The only way to get a good result is to go to the front.


Good man, can Merlin jump?

Jump out and wait to be stabbed, right?

Everyone was surprised by what Yun Huang said, and then they didn't believe it at all, and they all guessed what she was going to do.

Su Yi frowned, alerted, and watched this woman's performance quietly.

Give me a plum!

Evil capitalist!

Yun Huang finally looked away and said to everyone present: "I am Merlin, the evil side is 2, 4, 7, 10, and No. 5 is really the same as Percival said."

"Are you all thinking that there is no benefit for him to jump out?"

"But think about it, if the evil side is indeed 2, 4, 7, 10. Would he still have a chance if he didn't jump out at that time?"

"If No. 10 sends a golden water to No. 5, then the game is over for them, so he can only send a check."

"But in this game, sending a check can't prove anything, not to mention that it is sent by the expedition team whose Holy Grail is contaminated, which is meaningless. ”

“We can only continue to trust No. 5 temporarily, and it was No. 5's turn in this round.”

“Then No. 10's speech must be powerful. How to be powerful? That is to jump into Percival.”

“I have to say, he is very smart!”

“The reason he found is very reasonable, just like a careful layout, there is no problem, and as No. 7 said in the last round, the psychological activities of the two of them can even be merged together, making No. 10's jump into Percival more reasonable.”

“He is really smart…”

I’m sorry, you can praise me if you want to, but where are the elders guiding the younger generation? Su Yi shook his head in his heart.

“So No. 10 checked No. 5 and jumped into Percival again. This is the only way for them to win.”

Yun Huang stopped and looked at the poker faces or the expressions of doubt and confusion of the crowd.

"I'm explaining his benefits. His only choice is to investigate and kill those who jumped to the sect, set up his own sect, and stir up the situation."

"Have you figured it out?"

Yun Huang twisted her fingers around her hair and paused again to let everyone digest it.

"Okay, next I'm going to talk about what No. 10's ultimate goal is!"

Yun Huang looked at Su Yi again.

Su Yi looked indifferent and didn't care about Yun Huang's gaze.

What, there is also an ultimate goal? The rest of the people who were kept in the dark frowned even deeper.

In the first stage, Yun Huang told them why No. 10 would jump to the sect of Sivir and what benefits he would get.

It was indeed as Yun Huang said. If the evil side was really 2, 4, 7, and 10 as No. 5 and she said, there was absolutely no way, and this No. 10 could come up with such a reasonable reason so quickly, which was really amazing.

What Yun Huang said was indeed reasonable, but it was not enough to completely convince everyone.

They also wanted to hear what Yun Huang wanted to say next.

"No. 10, because you are Mordred, if you change your name to Percival, Merlin will not know whether you are real or fake, but you are exposed to Merlin in your rationalization chain, which makes everyone think that you have no benefit."

"You said that No. 5 is the Morgana you know, but from the perspective of Merlin, she is not one of the bad guys I see, so No. 5 can only be Mordred in Merlin's eyes."

"And your speech let Merlin know that you are the fake Percival, and No. 5's identity is absolutely true."

"You think No. 10 has no reason to do this, right? In this way, he will expose himself."

"But in this case, what does it matter whether he exposes himself or not? He needs to gain trust from you! Loyal knights."

"And this is not his ultimate goal. He has only one purpose for doing this!"

"Find Merlin!"

Everyone's eyes condensed. Yun Huang's words obviously reminded them of something, and they all looked at Su Yi.

Su Yi remained calm. That's right, what Yun Huang said was exactly what Su Yi had planned.

Su Yi was also very clear about what Yun Huang was going to say next.

"If No. 10 does this, then Merlin is the only good person in the room who can confirm that No. 5 is the real Percival!"

"It's not clear from the perspective of a loyal knight, only from the perspective of Merlin, it's clear."

"What does he want?"

"Just wait for someone to come out and step on No. 10 to lift No. 5


"And the person who did this is Merlin!"

"It's me too."

Yun Huang curved her eyebrows and smiled at Su Yi.

Everyone in the room was moved...

At this moment, they were completely convinced by Yun Huang...

But, does this No. 10... really have so many tricks?

Looking at Su Yi's sincere face, they were silent in their hearts.

If this is true, 2, 4, 7, 10 are the evil side...

No. 10 was so smart and decisive to come up with this plan of listening to the cards at both ends...

Oh my God, it's terrible!

The evil side, which was about to get lost in the high walls of the maze, actually walked out of a A smooth road.

You can win the game by going out, and you can also achieve the ultimate goal, to find Merlin!

When they were surprised by the number 10 mentioned by Yun Huang, they suddenly thought of a question!


Only Merlin knows this for sure!

Is the Merlin that Yun Huang danced really real?

In that case, doesn't it mean that the identity has been revealed to the evil party?

Is she... real or fake!

The loyal knights didn't want to believe that Yun Huang was Merlin, but with all the facts in front of them, they couldn't help but start to worry...

"What? Are you wondering if I am Merlin?"

"Number 10, do you guess?"


"Jump out, give you a knife, you can't even reach it. "Yun Huang's eyes moved, and she covered her mouth and smiled.

Provocation, right... Yun Huang's usual trick. She did not provide information directly to Percival before, but who said Merlin had to speak at length?

With Percival, she could still reveal information without leaving any trace.

Number 6, who she agreed with, might also be providing information briefly.

Now, he jumped out to make things clear. If it weren't for Merlin, it would be a bit unreasonable.

But everything has two sides!

Some people may focus on Yun Huang because of what she said, and ignore the essence of others.

This must be what Yun Huang is happy to see.

But Su Yi will not. He has always been thinking about things with himself as the main divergence, and sometimes he is even more imaginative, and never falls into the swamp of other people's thinking.

Su Yi likes a sentence he wrote in his novel very much.

I hope that only others can disturb and deceive me.

It must not be myself!

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