The more you look at the bookshelf, the more you will see.

Su Yi understood the hidden meaning of the bookshelf on the right.

This implies "spy".

"Russian Love Letters" is the original work of the 007 series, and "The Bourne Identity" is the original work of "The Bourne Supremacy".

"The Mystery of the Beach" and "The 39 Steps" are also classic spy novels.

Originally, he didn't understand the meaning of the bookshelf on the left, but when he learned the meaning of "spy" on the bookshelf on the right, he understood.

The meaning of the left side is to indicate factions and camps.

Camps and factions generated by different opinions on the political side.

The core of Han Feizi is the Legalist school of thought that combines law, tactics and power based on monarchy, and the Confucianism of benevolence in governing the country also implies different ways, different paths and different camps.

In other words, this game has spies and is a confrontation between camps.

Su Yi understood, and all the unreasonable things gradually became reasonable.

The rules say that there are lucky people and unlucky people among us today.

"Each round, the devil will kill at least one player."

The so-called unlucky people in the rules actually refer to people who know nothing, while the lucky people are actually people who are assigned to be devils and already know their winning conditions.

The devil is hiding around us as a spy, and there is a high probability that there are more than one person, and the tasks of the two camps are different.

The task of the devil camp should be to kill all the other players in the devil's rock-paper-scissors game!

Why is there 10 minutes to eat pizza? That is the time left for the devil to poison!

And Xing Huo is the player who poisons the pizza - the devil, and the poisoning prop is the fork he uses.

"There are nine slices of pizza on the table, and one of them is poisoned by the devil." That's what the rules said at the time.

This demon was clearly a player present. When the pizza appeared, it was completely non-toxic.

That’s why Xing Huo ate a slice of pizza without hesitation and continued to poison it.

He coated the pizza with poison while picking it with a fork.

That’s how the incongruity that he felt was explained.

Why did Xing Huo pretend to be poisoned?

He didn’t pretend at all.

In order to leave no trace of poisoning and not be seen through, he also ate the pizza with a poisoned fork and was also poisoned, but because demons would not be killed by poison or the amount of poison was not enough.

He just endured the pain, but he didn’t actually die.

Su Yi rubbed his cheek with one hand.

Xing Huo was one of them, and Chen Hai and Jing Yu were probably demons as well.

Why were the two nervous and guilty when they first entered the game? I could detect it.

Now I have the answer, that is, because they drew the demon camp’s mission at the beginning, they felt nervous and unnatural.

Jing Yu made a mistake in the middle. After Xing Huo finished eating pizza, she actually reached out to eat the pizza immediately, but was stopped by lawyer Chen Hai.

Judging from Jing Yu's performance, she didn't have the courage to eat pizza in advance, unless she knew for sure that the pizza was not poisonous.

And Chen Hai also reminded her because he was afraid that she would be exposed.

Chen Hai actually concealed it well. First, he quickly adjusted his state after feeling guilty, and then acted out the tension of facing death after eating pizza, which was quite real.

But when Su Yi got the clue and knew that there was a demon camp, it was different.

Jing Yu and Chen Hai, these two people always stick together vaguely, and even after the game started, Jing Yu came to Chen Hai naturally.

That's why Su Yi determined that the two of them were probably demons.

Obviously everyone entered the game alone, why did the two maintain some consistency.

Just now, it was Jing Yu who spoke, Chen Hai laid the groundwork, and finally Xing Huo made the final decision.

This has led to the current situation where everyone is looking for clues.

Presumably, in addition to the good guys looking for clues, the demons are also looking for tools to commit crimes.

And it should not be easy for them to find props. They can't just do it casually and secretly.

Imagine that there are a few people looking around, rummaging through boxes and cabinets. Such a weird behavior will definitely attract everyone's attention.

So they had to instigate everyone to cover up their search and let everyone participate in the exploration.

After all, the good guys may not be able to find clues, and they really need tools to commit crimes to complete their tasks.

Otherwise, if the good guys survive to the end, they must lose.

Su Yi inferred so.

But the trouble now is that relying on surviving to

Is it really realistic to win in the end?

It must be unrealistic, because once you enter the devil rock-paper-scissors game, you will fall into the devil's killing methods. The good guys are too passive, and the right to kill is only in the hands of the devil.

So, what is the good guy's winning method? Su Yi pondered in his heart.

Reveal that he has found the identity of the bad guy?

No, that's not right.

Even if it is a real winning method, it cannot be made public now. I can't afford the risk.

If this can't stop the devil from hunting.

Then it will successfully alert the snake. Even if I already know the identities of the three people, it is still unknown whether there are other demons.

And if I don't win after I reveal their identities, it actually can't stop their demonic killing methods.

Then I will be the first to come out. The enemy is in the dark, and I am in the light.

As long as there is a way, I will definitely be killed first.

What's the point of winning if I die.

I can only try to make it public at that moment and gamble on my luck.

Su Yi's head hurts a little, and his brain is working fast.

Theoretically, demons are afraid of being discovered by good people, otherwise there is no need to disguise.

Why? They have to disguise!

What power do good people have to win?

Is it relying on a few bullets in their hands?

Kill? Find a gun and kill the demon?

Wouldn't it be against the rules to kill the demon?

Su Yi put away his thoughts and began to look at the others, and found that the others were still searching everywhere.

Only ten minutes had passed, and Xing Huo had already sat back on the sofa.

Chen Hai and Jing Yu were also looking for something in the picture frame next to the sofa.

Suddenly, he felt someone looking at him, and when he turned his head, he found that it was Chen Siyun's direction, but she was fiddling with the vase.

Didn't look at him, was it an illusion?

Chen Siyun, the person with the lowest sense of existence from the beginning to now, hardly said anything, but was unusually calm.

If there were still demons, she would also be a highly suspected object of Su Yi.

"Su Xiao, have you found anything?" Xie Keqing walked slowly to Su Yi's side and asked sweetly.

"No, do you think there will be any clues?" Su Yi smiled brightly in response, but pretended to be distressed in his words.

"I have found something!" Xie Yuqing put her slender index finger in front of her mouth and said something shocking.

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