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"The furnishings of this orphanage don't look that rich. Except for the church, the rest of the place is very simple."

"But from my starting point to here, I feel like I have run a long way, but I still haven't seen "You said you've been to this room before, so is it possible that this place has no boundaries at all and will continue forever?" "Because you said that the walls of the room are old and the furnishings have changed slightly, this It reminds me of my notebook, which is also getting old. It is possible that the classroom has changed throughout the time, and the time point is also changing. "

"Then this so-called cage is likely In the turbulence of time and space. "

Yun Huang also had this idea, but was still sorting it out, but Su Yi immediately summarized it completely, which made Yun Huang look sideways.

This person is indeed quick-witted, Yun Huang nodded She nodded in agreement with Su Yi's words, even though she had not taken the previous game seriously, which was why he won.

But Yun Huang had to admit that the man in front of her was indeed not simple.

"So this place itself doesn't have so many forks and rooms. That's why we haven't met anyone else for so long."

"They may be in other time and space turbulence, or even in the same room as us now. In the room, but at different times."

"Your summary is good." Yun Huang affirmed, "So our current goal is first to find as many clues as possible, and second to find the other person with the key as soon as possible, and advance on both fronts. . "

Su Yi nodded and asked: "My teammate and I each have a key, do you have one?"

"Yes, it's with me." Yun Huang took out the key from her waist, which was a purple key, and then she He took out his own box of matches, "There's only one left."

"Let's go." Su Yi took the matchbox without further ado, and explored the rest of the rooms with Yun Huang again.

Dormitory, classroom, warehouse...

One by one, they were After exploring for a while, they found nothing new. During this period, they met that guy again.

But after these few times, Su Yi also knew that this guy could not know their specific location.

As long as they hide secretly and don't make any noise, , you can basically avoid it.

Su Yi shook the light in his hand and estimated that it would only last about 10 minutes.

He just wanted to play the game in a bright environment and overcome the difficulties. He saw that his team got 2 keys and defeated a strong enemy. team.

Why did it suddenly become like this? Su Yi couldn't help but complain.

"Hush, there's movement." Yun Huang's white arms were across Su Yi's body.

Su Yi also stopped and protected the

Someone is moving? This shouldn't be that guy, but a player?

Su Yi and Yun Huang looked at each other. Su Yi put the light where it was, lowered his footsteps and walked with Yun Huang to the intersection. Sure enough, he found a faint light. .

After a while, I finally saw the face of the person coming. The black-haired man from the red team?

It was the captain of the red team who had gone through the first level with me.

"Here." Su Yi called softly.

The black-haired man looked Sheng suddenly looked alert.

"Red team, we're on the same team, Smile Bomb."

Hearing the color of his team and the name of the first game, Hei Changzhi felt relieved and walked forward to check.

Yun Huang walked straight ahead, while Su Yi turned back and The lights are on.

"Let's share some news." Yun Huang said.

The man with long black hair didn't speak until he saw Su Yi coming out of the darkness, then he nodded.

"I'm the red team. After losing the first game, The second game was called Draw of Fear. They played against the Green and Blue teams, which were also the teams that failed in the first round, and they only had two players. "

"But this time it was different. If they failed, they would be killed. The members were wiped out, so in the end we won, and the green and blue teams were completely wiped out. "The black man started from the beginning, and took out the red key from his hot pants.

"Then I fell here. Before I met you, I met a monster dragging an axe and a chain, covered in blood. I hid and he didn't see me."

"Then I found the little girl in the dormitory The diary, but only half of it, she said that her brother disappeared after he took some exam... Specifically..."

"No need, we have read this diary." Yun Huang interrupted.

"The diary you read is better than Ours is earlier, and our diary is more complete, but this also shows that our diary may not be finished, and there may be more

Follow-up. "

"But the diary you read can further confirm our previous speculation. The space and time we are in are uncertain and changing at any time. We must also pay attention to staying together and not getting separated."

After a brief exchange, Su Yi and Hei Changzhi exchanged information.

Hei Changzhi looked at Su Yi in surprise and nodded. He didn't expect that these two people had already understood the nature of this place and knew a lot of useful information..

"My name is Liu Nuan."

"Su Yi."

"Yun Huang. "

After the three exchanged names, Liu Nuan obviously heard of Yun Huang, and her expression was slightly alert, and she also showed an expression of surprise.

She seemed to think that she could reason out everything because of Yun Huang.

Liu Nuan nodded secretly in her heart, maybe it was a good thing to meet Yun Huang.

Su Yi was also secretly calculating. With Liu Nuan, they now have 3 keys, plus Zhou Jinrui's one, there are at least 2 left.

"If I count according to the nine teams of red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple, black and white, in the first round, every three teams will face off, and there will be three winners, so there are three keys."

"In the second round, Yun Huang and I will face off, and there will be another key, so the other winner will be counted as a bye."

"Then there are the teams that failed in the first round, Liu Nuan, the red, green and blue duel you mentioned, then according to this logic, the other three failed teams will also be automatically matched, yellow, orange and blue, and only one team can survive. "

"If we analyze it in the same way for the time being, there are only 5 teams left in the cage, 2 people from your red team, 2 people from either the yellow, orange or blue team, 2 people from Yunhuang's purple team, 3 people from our black team, and then 3 people from the white team. A total of 12 people, 6 keys."

Liu Nuan was shocked. Their team beat Yunhuang?

"We can speculate so for the time being." Liu Nuan continued.

"But there were two dead people just now, not the purple, yellow and orange from Yunhuang's side, and you said they were not the red, green and blue from your side. They were not our black and the blue that I had seen. So the two dead people were from the white team?"

"And they didn't have any keys on them."

Yunhuang and Liu Nuan were silent.

"We can only think so for the time being. "Yun Huang nodded.

Liu Nuan also became interested in the young man who sorted out the information.

"I suddenly thought of..."

Su Yi's speech made Yun Huang and Liu Nuan focus their attention on him.

"Since we are in turbulence at different times, then the monster is also in turbulence, and the walls and objects will change, so... will he change differently due to different times!"

"For example, more sensitive, faster speed, more brutal personality!"

Yun Huang and Liu Nuan were shocked, and before they could react.

They heard a roar from afar!

Like a human or an animal!

Yun Huang and Liu Nuan took a starting position, and they couldn't help but secretly said in their hearts,


Crow! Crow! Mouth!

The three of them tapped their toes at the same time, and ran in the opposite direction as quietly as possible.

"Boom! Boom! Hiss! "The heavy footsteps were like war drums, and the harsh metal sounds were like the clash of swords on the battlefield.

Su Yi had a black line on his forehead.


The good ones didn't work, but the bad ones did!


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