The three held their breath and said nothing.

Su Yi endured the chill in his heart and continued to watch the changes in the field.

In just a few breaths, all the children were strung up on the vines.

And the vines were still swaying, and dozens of branches were whipping the strung children frantically.

Until their skin was torn.

Then all the children were soaked in the water of the lake.

Just 30 seconds later, all the children whose hearts were pierced seemed to come alive, twisting on the vines.

After a while, the children's bodies completely turned into the monsters that Su Yi saw that day.

The body stretched out and became dry and shriveled.

Then, the vines pulled out, and all the monsters transformed by the children fell into the lake at once.

Once again, the monsters turned back into the original appearance of children.

"Um..." Liu Hong covered his mouth, and saw such a scene, it seemed that he could not hold on.

"Is this how they create monsters..." Although Liu Hong was physically uncomfortable, he still couldn't hide his anger.

Su Yimeng remained calm, "Let's go."

Su Yi also thought that he had seen everything he should see, and it was the best policy to leave quickly at this time.

Just as the three of them moved gently and turned around, suddenly a shrill roar came.

All the children who slowly came ashore seemed to have seen food.

Staring at the place where Su Yi and the other two were hiding with green light, and roared.


Su Yi frowned, and his body was ready to launch.

"Let's go!" Su Yimeng shouted, he was discovered, there was no way!

The most important thing is to run quickly!

All the townspeople turned their heads and looked at the place where the three were.

Ai Yue did not look back, but lowered her head and closed her eyes.

The three of them ran fast, while the children had all transformed into tree monsters, each of them was agile and began to chase the three of them in batches.

The scene was very spectacular.

"Is this the reason why the town rules say that we can't come to the back mountain!" Liu Hong shouted while running.

"This is terrible, there are too many!"

Su Yi's premonition was not particularly good. How to fight against so many tree monsters!

The hand holding the demon revolver tightened,

Can I still escape!

After running for a while, the speed of the tree monster may be because it was just born, and it seems that it is not as fast as the tree monsters encountered on the road before.

But after five or six minutes, it has also pulled a long distance with the three of them.

Seeing that the three of them are in front.

The tree monster released a variety of abilities in his hand.

There are water balls, fire balls, and flying leaves...

Various abilities emerge in an endless stream.

"Fuck." Liu Hong cursed.

Su Yi saw all kinds of messy attacks around him, and immediately used gun skills.

He moved between skills.

This is really deadly!

Su Yi looked back and saw a dark mass, and there were lights of various colors flashing in their hands.

How to deal with this bunch of guys!

Su Yi saw that the two nearest tree monsters were approaching him with fireballs.

At this time, there was no time to fight with them, and there was no way to be arrogant and care about the rules.

Immediately, bang bang, two shots.

Double shooting!


They were knocked to the ground, wailing twice, but got up again.

"Shoot!" Su Yimeng shouted.

Although he knew that these tree monsters were transformed by children, he obviously had no better way. Now his life was at stake, and it was impossible for him to think about the lives of these monsters now.

Liu Hong and Su Yimeng on the side immediately shot at the approaching tree monster, but after being knocked down, the monster seemed to have a strong recovery ability.

After a while, it recovered and continued to chase.

"Damn it, this thing can't be eliminated!" Liu Hong cursed.

"No, they are going to catch up!"

The three of them moved quickly and only ran half of the distance.

But the tree monster was already behind them.

Dodging the tricks behind them, the three of them were exhausted.

Under the gunfire,

Su Yi only had one bullet left in his hand.

It was outrageous.

Once he and others were caught up, they would be forced to fight with these tree monsters.

Then they would be surrounded in a short time.

Is he in a desperate situation?

Just when Su Yi's brain was working rapidly.

He felt a chill that froze his heart.

His body, which had been running continuously, was already extremely hot, and a breeze blew and made him shiver.

The sound of the claws and teeth behind him suddenly became much lighter after the gust of wind.

Su Yi looked back and saw

A group of tree monsters that were close to them were frozen in place.

And they were covered with frost and could not move.

Su Yi and Su Yimeng looked at each other.

They did not dare to stop. Since such an opportunity suddenly appeared, the three of them would not let it go.

They kept running.

The tree monsters behind were still chasing, but every time they approached Su Yi, a gust of wind with crystals would always freeze them in place.

Su Yi kept walking, but his eyes were looking around.

Is this... someone helping him?

After another cold wind, Su Yi finally caught a glimpse of a slender black shadow in the upper right of the willow forest, but she disappeared so quickly that Su Yi had no time to look at her.

Meiyue, Aiyue?

That figure was not wearing a witch costume.

Could it be... or Qiu Ningxue?

Su Yi was saved by the cold wind that could freeze the tree monsters while he was guessing.

In the end, they never saw that figure again.

The three of them arrived at Wuliu Manor without any danger.

They found that the tree monster did not chase them after they left the back mountain.

Wuliu Manor was also empty.

"Just now... just now, what happened? Someone is helping us?" Liu Hong asked with a heavy breath.

"It must be." Su Yimeng said affirmatively, but from his expression, he was also very confused.

"If it weren't for him, we would have been dead!" Liu Hong took a breath and thought about it terribly.

"Indeed, but let's not worry about this for now. The person who saved us is not in our plan." Su Yimeng thought for a while and shook his head.

"Why do they let children become these monsters! What kind of Wuliu Great Sacrifice is this!" Liu Hong was uneasy and still remembered what he had just seen.

"Tree God? This is clearly the behavior of the devil. What are these townspeople thinking?"

"The lake water just now is the so-called holy water, so the holy water of the Heavenly Father Church is also likely to be named after it." Su Yimeng adjusted his breath and analyzed.

"The doctrine of the Heavenly Father Church is to use holy water and punishment to make up stories that can make children become gods."

"It is exactly the same as the scene just now. They killed the children, and then scratched the children all over their bodies to absorb the holy water, and finally turned into these monsters. While turning into monsters, the children also acquired certain abilities."

"Indeed, this is definitely related to the Heavenly Father Church you mentioned." Su Yi confirmed Su Yimeng's conclusion.

"As a folklorist, what do you think?" Su Yimeng looked at Su Yi and asked, asking for his opinion.

Liu Hong also turned his head and looked at him, pinning a glimmer of hope.

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