The old man was so angry that he was beaten.

"You can't do that."

"Why?" Xie Keqing frowned.

"What if we alert the enemy? Even if there is a demon among us, we don't know who it is."

"But there are definitely more good people. We must tell everyone this news. That's our advantage."

"But after we tell it, what should we do next?" Su Yi shook his head.

"And this will affect our ability to find the demon, and it will also bring disaster to ourselves. Now we don't even know how the good guys can win."


Xie Keqing was stunned. Shouldn't this boy excitedly tell everyone this news, tell everyone that he found it himself, and show off.

Why did he suddenly become rational! ?

Is he a demon? No, it's impossible. Thinking that he was a rookie, Xie Keqing immediately denied her idea.

"Listen to me." Su Yi smiled.


"Don't worry, leave it to me." Su Yi pursed his lips and nodded confidently to Xie Keqing.

I just can't rest assured! Xie Keqing's scalp tingled. What's going on? I can't keep up with the brain circuit of the man in front of me.

"Don't doubt it, the game... has been won!" Su Yi said lightly.

Where do you get this confidence?

Xie Keqing regretted it so much. She found the wrong person. The plan of using the man in front of her as bait was declared bankrupt.

She pinched the bullet hidden in her sleeve. It seemed that she could only rely on herself.

"Found it, found it! I found the clue!"

Su Yi looked in the direction of the sound. Hong Tao was holding something and rushed to the long table.

"Look, it's a dice. I just found it in the fish tank in the corner."

"And I kicked a bullet at my feet. Look."

After saying that, Hong Tao couldn't wait to put the things on the table.


Su Yi and Xie Keqing walked over together.

Sure enough, it was the bullet in his pocket.

Su Yi immediately looked at Hong Tao's clothes, a pair of sports pants and long sleeves.

It seems that there may be no pockets in his pants, so the bullet appeared at his feet.

And Xie Keqing's expression also changed slightly after seeing the bullet.

Su Yi understood, as expected. This woman also got the bullet.

Everyone gathered around, ready to observe the clues found by Hong Tao.

Su Yi was the first to arrive at the table and took the dice from Hong Tao.

"An ordinary six-sided dice, except for the one with one dot, the points on each side are in the shape of a bomb." Su Yi held the dice and looked around, and explained.

"What does this mean?" Xie Keqing also wondered.

Even with the previous clues, she really couldn't understand the meaning of this dice.

When Su Yi saw this dice, he felt that he was only one piece away from winning the game.

Liu Hu rushed over and snatched the dice from Su Yi's hand.

"Give it to me, let me see!"

Seeing that Liu Hu couldn't figure out what it was after turning it over and over, Hong Tao said, "Okay, hooligans, stop looking, do you understand it?"

Chen Hai stretched out his hand at this time: "Let me take a look."

Liu Hu was about to lose his temper, but then he thought that he couldn't use violence. In addition, there was not much time left, so he simply glared at Hong Tao and handed the dice to Chen Hai.

"A dice, the points are bombs."

"The dice represent luck. Except for the one side where there is no bomb, no matter which point you throw it, it will explode. Is it hinting that only one person can survive in this game."

"Bullets...will there be matching guns? Are they for us to kill each other? In fact, this game is a game of mutual killing?"

As soon as Chen Hai finished speaking, his eyes locked on Hong Tao. Because Chen Hai guided his sight, almost everyone looked at Hong Tao.

"I...don't have it, don't frame me! If I had it, why would I bring it back to show you!" Hong Tao waved his hands repeatedly.

"Okay, kid! I don't have any good intentions!" Liu Hu raised his eyebrows and said loudly.

"You may have hidden a gun! And a lot of bullets?! To make us relax our vigilance!"

Hong Tao blushed: "Look at what you are saying? Do I need to? I can just not take out the clues and bullets."

"I think you don't understand what clues mean. Take them out first for everyone to analyze. You have already hidden the things!" Liu Hu shouted.


"Okay, everyone, stop arguing. This is just a possibility

"It's just sex." Chen Hai said quickly.

Xie Keqing also frowned when she saw this. Chen Hai's behavior of splitting up the good guys made her a candidate for the devil in her mind.

The situation was not good, and Xie Keqing was extremely anxious.

But she couldn't tell the truth now. If she was the first to stand out, she would be targeted by the devil. The key was to find a way for the good guys to win.

Su Yi lowered his head and said nothing.

This Chen Hai can really explain it. It sounds like it's the case, but it's far-fetched when you think about it.

But once the train of thought is led away by him, there is no way back. .

Everyone will even be on guard, and they will not dare to disclose clues in the next round.

The good guys will be divided internally, so how can they work together to find the devil.

Even if someone like Liu Hu is a good guy, he will listen to Chen Hai's words, get really angry, and find an opportunity to kill people, and he will be punished by the game.

The good team will lose one more person.

Su Yi also paid special attention to Chen Siyun, and found that she was still indifferent, as if she had nothing to do with it, just like someone who was out of the game.




Three huge bells rang, and just as Su Yi was thinking, they floated in the hall again.

Here it comes!

Su Yi listened attentively, and he knew that perhaps the last piece of the puzzle was hidden in the rules of this game.

"The rules of the second round of the devil's rock-paper-scissors game are as follows."

"There are 8 revolvers with 6 cylinders on the table, and the devil will only load one bullet in each revolver. ”

“Each player chooses a position and takes turns to aim at the next player and shoot in clockwise order. The first player to the last player shoots is counted as one round. ”

“That is, the first player shoots at the second player, the second player shoots at the third player, and the eighth player shoots at the first player. This whole round is counted as one round. ”

“A player who is hit by a revolver dies immediately. ”

“The game ends when one person is shot and dies, and everyone in the round has finished shooting. ”

“After all players are seated, please end the game within fifteen minutes, otherwise everyone will die. "

The countdown screen appeared again mercilessly, showing 15:00.

"What should I do..." Xie Keqing muttered to herself.

Su Yi glanced at Chen Hai and found that he had already clenched Hong Tao's bullet, and Su Yi's heart was relieved.

"The game has been won," Su Yi whispered.

If what he said just now was just a casual perfunctory to Xie Keqing, Su Yi, who said this now, had great confidence.

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