

But died swiftly,

Because the battlefield has the rules of the battlefield, what they are facing is the cavalry of the Jingnan Army who are good at forming battles and have experienced battles, and they are still confronting them head-on.

Uncle Zheng once discussed with Liang Cheng the most suitable usage of masters like Juggernaut on the battlefield, thinking that he would find the right direction for his future fooling.

In the end, I came to the conclusion that the battle before Xueguan was too classic. If Liang Cheng hadn't arrived in time, the Juggernaut would have died there long ago. Too many coincidences made that battle shine, but It is difficult to copy again, and I am not willing to copy it again.

And if the Juggernaut is thrown into the frontal battlefield,

This is equivalent to letting a group of special forces or a group of soldier kings charge the front line with the enemy's artillery fire in later generations. Although the revolution does not pay attention to the division of labor, it is really a loss to forcefully throw it on the frontal battlefield to experience the equality of all beings.

Therefore, the Juggernaut is now only responsible for the security of Uncle Zheng himself. Well, if necessary, he can be persuaded to solve a pile or the opponent's master.

As for throwing soldiers into the sea to take a bath,

It's not that I haven't tried it,

But the effect is really not good.

In the battle of Dongshan Fort, even if the Juggernaut made a move, the impact on the battle situation was still very weak, far inferior to that of Jin Shuke, who suddenly cut in.

But you can't say that Cui Foshou waited for these leaders to be stupid, because they planned to use themselves as a surprise soldier, and after they left the city, they would sneak attack the rear of the Yan army, but who would have thought that the imperial guards outside the city would not fight like this, directly It collapsed, which directly caused their group of surprise soldiers to become a group of people standing in front of them.

At this time, the person standing in front of King Jingnan, surnamed Chen and named Chong, is the descendant of the Chen family gun in Yandi.


Chen Chong shot forward with confidence,

But was surprised to find that,

Chen Lianhua didn't do anything to stop her.


The spear pierced Chen Lianhua's body.

Chen Lianhua sent out her sword.

This is not a famous sword, but an ordinary saber that accompanied Chen Lianhua to grow up and fight for the territory a long time ago, the sword of the sword maker of Dachu, he kept one, but it was just a collection, it was useless, not that it was not easy to use , but not used to.

a sword,

fly out.

Chen Chong turned his head, and immediately felt relieved.

Because the sword flies very fast, which is fast for ordinary people, but for the real strong, the speed of this sword is not fast.

In Chen Chong's view, the prince only needs to turn his head slightly to avoid the sword.


King Jingnan didn't turn his head to avoid it in the most convenient way,

Instead, the whole person rises from Pixiu's back,

The sword passed down, but suddenly stopped.

Suddenly, the sword stagnated and stopped, and then began to tremble, as if it was about to burst.

That position was exactly the height of King Jingnan's head sitting on top of Pixiu.

Jingnan Hou stepped on the blade of the sword,


The long sword was stepped straight into the ground.

The previous trembling and the feeling of about to burst on the sword disappeared, only blood gushed out one after another.

not far away,

The roof of a private house cracked, and an old man with long beard flew out. His face had two eyebrows, double eyebrows.

He's already here

He came first,

But except for Chen Lianhua, no one knew he was coming.

That's why, at the last moment, Chen Lianhua tried her best to stab this sword, and she didn't hesitate to let herself be stabbed to death.

Because he is confident, confident in this sword that has been prepared in advance, he can have a chance to take the life of the Yan man Nanhou.


If the sword can explode on the side of that Nanhou's head.


Without this if.

Everyone knows that the third-rank peak martial artist of Great Yan Nanhou has terrifying strength.

But really few people know that he actually knows a little bit of tricks.

The short meeting here is debatable, but Tian Wujing himself really thinks that he just knows it briefly.

The skill he has really learned is fighting, and it is this martial artist who has cultivated himself.

Well, also for a while.

Back then, the Sword Master was forcibly banned by King Jingnan at the last moment when he was cutting off King Jingnan's body and soul, and had to be defeated in the end.

But although Juggernaut quickly got out of the shadow of failure, he didn't have that problem, he would tell people everywhere how he lost to Tian Wujing.

And there are really not many people who know about it.

Uncle Zheng knew it, the demon kings knew it, Li Liangting knew it, and Uncle Qi, who had been protecting the Princess, knew it too.

But those who know, he will not say it.


One is that they are not people who will be tricked out of words, and the other is that there is no need to say this.

A third-rank peak martial artist is the standard equipment for King Jingnan's strength. As for those spells, they are really just playing around and cultivating one's sentiments.

Although, there are some gossip among the people in the Jianghu, because the night Tian Wujing self-destroyed the whole family, there was a wave of Qi refiners above the farm house.

But that's really not much evidence, and it can't prove anything exactly.

at this time,

There is still such a file in the warehouse of Fengchao Neiwei Yamen in Yingdu.

That file recorded one thing.

last year,

The princess entered the snow customs, and on the way, it was rumored that she was haunted by evil spirits in the Tianduan Mountains, and fell into a coma.

The Queen's carriage was sent to Fengxin City, as if he wanted to ask King Jingnan to relieve it.

But later, the princess's carriage left Fengxin City again, and in Yingdu, he asked a sorcerer to cast a spell, and only after returning to Yanjing City did he fully recover.

Based on this information, Fengchao Neiwei determined that the Southern Marquis of Yan Kingdom was different from these methods, at most, he only knew a little bit about it.


How do you explain that the Southern Marquis Hui chose not to save the coma of the princess of the Zhenbei Marquis Mansion?

In this world,

Who can make Nan Hou willing to see death for his niece?


Juggernaut is not here,

Otherwise, if you see this scene, you will definitely laugh out loud. The Juggernaut also has seven emotions and six desires. At the beginning, he was overthrown by Tian Wujing. Now, there is still a fool who wants to use this method to plot against Tian no mirror.

This kind of assassination is actually extremely dangerous, because when you are thinking about assassinating someone, unless the other party is completely unaware, and once you find out, or once the other party is actually capable of using the same means to counter you,

That is really equivalent to taking the initiative to entrust one's heart to the other party's hands.

After the double eyebrows flew up to the roof, he wanted to perform lightness kung fu to leave again. It can be clearly seen that his stomach is very swollen, and his expression is also very painful. Almost fit together.

Tian Wujing raised his foot,

The sword below trembled, and subconsciously wanted to fly away, but was suppressed by Tian Wujing's aura in an instant.


fall again,

this time,

It's really working hard!


The sword was stepped into two pieces.

The double-browed eyebrow that had just flew up had its stomach explode in mid-air, and a cloud of blood appeared in the air.

Tian Wujing bent down,

reach out,

Dust off the boots;

Jianghu, in the eyes of Tian Wujing, has always been just cold dishes, and occasionally some delicate ones can be served on the table. They seem to be on the table, but they can never replace the status of the main dish.


The taste of Yingdu Jianghu is not bad, quite appetizing.

Tian Wujing didn't turn over and sit on Pixiu's back again,

but take a step,

Walk along the avenue.

It has been his long-cherished wish since he was a child to level the three great kingdoms and unify the Zhuxia. For this, he has paid too much, sacrificed too much, and even lost too much.

Now, he wants to walk on the blue bricks and slabs of Yingdu, to feel, to step on, to measure, this imperial capital that was captured by him.

Half a lifetime of suffering,

only for,

The sweetness of this moment.

The knights of the Jingnan Army who accompanied their prince into the city reorganized their ranks and protected their prince in the center.


Qianjun march,

From the avenue to the south, it's been a long way.

On both sides of the avenue, it has been stable.

Walking along the way, it was a bit too quiet, and I could only vaguely hear the suppressed sobs of children and women, as if all the blood in this capital had been taken away by the death of those gangsters at the gate of the previous city clean.

Tian Wujing felt a little dissatisfied,

Chu people have always attached great importance to etiquette and ancient times;

Don't care whether you are a good customer or a bad customer,


A visitor is a guest.

Treating them coldly like this is contrary to the etiquette that Chu people have always boasted about.

Tian Wujing stopped,

he is not satisfied,

Very dissatisfied,

On weekdays, he is a cold person, but he doesn't like this kind of coldness, especially at this time;


The uncle who understands him best is not here, otherwise, he would take the initiative to remind him without opening his mouth.


next moment,

The majestic Great Yan Jingnan King,

standing at the corner of the street,


"Chun, serve the food."

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