The two of them were very close, and the two of them were very close.

"No. 5!"

"It's the only Percyville!" No. 5 youth opened his hands, very arrogant.

"Don't think I'm Oberonha, the evil side, your teammates are on the opposite side! Go help your No. 2 more!"


So direct, right...

Anyway, you're not a knight, Su Yi thought.

"Let's form teams directly. No. 3's speech is pretty good and it's pretty much what I thought. So I'll form teams 3, 5, and 10."

"So this round, just oppose No. 2, and No. 3 will help me lead this team later."

"The current situation is like this. No. 2 is jumping against me anyway, so he must be the evil side."

No. 5 pointed at the blond No. 4 with a smile.

"But No. 4, according to what you said, if any of us goes bad, it has to be me, right? You said that if anyone goes bad, it can only be Oberon! Then it can only be me."

"Good fellow, if I form the team just now again, if the Holy Grail is contaminated, you will trample me like crazy!" The young man No. 5 shook his head.

"So, I'll lean towards No. 3 first. No. 4, don't worry, after all, No. 3 and I have closer ideas."

"From this point of view, No. 7's vote-buying behavior is the evil side, so his evil teammate will be among the 4, 5, and 9 teams in the last round."

"No. 2 and No. 7 are bad guys, and another bad guy will be among No. 4 and No. 9."

"Three of the four people, 2, 4, 7, and 9, are bad guys, so naturally you won't take No. 4 and No. 9 together. No. 3 is good, I agree with him, and No. 10 is the fairy in the lake, so take him."

"Repeat my expedition team, 3, 5, 10."

"End of speech!"

No. 5 was leisurely, with his hands folded across his chest.

After this conversation, Su Yi was a little confused. What was the origin of this No. 5.

Anyway, now that I heard it, I was a little on the side of the rough man No. 3. To be honest, No. 4's speech was not bad. Now he temporarily left No. 4 behind and went to find No. 3, and dragged himself, Mordred, the fairy of the lake.

Hmm... Could it be...

Su Yi had doubts in his heart, but he was not in a hurry to verify.

The current information is not enough to judge. No mission has been carried out, and even the focus position, No. 2 has not spoken.

Listen again.

The capable middle-aged man No. 6 was the first person to propose the statement of choosing one of 2 and 5.

He put his hands on the table, leaned forward, and analyzed.

"I voted against. In fact, I also wanted to make the previous decision and choose to vote in favor, but seeing that everyone wanted to vote in favor, I thought there might be something unclean in it, so I changed to oppose."

"But I didn't expect that everyone opposed this expedition team. This makes me lean towards No. 4's consideration. I think he is right."

"The team just now might all be good people." He looked at the young man No. 5, who did not waver at all and kept smiling on his face.

"But now No. 5 has directly clicked on three evil parties and is heading in the direction of No. 3's speech, so I can't say much. After all, he is Percival, and I am just an ordinary knight. He has more information than me. So if No. 2 is not as strong as him, I will choose to believe No. 5's Percival first."

"For this round, there is no new information for the time being, so let's wait for No. 2 to speak."

Well, No. 6's speech seems like an ordinary knight without vision.

But everything is possible, Su Yi will not relax his vigilance and miss any details.

No. 7 Xie Keqing-Assassin's speech.

"I voted in favor in the last round, but I don't know why No. 3 wants to label me as an evil camp just because of this?"

"What's wrong with agreeing to go on an expedition first? Didn't everyone make it very clear just now? There are not so many opinions for the first mission. Since No. 1 has chosen No. 5 Percival's car, I think it's okay?"

"No. 3? You are so stubborn, and you insist on saying that I voted?" No. 7 Xie Keqing smiled disdainfully.

"On the contrary, you all said you would agree, but in the end you all voted against it... I can't understand this."

"No. 6 just said that he was going to vote in favor, so all those who agree will be labeled as evil?"

"Also, why did you, No. 5, stick together with No. 3? Since you did this, I can't do anything about it. Although No. 2 didn't speak, I stand on her side."

"I am a knight, you have to label me as evil.

Then No. 5, you must be a fake Shiver. "

"No. 2, how can I agree with you leading people!"

"No. 3! Who is charging and who is inciting, everyone can see clearly. "

"End of speech. "

Yes, it's okay. Su Yi nodded secretly in his heart, saying it was very good, and at the same time, he and No. 3 and No. 5 were opposites.

In this way, if No. 2 really sent Shiver, then he could play a reverse hook.

If No. 2 is a fake Shiver, it also gives her the power of support.

No. 8!

Yun Huang!

She still kept her old habit, pinching a strand of hair on the right side of her and playing with the ends of her hair.

"Yes, what you said makes sense."

"I thought the same as No. 6 in the last round of opposition. This round, I also think the same as No. 6."

Yun Huang smiled.

"End of speech. ”

Ended again?

Su Yi took a breath.

What she meant was the same as No. 6, who voted against before because there were too many people who wanted this team to go, so she changed to against.

And this round was the same as No. 6, No. 6's speech was to agree with No. 4's blond man's logic, but No. 5's speech was strong, pointing out the three evil parties, and he temporarily supported No. 5.

Yun Huang also meant this.

Tsk, this Yun Huang, didn't speak...

Su Yi had a bad premonition, always felt that Yun Huang was planning something, could she be Merlin?

No. 9 mature woman spoke.

"I didn't expect this round of expedition to fail, in the end No. 1 clearly organized the team. Everyone said before that they would agree with the team going on the expedition."

"I didn't expect... Is it really as No. 4 said... In fact, all the people in the car just now are good people!"

"The bad guys rushed to vote, but in fact, they rushed to vote against! ”

The mature woman expressed her thoughts.

“Forget it, it’s meaningless to think about it. We still have to have a logical basis for the expedition. In the end, let’s see what No. 2 says.”

“Her speech is very crucial!”

“It would be most beneficial if we could determine who really sent Xiweier.”

“The speech is over.”

Well, No. 9’s speech is similar to No. 6’s.

I hope my guess is wrong.

Now it depends on how No. 2 sends Xiweier…

The stone chair slowly rose, and Su Yi sorted out his thoughts.

“No. 10 said, I voted against it in the last round, but it actually had nothing to do with No. 1’s final formation. I originally wanted to oppose it. I have the same idea as No. 9 on this point, and I want to listen to No. 2’s speech.”

“As for why I didn’t say it when I spoke, I just wanted to see what the final votes of the team you all agreed to would be. The result was indeed unexpected.”

“The vote failed! "

Su Yi's eyes also became sharp, and he looked at the people present.

Are you Oberon?

Number 2!

Su Yi stared at the royal sister who raised her head slightly.

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