Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 105: Lingguo! New source of aura

Athena watched the departure of the Wyvern, and caught the hot cheeks. She was ashamed and happy again. She only felt that the body was so brisk and unpretentious.

She turned her head and saw the peek of the lost big finger. The mouth of the onion was still snickered, and the tone suddenly rose: "The amoeba! What did you see?" "No!" The fingers that have changed out are trying to shake the onions: "I haven't seen anything lost!"

Athena 1 sceptical doubts, and a large sword in the hand, slowly forced to the amoeba.

"Throwing really didn't see the master and the hostess holding together, nor did they see the hostess blushing..." Lost felt Azina's killing, nervously stepping back and forth, saying incoherently.

As soon as this was said, the shy and angered Athena's big sword waved, and the paralyzed worms were scared.

The whole green leaf forest is resounding with the sound of sorrowful sorrow, and a certain feeling of martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the ninth day, the strongest abandonment, the big empire, the prince The throne seeks the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment, the big, the royal family, the gods, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens Abandoning the screams of the young and the imperial family to the emotionally moisturizing girl.

In the Xiqiao Mountains, Chen Rui, with the help of the magic map, flew all the way to the town of Leia.

Two hundred days of wrathful sea practice, his star power has made a big leap in terms of quality and quantity. Basically, he has mastered the mysterious power of the force of the sea. Athena's strength is equivalent to a half-footed high-end demon in the middle of the peak of the high section, to be slightly better than him, but under the attack of this force of the sea, almost ate a big loss.

The harvest of the Nuhai practice is not only these, but the power of the Broken Yuan knife and the Aurora Bomb also gets a considerable degree of improvement. The power of the Broken Yuan knife is more concentrated and sharper. In exchange for the previous broken Yuan knife, I want to infuse Athena. It is impossible to break the power of a big sword.

The battle with Athena made Chen Rui basically locate his own strength, probably the strongest middle and high class, should be able to win the general middle-level high-end demon, for the high-end demon of the peak, with anger The sea gains strength plus the broken knives and aurora bombs, but also has the power of a battle.

When Chen Rui left the Darkmoon City, he just broke through to the dilemma. The record is a dangerous insurance to kill the high-end early stage devil Mikas: yīn rain jungle training for 20 days to the mine, defeating the two early high-end devil sulphur And Yagus: After taking a full set of eternal black sè potions, the training ground was wrought for a hundred days in the sea, killing the high-altitude devil Culia in the middle of the great damage: now after two hundred days of practice, the dilemma is finally solid. Down, Kankan and Athena fight together.

About a year ago, he was promoted to a small level, which is equivalent to the strongest high-end demon in the middle section. Chen Rui feels a bit slow.

It seems that as Pagliu said, the more difficult it is to practice, the more difficult it is to double. If it is a dilemma, it has already reached the critical point of breakthrough, and the experience of the dilemma is only over 60%. If you go to the next level, I am afraid that progress will slow down.

However, if Paglio is really here, it will definitely hurt the insatiable human beings. An ordinary high-order demon from the beginning to the middle, at least 20 years, and the middle to the high may take a hundred years, even It was Alaus's great talented demon. It took a hundred years to practice from the early stage of high-level to the peak of high-level.

Athena belongs to the great demon of the mutated blood. The variegated blood often has incredible potential and talent. Many strengths and sentiments can be obtained directly from the blood of heredity. Her qualifications, even in the great demon of the mutated blood, are also outstanding. The top of the existence. In the last air competition, even the opponent's Joseph could not help but admire the adjective "genius."

Of course, the king of the devil is the royal family. Not only is the blood power strong, but there is basically no bottleneck of the potential of the ordinary demon. However, such as the long princess Chia, who has at least the power of the devil at the age of twenty, is rarely seen. There are still some unknown mysteries.

In the status bar of the level system, the dots in the transparent person's body are more crystal-clear and delicate, sparkling with soft golden light. When flowing, it seems to be a coordinated flow of water. When Chen Rui’s star power operation changes, The flow pattern of the running water will also change accordingly. For example, when the force of the wrath of the sea is exerted, the stardust will turn into a vast ocean; when the sword is broken, the stardust will become a sharp one. The rapid flow of j...

Each kind of 〗 〖Transportation method can make his star power swing the strongest effect, which is one of the mysteries of the dilemma.

Chen Rui suddenly remembered that the fruit tree planted in the Star Garden was in the training field for a few days, and he forgot about this thing. After entering the Star Garden, the original place of the Lingguo Tree is empty, leaving only five magic trees and the devil fruit tree.

Where did the fruit tree go? Did it disappear when it withered?

Seeing that the pivot fairy is floating, there is a fruit basket in the hand, and there is a red fruit in the basket.

Only one fruit? Chen Rui is suspected o, the prompt sounds: Fifty of the fruits of Lingshu have been harvested, have they been transferred to the storage warehouse?

Fifty? It seems that in the small basket of the Piedt, only one of the same fruits is shown.

Chen Rui put down his heart and confirmed the transfer. At this time, half of the converted waste mine has been placed in the green leaf forest, so the warehouse is very empty, and it is natural to put some fruits.

The fruit in the pivotal fairy fruit basket disappeared, but did not leave, the prompt sound continued: "You can buy more seeds, and reserve energy dust and warehouse space for long-term hosting mode."

It turned out that this kind of convenient function, due to the relationship between the conversion of waste ore, energy dust is a huge pile in the warehouse, it can not be used, Chen * a 25,000 spirits, buy 50 seeds together with a large number The dust was placed in the fruit basket of the pivot fairy and confirmed for long-term custody. The pivot fairy gave a gift, gathered in the open space, began planting, Shou, five Wuguoshu began to bud, and the pivot fairy returned to the sputum in the middle of the small tree.

Chen Rui took out a fruit from the storage warehouse and looked at it curiously. The fruit was about the size of a goose egg. It was red and round, and it was like a gem. There was a special faint breath, which seemed to be aura.

The fruit of the aura spill? Try it first!

Chen Rui opened his mouth and bit it. "I only feel the fragrance of the mouth, the throat is instant, the taste is very delicious. After eating one, the aura has increased by two thousand, and the fifty fruits are 100,000. For him who has a lot of waste mines now, 100,000 aura is not what. The number is not allowed, but the waste mine is huge, it will always be a useful day, and this fruit is a resource that can be regenerated indefinitely.

The way to get aura has been limited. The degree of absorption of aura is too slow. The most important thing is to absorb damage. The most important source is to transform special magic materials. Some precious materials are even a pity. Now with the Star Garden, you can produce your own aura, which is equivalent to solving the most fundamental energy problem of the system. Not to mention, the Star Garden can be further upgraded. Further rises, and more plant seeds are likely to appear.

Solved the most important problem of the source of the aura, Chen Rui heart 〗 〖 Xing Yi Fen, with the help of the magic map "positioning" function, flew to Leia town.

Leia Town and Xiqiao Mountain are far away. Even in this kind of straight flight in the air, Chen Rui has only arrived in the work folder for nearly one day. When the map shows that it is close to the town of Leia, it is not conspicuous. He did not fly again. He left the bones in a deserted mountain forest, and told him not to go around, leaving a lot of food and walking.

The town of Leia was once a fortress with two long-standing confrontations. Later, when the Sakya Emperor Saga the Great, the fortress was demolished. As a symbol of the friendship between the angelic empire and the yīn shadow empire, the junction of the zhongyang dynasty was built in Leia. The town belongs to the two countries.

According to the usual practice, the mayor of Leia Town is rotated by the Angel Empire and the yīn Shadow Empire. Each person's term is fifty years. However, since the White Night Emperor was in the human war three hundred years ago, the position of the mayor of Leia Town was re-elected by the yīn Shadow Empire until now. "The Prince of Black Skull also did not send someone to take over, it seems to be At this cost, the will of the angelic empire's peace is expressed. In other words, it is the slashing of the land.

The yīn shadow empire did not have the inch or the war, it seems to have been satisfied with the control of Leia town, it is also a friendly statement. In fact, it is not so simple. Even if the Sakya Emperor and the yīn movie emperor made a good deal, it is impossible to continue to maintain the situation.

Moreover, there is no eternal friendship between nations and only eternal interests.

The current empire of the yīn shadow empire, Catherine, is beautiful and has the first beauty of the devil world.

However, before this first beauty, there is still a reputation, that is the first wise man in the devil world.

Catherine was the princess of the yīn movie empire. After the death of his father, several brothers killed each other for the throne, and the civil war continued. The two foreign enemies, angels and **** eyes, were ready to sneak into the air. In the yīn shadow empire internal and external troubles, facing the country of the country, the low-key Catherine tǐng came out, swept the kings chaos in one fell swoop, succeeded to be the emperor.

At that time, the White Night Emperor of the Angel Empire was in place, and the **** empire was in constant conflict. Both countries had the ambition to annex the yīn shadow empire. Catherine used high political means to circumvent the two countries, making the **** empire and the empire angel empire I dare not move, lest I will push the yīn shadow empire to the other side's camp. In this way, the weakest country of the yīn shadow empire has become the key to the sacred angels and **** battles, and gradually recovered and exhibited under the leadership of Catherine.

After the death of the White Night Emperor, the **** empire once wanted to send troops to the Angel Empire. Catherine knew very well that after the **** empire annexed the Angel Empire, the unresolved yīn Shadow Empire could not escape the bad luck. Therefore, she contributed to the peace negotiations of the three countries. In the negotiations, Lei Zen’s attitude was very tough, but Catherine made a gesture of uniting the angelic empire and secretly pressed the thunder to the meditation If the strength of the **** empire is four, the yīn shadow empire is three, the empire angel empire is two, single-on-one, **** empire has no opponent, but if one enemy two, the **** empire wins very little. Lei Zen considered it over and over again. He did not want to be bothered by both sides and agreed to the peace agreement.

It can be said that the real key figure in promoting the temporary peace of the three countries is not the Prince of Black Skull, but the queen of this beautiful Taobao Women's Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Jacket. The Angel Empire is like a buffer point, which can effectively contain the powerful **** empire, thus ensuring the survival and exhibition space of the yīn shadow empire.

Catherine is not without ambition. Mastering the town of Leia is equivalent to mastering the throat of the Angel Empire. He can use the offensive at any time to occupy the Dark Moon and use it as a springboard to gradually occupy the entire territory of the Angel. But for now, the timing is far from mature.

This is the first wise man in the devil world, the first beauty, the highest leader of the yīn movie empire "y lookout" royal family, Catherine Asmode.

Ps: Thanks to the reward of the oysters and eggs, it became the first rudder master of this book.

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