Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1059: Come in person

The man's facial features were somewhat vague, but his eyes were faintly visible. He saw the "Chen Rui" that suddenly appeared in front of him. He did not have any moving color and remained as calm as water.

"Chen Rui" waved his hand, and Xia stood up from the throne and stepped back.

This scene is naturally Chen Rui and Xia have long been colluding well, the more alienated from the relationship with Xia, the more the use of relations, the safer Xia.

Chen Rui’s eyes always looked at Satan. The eyes of the two men were squatting in the air. The space in the palace hall seemed to have solidified, like iron.

Chen Rui suddenly smiled, the feeling of the whole "iron stone" suddenly vanished, raising his hand: "Please sit."

The man did not sit down, just looked at him faintly, with a slight disappointment in his eyes.

Chen Rui did not politely, he sat down: "I don't think it is honoured that Lord Satan will come in person."

It turned out that what appeared in front of Xia was actually Satan himself!

Chen Rui’s form at this time is impossible to say that it is completely untenable. Unlike Michael and Raphael, he contacted Satan before Shali’s, starting from the beginning of the Sercoed Hill. The unbeatable powerful man left a deep impression on his heart. The then-ever strong dragon, the old man, Augustus, also said that Satan is the strongest false god, and he is far from the enemy. After entering the national level and possessing the extreme star change that matched the demigod, Chen Rui felt the power of Satan and Saliye more and more, and witnessed the confrontation between the two pseudo-gods. Today, he finally has to face this terrible enemy alone.

Tension does not mean fear, but there is a fighting spirit.

The enemy that once needed to look up, now finally has a direct view.

Chen Rui’s mind is ups and downs. The eyes are more and more precipitated, just like the strong enemy on the opposite side. It seems that it is not shocking.

Satan in front of me, exactly. It is a avatar.

The importance of the Dark Temple to Satan is self-evident. This time, choosing to go out in person, it is sure to wake up the "mysterious power", and to show the separation, also for the sake of caution.

Chen Rui is also not a body, but a projection. This projection has the power of a great star, even if Satan's avatar has the power of mystery, under normal conditions. It should not be difficult to kill, but it will completely tear the face with Satan, and now he has no strength to fight with each other.

The reason why the "regular state" is said, because Satan is the old-fashioned peak god, after all, even if it is only a avatar, there is no need to save the life. What's more, Chen Rui witnessed the battle of the avatars of Saliye and Satan. Both sides used the secret technique to project the two avatars into the body. Once Satan’s body came, Chen Rui could only escape.

Whether it is the advent of the body or the killing of the avatar, it is the worst result.

Chen Rui’s current name is not “adult” but “yellow”, and it is obvious to play a rival of the same level.

"I don't remember. There is an old friend like you." Satan said quietly. "Perhaps the word "friends" should not be worthy."

"There are no eternal enemies. There are no friends forever." Chen Rui is calm and self-sufficient. "Even if they are Michaels. When the interests are higher than the contradictions, they will not choose to cooperate with the ‘fallen’ in their mouth.”

The words "The Fallen" were heard by Chen Rui when he confronted Michael and He. Satan brows a little pick: "You know more than I thought, but not enough to stand in front of me."

"It turns out that what you are talking about is strength." Chen Rui smiled slightly. "Does Satan want to prove it?"

“Hey!” Satan glanced at him contemptuously. “If the latter of the whole thing is just you, then I advise you not to bluff. To surrender or annihilate, you choose.”

"To explain two things," Chen Rui shook his head in disapproval. "First, I am the latter, but it is not the only one. Second, you have not yet had the ability to let me annihilate or surrender."

Although the tone was dull, the discourse was already quite conspicuous. Satan’s eyes were stunned and the halls protected by the ancient sects actually trembled slightly.

"This hall is just an ancient syllabus set by the gods. If you want to project the real body, you can't stand it here. Maybe we can change a place?"

Satan heard the words "projection true body", his eyes flashed, and sneered: "To deal with you, you don't have to be real."

“It’s not a good idea to think too much.” Chen Rui still maintains a calm smile: “Everyone’s strength or power is different. If you’re just talking about it, you’re not a polite person. You are not an opponent.”

“Is it?” Satan slowly reached out and Chen Rui felt strong fluctuations. The hand caught his neck in an instant. This is not simply speed, but the power of the law.

Satan suddenly frowned, and he actually returned to his place, his hand still stretched out, and the other's neck was not in control, as if it was just an illusion.

Satan knew very well that it was not an illusion, but immediately felt the mystery of this law, and his eyes suddenly dignified: "Time?"

What Satan has just cast is the law of time, which makes the flow of time speed up, and the opponent can't resist it. However, the opposite time force is emitted from that person, the flow of time slows down, and the power of the law cancels each other. The scene just appeared.

"Time" has always been one of his greatest ambitions. I don't think this person actually has the same rules!

"The law of having time...or the power of one, not just one."

The calm voice of the other side made Satan’s heart murderous, and he said: “I’m looking down on you, but your time rule is not worth mentioning in front of me. Even if you said, there is more than one that has the power of time. Then, after today, I am only one."

"You can try it." Chen Rui is more and more calm in his heart. "The power of time is just one of my strengths. As far as I know, time is not your only righteousness. Maybe I can see the collapse, cutting or What is your power?"

Satan listened to this person's own details of his own details, secretly surprised, and said: "Breaking!"

The space suddenly appeared a strong distortion. As a result of the collapse, the entire palace of the palace, which was protected by the ancient slang, was turned into powder in the horrible destruction. The strange thing is that the external framework remains intact. It seems to be an independent space, and it does not move under such terrible destruction.

Satan noticed this and his eyes narrowed, but his attention quickly fell on the opposite person. The power of "disintegration" fell solidly on this person, but the body of the person became transparent, and the force of "disintegration" seemed to shine on the mirror, reflecting the reflection of Satan. !

This changed the elbow, Satan's pupil contracted, and the eyes shot cold-like. The power of the collapse suddenly slowed down, and he was trying to get rid of his own attacks, feeling the flow of time differently, and the pupils could not be shrunk.

This change is fleeting and there is no follow-up, and the power of "disintegration" has been overwhelmingly rolled back, and Satan does not think much, and says: "Hey!"

When these two words were consumed, Satan was already wrapped up in his own "collapse." However, a special force was first and foremost filled in the air, destroying all the forces of collapse as if it were gravel, and scattered all the way.

Chen Rui did not attack the situation, but stood on the opposite side of Satan. Satan looked at him coldly. There is no opening.

However, Chen Rui knows that there are doubts in Satan's mind. Just now, Chen Rui, the enemy, could use the time rule to offset Satan's time and time rule. It was impossible for him to calmly resolve the "collapse" that was rebounded back, but the opponent did not.

"The kindness to the enemy is cruel to yourself. No matter you or me, you can live to this day. It is not such a stupid generation." Chen Rui said faintly: "I just think that we have not yet reached this kind of non-interest. To see the extent of life and death."

Satan sneered: "Do you say 'life and death'?"

"I just said that everyone's ability is different. If you are alone, my ability is special. It is not difficult to kill you." The voice just fell, and a purple light filled the entire hall. As if the stars are generally embarrassing, a powerful stock of power comes out.

Satan’s face has changed, and this level of momentum and power has clearly transcended the scope of the demigod!

Is it a true projection?

No, it seems that there is no sign of life transmission!

In general, the projection is a lower level than itself. Even if it is the strongest of the peak and false gods, the avatar that can be projected is only the peak and the half god. This enemy's avatar can actually reach the pseudo-god level!

Even if it is only a very primitive pseudo-god, it is also a false god, and it is not a semi-god to defeat the enemy.

In the purple scorpion, a pair of stars-like eyes fell on Satan's face: "I don't like to exaggerate. I said that everyone's abilities are different. I am just a special talent."

"The armor and power of this attribute... I seem to have seen it somewhere." Satan's eyes stared at the sly armor, "Who are you!"

"Only the most faithful believers will have the faith that I have given." Chen Rui’s voice is still indifferent. "As for me, isn’t Satan’s old friend?"

“Hey! Old friend?” Satan smiled coldly: “You have always been behind the empire of the Devils? What is the purpose?”

"My purpose... or just like But the power of faith is not necessarily the real shortcut to that road. Michael, Raphael and Gabriel use the book of creation to fool Human believers have been so long, and they have not succeeded so far."

"How do you know that they have not succeeded?"

"Not long ago, I went to the bright mountain and received the "special hospitality" of Michael and Raphael. Unfortunately, Gabriel was not there." Chen Rui shook his head, "The strength of Michael." ...may be a little better than you, but if it is a life-and-death matchup, it is hard to say who wins, but it is certain that he is not a god."

Satan's eyes passed a trace of color: "You have played with Michael and Raphael?"

"I just want to see the book of creation. However, in the place of the bright mountain, I don't want to entangle with them, so I have to escape. Fortunately, there is no such thing as white." Chen Rui said, in his hand There is a faint glow.

“The power of creation!” Satan felt the change of his own sensation of scent, and moved, “No, it should be the power of the law of origin!” (To be continued)

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