After hearing the prompt, Su Yi couldn't wait to check his professional skills.

[Professional Fraud (Active): First-level Gold Spiritualist]

[Fraud Gold Spiritualist Skills: Gengjin Body (Active): Gengjin spiritual energy covers the whole body, the body is as hard as gold, the fists and feet are as strong as steel, and it is difficult for sharp weapons to penetrate the body. ]

[Gengjin Control Weapon (Active): Use the Gengjin spiritual energy in the body to strengthen the weapon, with the sword as the best, indestructible, Gengjin spiritual energy has a certain restraining effect on the spirit body. ]

Finally, there is a certain means of attack, and Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

So far, he has finally become an entry-level psychic.

The first level of the fraudster, without a professional card, is just an ordinary person.

Su Yi immediately turned the fraudulent gold spirit master into his own fraud profession.

"Genjin body."

For the first time, he felt the endless energy in his body, which was spreading to his whole body.

He looked in the mirror and there was no change in his appearance.

He touched his arm again and found it smooth and hard. He knocked it and even heard a sound like hitting steel.

He tentatively punched the boxing bag used for e-sports hotel decoration.


The sandbag was directly penetrated, and a huge hole was left with black gravel flowing.

This was after he had restrained his strength. Su Yi felt that he could kill a cow with one punch now.

After fiddling back and forth for about 10 minutes, Su Yi obviously felt exhausted. The unknown energy in his body was still surging just now, but now it has stopped.

It seems that as a psychic, the most important thing is the psychic energy in the body. Without this energy, the strength of a psychic will not be able to be exerted.

After a short rest, Su Yi felt that the energy in his body was slowly recovering, and he tried the Gengjin Yuqi again.

A small fruit knife in his hand instantly emitted a burst of golden light, and it was like a part of Su Yi's body. Su Yi could feel that this knife could cut iron and steel.

Awesome, the first-level Jin Lingshi can actually have such combat power.

It is worthy of being one of the five major professions of official psychics.

There is no black.

He glanced at his phone and found that 8.5 million had been credited. Counting the previous 2 million, Su Yi thought about it and decided to spend the 10 million on charging [Yu Wushuang].

This game was actually very thrilling. If it weren't for his BUG skills, he could only wait to lose. There is really no way to save [Yu Wushuang] for the reward and use it, which is really a pity.

[Yu Wushuang] is simply a talisman! If you have the conditions to not charge such a skill, you are a fool!

This time, I charged [Yu Wushuang] to the upper limit of 2 times, which can not only save my life at the critical moment, but also leave a chance for the reward to hit critically!

If it is really because of the [Yu Wushuang] reward that I can hit critically, then I have really found a bug!

Su Yi sorted out his thoughts, went downstairs to eat a bowl of noodles, and renewed the lease of the e-sports hotel for another 10 days.

The 10 million just won has an investment target, and the idea of ​​settling down for himself can only be shelved again.

Chen Siyun said that her talisman can only be hidden from the official for 3 days. Now all he has to do is wait for the official to come.

Su Yi sent a message to Chen Siyun.

"Join the official."

Chen Siyun replied "OK!" in seconds

Joining the official was also a choice Su Yi made after consideration. First of all, Chen Siyun told him that joining the official would not actually restrict the freedom of psychics.

On the contrary, he would get extra resources, but he would need to eradicate some unclean things for his team area.

The regional team is actually an extra-official team for the official, and is not a core official member.

Isn't that the concept of mercenaries?

Su Yi has just joined this game. As the saying goes, it is good to lean on a big tree for shade.

He doesn't even know this game well, not to mention that he is deeply trapped in the curse, so joining is the best choice.

Getting more benefits and more information is what he needs to do now.

At worst, if there is no benefit in joining, he can just quit. His own interests are absolutely the priority.

As Su Yi, who doesn't understand the world of psychics yet, this is the iron rule he must abide by after entering the devil's game.

(Readers, rest assured that the protagonist is an independent individual player and will never be subject to any organization.)

A day passed quickly. Su Yi was browsing the forum while playing and practicing a deck of poker.

"Bang bang."

The door of the room was knocked. Su Yi looked out through the cat's eye and saw two young women. One girl looked tall and relatively mature, wearing white

Shirt, a light grey skirt, very professional.

The other one was younger and dressed casually, wearing jeans and a pink slim-fitting T-shirt.

It should be official, Su Yi thought to himself, and opened the door.

Su Yi opened the door without speaking, scanning the two delicate faces in front of him, waiting for the other two to speak first.

"To make a long story short, I guess you have experienced something incomprehensible." Zhang Ning did not dodge Su Yi's gaze, and looked straight at him.

She did not find any fear of incomprehensible things in this man's eyes. He had good psychological quality, so she gave Su Yi an evaluation first.

"Devil game, those who participate in this game will become superpowers."

Su Yi nodded, opened the door, and motioned for the two to come in first.

"My name is Zhang Ning, and I'm the captain of the Dongning District Psychic Team in Ningcheng, and a 4th-level Psychic." The tall girl sat on the sofa and said, her long hair draped over her shoulders, her straight legs looked even whiter under her light gray skirt, her face was cold, and she looked like a queen.

"My name is Xiaoli, and I'm a member of the Dongning District Psychic Team, and a 3rd-level Psychic." The girl in a pink T-shirt sat directly on the bed, looking cute and girly.

"You're much calmer than I thought..."

As soon as the two sat down, they went straight to the point, briefly describing the demon game and psychics, the official and the evil organization.

Su Yi was quiet and didn't interrupt.

"So, now I have to choose whether to join your official?"

"For the official, there are only two ways for psychics like you who are randomly selected, the first is to be trained, and the second is to be supervised."

"Your resume has been verified by our official, and you can become our official psychic." Zhang Ning nodded.

"Our team is in great need of talents like you, please join us!" Xiaoli was a little excited for some reason.

"I hope the organization will train me!" Su Yi did not let Xiaoli's warm face go unappreciated. Without saying anything, he quickly expressed his attitude.


Xiaoli looked happy! Her long legs swayed on the bed.

Zhang Ning was stunned. She had not finished her words. She wanted to add some official preferential treatment and obligations.

"How about I talk about the obligations and dangers of joining the official team?" Zhang Ning still felt that it was necessary to explain clearly that joining the official team was no joke. Even if their team was really short of people, she didn't want anyone to join in a daze.

"No, no, I am willing to do anything to fight for the country and protect the people!"

"Are you sure?"

"I have no choice!" Su Yi was passionate.

"You will definitely become the backbone of our team!" Xiaoli smiled, but her eyebrows seemed to be anxiously sending some signals to Zhang Ning.

"Captain..." Xiaoli muttered, then turned to look at Su Yi and smiled.

"Here is a contract, take a look, if there is no problem..." Zhang Ning took out a contract from somewhere.

"I do! Long live the official!"

Although Su Yi felt a little strange, he still signed it without even looking at it.

Xiaoli was excited, while Zhang Ning was a little dazed by the unexpected success.

You should know that their Dongning District team is notoriously weak.

Every time they fail to sign the new players trained by the official.

It is rare for random candidates to appear, but after hearing about the weakness of their team, they all choose to join other regional teams to find better treatment and safer protection.

This time, before she finished her narration, an enthusiastic team member rushed over, making her a little confused.

"It's like this, I seem to be cursed... Can you help me and remove it?" Su Yi looked at Zhang Ning expectantly.


Seeing Zhang Ning and Xiao Li's puzzled expressions, Su Yi's enthusiastic face turned cold.

Didn't they say that the authorities had a lot of information? How come they hadn't heard of it either?

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