Devil’s Advent

Chapter 89 The Day of the Dead is Today

However, it was better to wake up early than to wake up coincidentally. Just as Zheng Fan was squatting at the mouth of the well brushing his teeth with a toothbrush, he saw two people riding horses approaching on the road in the distance.

"Hey~~~ back!"

Zheng Fan reached out to take the hot towel handed by Siniang to wipe his face while getting up,


"People are coming."

Man, it did come.

There were two people, a man and a woman, the man was dressed in black and was not good looking, the woman had a beauty mole on the corner of her mouth, her eyebrows were full of spring, and she was only in her twenties.

However, it was the woman's feet that attracted Zheng Fan's attention the most.

In the other three countries, there is a custom of women's footbinding. Whether it is the literati of the Qian state or the nobles of the Chu state, they are all obsessed with the three-inch golden lotus;

But because several generations of emperors of Dayan had issued a decree to prohibit domestic women's foot binding, if there were foot binding among the noble women in the palace, the family would be punished;

Therefore, although the people of Yan State secretly imitated it, it did not become a fashion in Yan State.

On this woman's feet, she was wearing a pair of green embroidered shoes.

But this style made Zheng Fan feel a bit similar to the assassin who was hiding in the coffin and casting the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle that he saw in the mourning hall yesterday.

Whether it is the same person, Zheng Fan is not sure, in fact, there is no need to be sure.

"Du Juan, the left leader of Yinlang County, the secret spy department, is ordered by the Marquis to ask Zheng Shoubei to send troops to help arrest the thieves in the academy."

This woman named Du Juan was very polite, and first showed Zheng Fan her identity token.

Then put away the token, and saluted Zheng Fan with fists in both hands:

"The humble job has seen the guard."

"Miss Du is too polite."

Zheng Fan didn't take a big deal either, so it's better to be more polite with the "Jinyiwei".

On the contrary, I found it very interesting in my heart. There was a high probability that yesterday's assassin and myself who killed the assassin yesterday would stand face to face and say hello to each other.

"Master Zheng, I don't know when we can leave."

"You can go now."


Zheng Fan glanced at Liang Cheng who was standing beside him, and Liang Cheng understood.

Soon, a contingent of 400 barbarian cavalry was ready to go.

"Miss Du, please lead the way."

"Master Zheng is polite."

Zheng Fan and Du Juan rode in front, and the man accompanying Du Juan was followed by Liang Cheng, and behind them were nearly 400 barbarian cavalry.

Green Willow Castle has been abandoned for a long time, and there are many farmlands nearby, so the road conditions in and out are not suitable for a large group of people and horses to gallop, and everyone has to control the speed of the horses.

However, the blind man said yesterday that when the Green Willow Castle is being rebuilt, this road will also be widened and repaired again. As for whether the road construction will occupy the land of the farmers, this is not under consideration, because the fields near the Green Willow Castle are very large. Most of it was the farmland that originally belonged to Cuiliu Fort. After Cuiliu Fort was abandoned, the nearby fields were occupied by farmers.

Therefore, these lands are legally owned by the state.

"Master Zheng, are you going to start construction on Green Willow Castle?"

Cuckoo obviously found something.

"Miss Du also saw that the current fortress is only suitable for raising chickens. If it is not renovated, people will not be able to live in it at all."

"However, my subordinates didn't see in the document that Mr. Zheng submitted an instruction to rebuild the fort. The guards of other fortresses have all sent instructions."

Zheng Fan's heart shuddered.

Ouch, I actually really forgot about this, and Blind Bei also forgot.

Perhaps the idea of ​​insisting on independence and self-reliance is too firm.

Neither Zheng Fan nor the blind man thought that the repair of the fortress had to report to the higher authorities.

Zheng Fan started his business, recruited soldiers by himself, bought armor and war horses with his own money, and got used to playing by himself.

Of course, the most important reason is that Green Willow Castle is too slack. Obviously, the higher-ups don't pay attention to it, so they feel that it is unnecessary to report to the higher-ups.

"When I was in the north, I did a little business and had some savings. If I think about things I can solve by myself, I don't want to cause trouble for the court."

"Master Zheng is so righteous, the little girl admires him."

"You're being polite, Miss Du is being polite."

In fact, if Du Juan really wanted to investigate, Zheng Fan felt that she would most likely find out which firm hired these craftsmen, and by whom the materials were purchased and transported.

But this is something you can't hide if you want to hide it, and the sixth prince generously supports himself through the channel of the company. Even if he is found out in the end, the sixth prince can probably use the fact that he saved his life before. human feelings to explain.

Anyway, the sixth prince is not a simple character, no matter how useless the prince is, he is also a dragon species, he should have his own solution, Zheng Fan is too lazy to worry about and cover up for him.

After passing Liulinzi, the road widened, and Zheng Fan ordered the cavalry to speed up.

It took about three hours to ride the horses, and it was just noon in the sun when everyone came to the foot of a mountain.

The terrain of Yandi is dominated by plains, and there are few high mountains. Even if there are mountains, they seem a bit small.

For example, the Qingming Mountain in front of you takes the meaning of the blue bird waiting to sing;

It is already regarded as a "famous mountain" in Yinlang County, but Zheng Fan's visual measurement of the vertical height of this mountain is only more than one hundred meters.

There is an archway at the gate of the mountain, and there is a stone tablet under the archway, which reads:

Huai Ya Academy.

Founded 70 years ago, the founder of the mountain was Huai Yazi, who traveled to the three eastern countries to study as a Yan person, and created a huge literary name.

For the Yan people who are extremely inferior in terms of culture, their excitement is no less than that of being the provincial number one in the college entrance examination in their own valley.

Today, Huai Yazi is long gone, but the academy he founded is still full of vitality.

At present, the style of writing in the country of Yan is the most prosperous in Yinlang, and the style of Yinlang's writing begins in Huaiya.

Outside the academy, there is a small village, a bit like a slightly larger post station, with inns and restaurants.

When four hundred barbarian cavalry were displayed at this time, what they brought was the whistling north wind blowing from the north.

Du Juan was curiously looking at these barbarians under Zheng Fan's command along the way. She was curious about the quality of these barbarians, and also curious about the extremely sophisticated armor on these barbarians, and even the horses under these barbarians. Numerous Yan lands are also top-notch!

In Du Juan's view, even the cavalry in the Jingnan Army were inferior to these barbarians in terms of equipment.

You know, the soldiers of these fortresses are essentially similar to the guards in the cities of Beifeng County, a bit similar to the security regiment, but this Cuiliu Fort is quite different.

But she was curious, she kept these questions in her heart, and didn't ask them.

The noon sun shone on his body, warming it up, making his armor a little hot.

There are beautiful mountains and clear waters here, and Zheng Fan really has the urge to camp here and take a nap.

"Miss Du, next, what should I do?"

Zheng Fan yawned and looked at Du Juan beside him.

Yesterday Jingnanhou made it very clear that he was only responsible for cooperating and... taking the blame.

The specific method of operation is decided by the staff of the secret spy department.

"Master Zheng, please wait a moment."

Du Juan handed a document behind him, and the man who had been following behind got off his horse and took the document from Du Juan.

"Go, ask the Academy to hand over the person."

"As ordered."

The man walked towards the mountain gate.

Qingming Mountain is indeed not high, but the forest is dense. After the secret agent entered the mountain gate, his figure quickly disappeared into the dense forest.

Du Juan looked at Zheng Fan and said with a smile:

"Master Zheng, you can order your subordinates to rest."

finished speaking,

Du Juan turned her head and looked at the group of barbarians behind her.

He actually uttered a barbaric language:

"Get off your horse and rest!"


Nearly 400 barbarian cavalrymen sat upright on their horses, and none of them dismounted.

Except for the horses under their crotches scratching their hooves and snorting from time to time, the four hundred cavalry were silent.

Liang Cheng was in charge of military training, and Blind Bei was in charge of ideological and political work. If these barbarians didn't know whose orders to obey, then Zheng Fan, who had spent so much money in it, could really go find a piece of tofu and kill him.

Du Juan showed some embarrassment on his face, bowed his head to Zheng Fan and said:

"Master Zheng, it's the little girl who is being rude."

Zheng Fan smiled casually and said: "It's okay, it's okay, the sun is just right, once you get off your horse, you can't help but feel sleepy. The most important thing is, since you are here to arrest people, you can't let go of your momentum."

"The little girl has been taught."

Du Juan is a smart woman, she knows when to call herself humble and when to call herself a little girl.

"Miss Du has stayed in the north before?"

"Yes, it was only transferred to Yinlang County the year before last."

"Then we are destined."

"Yes, Mr. Zheng is good at training troops, which opened the little girl's eyes."

"It's nothing more than learning to walk against the Zhenbei Army Handan. By the way, Miss Du, this academy is very good. Why are there thieves hiding in it?"

"The academy often receives great Confucian scholars from the Qian Kingdom to give lectures, and also receives travelers from the Qian Kingdom. Some people are indeed here to learn, but some people actually have other purposes, and the Academy is their activity. and the best shelter to hide in."

"Oh." Zheng Fan understood, it was a bit like the embassy in later generations.

The secret spy department of the Yan Kingdom should have known the matter here long ago, but it was similar to Xiao Dahai and his group including the disused fortress system. The imperial court had always turned a blind eye to maintaining the status quo.

Now that Xiao Dahai and his gang have been purged, all the disused fortresses have received newly appointed defenses and are ready to restart, and the spy base in the academy will also be pulled out in due course.

At this time, there was a commotion from the mountain gate.

Zheng Fan saw that the secret agent brother who had gone in to deliver the list before came down, his head was bleeding and his body was torn. Behind him was a group of angry college students in white shirts.

Some of these students are older and some are younger, but they are all very excited at the moment.

The secret agent's little brother walked in front, and bricks and stones would hit him from behind from time to time, but he just swayed, didn't look back, didn't reply, just continued to walk down silently.

As long as you are not blind, you can probably see that the arrest list is not easy to use.

Finally, the secret agent came up to Zheng Fan and Du Juan, saluted Du Juan and Zheng Fan respectfully, and apologized:

"The subordinate is incompetent."

After speaking, the little brother passed out and fell to the ground.

Zheng Fan felt that the reason why Du Juan brought this subordinate was to let him deliver the letter and get beaten by the way.

Otherwise, with hundreds of barbarian cavalry on her side, does she need to lead her men?

This unlucky little brother, wouldn't it be that he peeked at the female boss taking a shower at night and was found to be wearing shoes now?

Zheng Fan waved his hand,

Two barbarian cavalrymen got off their horses and walked to the front, carrying the poor spy brother to the back.

Du Juan solemnly clasped his fists to Zheng Fan and said:

"Master Zheng, this subordinate has nothing to do now."

shake the pot,

Dump the pan completely.

Zheng Fan nodded. Fortunately, he was mentally prepared. Why did Zuo Jiqian hesitate to take the job?

Because this kind of offending the Dayan literati group has too much to do with it.

However, Zuo Jiqian can't see it, but Zheng Fan can see it. Look at the lucky roads of those courtiers. Most of them are willing to serve as white gloves for the superiors and dirty themselves without thinking about themselves. I have made my own way forward.

Zheng Fan didn't care about his reputation, and he didn't think about being liquidated in the future. First, he had a future, and second, no matter what the future was, he, Zheng Fan, would not be determined to be Yue Wumu of Dayan.

Hundreds of academy students gathered under the door plate and completely blocked the mountain gate, filled with righteous indignation.

"Confucius said to be benevolent, and Meng said to be righteous! Students, today we must not let these imperial hawks enter our academy to be wanton!"

"Yes, this is the place where Dayan's culture gathers, how can this gang of thieves be allowed to run wild here!"

"Da Yan's literati have a strong character, let me protect you today!"

"Come on, Eagle Dog, if you want to enter the academy to arrest someone, if you want to humiliate the lintel of my academy, just step over my corpse!"

"Today, what we are waiting to protect is Dayan's literary spirit, Dayan's right way!"

"Ten years later, a hundred years later, when future generations of literati enter the mountain gate from now on, they will definitely write articles in honor of us!"

"Look, those soldiers and horses are actually barbarians!"

"What, you dare to let barbarians come to the gate of the academy, this is simply a blasphemy against poetry!"

Hundreds of white shirts were jammed under the house number, each of them spitting all over the place, their voices loud and clear.

Zheng Fan stretched out the little finger of his left hand, picked out his ear, put it to his mouth, and blew.

The purpose of the officers and soldiers coming here, the people in this academy should understand, and the younger brother of the Secret Service Department has already gone in and submitted the arrest list, so he should have explained the reason clearly.

But they beat them out.

Seeing that the crowd over there were scolding furiously, and there were academy students and even teachers coming down from the mountain to gather under the archway to grow their reputation, Zheng Fan couldn't help but feel a little funny,

Turning his head to the side, Liang Cheng, who was riding with him by his side, said:

"Is this considered a cultural invasion of the country?"

Liang Cheng thought for a moment and nodded.

A hundred years ago, the first Marquis of Zhenbei interrupted the backbone of Qian State's martial arts movement, but what kept breaking up was Qian State's cultural export to Yan State for a hundred years.

Qin, chess, calligraphy, painting, etiquette and morality have become the sharp weapons of Qian Guo's counterattack against Dayan.

In fact, Zheng Fan, who has been in the north, also knows clearly that it is no wonder that the literary style of the Yan Kingdom cannot be prosperous. The north is full of barbarians who are not willing to die, and the south is the Three Kingdoms.

In the past few years, with the suppression of the barbarians in the desert by the Zhenbeihou Mansion, the Yan Kingdom has had a peaceful life for decades.

In the past, Yan Dierlang either rode a horse to the desert to fight the barbarians or went to the south to fight the Three Kingdoms. How could he have the time to stop and write poems?

If that was the case, this big swallow would have died long ago.

The most ridiculous thing is that there are probably deep-seated reasons why this group of academy students are so excited, or even so proactive.

In particular, when Zheng Fan saw the old men who taught Confucianism come down from the mountain one by one, he was more sure of his guess.

The literati and Confucians in the academy are taking advantage of this opportunity to put pressure on the imperial court and force the imperial court to make concessions.

They longed, longed for Dayan to become like the Qian Kingdom, a paradise for literati.

Zheng Fan looked at Du Juan curiously, and asked:

"This isn't the first time you've come to pick someone up, is it?"

"Many times, but I couldn't get in." Du Juan replied honestly.


"They won't let it."

"You secret agents, are you so civilized?"

"Master Zheng, what does civilization mean?"

"It means being kind to people."

At this time, a few more students came down from the mountain, and they came down holding a large plaque.

The plaque reads: There is no limit to the sea of ​​learning.

"The inscription of Zaifu is here, this old man wants to see who dares to act presumptuously at the gate of the academy!"

An old Confucian raised his crutches and shouted.


A college student begins:

"The school's supporters are sixty years old, and the day of righteous death is today!"

"The Day of the Dead is today!"

"The Day of the Dead is today!"


"Oh, it's really neat, just like a choir."

Zheng Fan had a smile on his face.

"Master Zheng, this was the case every time we came here before." Du Juan said.

"You all helped them practice. In fact, it's all the Zhenbeihou's fault."

"Why?" Du Juan was puzzled.

"It's so comfortable for them to live."

"So, Mr. Zheng, what are you going to do?"

Du Juan looked at Zheng Fan and asked again.

Zheng Fan suddenly had a feeling that he was being tested, but he had already reached a consensus with Blind Bei on the answers to the test questions last night.

To be exact, since I received the military order in front of Jingnanhou yesterday, I have already made up my mind.

Zheng Fan raised his left hand while riding his horse forward.

Liang Cheng also rode forward, and the four hundred barbarian cavalry behind him also rode forward together.

Hundreds of well-equipped cavalry are slowly advancing towards you. This sense of oppression is enough to make ordinary people terrified.

Especially these cavalrymen, all of them have the faces of barbarians!

The academy students under the archway began to retreat subconsciously. In the past six months, the people from the Imperial Secret Service and the local garrison had come several times, but none of them had such momentum!

Seeing this scene, an old Confucianist shouted:

"Don't be afraid, they dare not, they dare not!"

"Yes, students, don't be afraid, as long as they dare to use weapons in the academy, thousands of righteous people in this world will definitely not let them go!"

"Confucius said to achieve benevolence, Mencius said to obtain righteousness, and the festival of righteousness is today!"

"Where is the pride of my Great Yan scholar?"

"Da Yan Wenfeng, don't die!"

Emotions are contagious, and the students under the archway were once again ignited with passion.

Zheng Fan was getting closer and closer to them, and the barbarian cavalry behind him were also getting closer to them.

At this time,

A middle-aged man in white shirt ran out from the crowd under the archway,

Pointing at Zheng Fan,


"Yinggou, I am Sanshi Huang Zichong, do you know where this place is?"

First come up with a word of eagle dog,

In reporting the name of native place,

It takes time to be famous, and it takes time to hype.

Routine, routine, all routine.

If Zheng Fan leaves here, he will be famous in the future.

Zheng Fan didn't like him,

Continue to ride forward.

Seeing this, Huang Zichong pointed at his neck and roared:

"Hawk Dog, you know that the blood of people with lofty ideals is inexhaustible!"

Zheng Fan's horse came to Huang Zichong.

"Hawk Dog, our generation of literati can die, but our strength of character will last forever!"

Zheng Fan drew out his knife,

"Come on, chop here, chop here, chop here if you have the guts, I see if you dare..."

Zheng Fan swung his knife,


Huang Zichong's head broke away from his body, turning and turning in the air, his eyes were full of disbelief.


Huang Zichong's head fell to the ground.

The headless corpse began to spurt blood.

next moment,

The audience was dead silent.

All the students in the academy and the great Confucian teachers were all shocked.

break the dead silence,

It's Zheng Fan,

He re-started the horse under his crotch and began to move forward,

When the horse's hoof was raised again,

The hundreds of people from the academies who were originally turbulent and turbulent, and the hundreds of Yan Wen people who were arrogant, completely collapsed.

They started to flee backwards crazily, and the old professor and Daru were squeezed to the ground by the crowd, trampled on the ground and screaming, the scene was extremely chaotic.

A student who took the lead in shouting "The Day of the Dead is today\

,"At this time, his face was full of horror,

While knocking away the classmates around him, he ran to the back of the mountain and screamed:

"Mother, they really dare to kill, they really dare to kill......"

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