Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1001: Attack on Shura

Chen Rui went to the Walan Fortress smoothly and went to the land of the earth through the portal.

As a benefactor and friend of the earth element, and also the best friend of the earth element king Moore, Chen Rui has been warmly welcomed by the earth element people. Alice once came to see it once, and it seems to be generous and comfortable. Since having a close kiss with Chen Rui in the rainy jungle, this loli has already become a formal fiancee.

Chen Rui and Moore hugged a bit and took out the debris of today's "main dish", which was taken from the storage warehouse. The earth element king immediately sensed the most essential earth element connected with the soul. The power of the eye, the incredible light in the eyes, then unbelievable into a surprise.

Originally only a dark yellow crystalline multi-variant, once in the hands of Moore became a strange mask. Moore put the mask on his face and gradually merged into one. The original "spirit" of the "stone" has turned into a face that looks like a real human flesh and blood.

From a distance, Moore is like a human body wearing a stone armor.

"The beginning of the soil, the fragment of the land, the face of Tuhua," finally returned to my hands, any words can not express my gratitude, my friend." Moore's smile is much clearer than before, the only constant is that kind sincere.

"Between the real friends, there is no need for extra thanks." Chen Rui smiled slightly. "It is very surprising to say that this time, the source of the origin of the soil was actually the fire element king Ogmarton, he originally The terms of the exchange with my agreement have also been abandoned. Ogmarton is your call to the old-fashioned elemental king, Setin..."

Moore glimpsed, his face passed the amazing color. It seems to have thought of something, the voice calmed down: "I want to know the real reason."

"In fact. I also want to know," Chen Rui shrugged. "After the Light Three Kings saw Rolla, they made this decision that made me understand."


Moore's eyes squinted slightly, revealing the shape of thinking. The meticulous expression made Chen Rui, who used to look at his former stone face, feel a little unaccustomed. Now he promoted Luo La to the demigod and the island of the storm and the three kings of light. The matter is simply said again.

Moore was surprised by the fact that Rolla was so fast to advance to the demigod, but the most surprising thing was the other thing: "Lola got the crown of the gods? I understand..."

"Do you understand?" Chen Rui asked curiously, he never thought about it. Why the Three Kings of Light will look at Lola in such a different way, even in order to get rid of the dangers of the next elemental war, and to give the news of the origin of the debris to his dead friend.

"I am very sorry, for some reason, I can't tell you for the time being." Moore showed a sigh of relief.

"You don't have to apologize, I understand." The answer is actually in Chen Rui's expectation. Moore and his friendship are different from the three kings of light. Moore said that he can't tell him for a while, then the "limitation" must be different.

"Actually. I just hope that Rolla will not encounter any accidental danger."

"In the future, she may have a powerful power beyond imagination, but it also means taking on a heavier responsibility." Moore's words are exactly the same as the Guangming Sanjun.

"Whatever it is, I will face it with her." Chen Rui's voice is not big. But there is unquestionable firmness.

Aside's big eyes flickered and flashed, only to feel that this man exudes a special charm, nothing to do with appearance. It is imposing and temperament.

(Suddenly envious of Lola, I also envy Athena and my sister...)

(Fortunately. The princess got him with a kiss, the amount. At least half of it.)

"If possible, please try to find the source of the fire, this will be the hope of all elements."

Although Chen Rui was curious about what happened to the six elements of the shards, but did not ask, just nodded: "Reassured, this is my commitment to the king of fire elements. Right... Can you give me some earth elements? Source, I want to transform one thing and enhance its power. Now I have gained the power of light, fire and wind."

Moore sighed: "Is it the ‘polar annihilation’ of the six elements?”

"Yes, I have got this architecture from the wind element king," Chen Rui shrugged. "You won't be angry. He is your dead end."

"In fact, in essence, there is no real opposition between the elements, you will understand later. Since you have got the structure of 'polar annihilation', then you should know its danger, I will not be embarrassed. You Just stay here for a while, I will contact Hegel and Lambert as soon as possible to let them come to the land of the earth. One is to tell them the news of the birth of the crown of the gods, and the second is to help you get together. Six elements of source."

Alice's big eyes are brighter, and staying here for a while is equal to being able to spend a lot of days with my brother alone, and the kiss "game"...

Thinking of this, Lori's face could not be turned into a red apple.

At the same time, in another sunny world.

Unlike the bright sunshine outside, this huge platform in a valley is shrouded in a dark and **** atmosphere.

In the distance of the platform is a group of mysterious people wearing cloaks and masks. The two mysterious people sitting in them are wearing red cloaks, and the masks on their faces are also deep red, which is obviously the head of everyone. In the core area, there are dark gold masks, blood red masks, red masks and cloaks wearing corresponding gold rims and red robes. The rest of the cloaks are mostly black robes and golden masks.

Everyone's eyes fell on the two figures in the platform. They were two cloaks wearing pale gold masks. They were fighting fiercely. Despite the amazing momentum, the platform was only slightly vibrating, and there was no power spillover. Obviously it is a strong enchantment protection.

"Kulchi, what do you think of these two people?" The cloak of the crimson mask asked one side. This action seems random, except for a few people around. I can't hear the conversation around.

"Rotes," Kurchi is another cloak man in a red robe mask. "I said it early in the morning. I am optimistic about Rayon. His strength is the first in the destruction of the messengers."

"You are only afraid to look away this time." Roths shook his head: "I am optimistic about Shura, he will replace Leilong as the first destroyer and obtain the highest master altar guardian qualification."

"I admit that Shura is really not simple. The super-level strength has always been forbearing. It was only until the last time when the East District was surrounded by the Bright Church that the real power was revealed and the two wings of the church were killed. The Archbishop Solanie was rescued. Although the origin of the person is unknown, the hatred and hatred of the church is unquestionable, and it has a rather amazing destructive physique. It is reasonable to be promoted to the ruin. But it is exaggerated to say that he can defeat the brontosaurus. The country's strong, combat skills and experience are extremely rich, only one step away from the demigod, although Shura is the leader of the new middle, not his opponent."

Roth thought for a moment. Open to the side: "Klushvit, you pay attention to the battle, although the battle is regardless of life and death, but these two are the elite of the church. Try not to let them have casualties."

"Understood." A dark golden mask next to him, the great ruined messenger of the red robes stood up.

"In recent times, the church has suffered heavy losses, whether it is personnel or strongholds." Kurchi's voice seemed very dignified. "Especially fearing the main altar. The power of fear is greatly weakened. This is almost an irreparable loss."

Roths first said: "Culchi. What do you think of the magic game made by the dragon?"

"It's quite a wonderful thing. It's a self-righteous superior factor everywhere, but it's a good thing to practice. Unfortunately, our strength can't be profitable in it. It can only be viewed as a viewer and can't enter the copy."

"I listened to some of the scenes that the readers who entered the copy described the situation. This made me feel strange. However, it should be just an illusion... Well, don't discuss this boring thing. At present, our focus is still on In the protection of existing resources, the results of so many years of hard construction and operation must not be destroyed."

"Yes, although we have the biggest cards, we must not have any slack, otherwise even if the great will finally comes, it will be weakened a lot." Kurchi extended a finger, "So, hate the main altar, There is absolutely no more difference!"

During the speech, the battlefield in the field suddenly changed. The first round of the Thunderbolt attacked Shura, and shouted, the whole body's silver thunder shone, and the hands were claw-shaped, aiming at Shura Ling's emptiness: "Thunderlights are buried!"

The body of Shura was instantly interwoven with numerous lightnings, forming a square cage. The cage suddenly burst into a horrible light, completely engulfing the inner Shura.

Wilhelwett, the devastating messenger of this scene, witnessed a slight movement, seemingly to shoot, but found something, and stopped.

After the cage engulfed Shura, it burst completely and together with the people inside it turned into nothingness. However, the "emptiness" turned into a black hole, and the black hole condensed into a black robe shape, imitating the posture of the dragon, two claws. One press.

This gesture surprised Lei Long, and even more incredible to him, there are countless intertwined lightnings on the side of the body, instantly forming a square cage, this is his own trick!

The thunderbolt hairs surrounded by lightning were all erected. The strong sense of crisis made him sure that it was not an illusion. He immediately huddled his body completely, and his hands made a strange mark, and countless mirror-like lights appeared on his body. week.

The lightning bolts in the cage hit the "mirror", and the "mirror" cracked, but at the same time, many lightnings were reflected back. The shining thunder was finally extinguished. Although the dragon was still standing in the field, it was already black. The strength of the power is also greatly weakened. After all, what he has just received is his own biggest trick, and he can't use more power to protect it.

When Lei Long suddenly looked up, he saw the figure of Shura appearing in the air, and the red eyelids radiated a smashing scent.

"Star burst!"

The glorious death star reflects the desperate color of the dragon's This trick may not be able to be taken during the heyday, let alone the state of gravity and exhaustion.

The shining starlight was extinguished instantly, and it was extinguished in the palm of one hand. A dark golden mask and a red cloak appeared in the field. It was the great destruction messenger Klushvit.

The voice of the Patriarch Roths sounded: "Sura, Thunder Dragon, this battle is quite wonderful. You are the elite of the church. No matter which one is damaged, it is the loss of the church. The church has harvested two of the strongest destroyers. I and Coulty decided that both of you will receive the highest guardianship and corresponding rewards. I hope that you can work together to protect the most important main altar."

"Yes!" Shura and Lei Long also bowed to the ceremony and heard the words "the main altar". The red eyes were full of strange light, and the corner of the mask showed a meaningful smile. (To be continued.)

Ps: I have something to go out in the afternoon. I don’t have dinner at home in the evening. The second one will be very late (probably more than 12 o'clock). Let me know you first, and friends who are sleeping early will see it tomorrow.

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