The two skills are used together.

[Secondary Mind Trick! ]

[Yu Wushuang! ]

Two skills are activated at the same time.

"She, Ai Yue, can become the new tree god, and her consciousness will not dissipate!"

The fraudster casts a spell that affects the mind and conducts a bluff check on the target. The basic check success rate is 33%. If successful, the bluff effect lasts for 1 hour.

The specific success rate is affected by many factors such as the fraudster's words, the will of the target, and the strength.

Now the will of the tree god has not yet gathered, and with Su Yi's persuasion, it is a good opportunity, and Su Yi understands that she is not a real tree god at all!

Coupled with the successful activation of Yu Wushuang, the assistance is achieved!

Fusion is successful!

The air waves around Su Yi are surging.

The overwhelming momentum mixed into Su Yi's words, crashing against Su Yi's body.

The air waves seemed to have turned into substance, and Su Yi's hair moved without wind.

The words he said came out like a dragon.

The tree god hummed and stopped talking.

"The fate is to accumulate blessings, and hearing the scriptures is like hearing jade..." Caiyue murmured, "People can't defeat gods.".

She knew that the final ceremony had arrived.

Ai Yue's figure had already soared to the height of the tree god. She closed her eyes and slowly waited for the last step of the ceremony.

But this time, unlike the previous scene, the person changed, from Qiu Ningxue to Ai Yue.

And the tree god did not pierce Ai Yue directly.

Instead, the vines surged onto Ai Yue's body, covering her tightly like armor.

Ai Yue is now like a forest god of war.

Su Yi stared at Ai Yue closely, and he knew that Yu Wushuang was successful.

That meant that the secondary mind trick would also succeed.

Next, it was to see if he had guessed it right.

After the vines covered Ai Yue, the entire towering tree seemed to be transmitting energy to Ai Yue.

"How... could it be..."

Cai Yue looked at the scene in front of her in disbelief, not knowing what had happened.

And Su Yimeng had been watching the changes in the field, but his eyes were in a trance, as if he was recalling something.

The light was getting brighter and brighter, making Su Yi almost unable to open his eyes.

After a while, Su Yi regained his vision again.

He saw Ai Yue being slowly swallowed by the giant tree, and all the branches above his head wrapped Ai Yue inside.

Seeing this, Cai Yue waved her hand to rescue Su Yi. This was her oath and she must abide by it.

Su Yi immediately fell on the island in the middle of the lake.

But his eyes still did not leave Ai Yue's changes.

All the branches and leaves of the tree god seemed to begin to shrink, and Ai Yue gradually disappeared.

Minutes and seconds passed until five minutes later.

The towering tree turned into golden light, which slowly fell from a height of more than 70 meters, floating over the lake and covering the entire back mountain.

The tree demons and townspeople on the shore stared blankly at the light. The golden powder sprinkled on them made them feel unprecedented warmth.

Caiyue also opened her mouth slightly, staring at the brilliant scene in the sky in a daze.

It's done!

Su Yi exhaled heavily.

It's finally done!

Ai Yue became the new god, and her consciousness will not dissipate.

This is exactly what he bluffed the tree god and used Yu Wushuang's combo to force her to accept.

The bluffing time is only one hour, but it seems that one hour is enough.

At the most critical moment of the ceremony, Ai Yue replaced the tree god and became the new tree god with consciousness.

As long as she becomes the new tree god, everything will be fine.

She can eliminate the consciousness of the original tree god, so she may become the real tree god. Su Yi believes that she should be able to do it.

If he couldn't do it... an hour later, the tree god woke up again, and it had nothing to do with him...

Because he knew the real purpose of this game.

The truth was far from being as simple as he saw, otherwise, for him, this game would have been won long ago.

After all, he was alive, his girlfriend had found protection, and the truth was almost certain.

The game broadcast had not come yet.

Su Yi smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Just as he thought, this game was like a mirror.

This made Su Yi recall what he and Su Yuran had said before.

What was shown in the mirror was always a real image, not the real self.

Su Yi gently took out the mirror, turned his back to Su Yimeng, and looked at him.

Suddenly, a slightly mature face appeared in the mirror.

It was the appearance of Xiao Wensu in the image he had just seen, only

It is a bit more mature.

"Ah..." Su Yi sighed.

What a pity, what a pity... I can't change the ending of the story...

Su Yi looked around, and all the tree demons and townspeople turned back to the appearance of young people after being sprinkled with gold powder, and fell on the shore.

Including Caiyue, she also restored her appearance when she was young, and she was 80% similar to Meiyue and Aiyue.

She didn't seem to understand what happened, and stared blankly at the disappearance of the tree god.

She turned into a 70-meter-high dead tree, and the person on the tree was not sacrificed, which meant that the ceremony was not completed.

Su Yimeng was still tied to the tree trunk, looking confused, and Liu Hong also returned to human form and fainted beside him.

"Who are you... what did you do..." Caiyue looked back at Su Yi.

The moonlight had retreated, and Su Yi saw the sunrise here for the first time.

A ray of sunlight pierced the darkness.

The lake where the tree god in the back mountain was located seemed like the horizon, and the soft sun slowly rose at the other end.

With the golden powder still floating in the sky, it was shining and looked soft and sacred.

Everything here was just like the painting drawn by Jian Shouan...

It was also like the morning walk in the willow forest with Ai Yue...

"I am a human."

"You see, God is not invincible."

Cai Yue shook her head and said firmly: "You are not an ordinary person, you also have divine power."

Su Yi smiled slightly and did not explain.

That's right, it was not human power that defeated God.

Is it the power of the devil?

Su Yi shook his head in his heart.

No matter whose power it is, when people have the qualifications to challenge God, then... God is not insurmountable.

However, the tree god here... It is not a god...

What Su Yi defeated was just a mirror image.

His own power is far from enough.

If it is the so-called real god,

I guess the current [Yu Wushuang] and [Secondary Mind Trick] will not work.

Su Yi looked up at the sunrise, and the fog had completely dissipated without knowing when.

"Brother Meng, I'll save you."

Su Yi walked to Su Yimeng's side, and as the tree god declined.

Su Yimeng also slid to the root of the tree trunk, but was still tied.

"Okay." Su Yimeng took a deep breath and his expression returned to normal.

"Where is your knife?" Su Yi fumbled around Su Yimeng's waist and found a gun and a knife.

He slowly pulled out the knife and approached the vine.

"Brother Meng, are you nervous?" Su Yi smiled.

Su Yimeng was stunned, and shook his head with a smile.

"You are afraid..."

In just a moment, Su Yi stabbed the blade into Su Yimeng's chest!

The position of the heart.

"Well..." Su Yimeng groaned, still smiling.

"Do I do this?" Su Yi's smile never diminished.

"Su Yi..."

"I don't know what means you used to do it, but if you were there at the time, maybe things wouldn't turn out like this..."

Su Yimeng smiled and looked up at the direction of the sunrise, saying intermittently.

"Thank you... for letting me see... this beautiful scene."

After Su Yimeng finished speaking, as Su Yi's dagger slowly penetrated deeper, he stopped moving, only looking into the distance with his eyes that had not closed for a long time.

Su Yi was not idle, he immediately drew out his pistol, used gun body skills, and fired a shot at Liu Hong's position behind him.

Under the mirror, Liu Hong's face was the young Xiao Wensu.

Caiyue did not stop or ask about Su Yi's behavior.

Just looked at him lightly.

Suddenly, Su Yi saw a small sapling emerging under the dead tree of the tree god.

Green and lush.

As time went by, he grew into a 6-meter-tall tree.

Although the tree was small, it had lush branches and leaves.

The soft green branches were full of golden buds.

Is this... the new tree god, Ai Yue?

In fact, Su Yi still admired Ai Yue. Although he didn't know the specific efforts for this, it must be not simple.

Not only the 99-level trial, but the fact that she sacrificed her life for her sister had moved him.

She took it all on her own, and even in the video she saw before, she didn't tell anyone.

Not talkative, but thoughtful.

It seems that the sister has been helping the elder sister in life, but the elder sister has always been thinking about her younger sister.

She took on everything alone.

"Ai Yue?"

Su Yi called softly.

Just like the day when the two of them strolled in the garden together.

Su Yi came to the front of the tree and gently stroked it.

"Miss Ai Yue, do you think it's a good idea to give up halfway?"

The branches swayed gently, not knowing whether they were swaying in the wind or really understood.

"Hmm? Not good?"

"Then... I'll just stick to liking you."

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