The new year is coming, and the new year is coming.

Not only is Su Yi the first in the regional ranking, he also wants to play in the city ranking! Go and get the first place in the entire ranking final!

Su Yi opened the prop bar, waved his hand, and a crystal clear career card appeared in his hand.

Lancer career card, archer career card, mechanic career card, paladin career card.

The 4 career cards exude their unique brilliance.

Use them all!

For a moment, the four cards surrounded Su Yi's body, all turned into silver light dust, and the four rays of light suddenly shone, and all the light dust poured into Su Yi's body.

[The Gunner's Occupation Card has been successfully converted to: Fraudster's Exclusive Occupation Card - Fraud Gunner]

[The Archer's Occupation Card has been successfully converted to: Fraudster's Exclusive Occupation Card - Fraud Archer]

[The Mechanic's Occupation Card has been successfully converted to: Fraudster's Exclusive Occupation Card - Fraud Mechanic]

[The Paladin's Occupation Card has been successfully converted to: Fraudster's Exclusive Occupation Card - Fraud Paladin]

[The fraud slot is not available, and has entered the backup occupation column]

[At most 2 fraud occupations can be equipped at the same time, and the remaining occupations are backup occupations and can be replaced. The replacement time is 5 minutes, and the replacement action needs to cool down for 1 hour after replacement. ]

With 4 more occupations at once, Su Yi immediately checked the new skills of each occupation.

[Fraudulent Gold Spirit Master Skills: Gengjin Body, Gengjin Control. ]

[Fraudulent Earth Spirit Master Skills: Immovable as a Mountain. ]

[Fraudulent Gunner: Gun Body Skills: Continuously consume spiritual energy. When the Gunner is in close combat, a set of physical skills that can be integrated into shooting can be used. 】

[Fraud Archer: Eagle Eye: Consume psychic energy continuously, enhance dynamic vision, and greatly improve the ability to capture images, decompose, and perceive moving targets when observing moving targets. 】

[Fraud Mechanic: Mechanical Arm: Consume psychic energy continuously, summon a - Power Mechanical Exoskeleton Arm. . 】

[Fraud Paladin: Holy Shield: The Paladin gathers strength and erects a Holy Shield of Light that absorbs damage. It dissipates after 5 minutes. The amount of damage absorbed depends on the Paladin's energy. 】

[Fraudster: Professional Fraud, Hat Trick. 】

[Equipment Skills: Fury of Vengeance, Obelisk, Elf Star, Supreme Glory, Phoenix Flying to the Nine Heavens, Shield of Clouds of Attachment]

Looking at his full set of skills, Su Yi couldn't help but sigh.

These are all what he got after a life-and-death struggle.

Let's see if he can use them in the ranking match this time!

At first glance, some of the skills of this new profession are not yet connected...

Well, I have to think about it...

Come to the most empty place in the living room.

Su Yi directly replaced the Earth Spirit Master with the Mechanic Master.

Five minutes later, the replacement was completed, and Su Yi stretched out his right hand and summoned the [Mechanical Arm].

[For the first summon, please select the default side arm]

"Right arm!"

As soon as the words came out.

Su Yi could feel the endless spiritual energy in his body rushing towards his right arm.


Gengjin powered mechanical arm!

The alloy skeleton instantly wrapped around Su Yi's right arm, and the tiny parts were attached one by one. After 3 seconds, the whole arm almost doubled in size under the mechanical wrapping, but Su Yi waved it and still lifted it with ease.

After all, his physical fitness is different from that of ordinary people now.

The cross-section of the mechanical arm is very smooth, extending from the right half of the pectoral muscle and deltoid muscle, most of which is a glossy white paint surface, mixed with the bright red extending from the biceps, which looks full of technology and power.

Su Yi opened and closed his palms. The mechanical arm was very sensitive. After 2 minutes of familiarization, Su Yi could drive it like an arm.

This alloy material looks very hard and difficult to be destroyed by ordinary things.

Then... I use [Genjin Yuqi]?

How should you deal with it!

[Genjin Yuqi]!

It's done, perfect!

The spiritual energy was transformed into Gengjin spiritual energy, which wrapped the mechanical arm in an instant.

The mechanical arm flashed with light, and the white mechanical arm emitted a light like gold foil.

Su Yi could feel that the weight of the mechanical arm increased by more than double in one breath. If he hadn't drunk the wine of rebirth, he would definitely not be able to resist it, but now it was easy, just a little heavy feeling.

At the same time, the mechanical arm was under the dive of Gengjin energy, and the hardness increased to a higher level, but the specific increase would need to be tested at that time.

Su Yi danced his palms and arms and found that [Genjin Yuqi] did not hinder his movements at all.

He was worried that the Gengjin robotic arm would cause the robot to flow.

The fluency is lost, or it is simply unable to move.

But the result was not affected at all.

He felt that this punch would not only kill a cow, but also send it flying.

The kind of home run!

Yes, these two are linked.

But when they are used together, the spiritual energy consumed is also doubled. Although these two skills have no time limit, it will not take long for Su Yi, a second-level psychic, to continue to operate.

Now, advancing to the third level is Su Yi's most important goal!

Not only can all fraud professions add extra skills, but there is also the main profession fraudster, and he is also looking forward to what other skills there are.

Once advanced to the third level, 6 fraud professions, plus the fraudster, that is at least 7 more skills!

With the quality and quantity of the spiritual energy of the third-level psychic, his strength has increased by more than a little bit, it feels like flying!

While thinking so, after waiting for the cooling, Su Yi changed to the archer and the paladin.

[Eagle Eye].

It is true that the vision has become much clearer, but it does not have the effect of so-called clairvoyance. It can still see as far as it can.

In this way, the most important dynamic vision must be tested. Su Yi took a deck of cards and deliberately flipped the cards towards himself quickly. Su Yi saw the numbers on the cards more clearly.

Su Yi nodded secretly and tried the Paladin's [Holy Shield].

A 2-meter-high light curtain shield suddenly appeared in front of Su Yi. When Su Yi touched it, it was indeed real.

Su Yi used [Genjin Body] to punch the Holy Shield heavily. The Holy Shield shook slightly. Su Yi felt like he was hitting a soft shield.

Su Yi punched again, and the Holy Shield finally collapsed and turned into a light spot and disappeared.


Su Yi's phone rang. He opened it and saw that it was Xiaoli calling. It was probably to urge him to go over.

Just now, he had seen in the group that the Dongning team would gather at 3 o'clock.

Su Yi is also an indispensable part, because everyone in Dongning thinks he is from the Su family in Beijing.

"We are here, waiting for you!" Xiaoli's playful voice came.

"At the door, at the door, stop the car!"

Su Yi tidied himself up and got on Jiangchuan's car. Not long after, he arrived at the Dongning team.

Many men and women who had met before were sitting and waiting.

They nodded and greeted Su Yi when they saw him coming.

But no one came forward to talk to Su Yi.

It seems that Su Yi's identity as the eldest son of the Su family made them feel at ease and also made them afraid.

Su Yi was going to Zhang Ning's office.

Unexpectedly, Xiaoli came out of Zhang Ning's office at this time and bumped into Su Yi.


Su Yi was as still as a mountain.

Xiaoli fell back with a little confusion...

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