As soon as Li Na walked out of Sato's house carrying Pang Meimei on her back, she was stopped by three men.

"A good dog stays out of the way."

The three men didn't say anything, they just waved their fists and hit Li Na.

"Paper painting!"

Li Na's body was like a piece of light white paper. She dodged left and right under the opponent's attack, raising her feet to fight back from time to time.

Within a moment, the three people were kicked away by Li Na one by one.

The three stood up with surprise on their faces..

They looked at each other, and at the same time they took something out of their pockets and put it into their mouths.

Then the three of them suddenly grew in size and turned into minotaurs like Hashimoto Jiro.

"Are you products produced by some tauren assembly line? Why are they all exactly the same?"

After the transformation, the three tauren rushed towards Li Na again.

Li Na frowned, used skillful force to send Pang Meimei to a corner, and stepped forward to meet the enemy alone.

After the transformation, the three tauren came up with more than just strength. , and the speed was faster.

The punches came one after another, and Li Na turned her head to avoid them.

But even if the punch didn't hit Li Na directly, the wind still hurt Li Na. She couldn't go on like this.

Blocked a tauren's fist again, and used the force to retreat more than ten meters.

"Life is returned!"

Li Na took a deep breath and released all the energy she had gained and stored from food these days.

Speaking of which, this paper painting and the return of life were learned from Luffy's grandfather, Garp.

Back then, she solved the fish that wanted to occupy her hometown. Aaron went to Windmill Village to find Luffy, hoping to contact Garp through him so that he could learn domineering from him.

When Garp saw her, he did agree to take her in, but the bad old man abandoned himself and Luffy. He went to the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts and taught her two moves of the Sixth Form of the Navy before leaving.

Before leaving, he said that Li Na was still young and it was too early to learn Haki before he took her back to the naval base. Teach other things.

Later, Li Na and Luffy survived in the wilderness for two and a half years and learned the Sixth Marine Style. The paper painting and life return are also the most useful among the Sixth Marine Style.

Sex, combined with the power of knowledge and color, can achieve the effect of passing through thousands of flowers and leaving the body alone.

The latter can save the excess energy in the food in the body and release it instantly when needed.

Not only that, but the return of life can also improve. He controlled all parts of his body and used the least amount of energy to unleash the strongest power.

The three tauren caught up with Li Na again, but this time, Li Na no longer dodged, but clenched her fists to confront

Li Na. The tauren had a sarcastic look on his face.

His fist was as big as a casserole.

This woman must have been so frightened that she dared to take his fist head on

, with the corners of her mouth raised. He smiled and used 100% of his strength on his right hand.

He waited to see the pained expression on the woman in front of him.

He was confident that with this punch, the woman's hand would be shattered, but he didn't hear Li Na's scream. Yelling. The moment the fists collided, a sharp pain came through him.

Before he could react, his right hand fell limply and hit the Minotaur's left arm with another whip..

There was a crisp sound, and his other hand was broken.

Li Na followed suit, and the other two tauren quickly followed suit.

They looked at Li Na's thin body in horror and thought. They didn't understand how such a small body could exert such power.

But it was too late. Li

Na found a stick somewhere and broke their leg bones.

I can only lie on the ground and keep begging for mercy.

"I ask, you answer. If you answer yes, I can let you live. Li Na said condescendingly

"You say"

"The first question is, what happened to your transformation?"

"This...this cannot be said."A tauren looked troubled.

"oh? Is it because you have bombs in your body?"

"how do you know?"The Tauren were surprised.

Li Na nodded:"We just can't mention David An's research. Then let me ask in another way. If what I say is correct, you will remain silent."

"Does the David An Research Institute have the technology to transform people into minotaurs?"


"Have you all had body modifications?"


"Is the medicine you took before your transformation the key to your transformation?"


"Okay, I understand all these things. Now let’s talk about your Sato family. This won't cause an explosion, right?"



"No, no, no, no. you ask"

"What is the relationship between the Sato family and Davidson Company?"

"Our family provides financial support and they provide us with their technological achievements."

"Are many people in your Sato family involved in body modification?"

"There must have been five or six, but we were the only three who survived."

"Gee, it seems this technology still needs improvement. Then why are you so anxious to get Satodai married today?"

"Because Satodai passed the physical examination and met the conditions for transformation. But before that, he must get married and leave offspring"

"oh? Will I not be able to have children after undergoing transformation?"

"Because...the species will change after transformation, and there will be reproductive isolation"

"That's probably not the reason."

Li Na glanced at the lower bodies of the three minotaurs. The three minotaurs clamped their thighs in unison.

The quality of their clothes and pants was better than Jiro Hashimoto's, and they didn't burst even after the transformation.

Maybe it was because they were specialized in Clothing used for transformation. So even if the body expanded, the clothes were only a little tight.

But because of this, Li Na also noticed that there was nothing under their tights.

"It seems that this body modification has removed all your male characteristics.

The faces of the three tauren turned red:"We are combatants, and we should not leave obvious weaknesses." This is nothing more than a trivial sacrifice for the glory of the family. Li Na didn't stay on this issue for too long and continued to the next question:"So you all have wives and children?""


"Then your wife is really pitiful, she became a widow at such a young age. Aren't you afraid that they will cheat on you? Wait a minute, is your image of the tauren more than just a biological aspect?"


Li Na suddenly had a bad premonition:"As the daughter-in-law of your Sato family, wouldn't she be asking for a son from her mother?"

There was murderous intent in her tone again.

"That wouldn't be the case. Anyone who can give birth to the blood of the Sato family is a great contributor. It's's not easy for babies to grow up, and they sometimes die in the process. There are also many members of the tribe who have no descendants. just in case……"

The Tauren hadn't finished speaking, but Li Na had already understood what they meant:"Haha, your big family is really eye-opening."

The Tauren were speechless.

""Okay, I know what I need to know. You probably can't tell me more. Let's go. You just wait here for the police."

As soon as the voice fell, the sound of police sirens came from not far away.

Li Na used her domineering power to shatter the bones of the three minotaurs' limbs, ensuring that no doctor with the most advanced medical skills could restore them.

Li Na turned around and walked to Pang Meimei, ready to pick her up and leave.

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