The game was a big success, and the game was a big success.

"Devil Duel, Angry Dice!"

"Black VS Purple!"

"The rules are as follows: There are 12 rounds in total, and each player of each team needs to play 4 times."

"After playing, the players will be isolated and can no longer communicate with other players until the end of the round."

"Each round of the game will use a total of 5 angry dice, each team will get 1, and the remaining three will be thrown by the devil dealer."

"One of the teams will fix any of the three dice to remain unchanged. If only one is fixed, the remaining two will be divided. Don't give it to two teams."

"If two dice are fixed, the other one will be given to the other team."

"Each team has only one chance to fix three dice."

"After the player gets the assigned dice, he can decide the number of points to place, and then the devil dealer will reveal it at the same time."

"Finally, the dice points on the fixed table and the dice points assigned to the team will be used to fill in the devil duel column."

"Players must fill in the score number into the devil duel column each round. If there is no column to fill in, then 0 must be filled in."

[Black Team] 【Purple Team】

【1】 【 】【 】

【2】 【 】【 】

【3】 【 】【 】

【4】 【 】【 】

【5】 【 】【 】

【6】 【 】【 】

【Total】 【 】【 】

【Gourd】 【 】【 】

【Small Straight】【 】【 】

【Big Straight】【 】【 】

【4】 【 】【 】

【5】 【 】【 】

Su Yi looked up and found a huge electronic screen floating on the side of the table. It should be the Devil Duel column.

"The scoring algorithm is as follows."

"In the number columns [1] to [6], the score can be filled in with the sum of the corresponding numbers in the five dice on the final table."

"For example, if the final numbers are 1, 1, 1, 4, 6, then you can fill them in the [1] column, and the score is 1+1+1=3, and the score is 3."

"In the same way, 2, 2, 4, 5, 6 can be filled in the [2] column, and the score is 2+2=4, and the score is 4."

"In the sum column, the score can be filled in The total number of points on the 5 dice on the field. "

"The Gourd column, that is, 3 with 2, three dice with the same number of points and 2 dice with the same number, such as 2, 2, 2, 5, 5 is a Gourd. Once completed, fill in 20 for points. "

"The Small Straight column, 4 consecutive dice, such as 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, is a small straight. Note that the number between 6 and 1 can also be called a continuous number, such as 5, 6, 1, 2, 2 is also a small straight. Once completed, fill in 20 for points. "" Dasunzi bar, 5 continuous dice, such as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. , 2, 2, 2, 2, as long as you complete, the points are filled in 30. The players with the smallest scores. "" Please understand the rules, and choose the first round to participate in the players, and the game starts 10 minutes later. Apart from the ultimate luck, this game is a real psychological game.

One must consider the opponent's psychology when making decisions.

Su Yi looked at his teammates on both sides and found that their expressions became more serious after Yun Huang appeared.

Zhou Jinrui narrowed his eyes and glanced at Su Yi.

He had a bad feeling in his heart. He brought a sister who was a burden, and he didn't know whether the other teammate was really stupid or pretending to be stupid.

This round of psychological game met Yun Huang again, which was not good.

He was not afraid of Yun Huang, but his sister knew that no matter who she met, she was afraid that she would not get a good result in this round.

Now he could only play the game of Tian Ji and make sure his sister met Yun Huang.

And since

Zhou Jinrui and Su Yi will fight against the other two.

But now the more important thing is, who will go in the first round!

"How about I go first?" Su Yi's words interrupted Zhou Jinrui's thinking.

Zhou Jinrui and Wan Meiyun both looked at Su Yi.

"I'm lucky, I thought I'd go first to lay a foundation for us."

Zhou Jinrui's face changed, "It's not a matter of luck, do you understand the rules?"

"Well, I don't understand it yet, I'll know after playing." Su Yi replied normally.

Wan Meiyun also looked at Su Yi in front of him without saying anything. This person really doesn't know whether he is fake or not. If it's fake, what are you trying to do? If it's true, I dare not let you go first.

Su Yi saw Wan Meiyun looking at him and smiled at her. Wan Meiyun quickly looked away.

"I'll go." Zhou Jinrui heard Su Yi say this and immediately decided: "I'll go in the first round."

It's impossible for his sister to go first. Based on his understanding of her, his sister may not even understand the rules. If she doesn't watch a game, she won't be able to leave.

Putting aside this weird boy, then only he can go.

Su Yi smiled inwardly. He naturally said so on purpose. The player with the least points in the losing team needs to be eliminated in this round.

He also needs to see the situation clearly, because a person has only 4 chances to play. It's not a good thing to go first without preparation.

Moreover, in the game of psychological game, you need to see the opponent's psychology clearly and know what kind of person the opponent is. The more samples you get, the more thorough it is.

"The key point of this game is psychological game."

"This game, you should carefully figure it out and see how this game is played." Zhou Jinrui adjusted his suit and slowly stepped forward.

"Okay, come on." Su Yi nodded, but his eyes drifted to Wan Meiyun.

The opponent seemed to be very strong, so if they lost this round, they would have to eliminate Wan Meiyun. Unfortunately, the teammate he was trying to win over might be used as a scapegoat in this round.

Su Yi shook his head with regret.

"Hmm... Hmm." Wan Meiyun saw Su Yi staring at him with pity, and then shook his head. What does this mean?

Subconsciously, he distanced himself from Su Yi.

At this time, the announcement of the demon game sounded again.

"Please confirm the players for the first round."

Three photo images immediately appeared in front of the three people. After the three people confirmed Zhou Jinrui, the images suddenly floated into the air.

"Please ask the players for the first round to come to the corresponding positions, and the rest of the players should be pushed behind the red line."

Su Yi and Wan Meiyun did as they were told, and at the same time, they also met the man with glasses in a middle-parted Zhongshan suit and a strong man in a vest who retreated behind the red line together.

That means Zhou Jinrui will run into Yun Huang in the first round!

Photo images suddenly appeared on the demon duel bar!

It was Zhou Jinrui and Yun Huang!

"Devil Duel!"


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