The child climbed up to play on the statue, and that’s why the statue moved. The child’s weight definitely won’t cause the statue to move.”

“As long as the statue hasn’t been changed and the diary is true, there is only one reason why the statue moved, and that’s the mechanism on it.”

Zhou Jinrui’s eyes lit up.

But before he could go up, Liu Nuan got there first.

“I’ll go up and take a look.” Liu Nuan heard that it made sense, and immediately climbed through the gap in the sculpture. In a few seconds, with her beautiful figure and agile body, she reached the statue’s arm.

Liu Nuan looked back and forth on the left and right arms.

“How is it?” Yao Sisi asked.

“It’s not very obvious.” Liu Nuan replied.

"I'll go to the top and take a look."

As soon as he finished speaking, Su Yi secretly said that it was not good, because he heard the unpleasant sound again.

"Bang! Crackle! Hiss!"

The sound gradually sounded, but it was not that close.

"Oh no, the monster is coming!" Wan Meiyun exclaimed softly.

Everyone began to get nervous, frowning. Now that they finally found the church, they had to start running again...

This lamp oil may not be enough!

"Wait a minute. It won't work for a while. Let's go together. Don't get separated. The keys must be together." Zhou Jinrui said hurriedly.

After speaking, he also dodged and climbed up the arm of the statue to investigate.

Within 5 or 6 seconds, the monster's movements became louder and louder. It was estimated that it would reach the church soon.

The people under the statue also stared at the source of the sound nervously.

"Got it!" Liu Nuan said.

It seemed that she was pressing something, and the statue began to shake violently, and the frequency was getting faster and faster.

Zhou Jinrui had already come down first.


It sounded like the sound of gears closing, and the statue suddenly moved away automatically, revealing the underground cave below, which was pitch black.

"Hurry!" Zhou Jinrui said hurriedly.

If we come to the church again, there will be basically no light source!

No time to hesitate! Even if there is really a dead end inside, we have to fight!

Wan Meiyun took the lead and dragged Su Yi into the cave entrance first, and Su Su also entered the cave entrance second with the lamp at Zhou Jinrui's signal.

"Hurry, there is no time to waste." Zhou Jinrui seemed to be ready to take the lamp and pad at the end.

Everyone entered in a line, and their pace did not stop, gradually speeding up.

They immediately caught up with Su Yi and others, and passed the stairs.

It was indeed a basement, and it was very large, and the layout was very similar to the first floor.

There was no extra investigation, and the eight people ran at full speed.

There was no time to experience the smooth touch of his arm. Su Yi knew that if he was chased, he would definitely die.

With the support of Wan Meiyun, although he was still at the end, he did save a lot of effort.

After running for a while, the voice behind him had disappeared for a while.

Su Yi was panting heavily.

"How is it!" As soon as he stopped, Wan Meiyun raised her little head arrogantly.

"What was you doing just now! I really don't understand some people, who act like they are worth two and a half million. I really want her to show some ability. She is stingy and still blames other people who put forward ideas."

"Tsk, I'm really impressed."

Yao Sisi's face turned black and he stopped talking. Although he hated the three people in the black team, Su Yi did advance the dungeon, regardless of whether he was a blind cat that met a dead mouse.

Zheng Xiazi knew that he was in the wrong, so he kept silent.

Liu Nuan's face eased, and he nodded to Su Yi to apologize.

Su Yi's mentality has always been stable, without much ups and downs, and no emotions.

He is not a person who can remain silent when being looked down upon.

If it were in reality, they would have already started a verbal battle.

Let them see what it means to debate with a group of scholars and talk big, and spit on them until their faces are covered with foam.

But... this is a devil's game.

He knew very well that emotions could not be mixed in the devil's game, so he just treated these nagging people as pigs and dogs.

And after all, this game is still in the stage of teamwork, it is not suitable to break up with them, and the key is in the hands of everyone in each team, and none of them can be missing.

"Okay, stop making trouble." Zhou Jinrui said.

Yun Huang took over the conversation: "While there is still light, look for clues and lamp oil first."

"Is this a laboratory?" Su Su's voice suddenly came.

There seemed to be a lot of bottles and jars in the door she opened.

Su Yi also walked in.

It turned out to be a laboratory.

The room had a fishy smell.

The cabinet was full of beakers,

Test tubes, medicine.

There seemed to be some kind of experiment going on on the table, with many glass tubes winding around.

There were a lot of sundries piled up in one corner.

"Ah!" Wan Meiyun lifted a piece of white cloth and exclaimed.

Su Yi looked closely and found that there were iron cages inside, and the cages were full of dead mice. This was the source of the fishy smell.

"Here is a booklet." Su Su said again.

Su Yi hurried over. He didn't want these people to relay some missing text information to him again.

[7.24, record, failed. ]

[7.25, record, failed. ]


[8.26, record, finally! Success! This is it! It can create a new God! ! ]

[8.27, record, plan! It's started, I can't wait to witness the coming of God. ]


[9.26, record, why! Why! Still failed! Why on earth! 】


[10.25, record, damn, even with this level of brain development, it still failed! ]


[11.11, record, it will work this time! Tomorrow, everything depends on tomorrow! ]

[11.12, record, failed! Failed! Failed! My most satisfying masterpiece still failed! Is human intervention not possible? ! ]


[11.20, record, I can only rely on her, the last time! The last hope! The last time! Must... succeed! ]

[11.21, record, success! Success! The new god is about to come to the world! ]


[12.10, record, awakened! She is the new god! Tomorrow... Tomorrow your millions of believers will come to worship you! My new god! ]


[No, oh no, why! ……]

[Hahaha! Yes! That's it! Kill... Ahahahahahaha...]

The notes stop here. Did the dean write this?

Su Yi pondered, as if he was doing some experiment.

It can be basically determined that he was doing experiments on the children in the orphanage. In the middle, he mentioned brain development. The dean tried to transform them.

Let them become new gods.

"So the person who recorded the experiment might be the dean. He was creating a god, but he created that monster." Zhou Jinrui analyzed.

"Since we have completed the goal of the first stage and come to the basement. Then our current goal is to continue looking for clues and understand what he wants us to find!" Yun Huang glanced at Su Yi.

"This is the key to breaking the deadlock."

"Because we don't know if there is still turbulence, we still can't separate, and we can't explore different rooms. According to what I encountered, we may encounter turbulence in a room, which will cause us to disperse." Su Yi also reminded.

He thought that when he was in the classroom, he must have entered the turbulence, so the notebook in the classroom changed, and the monster appeared so suddenly.

Everyone knew that this was indeed the case and prepared to leave for the other rooms underground.


a cold voice came.

It made everyone present shudder.

"Are you looking for me?"

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