After the call, Zhou Yiqing immediately signaled Su Yi to leave.

Su Yi and Zhou Yiqing came to a hotel near the school and checked in.

Zhou Yiqing gave Su Yi a warning look: "Don't do anything."


The answer to Zhou Yiqing was the sound of a door closing.

Su Yi ignored her. He was tired of hearing the policewoman doubting him. He opened and closed the door in one go and entered his room, leaving Zhou Yiqing, who looked angry, at the door.

Su Yi lived in 611 on the 6th floor, while Zhou Yiqing lived next door in 612.

He had no time to deal with Zhou Yiqing as he was racing against time to write his diary.

At 6 pm, Su Yi finally lay on the sofa in the hotel room, writing furiously on his notebook.

Fortunately, after an enhanced version of amnesia today, there was no amnesia again.

I have to be fully prepared for the next amnesia.

Su Yi then left a lot of hints on his mobile phone, in the room, and in the layout, asking him to read the notebook. He believed that if it were him, he would definitely understand.

Without a sharp weapon, he removed the two balance iron rods on the small sofa and placed them on the coffee table in case of emergency.

The current situation is that the female police officer next door can't make Su Yi feel safe at all. Judging from today, it is very likely that X has special abilities.

It's not just about being able to protect.

A lot happened today, and Su Yi couldn't help but sort it out and think about it carefully.

He and Su Yuran went to the exhibition, and Luo Gufei was there, and he continued to commit serial murders.

What is he looking for? Wouldn't it be better to kill himself directly? Is he going to stop and find a scapegoat?

Judging from the current situation, his motive can only be to frame me, but is it really necessary to do so?

If he really stopped, and I was monitored, the serial killings stopped directly. This is really hard to defend, and my suspicion has reached the peak.

Su Yi clicked his tongue. If I was really locked up, then there would be no way to properly preserve my notebook inside. The only thing waiting for me was amnesia and exposure.

At that time, I would definitely be lost in this world.

Faced with such a situation, he could only resist arrest and find a chance to fight the killer.

This Luo Gufei is really scary. Why did he stare at me in the library? What is his special ability? Teleport? Killing people from a distance?

And the most important thing is, why did Liu Hong and others say that I lied again and again? I knew there was surveillance, so it was naturally the truth.

That can only mean what else I did when I lost my memory? But why did I have no memory. Could it be that I lost my memory twice in a row? This is the only explanation Su Yi can think of.

Many questions could not be analyzed due to insufficient information, and these questions were spinning in Su Yi's mind.

Because of the existence of amnesia, this game is difficult, and the long-term division is also tormenting the player's mind.

Just when Su Yi was still thinking, he suddenly felt sleepy.

Su Yi fell asleep before he could react.

"Hiss... Ha." Su Yi felt a little pain in his head, and finally woke up while touching his head.

"Huh, I didn't lose my memory?" Su Yi found it strange that he didn't lose his memory after waking up this time. It was dark outside the window. He took out his mobile phone and saw that it was still 2 o'clock in the middle of the night.

What happened?

"Dong! Dong! Dong!" Suddenly, there was a heavy knock on Su Yi's door. It was more like knocking on the door than slamming it.

What's going on! Su Yi woke up immediately and lost all his sleepiness.

Without time to think about it, he took the long flat iron rod on the coffee table and opened the window.

"Kacha!" The sound of the door being smashed became louder and louder. Su Yi could not look at the peephole, but stepped onto the window sill, ready to escape from the window at any time.

He waited for five or six seconds on purpose.

Zhou Yiqing could not have not heard such a loud noise, and there must be a lot of police officers around watching him, how could they not have discovered it yet.

There is only one answer, X's special ability.

No longer considering, [Genjin Yuqi], the power of Gengjin surged out instantly, and the iron rods in both hands emitted a trace of golden light.

Su Yi stepped on the window sill, and the iron rod was inserted into the wall with force. The other hand did the same. Su Yi used both hands to gain strength and climbed down step by step. When he reached a certain level, he quickly pulled the curtains a little and closed the window. He stopped and hid behind the wall, staring at the door carefully with one side eye.

He wanted to see if it was Luo Gufei who broke in.

"Ka!" The tip of an axe appeared on the door.

Su Yi's eyebrows jumped. What a guy, he came with heavy weapons.

"Clang!" The door finally broke into pieces with a loud noise.

In the dimly lit room, Su Yi saw the man holding the fire axe.

His face was fierce, and his narrow and slender eyes seemed to be glowing red! He was approaching Su Yi's bed step by step with an axe, as if Su Yi's bulging quilt would be cut in half the next moment.

This man was Luo Gufei!

It was him!

After Su Yi confirmed it, he made a decision almost instantly. With both hands exerting force, the iron rods in both hands pierced through the wall like golden swords, and went down several layers in succession.

He was not going to call Zhou Yiqing next door. With X's special ability, it would be useless to go there. He was not going to fight Luo Gufei head-on. Now the specific conditions for victory were unknown, and X's true strength was unknown. He was not going to fight X unless he had no choice.

Obviously, the sound of piercing the wall was loud, which would definitely attract Luo Gufei's attention.

[Gengjin Body]!

Su Yi's body was also full of Gengjin power.

Already on the third floor, he kicked his legs hard and jumped to a private car parked on the side of the ground.

With a sizzle, Su Yi fell, and the roof of the car instantly dented, but Su Yi was not injured at all.

The Gengjin spiritual energy covered his whole body, and his body was as hard as gold, showing it vividly.

Su Yi quickly put away his ability to operate, and he couldn't waste a single bit of Gengjin power now.

At this moment, Luo Gufei also broke the window, and his head stuck out, and saw Su Yi falling from the roof of the car under the street light.

After Su Yi landed, he knew that Luo Gufei had found him, and he didn't raise his head, and he was ready to run to the nearest police station without saying a word.

Fortunately, he didn't lose his memory. He had already prepared in advance and knew that the nearest police station was about 1 kilometer away from here.

There was no one around, and Su Yi also looked back at the hotel living room, which was glowing with a yellowish light. Similarly, even the front desk was empty.

But just as Su Yi was about to step onto the road, a resistance pushed Su Yi back. He tried again in another direction, and it was still the same, as if there was an invisible air wall, releasing huge resistance.

Su Yi used the [Gengjin Body] and stabbed forward with the iron rod blessed by the [Gengjin Yuqi], but he couldn't pierce the energy that blocked him.

"Test!" Su Yi couldn't help but curse.

He actually found that this place was like a barrier, and he couldn't step out of this ghost place.

Looking back, Luo Gufei had disappeared at the window.

Pressing step by step, Su Yi felt the invisible pressure.

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