Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1061: Test shot

For three months, this is the maximum period given by Satan.

Chen Rui does not think that the most powerful pseudo-god in the devil world will bluff. Life in Satan's eyes is nothing more than a tool of slavery or fooling. To achieve its goal, even destroying the entire life of an empire is nothing but an understatement.

Even if the three empires choose to succumb, this kind of lingering and lingering can't last forever. Satan has already said very clearly that his purpose is to build the whole demon world into a unified country of "believing in my life, not believing in me", the three empires. The demise is only a matter of time.

The only purpose of all people in this world to survive is to become a tool for providing faith. If they are not willing to become such a beggar, they will only have a dead end.

Such a means is even more devastating than the Temple of Light in the ground world.

Chen Rui is puzzled by why Satan is so confident, and with the book of destruction that is not broken, can the three angels who have a complete book of creation do nothing?

At present, the time is quite tense. Chen Rui has no extra energy to think about it. If you want to think about Satan, it is impossible to use tricks or tricks. You can only rely on two words: strength.

Although this time demonstrated the inscrutable ability, Satan finally chose to leave cautiously. However, if he really wants to fight in front, Chen Ruiyuan is not an adversary. Moreover, it is time to go to Satan's nest. Whether it can be retired or not is a problem.

Chen Rui is very clear that the entry of strength is gradual, as if he persuaded Samuel's, but the speed is not up. Although on the surface Chen Rui's own speed of progress can be described as incredible, in fact, the real time he spends on the training ground is far more than the average practitioner. And the promotion of the super system is not the same as the general level of the devil.

This time it was different from when he faced Aroks in the same year, after reaching his current state. Even a training session with a thousand times can't solve the most fundamental problem. To make great progress, not only does he need his own practice and hard work. And you need the power of other linkers.

This kind of power is mainly reflected in the star enhancement. Lola and Catherine have successfully obtained the "magic position" of the super system. The mystery of this "magic position" needs to be further explored. From the current situation, The more people there are, the greater the benefit to Chen Rui or the "Feng Shen".

Although the trial of coming to the secluded land is not long, the effect is very significant. It is only three months before the full calculation, and the plan for trials must be formulated. Also leave time for maneuvering.

After settled in Xia, Chen Rui immediately went to the secluded land and told everyone about it.

Three months of time made everyone feel the pressure, especially Catherine. If Chen Rui can't escape, as the queen of the shadow empire, Catherine will certainly not abandon the people of his country. .

It is hard not to say goodbye to the wars and confrontation in successive years, and to usher in valuable peace and rapid development. Once the conspiracy of the Dark Temple succeeded. Not only will the three empires perish, but everyone in the Devil will become a controlled embarrassment, which will be a terrible disaster.

The problem is that no one can compete with Satan at the moment. The only hope is Chen Rui.

Everyone has already understood that the two-star strengthening and "sealing the gods" can not only greatly enhance their own strength, but also enhance the power of Chen Rui. and so. Everyone is determined to complete the two-star intensification as soon as possible, and to contribute to the battle of the pseudo-God, which is likely to happen after March. Even losing is no exception, and I am desperately practicing. However, according to reliable news. The reason why the amoeba is so beautiful is because the food and belongings promised by a hostess, why not the promise of a fairy dragon hostess? Refer to the story of "Wolf is coming"...

The only exception is Guladam. The one-star reinforcement of the corpse witch has been basically completed, but all the energy is focused on the study of the soul. Chen Rui did not expect too much from the servant, but just gave him the hand. The power of two stars strengthens.

Soon, Chen Rui temporarily left the secluded land and went to the Blue Pool Mountains.

The trip to Searrid Mountain is no less than the bright mountain, and it is necessary to rely on hard-hard strength to enter the "visit."

Even in frontal battles, tactics must be tactical. Satan in the Sercored Mountains can be said to have occupied the best of the world, and if he is invincible. What Chen Rui needs now is to try to offset the advantages of Satan.

The first is "land profit."

Therefore, Chen Rui came to the capital of Xinghuang.

The basic energy of the capital of Xinghuang has been inexhaustible. What is lacking is the high-end "law energy". Chen Rui collected the rules and rules of the crystal ball obtained by everyone during the trial.

The Xinghuang Capital, which was upgraded to a five-level civilized city, was quite efficient. It didn't take long for the rules to be quickly converted into "rule energy." The rule of the crystal ball is much slower because the energy intensity far exceeds the rule debris.

With the addition of these "new force", the red alarm with insufficient energy suddenly became almost full of purple, not counting the law ball that is being transformed.

However, this is a consumable item. Even when there is more inventory, the "super evolution" of the current evolutionary pool requires a lot of "regular energy."

Last time, before going to the UFO area for trials, Chen Rui went to the storm island of the ground world, and selected the Titans of the Storm Island to bring the strongest ones to the capital of Xinghuang and accept various enhancements. And improvement.

The Titan in the ground world is the first generation of "native", and the Titans of the Devil are all made by Chen Rui according to the drawings of the "mad scientist" Doruda. In general, the first generation of Titan's strength and wisdom is slightly better, especially the leader Titan, such as Carlos, is the "commander" he provides, so that Chen Rui can completely control the Titan giant created by the devil. There will be no similar rebellion incidents.

At present, the twelve elite Titans of the Storm Island have all entered the cultivation pool and accepted the super-evolutionary transformation. The progress of the energy relationship has been slow since the energy relationship has been completed, and the progress has suddenly begun to accelerate. According to Jing Huang’s estimate, it will be completed within one week.

With sufficient energy, the rest of the city's alchemy creatures began to accept super-evolutionary transformations that span the realm of power. The "big evolution" overture of the alchemy civilization was opened.

Of course, this super evolution is not unlimited. The super-evolutionary proportion of the five-level alchemy civilization is one percent of the number of arms controlled, for example, up to 15,000 crystal behemoths can now be controlled. Then the maximum number of super-evolutions is 300; the light spirit is 750,000, the super-evolution can reach 15,000, and so on. The only exception is the Titan Giant, which is controlled by Chen Rui alone. It is not included in this list, but the production speed of the Titan Giant is quite slow. It is much more difficult to advance than the ordinary Crystal Behemoth. I don’t know the attempt. How many of the twelve Titans can succeed.

Super-evolution is actually the function of the "city" of the four-level civilization, once evolution fails. Alchemy creatures have a great chance of regressing, such as the crystal behemoth; some will be directly damaged or even completely destroyed, the most representative is the heart of the lamp.

Today's five-level alchemy civilization "Urban" also has a more amazing elite training pool, which can be used for the second evolution, giving birth to a semi-god-level alchemy creature. This is more difficult and risky. If evolution fails, it will Directly fly away.

Unconsciously, night falls. The Blue Pool Mountains show a beautiful silence.

After a nightly prayer at the temple, a tauren strolled in the nearby mountains and suddenly felt the purple moonlight in the sky seem to be covered and looked up. I saw a huge black shadow appearing in the air, almost covering the existence of two months.

This black shadow is so huge that it looks like a majestic behemoth. Even the dragon family seems to be so insignificant in front of "it".

Rao is a Tauren family who has always had the courage to be extraordinary and not to be ashamed. After a few seconds, I just shouted.

This horrified cry was so harsh at night. The Tauren in the nearby area was also in danger. He immediately took the weapon and rushed over here.

"What happened?"

"Is this not Watt?"

"Is there any enemy?"

When Watt saw the tribe coming, his heart widened and pointed at the shadows in the air, he was surprised to find that there was nothing in the air, and there was nothing in the air. The two months still gave a cold glow, as if only the illusion was just seen.

The central control hall of the capital of Xinghuang, Chen Rui did not know that when he just lifted the star of the city, he was shocked by an old taurus at the bottom of Xiqiao Mountain. A special feeling.


Captain of the spaceship.

At this moment, Chen Rui really has the feeling of being in the sci-fi world.

The whole star of the city is becoming a veritable giant spacecraft through some kind of "deformation", that is, the appearance is more suitable for the automatic change of flight. The most special is the inner space function, which makes the flight almost I don't feel the tilt or shake, it seems to be in the ordinary flat.

The flight speed of Xinghuang Capital is much faster than expected. Under normal energy conditions, it must definitely exceed the flight of ordinary national powers. It is hard to believe that such a huge form can have such a speed.

Of course, this speed is not as good as shifting, but the star of the star has a more powerful ability, that is, space jump.

Chen Rui looked at the star map displayed by the control center, which is a temporary "satellite map". He estimated the distance and ordered a space jump to the south. His destination is the sea of ​​death. It is also the most suitable test for regular energy weapons. location.

In the space jump Xinghuang Capital finally felt a strange shaking, but this shaking did not cause much impact, very quickly, the display screen was seen in the distance The vast sea under the moonlight, the sea is slap on the shore, giving a strange rhythm.

Obviously, it has reached the edge of the sea of ​​death.

The distance of this jump is quite surprising.

Of course, there is a certain risk in space hopping, unless it is determined that there is no interference or risk, generally requiring special positioning, and the law energy consumed by such a huge "warship" to jump is quite large.

Chen Rui, driving the capital of Xinghuang, locked a ridiculous and life-reactive island and launched the "湮" of one of the three main guns.

Just seeing a faint ray of light, not as imaginary, the island shattered, but... At the end of the light, there was a huge black hole that swallowed everything around, including massive The sea and the island that was torn apart by the terrorist attraction.

Chen Rui was taken aback: it was such an attack! This is simply an enhanced version of the "Stars"! (To be continued.)

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