The two sides of the battle were still very close.

The heavily made-up woman only had 23 chips left, and she kept encouraging herself, saying that everyone had come this far, so she could do it too.

She picked up the cards, and now she was not as arrogant as when she had 70 chips before, but waited for everyone to place their bets without saying a word.

No. 1 placed 10 chips directly, and the scarred man looked at the heavily made-up woman fiercely, and it seemed that he wanted to win with one blow.

The rest of the people placed bets one after another, 4 chips, and Su Yi also placed 4 chips.

In the first round, a total of 26 chips were bet, and as long as the heavily made-up woman burst her cards, she would face annihilation.

After a round of cards were dealt, everyone's card points stayed in the middle, neither high nor low, waiting for the dealer to deal the cards.

Obviously, good luck did not come to the heavily made-up woman in her pleading eyes.

The heavily made-up woman's cards were 6 for the open card and K for the hidden card.

According to the rules, if the card is less than 17, draw another card.

An 8. The points are 24, bust!

The chips in front of the heavily made-up woman were emptied in an instant, and the row of holes behind her chair instantly shone with cold light.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

A flying knife shot straight at the back of the heavily made-up woman.

The heavily made-up woman didn't have time to scream.

Her pupils dilated instantly, and a touch of bright red was particularly dazzling on her pink dress.

"Player No. 5 has run out of chips, wipe it out."

"Dealer! Switch!"

The ruthless announcement and the blood in front of them stimulated the senses of the five people, making the game even more intense.

It was really a cold thorn in my back!

Su Yi exhaled a breath and thought to himself that the first victim had appeared. The game would definitely be more dangerous. He had to carefully watch every dealer and every move. If he couldn't catch their loopholes, he would completely give up his time and opportunity!

Especially No. 1 and No. 2.

No. 6, the green-haired youth, had 52 chips left, and he was calmly cutting and shuffling the cards.

The scarred man had a lot of chips, but he didn't care and directly bet 10 chips, and looked around at the others.

Su Yi also understood and bet 5 chips, and No. 2 and No. 4 also bet 5 chips.

25 bets in one breath have already posed a certain threat to No. 6.

The green-haired youth frowned, obviously he had discovered the crisis. If he couldn't win this time, he would only be cannibalized and exploited by the idle players.

It's time to get serious.

I saw his hands suddenly fly up, speeding up, and continue to cut and shuffle the cards.

Su Yi raised his eyebrows. He would cheat too?

The green-haired youth gradually stopped cutting and shuffling and prepared to deal the cards. He did not cheat during the cutting and shuffling process, but was exercising and warming up his hands.

Dealing the cards, the green-haired youth dealt the cards quickly with one hand.

Su Yi stared closely. Obviously, the green-haired youth's card skills were beyond his expectations. He did not expect that in this 6-person game, besides himself, there were actually three people who could cheat. With his eyesight, he could not see clearly.

The green-haired youth smiled slightly. He had a cheating equipment. His own skills could not be seen through. He was very confident in his cheating and was very proficient.


"What!" The green-haired youth screamed! The face that was full of confidence just now was full of fear.

"No. 2 reported No. 6 successfully. Player No. 6 will be eliminated!"


The sound of the blade entering the body sounded several times in an instant.

The sudden change made Su Yi's face tense.

In the blink of an eye, the game that seemed to be stable just now, now two players were directly wiped out.

Scarred man No. 1 was also shocked. Before he could see the action of No. 6 clearly, No. 2 had already reported it successfully.

This man's ability in cheating was far superior to his own.

The initiator of this incident, No. 2 He Yu, remained calm, "No one of you can cheat in front of me again!"

After saying that, he glanced at Su Yi, as if disdainful, as if provoking.

"Switch the dealer!"

The scarred man's expression was no longer relaxed. He knew that the cheating he relied on for survival seemed to no longer give him an advantage in this game.

Su Yi took a look at the amount of chips in the field.

No. 1 had 71 chips, and No. 2 had taken all the chips of No. 6 because he had just reported it successfully, and came to 129 chips.

Su Yi himself had 76 chips, and No. 4 had 54 chips.

No. 2 looked like an eagle and a wolf, and bet 36 chips.

Su Yi thought about the current situation.

It seems that No. 2 has already explored everyone's past. Now he is ready to harvest.

And this round, No. 1 is his target.

Su Yi bet 1, and No. 4 did the same, betting one.

The scarred man's forehead was sweating, and the speed of dealing cards was not as fast as before. He knew that No. 2 had been staring at the

Staring at him. He naturally didn't dare to cheat now, because if he was caught cheating, he would die, but if he played cards purely, he would still have a chance of survival.

The dealer had a 6 on his face.

No. 2 had 8 and 4, totaling 12.

No. 2 crossed his hands, "Double."

A soft sound made the scarred man feel like he was falling into an ice cave.

The scarred man's trembling hands dealt a card, which was 7, and the final sum of No. 2's cards was 19.

And No. 2's bet came to 72 cards. Once No. 2 won, No. 1 would be wiped out.

The scarred man took a deep breath, cursed in his heart, and also strengthened his belief. No, he couldn't just sit there and wait for death. Cheating! Let's compete.



But obviously the two passes from Su Yi and No. 4 made him stunned on the spot.

Cheating... can't be played when you can't touch the cards. Su Yi sighed. He and No. 4 would not get involved in this match point game, nor would they give the scarred man a chance to cheat.

The scarred man revealed his hidden card in a daze, which was a J.

At 16 points, as long as it exceeded 5 points, the dealer would bust.

The scarred man's hands trembled.

"Humph, what's wrong, are you scared?"

"I despise people like you the most. You always think you are invincible just because you know a few tricks."

"Block, you don't even have the courage to see through life and death, how can you talk about victory."

The scarred man gently dropped a card in his hand, the Queen of Hearts.

The dealer had 26 points and busted.

"Player No. 1 loses all his chips, wiped out!"

The scarred man didn't have time to shout, and while he was still in a daze, the flying knife had already pierced him.

"Dealer exchange!"

No. 2 He Yu raised his eyelids slightly and showed a sinister smile. He knew that everything was under control.

His hands kept changing into various positions, cutting the deck vigorously.

Now there were only three people left!

Su Yi knew that the man in suit No. 2 was now the most skilled cheater on the scene, that is to say, no one could beat him in cheating.

Then, reporting was relatively meaningless.

He couldn't see that he was cheating, but he could catch it right away. That meant that No. 2 was free, and with his super high cheating skills, he could cheat freely in front of himself and No. 4.

In this way, they were stuck in a stalemate.

In theory, it was best not to bet too much in No. 2's bank, but to transition to your own bank first, and then think of a way.

But to wipe out a person, you must put pressure on him when he is the banker.

Su Yi knew that the word "delay" was not a good strategy, and victory would be determined in this banker.

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