What is missing!

Su Yi was not sweating because of the content of the text, but because of instinctive palpitations.

It was as if someone was hammering on his chest to resonate.

Who left these words...

Why did they make him react so strongly.

Su Yi's head suddenly hurt again, and he quickly closed his eyes to prevent others from noticing anything unusual.

"What, are you still not feeling well?"

But it was obvious that Su Yimeng had noticed him.

Su Yi was not prepared for the hideous look on his face at that moment, and Su Yimeng happened to see it.

Seeing that Su Yimeng is still paying attention to him now... Although he has done nothing wrong, he still has to be careful in his actions. It would not be good if he had a conflict with them, Su Yi thought secretly.

"Well, there are still some sequelae. My physique is relatively weak. Maybe I fainted from hunger? Haha." Su Yi smiled awkwardly, and the pain had quietly subsided after a wave.

"But I am not weak. This feeling... is really painful. Miss Meiyue, what is going on? What is the cause of the headache mentioned in the town regulations?" Liu Hong's eyes flashed, puzzled.

"This is not very likely to be a high altitude reaction." Liu Hong said bluntly.

Good question. Before he figured out the situation, Su Yi would not dare to ask such a direct question that has a certain possibility of triggering badending.

But in Liu Hong's eyes, they are all people in this world, so they will naturally not be so cautious.

Su Yi was also secretly waiting for Meiyue's answer.

"Well, I don't know the details, but our Wuliu Town is surrounded by thick fog all year round, and the fog in the town is also lingering. It may be because you inhaled something in the fog."

"We locals should be used to it, so it doesn't have much impact."

"But tourists like you, who have just arrived here, must not be very adaptable. For example, Article 5 and Article 8 of the town regulations may be due to this reason."

Meiyue smiled and explained.

"So that's the case. Do you sell masks here?" Su Yimeng suddenly asked.

"Well... there are none." Meiyue smiled and shook her head.

"Oh? Then is there a hospital or clinic in your town?" Su Yimeng asked casually.

"Yes, there is the only clinic in our town, which has been open for nearly 10 years. It is opened by Jian Shouan, Doctor Jian, but he can't cure the headaches of outsiders here. It's better to stay in Wuliu Village."

"Wuliu Village is the place with the thinnest fog, which is why the town rules say that you can come here to rest."

Meiyue smiled, and Aiyue remained silent.

Something is strange!

Su Yi made a quick judgment in his heart.

Previously, I heard that Meiyue meant that they welcome outsiders to visit Wuliu Town.

For this reason, the unique Wuliu Village was established.

But why, no masks! ?

If the source of the guest's illness is fog, a lot of masks should be prepared, instead of setting up several town rules to hinder tourists from traveling.

And I heard from Meiyue that she didn't know the specific cause of the headache, but even the fog she thought was not verified, and the guests were asked to wear masks.

You have to know that Wuliu Village has been open for more than 10 years.

If the people in the town have verified it, they can confirm whether it is the fog.

But from what Meiyue said, they didn't.

Does that mean they know the real reason is not this, and they don't even plan to make this preparation!

Su Yi's heart trembled.

Su Yimeng's seemingly unintentional simple question, Meiyue's seemingly no problem answer.

But Su Yimeng's words revealed the mystery.

The situation opened up at once.

There is something wrong with the people in the town!


Su Yi glanced at Su Yimeng. This person has a strong ability to grasp the key points of details and has a very fast judgment. He is worthy of being the youngest criminal police captain.

He must have got the answer he wanted.

"Please, guests, start eating, the food will get cold soon." Meiyue spread her hands and gestured to the food in front of her.

The atmosphere on the table was a little quiet at this time.

Since we know that there are problems with the townspeople here, what about the food that Meiyue prepared?

Kazi Kazi!

At this time, a crisp sound suddenly came.

Su Yi was holding chopsticks, picking up the vegetables in front of him and chewing them.

"It tastes great, Miss Meiyue." Su Yi smiled and said.

Su Yi had a different mentality from Su Yimeng and Liu Hong.

I know I have to stay here for at least five days, I can't leave.

Then I can't go without food and water, it will affect my physical strength and judgment.

In this case, what's there to hesitate about.

Food poisoning is really too low.

I have to stay here for five days. If I have to eat food, then what's the point of town rules? This copy is too outrageous!

Of course, the most important thing is that Su Yi's analysis of this place is that food must not be the focus.

"Delicious." Just as Su Yi praised, Su Yimeng also drank a sip of soup.

Seeing this, Liu Hong also started to eat.

Meiyue's eyes curved into a beautiful crescent. After everyone started eating, Aiyue also began to lower her head and gently eat the food in front of her.

Every time she took a small bite, she was as cute as a little rabbit.

Although she is cute, her temperament is more mature than Meiyue.

The meal ended quickly in a pleasant conversation.

Aiyue didn't say a word in the end. When Su Yimeng deliberately asked her sister Aiyue, it was her sister Meiyue who answered for her sister.

Aiyue would nod slightly at this time.

The two seemed to have a very good relationship.

During this period, Su Yi also raised a question, what is the surname of Meiyue's family.

But he was told that people who help in the shrine don't have surnames, and Meiyue Aiyue's father had died of illness a long time ago.

Sister Meiyue is the one who will inherit her mother Caiyue's position as the elder in the future, become the head of the shrine, and take charge of foreign affairs.

Aiyue is going to become a shrine maiden, communicate with the tree god, build a bridge between Wuliu Town and Huang Zu, and take charge of internal affairs.

In short, their mother Caiyue is now both a shrine maiden and an elder, and is too busy and overworked.

Then the twins she gave birth to can just do their own job and don't have to be too tired.

Meiyue declined the proposal of the three to help wash the dishes together.

Was driven to the second floor.

"Well, let's talk later." Liu Hong and Su Yi said hello.

"Let's prepare for sketching here first."

Liu Hong and Su Yimeng's bedroom is in the middle of the second floor, a double room, while Su Yi is in the innermost single room.

"Okay, I'll go back and arrange the next plan."

Su Yi knew that they would definitely arrange the next step, so he naturally had no intention of disturbing them.

What's more,

I have to go back and figure out what to do next.

There is still time tonight,

How to act.

Having experienced the single-player copy, he knows very well that the task is difficult and the time is tight...

I am being exploited...

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