The old man was so angry that he was not happy.

Qi Siyuan let out a low sob.

"And you, cowardly and selfish, did not save him when he was in dire straits, but instead repaid kindness with malice, and you falsely accused her of bullying you!

"You were originally bullied, but now you have become an accomplice of bullying!"

"You... don't feel happy, do you?"

"Heh, ironic. "

Su Yi's calm words now sounded like a sharp knife, and Qi Siyuan's low sobs finally turned into crazy sobs.

"Ew... cough..."

Do you regret it now? Do you remember to help her? Su Yi shook his head.

Looking at Qi Siyuan who collapsed and vomited in front of him.

Even if he didn't speak, Su Yi knew that his guess was almost right.

In this way, the incident was perfectly connected.

The perpetrator must be someone present, basically Zhao Youjie, Wu Ziqiang and the like, and then the girl also recorded in her diary that he was bullied in the dormitory, falsely accused of stealing, and poured with cold water in the middle of the night.

These girls should have participated as well.

So this game is a revenge against them.

A trial for the bullies.

"Okay, I know, so you killed this bullied girl." Su Yi's words were not a question, but a statement.

"She is the dead person! "

Su Yi looked back at Zhao Youjie coldly.

Zhao Youjie said nothing, his eyes were filled with seven parts of hatred and three parts of fear.

Su Yi looked at Wu Ziqiang again, he did not dare to look him in the eye.

"Bystanders may be influenced by bullying and join in the bullying and become bullies."

"The bullied may vent their bullying on other weak parties, carry out bullying and become bullies."

Su Yi glanced at everyone with cold eyes.

"You may have been bystanders and bullied, but you will undoubtedly become bullies in the end."

"Then the thirteenth person, I can only think is the target of your bullying." "

Xue Kai and Wu Wenya lowered their heads, but Su Yi could see a hint of surprise in their eyes just now.

This means that he was roughly right.

In fact, judging from the diary, there are still some unknown things. What is the girl praying for? Who is she thanking?

But now that the context of the incident is roughly clear.

It's time to leave the classroom.

Since the wolf is not among the eight of us, it seems that there is a sure way to win!

"Although I condemn your behavior and want to convict you if possible, but... now we are in the game, we must work together to deal with it and win the game."

Su Yi continued to scan the crowd, and finally fell on Zhao Youjie with hatred. He frowned and pierced Zhao Youjie with sharp eyes. Zhao Youjie lowered his head when Su Yi looked directly at him.

"Since the wolf is not among the eight of us, each of us will hold a candle and stand 25 meters apart to fight against the rule that we can't be together for a long time."

"The person in the first position leads us forward, and the people behind follow the people in front one by one. ”

“In this way, the person in the middle, as long as he is not on the stairs, can at least observe the situation of the two people in front and behind as much as possible.”

“Pay attention and keep your distance. Once you find a problem in front or behind, remember to call for help. If there is a sheriff among us, then eliminate the thirteenth person who appears.”

This method is not a sure win for everyone, but a sure win for yourself, because once the thirteenth person appears too far away from you, you will not have time to support him, so this method may cause casualties.

This method would not work when they were suspicious of each other just now. To be precise, Su Yi would not have proposed it before knowing that he was the sheriff.

There is no guarantee at all.

But now it is different, the time, the place and the people are right.

This is the sure win for yourself!

“Let’s go.” Su Yi signaled Liu Chi to be the first one.

Liu Chi knew that a lot of time had passed, so he went out first, turned left, and left the classroom.

“This method is the sure win rule. Remember, don’t get separated. If you encounter something, you must shout it out, so that the sheriff can save people. "

"By the way, Qi Siyuan has a history of shielding people, so you can only go last!"

If Qi Siyuan walks in the middle, then if the victim can't make a sound, he can just pretend not to see it and not provide any information, so he can only walk at the end to prevent him from helping the dead again.

Now Liu Chi and Hong Wanqing are full of admiration for Su Yi.

, found clues in the myriad of threads of this gloomy and strange incident, sorted out the truth of the whole thing, and found the dead person.

In the end, he even gave a way to win the game.

This is their Captain Su. The two of them couldn't help but straighten their chests, and their fear of this terrifying and strange place also dissipated a little.

Su Yi walked in the second place, and Hong Wanqing walked in the third place.

This was also Su Yi's intention. While taking care of his team members, he also thought that these two were the most reliable and had the highest martial arts value.

He could also try his best to support them as soon as possible.

Xue Kai and Wu Wenya couldn't suppress their excitement on their faces. The originally dark state seemed to be cracked by the teacher surnamed Su at once!

He must be a high-level player!

The whole goal was clarified with just trivial clues!

Found the way to pass the level!

But, it was a close call!

While being happy, Xue Kai and Wu Wenya secretly rejoiced that Su Yi was not an opponent!

Xue Kai walked in fourth place, while Wu Wenya walked in fifth place.

Wu Ziqiang and Zhao Youjie looked at each other and said nothing.

They all knew that this was the only way to deal with it.

Zhao Youjie held his breath, then stood up and kicked Qi Siyuan fiercely, and walked in sixth place.

Qi Siyuan did not react like a lifeless puppet.

Wu Ziqiang walked in seventh place after a while.

Qi Siyuan did not move from beginning to end, but just kept retching violently.

It was too late to mend the fold after the sheep were lost.

Su Yi followed Liu Chi in front of him slowly with a candle, trying to keep a distance of 25 meters.

One interval is 25 meters, so 8 people are about 200 meters.

Liu Chi did not do anything useless, and kept moving forward along the corridor on the 3rd floor. Obviously, the current plan did not require going upstairs.

Until 200 meters later, Liu Chi stopped, and now everyone should be connected in a straight line.

Su Yi also kept looking back. Because he had been using a flashlight, he underestimated the darkness here. The two players were so miserable that they could only use candles to find clues.

It seems that his luck is still good.

Su Yi smiled unkindly.

The corridor was pitch black, with only 7 red lights standing in the corridor, which looked very strange.

Now everyone can only vaguely see the front and back, mainly the red light of the candle.

But it is really difficult to see the person clearly.

Su Yi considered taking out the key of ten thousand feet of light, but for such a corridor, he could only illuminate the left and right diameters of about 60 meters at most, and he could only see Liu Chi and Hong Wanqing clearly. He didn't think it was necessary.

Doing so would be a bit exposed.


Suddenly a gust of cold wind blew, and Su Yi suddenly got goose bumps. He looked around and there seemed to be no change.

"Teacher Su!"

This was Liu Chi's voice.

"I'm here!" Su Yi responded with a frown, and called out to Hong Wanqing.


"I'm here!"

Su Yi was relieved to hear Hong Wanqing's response.


Another gust of cold wind blew, and Su Yi felt something was wrong. The candlelight around him was suddenly swayed by this inexplicable wind!

What the hell!

There are no windows here!

Where does the wind come from!


Su Yi felt a chill on his back!

Something is wrong!

There is something strange!

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