After running out of the classroom, Su Yi heard footsteps getting closer, but he hadn't seen the guy yet.

He quickly turned a corner at the crossroads in front.

What if he was seen straight ahead?

Su Yi ran and panted and soon came to a place with a high floor. The semicircular stone arch stood like a sculpture.

The footsteps behind him were still there.

He went in directly and found that it seemed to be a church.

There was a statue of God on it, and some scattered stone flower clusters were on the side.

Opposite the statue was a row of benches, and then a door.

The strange thing was that this church had no windows at all.

Can you get out through this door?

Su Yi didn't have time to think about it. He didn't stop here, but walked through the stone archway to the opposite side and directly entered the opposite corridor.

The footsteps behind him continued to sound, and there were still pursuers. He was ready to turn back and take a closer look.

Su Yi went in one direction, twisting and turning.

Anyway, he was getting farther and farther away from the church.

The footsteps finally disappeared.

Su Yi was panting and recovering his energy.

He was not idle during the rest time.

He poured the kerosene from another kerosene lamp into his own lamp, and then stuffed the empty kerosene lamp into his pocket.

"Is it you?"

A voice suddenly sounded.

Su Yi suddenly heard a burst of heat in his ears.

His back stiffened.

Su Yi turned his head and saw a pretty face sticking out.

"Yun Huang?"

A terrorist attack! He almost confused himself.

Su Yi leaned against the corner of the intersection, ready to escape in multiple directions at any time. The light shone around, and it was pitch black. In a hurry to catch my breath and rest, I didn't notice Yun Huang hiding in the dark.

"Tell me what you found."

Su Yi saw the other survivors and asked directly without any extra words. Time is tight, and the light source represents time. Once the light source is lost, it is impossible to continue exploring.

Now it is not said that it is a duel between teams, it is more like falling into another copy.

"After falling, I woke up alone in the room, and then went out to look for clues. On the way, I heard the screams of men and women, and a heavy footstep."

"But I avoided it directly and found some dormitories and offices."

"According to some clues in the office, if I am not wrong, this should be an orphanage, and there are no clues for the rest."

Yun Huang didn't think too much and directly told what happened after she fell.

Su Yi nodded secretly. He also had this guess, but the clues were not enough.

Now all the clues are added up, this is a genuine orphanage.

"After I woke up, I immediately heard the footsteps of that guy, and then I saw a young man dismembered outside my door. There was no scream, so he must have died before being dismembered."

Su Yi also exchanged information openly.

"Then I walked along the corridor and saw two classrooms. They were small in size and seemed to be suitable for children in the orphanage. There were also some blurry group photos on the walls of the corridor, which should be photos of children and teachers in the orphanage."

"It is worth mentioning that I saw a pen writing on a notebook in the second classroom. After I opened the door, it suddenly stopped."

"The notebook is full of intelligence puzzles. It is writing a question from my first level game, Smile Bomb. Have you played it?"

Yun Huang shook her head, "My first level game is Sad Rubik's Cube."

"Rubik's Cube? I have seen this game in that notebook. All our games seem to be named after emotions, and there is also the Angry Dice in the second level."

Yun Huang nodded in approval, and Su Yi continued.

"Because the answer to our game was not filled in this notebook, I filled it in with a pen. After that, the whole notebook seemed to have gone back in time and turned into an old, blood-stained notebook."

"The last page seemed to be a person asking for help."

[Please! Find...]

"Unfortunately, the content was torn up, and then blood seeped out on the back cover, and it said [You!] [Don't think about escaping!]"

"After that, the footsteps of that guy were heard at the door, and it seemed that he had sensed what I did."

"Then I passed by and saw a church. There was indeed a door in the church, but I guess it must be impossible to open it."

"Finally, I ran into you."

Yun Huang thought for a moment and asked a


"All the rooms here have no windows, right?"

"That's right." Su Yi replied.

"So this is really a cage like the game prompts." Yun Huang exhaled like orchid.

Su Yi touched his nose, "Now this sentence [Please! Find...] is the only clue, so our goal should be to find something."

"Indeed." Yun Huang stood up from half squatting, and a long white leg was exposed in front of Su Yi at the slit of her cheongsam.

"You came just in time, my lamp is out of oil, we can only act together."


More people, more companions, that's right.

Su Yi also stood up and gestured to ask Yun Huang where she came from.

Let Yun Huang choose a new way, Su Yi led the way in front.

Tsk, two people are braver than one person, Su Yi opened the door of the room without any pressure.

It looks like an office as Yun Huang said.

"You can go to the drawer of the desk and look through it." Yun Huang reminded.

Su Yi opened a dusty drawer, which contained several yellow booklets.

After flipping through them, there were some names, and the numbers from 82 to 220 were filled in behind the names.

The further you flip to the end, the bigger the number of that person.

The person with the largest number was surnamed Xiao, and the name behind him was unclear, and the maximum number was 220.

And before him, there were 6 people with 199.

Is this a score?

"This value... should represent IQ." Su Yi thought for a moment.

"Most of the numbers are between 90 and 125. There are very few people above 125, and the IQ questions on the book just now and the games we participated in the first two rounds seem to have something to do with intelligence."

"In this case, the name of the value that meets the conditions for the time being should be IQ."

Yun Huang nodded, and glanced at Su Yi with her beautiful eyes. She didn't expect that this kid was quite smart and understood the meaning of the value at once.

Su Yi and Yun Huang searched around for a while, but found nothing, and were about to go to the next room.



A female voice screamed at a high pitch!

Broken the silence!

"Bang! Bang!"


The sound was nearby!

It would soon reach the door.

Su Yi and Yun Huang looked at each other and immediately hid in the closet in the office.

Su Yi did not turn off the light source. She knew that it would not be transmitted in the closet. Now the light source was very scarce. He only had one match left and did not dare to turn off the light blindly.

Su Yi pulled the wick shaft with one hand. If someone came in, he would turn it off in time to prevent exposure.


The door was broken!

Su Yi pulled his hand and quickly turned off the light. He clearly saw a ray of light from bright to dark through the crack of the closet door.

That should be the woman's lamp.

"" A weak female voice came.

Su Yi felt that the woman being chased must have been thrown into their room by the guy's attack.


"Bang! Ka!"

A huge chopping sound came from the cabinet door.

In the small cabinet and dark environment, Su Yi and Yun Huang held their breath at the same time.

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