Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1014: Falling hatred

"Not worth it." Veronica shook her head. "It's really not worth it. You don't even know..."

"Veronica, I know that you have experienced a lot of pain and suffering," Chen Rui walked to Veronica and held her hand: "The original 'Little Arthur' has no ability to get you out of pain, but I am now, there is!"

"No!" Veronica lowered her head and her hands trembled even more. "You don't know! You don't know anything!"

Chen Rui sighed softly: "You are wrong, actually, I know."

"No..." Veronica gripped her fist. The knuckles had already turned white because of force. Suddenly, I made up my mind and lifted my hand. I screamed, "Do you know, Who caused you to be displaced for seven years? Lost most of your memory?"

Chen Rui looked at her eyes deeply: "It was just an accident, no matter what the reason, ‘Little Arthur’ would not blame you.”

Veronica’s face changed: "You... you really know!"

“If you think of the disappearance of memory as death, then ‘he’ is already dead. ‘I’ is just a person who reshapes memories, or a person who has revived, and has some of the original ‘Little Arthur’ consciousness.”

For the first time since Chen Rui reborn the world, he has said the biggest 'truth', even though it is just a pun, pointing to his own head: "But in this part of the memory, his greatest attachment has always existed. No matter what happened in the past, you are always the person in the heart of 'Little Arthur'. You can not like him, you can not love him. You can even hurt him. But you can't stop him from wanting to make you happy. Heart. Even if you just look at your happiness."

Veronica was stunned. A teardrop in the corner of the eye slid down and quickly melted into the veil.

"Follow me. Veronica, leave here. Leave all the pain and hatred, re-select your life, and truly choose freely."

At this time, at the bottom of the imperial mausoleum of the Kingdom of Mias, the blood red column of the main altar was more and more hot and bright, and the entire vast underground world was illuminated. The bodies on all the bone towers seemed to be alive, and they all made strange noises. It seems as if you are mourning and mourning. The red mist of countless grievances furiously flocked to the beam of light.

The **** cockroaches near the bone tower have been completely absorbed by the light column, and the white bones of the cockroaches have gradually turned grayish white. It seems that the power of savings has not been transmitted to the main altar for many years.

The light column condenses into a huge shadow of blood, suspended in the sky above the main altar.

All the Black Deaths bowed devoutly, opened their hands, pointed at the sky, and yelled at the eulogy. Shura was also in the middle, and the face behind the mask showed a sly smile.

Yerodisa, Aster Palace.

Veronica’s tears are just fleeting. The eyes have changed to indifference.

“Very touching lines, ‘Little Arthur’, or ‘Arthur’.” Her hand reached into the veil on her face. Slowly pulled down. "Unfortunately, you don't understand too much. For example... I look like this."

From the day Chen Rui saw Veronica, she always wore a special veil. Except for those eyes, I can't see the rest of the five senses. Now I finally took off the veil.

Originally it should be the white, innocent and beautiful face in memory, but it turned into a terrible face. The face was covered with a spell-like mark. The mark of the mark is like a living, slowly twisting and twisting. It looks very incomparable.

The lines spread from the face to the part of the neck that is covered by the clothes. It is conceivable that the rest of the body should have such a terrible "texture".

Chen Rui carefully observes those "textures". He can clearly feel the rich vitality and strange atmosphere contained in it. This kind of existence is similar to a living creature like a dodder, parasitic on the organism, and absorbs the body. Strength and "nutrition" until the organism dies.

The same is a soul variant. Veronica’s feeling for Chen Rui is completely different from that of the dwarf Wang Yinke, who has seen a body that really needs to look up and shudder, from the inside out. It seems to be a singularity dominated by the abyss, and the momentum it possesses is not comparable to that of a general national power.

Sorran has said that a very small number of people can be recognized by the "spirits" and given the 'heart of dominance'. The strength and potential are greatly increased. The moment of crisis can summon the will of the gods and integrate with the power of the gods to make an incredible power.

Hatred heart!

It must be for this reason!

Veronica saw Chen Rui’s, as if he was scared, smiled coldly and raised his hand. The smooth white palms began to change rapidly and turned into a terrible claw. The sharp nails with a foot length seemed to be a blade, and the red light was bleeding in the moonlight.

A cold murder of the stock smashed, the surrounding flowers and trees wilted, and the sly face showed a smile, and the claws slowly extended toward Chen Rui: "I look like this, do you want to pull me out of the abyss?"

To Veronica's surprise, "Arthur" did not reveal the horrified look of imaginary, but instead greeted the claws a few steps forward, faintly asked: "What are you afraid of?"

Veronica was shocked and the action suddenly stuck in the air.

"Your eyes are filled with a shuddering breath," Chen Rui looked directly at the blue eyes. "But behind that, it is fear. You are afraid."

"You are afraid of my approach, afraid that I will touch the heart that you are hated and destroyed, fearing that you will not be able to suppress some kind of will hurt me." Chen Rui wiped the heat from his cheeks, "Is it? This is the sorrow of 'Little Arthur'... because he saw the person he loves, struggling in the endless hell, can only look up at the sky of the sky, he is crying."

Veronica is full of devastating trepidation, and her eyes are already filled with fog. Although she is trying to control it, she still can't suppress the tears that burst out.

"You have asked me if you have broken into the abyss of the sun... My answer is, I will use these hands. Pull you out. Believe me!" Chen Rui extended his hand again: "Now, put Your hand... give it to me."

Veronica looked at the hand. Breathing became a little more hurried, and I looked at my own hand that should be called a "paw." Hesitant, and finally reached out to Chen Rui’s hand.

Suddenly, her body shook, her face showed painful color, her claws quickly recovered, and she grabbed her shoulder tightly.

"Little Arthur! Get out of here!"

Chen Rui was taken aback: "Veronica!"

"Don't come over!" Veronica's body trembled, and a powerful force field repelled, and Chen Rui's body was involuntarily removed by dozens of meters.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" Her voice turned into a deep low-pitched, burning a terrible flame. The eyes burst into a shuddering light, and the entire Aster Palace was full of suffocating atmosphere, the ground was cracked, and the fissure-like heat and flaming red appeared in the cracks.

Such a strong hate.

I only felt it when I was in the natural tree of Silver Moon.

Chen Rui instinctively felt the danger, and when he was alert, his eyes fixed.

I saw Veronica's terrible claws running through her own heart.

Not ordinary throughout. It is the biggest blow of all the destructive forces, even the fog on the blood blade protruding from the back, the blood is rapidly evaporating.

The body slowly softened, and the ocean was as deep as the blue dragonfly. Hate and destruction are quickly dimmed, and with the flames and all the vitality, I seem to want to see him more. Finally, I closed my eyes weakly.

At this moment, Chen Rui’s eyes lost all the brilliance. Everything turned black and white, and the weak body stayed through the curtain.

A feeling of painful spleen came. This blow is even more painful than directly through his heart.

Not only the pain of "Little Arthur", but also his own anger and sorrow.

Over the main altar at the bottom of the Imperial Tombs of the Kingdom of Mia, the huge illusion slowly opened his eyes and looked down upon the worshippers of the Black Death.

Over the main altar of the Imperial Mausoleum of the Kingdom of Miyas, the huge phantom eyes looked at the Black Death below and began to make a sound. This voice is a strange language. It is gathered into people through the shock of the strength of the bones in all directions. The language that can be understood can reverberate throughout the underground world.

"Human nature is evil, hatred is the source of all evil..."

"Faith destroyers can live forever in destruction..."

“Subvert everything and then re-create a world that can be arbitrarily destroyed and destroyed...”


The Black Deaths followed their voices aloud, and the shadow of the shadows not only had a strong penetrating power and appeal, but also revealed an incredible force. A **** red mist seemed to fly in the dark. The shuttle is flying.

Wherever, the Black Deaths lit up a little red light, feeling that the body had a special energy, knowing that the power given by the "God's grace" was overjoyed, and the voice of the chanting was higher. .

In the palace, Chen Rui suppressed the strong emotions of his heart, and was about to go forward. Veronica’s body floated up, and the closed eyes slowly opened, without sadness or anger, even without seeing Any turbulent emotions are only cold and calm.

The claws slowly pulled out from the body, and the original dried blood was rendered, but the expression was not shaken as if the body was not his own.

"Foolish life! Stupid obstinacy!" Although this voice is Veronica, it gives Chen Rui another familiar feeling: "The moment I surpassed the will I gave, and surpassed life and death..."

"However, this kind of persistent consciousness is exactly what I need," the cold eyes fell on Chen Rui's body: "The ignorant ants, you are the only crack in her heart, even the fear has forgotten to reveal it?" As long as you completely annihilate, this descendant will be perfect."

The eyes flashed, and the horrible powers swept over Chen Rui, and the grounds along the way split, without any mercy or hesitation.

If it is an ordinary strength, it has already been wiped out by this kind of power. However, when the crack went to Chen Rui, it stopped.

The cold blue dragonfly passed the color of the accident, and then the cold snoring, the breath of the air suddenly became a hundred times rich.

The space around Chen Rui’s body began to distort, revealing a crack in the void, which was rapidly multiplied and engulfed his entire body.

Blue 眸's face showed a scornful smile, although this is a national-level strength However, it is just a cock.

For her avatars, she can make this near-perfect body come out of its own level of power, or power!

At this time, a familiar red-red star appeared in the sight of the blue dragonfly.

The starlight spread out instantly, and the pupil of the blue dragonfly suddenly shrank.

The cracks in the space quickly merged in the illusion of the stars, and the starlight filled the space of the entire Aster Palace, and the scent of destruction seemed to be solidified by the stars.

In the dazzling red starlight, the figure wearing the crystal armor became clear, behind the two pairs of graceful wings, while a familiar voice sounded ear: "Quiniana! Get out of her body! ”

"It's you!" The blue roared, and the voice was filled with hatred and anger. (To be continued.)

Ps: This chapter, I modified it nearly ten times before and after, racking my brains always hope to find a better feeling, but unfortunately the power has not been caught. Oh, there are people who have worked for a long time.

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