Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1005: Father and son and truth (four thousand words)

I don’t want to get rid of Chen Rui, but from the perspective of interests, she now needs to use the power of Chen Rui to re-enter the fascinating creation of Guangshan Mountain. After all, this is the most important thing she has been lurking for so many years and then came to the ground world. the goal of.

Chen Rui’s killing is even heavier, because he has already threatened the safety of his loved ones and friends who are most cherished in the devil world. His cooperation with Yu is not for the benefit, but for the situation, whether it is the light. Huang Lei or the Holy Grail is not enough to really control the embarrassment, but only increases the amount of chips he has on hand, making him the best result in the comparison of the existing strength.

As for the tower of glory, it is an unexpected harvest, and it is also a step for cooperation between the two sides.

He proposed to continue to live on the six-star imprint of Chen Rui’s wrist. Chen Rui refused because of his practice and life needs, and he was temporarily inconvenient. He only said that when the time is right, the time is ripe. . And Chen Rui tempted to lead the topic to the equality contract, but also moved the topic quietly. After personally experiencing Chen Rui’s abolition of the pseudo-god-level contract and the singular power of the “Shen Kingdom”, at least in terms of ability and temperament, there is no such a high-profile attitude in the past, but Chen Rui is placed. A height of almost equal opponents.

There is a glimpse of the sacred mountain battle, whether it is Chen Rui or 贲薨, it is even more difficult for the other party's alert. In fact, the real cards of both sides must be more than just the ones seen on the face. Whether it is to seek skin with the tiger, or the oriole is behind, no one has any precise grasp at present. In this way, he stayed in the Lord's House. Chen Rui then explained the origins of Lu and Isabella, even if Lola was taken aback, I couldn’t think of this visitor’s visit, and the “guest” who had a good understanding of magic turned out to be in the silver scorpion of the Darkmoon Territory. Powerful pseudo-god! However, this terrible enemy has now moved from the dark to the bright spot, and has transformed a "temporary allies" with common interests. In any case, before going to the sacred mountain, this dangerous factor is not too much threat.


Longhuang Imperial Palace.

Rex the Great is contemplating on the throne, and the recent disappearance of Arthur's affair has complicated the relationship with the Blue Yao Empire. It must be carefully combed and strive to maximize the benefits.

In fact, the father who has blood-sensing, he knows better than anyone else, Arthur may have disappeared, but he did not die.

At this time, the Guard Captain Ulse came to report: "Your Majesty, Princess Phil has something to do and wants to report to His Majesty."

Rex the Great was a little addicted: "Let her come in."

"Yes." Soon, Princess Mayfair appeared in front of Rex. For this daughter, Rex is still very fond of, because Mayfair is not only well-behaved, but also born to the late Queen Ikalinna. The number of women in Rex's life has not been remembered by himself. There are hundreds of nephews who have already been booked. However, his beloved woman always has only one Ikarina. After Icarina died of illness, he still Still no longer a queen.

Under the house and the black, Rex is also a favorite of the children left by Ikarina, Arthur and Mayfair. It’s just that Arthur disappeared seven years ago. Now, after reappearing, he has set off a series of waves. In particular, the Lan Yao Empire refused to marry in public, and it was hard to imagine that it was made by a son who was calm and intelligent in front of himself. Not only that, but Rex’s **** is that after this refusing marriage, Arthur lost his life again...


Princess Fiore’s voice interrupted Rex’s thoughts and looked at the daughter who stood in front of her. Rex faintly saw the shadow of Ikalina, and her eyes became softer.

"Fairy, come to me, what's the matter?"

"Laughter, I..."

Rex saw her arrogant and smiled. "Is it worried about Proyo? He is now a special envoy to stay with the Blue Yao Empire to negotiate the disappearance of Arthur, or I will transfer him back to the country."

"Don't go..." Although Mayfair didn't have any special affection for Prometheus, the other party was determined to be unmarried. The girl's face suddenly turned red, and she shook her head and looked around. The Guard: "Father, I want to report this to you alone, okay?"

Rex nodded and waved to the left and right, and the guards retired.

"Well, Mayfair, now you can say it."

Mayfair said, "In fact, it is the Three Emperors... Sichuan"

"Arthur?" Rex frowned, his eyes narrowed and his eyes fell on a figure that was gradually condensed by Mayfair. The original questioning tone also became shocked: "Arthur!" The great emperor had a special blood sensation for his children, but now he does not know whether it is subject to a special hidden ability or the illusion caused by Mayfair. The missing son suddenly appears, and there is no sign in advance.

"Your Majesty." Chen Rui took a tribute to Rex.

"Sorry, Father, I..." Mayfair lowered her head.

"No matter what Mayfair is," Chen Rui smiled and glanced at the sister: "I told her to keep her secret for the time being."

Rex felt the clear blood of the blood, the slight jaw: "Fair, you go out first, telling Urs to strengthen the alert, no one can be close without my order."

Mayfair gave Chen Rui an encouraging look and then bowed and bowed.

When Feier left, Rex asked: "Arthur, what happened? Where have you been these days?"

"I don't know what specific place name is. I only know that it is a kind of hell. If it is not good luck, my life and soul have already vanished. Just to save this life, I will pay a heavy price.

The three guardians have fallen. ”

"With the strength of your three guardians, even... all of them have fallen?" Rex was shocked and shocked. Originally in his impression, the super-powerful man with a lazy appearance and a bottle in his hand It is the strongest guardian. Even a strange onion has the temper of the ordinary sage, and the three women are much less.

However, after receiving the information from Proyo, he realized that the true strongest guardian was the veiled mysterious woman, Lola, who also had a body and was a woman of Arthur.

Arthur, there is such a powerful woman.

The most incredible thing is that three powerful guardians have fallen. It can be seen how much the sorrow experienced by ‘Arthur is!

"Yes, they are all dead, but they will not die." Chen Rui's face is not so sad, his eyes are like ice, even if Rex can not give birth to a kind of chill.

Rex quietly turned the subject away: "Why do you want to refuse marriage?"

"I remember that when I first met with the Chiqui Master, my Majesty left me to talk." The coldness in Chen Rui's eyes gradually converges. "Before I left, my Majesty asked me a question."

"I asked "What do you want,? Rex's memory is quite good, and he immediately thought about it. He said coldly: "The public refuses to marry and causes disputes between the two countries... Is this what you want?" ”

"No, this is not what I want..., maybe, it is what you want." Chen Rui shook his head and said an amazing word.

"The ridiculous!" Rex slammed the armrests heavily, and the material made of special metal gave a dull echo, and said: "What do you mean by this!"

"Do you remember if you still remember, I have said a word to my Majesty," my reappearance will break the original balance and even destroy more things, but I can promise that I will not shake the rule of my Majesty. Let it be more consolidated"

"You did say this, but what you are doing right now is to break the balance! You have shaped the woman who died of the husband. For the so-called old feelings, you are willing to abandon the fiancee who is waiting for you for seven years! I slammed the face of Koyao Emperor Kovalonte!"

Facing Rex's unrecognized anger, Chen Rui smiled and shook his head: "Lan Bisi did not wait for seven years, but was quilt, and waited for seven years. In these seven years, she A ignorant girl who has been ignorant has risen step by step in the struggle of the orange cloud, and even became a strong contender for the throne. I hold... the pusher behind this squat should play a considerable role, no one is at her start. Stage 1 Although the Blue Yao Empire is strong, the strong fortress is often captured from within. From this perspective, it is a good move to take this step forward."

Rex's anger gradually subsided, and he looked deeply at Chen Rui. Without speaking, the food began to move on the armrests. This is a subconscious habitual action, usually only in two cases, the first is uneasy, the second is, killing.

"Just, in recent years, the ability and courage demonstrated by Lan Bisi also includes something called 'ambition,' which has exceeded the expectations of the majesty and is becoming more and more difficult to control.

If she really inherited the Lan Yao Empire, then the fortress is likely to be more difficult to overcome. To describe it as a stranger, it is to 'make clothes for others.' So after I returned, my Majesty soon restarted the marriage with the Lan Yao Empire. It was only such a decision that the Lan Yao Empire’s political situation was rewashed. Once the marriage failed, you can better control some things... Unfortunately, some things are not as good as people’s calculations. Now, Rambos has taken the opportunity to become a climate. If you want to re-do it, it’s hard."

"Say on." Rex's eyes flickered, and his fingers remained habitually rhythmic.

Chen Rui said with emotion: "The desire of human beings is endless, especially the power and control, and the heart of the majesty has always been great. Although the Longhuang Empire is one of the two sacred empire, it can no longer satisfy the sire. Heart. Above..., it’s just my guess. If there is any offense, please forgive me.”

"I look at you, I don't care about the so-called ‘offence, or ‘forgiveness.’ Rex sneered: “Your guess is nothing more than that?”

"Your Majesty, your current eyes tell me that you are very contradictory. In fact, this contradiction has always existed. First of all, as a father, I hope that the children will be better and better, even more than themselves." Chen Rui does not care about Lake. Sri Lankan eyes, "But, as an emperor..., I often hope that my children can have excellent abilities, inherit the foundation, and worry that they are too good and will threaten their status. I am right?" ,? ”

Rex’s eyes groaned: “Since that time, for the first time in many years, you have called me the “father of the father”. If the tone is not so ridiculous, I will be happier. ”

"Your Majesty really cares about this kind of title? His Majesty has always been a very strong emperor, from the absolute rule of the Longhuang Empire. It can be seen from the absolute rule of the Longhuang Empire. But everything has two sides, just because of your desire to control, you want you The courtiers and even the sons follow the prescribed route and scope in your subconscious mind. Once you exceed this range, you will try to 'correct, this 'threat' or 'error' that you think is the emperor, I am enough Excellent, far beyond the 'father's expectations, even surpassing a certain psychological bottom line. If you really smashed the 'strong help' like Lan Bisi, once you get out of I’m afraid that the father will be more sleepy. You want me to be excellent, and I don’t want me to be too good. I hope that through the marriage, I will kill the threat that the future of Lan Bisi may pose to the Longhuang Empire. I am worried that the combination of I and Lan Bisi will shake your throne too early. As a monarch, such a contradiction cannot be achieved. No, but don't you feel too tired? If everything really goes on the framework of your restrictions, do you think that a person who is 'framed' really has the ability to inherit this country?"

"You can't guess that this step is indeed better than I thought." Rex took a deep breath. "If you can really inherit power from my hands, it is likely to become a superior emperor." , far more than my achievements. But the premise is that you have to wait until that day. There are many good emperors, but there is only one emperor in the end. You are much stronger and smarter than Luke or Garfield. I don't think you are an idiot with no patience. The more I try, the more I can't see you. I don't understand why you want to say it so directly? Why can't you learn Luke like that?"

"It's clear that I will understand." Chen Rui shrugged and said the slang that Rex couldn't understand, revealing an indifferent expression: "So, what did you say about your squatting... is the ambush in the Black Rock Mountains?" ”

When this sentence came out, Rex's face changed slightly, and the index finger on the armrest stopped suddenly (to be continued) [This text is provided by the sailing update group @丶夕阳o] If you like this work, you are welcome. Come (m) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your branch is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m to read. )

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