Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 994: Abyssal soul variant

The Black Deaths walked all the way, and they did not realize that the three companions in the end disappeared silently, and then reappeared silently.

The natural alternative is Chen Rui and others. Chen Rui has a camouflage of any change. Lola is more proficient in deformation, adding a deformation to Pagliu, and even the cloak does not need to be replaced. As for the loss, this is the true ability of the handsome and handsome, not to mention. However, being greedy and fearing death is also the property of a real handsome man, so the lost is not the fourth "black slain", but has become a sword, appearing in the hands of the hostess - the amoeba is clearly Feeling the power of the hostess after the promotion, it seems to be safer than the owner.

The three followed the team and walked forward. The road was a path of bones and bones. The Black Deathers seemed to be used to it. With Chen Rui’s understanding of the mysterious church, these black dead should be the most loyal and fanatical core members. The hands are full of blood.

After walking through a few depressing corpse passages, the space in front is suddenly open. This is a huge place, just like a huge hall, just like a few track and field. Because the space is too large, the light is not particularly strong. It can be seen in the distant cave-style buildings, like murals, and some elevators and other equipment.

This should be the magnificent underground world carved by the cave dwarves, that is, the real Jinhui Palace.

However, the current Jinhuidi Palace has become a veritable **** on earth.

The corpse on the ground has been paved to the front, but it is no longer a tile, but a strangely shaped bone tower. These bone towers are arranged according to special rules, emitting a strong sense of death and destruction.

That way of arranging should be some kind of magical array. It can greatly enhance the atmosphere of death and destruction, and go further. The more intense the breath. There seems to be some unfinished bone towers. Many black deaths are being poured and built with a special tool. The materials are naturally a large number of bones. The death time of many bodies is obviously not too long.

Chen Rui also found a space device similar to the transmission array. It seems that the Black Deathrs traveled to and from the main altar through the space door and transported the body.

The central location of the condensed atmosphere of the bone tower group is a huge building, about three stories high, more accurately. It is a grand altar.

There is no special bone or blood in the scope of the altar, but the evil atmosphere is even more terrible. Even Chen Rui and others are secretly guilty, especially the "sword" in the hands of Lola, scared slightly.

The team stopped and the golden mask of the black death marched to the front of a bone tower near the altar. He said to a black robe: "Chong Daren, we did not find the invaders."

The red man wore a dark golden mask and wore a robes with gold silk. On the steps of the altar in the distance, there are two dark golden masks of the same costume. These masks and robes are the middle and high-level "destructive messengers" of the mysterious church guardians.

The guardian of the mysterious church is equivalent to the thug of the Guangming Church Referee. The level is from the high to the great destroyer, the destroyer, the great guardian, the guardian, and the guardian. At that time, Shura’s strength was the peak of the Emperor. Being sealed as a great guardian, it can be seen that the higher level of destruction messenger should be super power.

In the eyes of Chen Rui’s analysis, relevant information about this “red man” has appeared. Race is human, and there is a note behind it. Soul variant. The comprehensive strength assessment has reached ss, which is the strength of the middle of the country. Among the analyzed attributes, the “soul of blood sacrifice”, which seems to be unexpected, seems to be a super-powerful human being eroded by the power of the abyss.

“Is there any discovery?” Chida people glimpsed. “My sensory talent has been integrated with the protection of the entire altar. It is impossible to make mistakes. Is this intruder strong and quietly hiding?”

"You are wrong, red." A low voice came from the top of the altar. A figure appeared in the line of sight. This is a cloak man in a red robe with a blood-red mask on his face.

The red mask can only be worn by the "civilian" above the Archbishop. The blood red mask on the forehead of this figure has a golden diamond-shaped crystal, which means that the identity is not simple - second only to the Pope's Patriarch!

"Thomas sire!" Chi Yao is far away.

Thomas’s gaze fell on the location of Chen Rui and others: “The enemy is not hiding, but the people who follow us are coming in!”

When the words came out, the Black Deaths surrounded them, and the light of the altar flashed. The team of the black dead who came in suddenly had a faint **** light. Only Chen Rui and others had nothing. .

This identity was immediately exposed, Chen Rui and others were no longer hidden, and immediately restored their original appearance, the surrounding black deaths have rushed.

Chen Rui’s foot, the huge force that contained the peak of the country spread, with the three people as the center, the black deaths within a few tens of meters were wiped out. These people are all sinful and sinful, and absolutely dead, so Chen Rui did not care.

Chen Rui noticed that although he included the strength of the national power, although the ordinary black deaths were eliminated, the spread of power was smaller than expected, and the ground trembling did not tremble. The nearby bone towers were also the same. Not affected.

It seems that the altar and those bone towers are strange, and the entire palace is like a solid whole. The ordinary power cannot be shaken at all.

This is the case, the peak of the national sentiment of this blow is enough to make the red rivals, and immediately greet the other two destroyers: "Blood Eagle! Flying Dragon!"

Black Deaths generally do not use real names, mostly pseudonyms or code names, including the mysterious Patriarch "Thomas."

The three ruined messengers instantly surrounded the three-person Chen Rui, and Lola's fingertips showed a soft light, condensed into a small ball of light, and the ball of light slammed open.

At the same time, there were three bodies of the destroying messengers. The blood was shining, the body was torn apart, and scattered on the ground. This scene surprised Thomas on the altar. The destruction of the three kingdoms was actually spiked. Now!

That woman... at least half-god strength!

Thomas did not dare to neglect. The language of the abyss quickly whispered in the mouth, and the bodies of the Black Death in the underground palace burst. Blood falls into the ground and is absorbed by the nearby bone tower. The bone tower exudes a strange embarrassment, faintly revealing blood. At the same time, Chen Rui and others felt a special kind of depression. It seemed that there was something heavy in his heart. The operation of strength became more and more difficult, and even breathing seemed a bit difficult.

Lola waved at Thomas, and there was a translucent crack around the altar, as if a special protective wall had been damaged.

Rolla immediately increased the output of the power, and the crack spread quickly, and it was about to collapse. It was at this time. The altar rose from a pillar. At the top of the column is a translucent dome. There is a yellow light in the dome. As soon as this column appears, the protective force is firmly stabilized, and it is impossible for the roller to destroy the altar's defense.

"The origin of the earth system..." Lola stared at the object in the dome and began to test the structure of this defensive force: "The origin of the earth!"

Chen Rui’s eyes are bright, that is the original source debris that the earth element king Moore needs most!

"No matter who you are. Dare to break into here, it is a dead end!" Although Thomas was amazed at the strength and knowledge of Lola, he did not hesitate or fear, and the abyss of the mouth began to recite again. The blood color of the bone tower is thicker, and the whole main altar shines with the brilliance of the red, and the feeling of depression in the hearts of the people is stronger.

Under the horror of horror. The bodies of the three destroying messengers who were just killed by Rolla began to automatically piece together.

Chen Rui instinctively gave birth to an ominous omen, and immediately hand-shaped knife type. Hundreds of sharp knives of the Yuan knives instantly flew toward the three destroyers, but this sharp gas that was enough to cut the metal hit the body of the destroying messenger. It disappeared without a trace, as if flying to another space, and the virulence attack that Pagliu subsequently showed was the same.

Then, the body of the destroying messenger burned a red **** flame, and the flames merged into a fairy flower shape, which was then not found in the body.

The corpse began to swell, the cloak masks blew, the muscle textures were terrible, the roots spurted out, and the palms mutated into sharp claws. Soon, three tall, sly red-red monsters Appeared in the eyes of Chen Rui and others.

Race: Abyssal Soul (2 hours and 59 minutes remaining)

Comprehensive strength assessment: sss

Physique sss, strength sss+, spiritual sss-, speed sss-.

Analysis: dominate the will, strength, self-healing, and deepen the damage.

Danger level: Extremely dangerous!

Semi-god! And the power has reached the peak of the semi-god! Although there is a time limit for this transformation, it is estimated that the time will be completely dissipated as soon as it arrives, but the time is three hours! If one's strength is weak, it will be torn in three seconds.

Chen Rui was secretly scared, did not expect the main altar to create such a terrible monster!

After the formation of the monster, the blood of the main altar disappeared, and the blood color of the bone tower became thinner. The feeling of depression in the hearts of the people was slightly reduced. It seems that the power of the reserve was exhausted by most of the time - the original change was not without cost. It will consume the equivalent "energy" of the entire altar.

Chen Rui thought about the electric turn - the battle environment here is very unfavorable to his side It is difficult to play the strongest combat power, the power consumption will be doubled, in order to face these three monsters with the will to face I am afraid that it is quite difficult. The most troublesome thing is that the power of the main altar is extremely strange. There is the Bishop of Thomas, and I don't know if I will make more monsters.

It is the most crucial place to directly destroy the main altar and capture the fragments of the origin of the earth.

"I have a way to unlock the protection of this native source! But it takes time! And those bone towers are the key! Destroy them first!" Rolla, who has been testing the protective power of the altar in front, has opened.

"Good! Give these three monsters to me! Paglieu goes to destroy those bone towers! Lost and Lola try to destroy the main altar!"

Chen Rui only had time to say this, the three monsters have already rushed in the terrible roar.

The next second, the reddish starlight shrouded the three terrible abyssal souls. (To be continued.)

Ps: Last night, I added a chapter that was too late. There are a lot of things on Monday. I can hardly go home, my eyes are heavy, and it’s hard to finish. Let’s support it. .

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