Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1071: Gambling

Satan said that the "positioning" function of the secret treasure crystal ball is not an alarmist. Soon after, Satan used this positioning to project the body in a spatial projection manner.

It’s not only the avatar, but also the strength of the avatar, which has become a real body.

Feeling the pressure from the most powerful pseudo-deity in this demon world, Chen Rui secretly runs the star power, making his mood completely "quiet" and opening: "Welcome to your arrival, Lord Satan, this time we will be together Cooperate to destroy the desperate main altar."

"'Cooperation' is not the key word between us, even if there are common enemies." Satan's cold eyes locked Chen Rui, the invisible souls rushed away, Chen Rui clearly felt the murder of Satan, various The means of preparedness and escape have long been secretly brewed, and the surface has always remained calm, and it seems that the ancient well does not.

"The element of water makes us have not seen each other for many years." Satan looked at Chen Rui for a while, took back the killings and looked at Lan Bostel.

"We can't be friends, it's not an enemy. It can be said to be an acquaintance, Satan," Lan Bost nodded. "According to the strength of this projection, it is not an exaggeration to call you an adult."

Satan gaze at the crown of the otter: "The source of the water is broken? I seem to have seen it in someone's hand."

Chen Rui had shown the source of the origin of the water to Satan in the Sacred Mountain. He knew that Satan had doubts and said: "This is the treasure discovered by my followers, and it is also my and my Royal Highness. The reason for getting acquainted."

Blue Bobst will naturally not be dismantled: "No matter what grievances the two have had before, this time I hope that everyone can work together to destroy the main altar of Dilroslo."

"Exactly the water element is here. I will give you a choice by taking this opportunity," Satan looked at Chen Rui with a sneer: "This time. If I first eliminate Dilroso, you will surrender to me." Offer the law of creation and join the Dark Temple; if you first destroy Dilroslo, then I..."

"Abandoning the plan of the Dark Temple?"

"You don't have this qualification yet," Satan said proudly. "However, I can give you more than a hundred years."

Chen Ruifei thought about it quickly. This gambling should be decided by Satan. The creation of the source should be the key. Although I don’t know why Satan suddenly is so urgent about the original creative origin of the previous interest, it is also an opportunity for Chen Rui. Take the current strength. Two months later, I went to the Sercoed Hill. There was almost no chance of winning. Now, I am betting on Dilroslo, but I have seen a glimmer of hope that the water pearl that the water element king sent should also play a certain role.

"I am sorry, this condition is impossible!" Chen Rui thought that the electric relay had already had an idea and shook his head resolutely. "It seems that the complete creation of the source I have is of great value to you. I really need some time to understand the power of creation. We may wish to change the gambling contract. If I lose, I will show the full creation of the source. The power is for you. The March period is still the same; if you lose, the time for our battle will be pushed back for another ten years. Do you know if Satan is confident in yourself?"

"Bad little tricks. I am afraid that you are dead in the hands of Dilroso." Satan snorted, apparently disdain for the radicalism in the last sentence.

In fact, Satan has his own calculations. The book of destruction is still lacking a single page, and there are still many flaws in the transfer of faith. Therefore, I have been brewing a book of sorcerer to complete the destruction, temporarily replacing the defective part, at least to achieve the most important function of stealing faith more smoothly.

Satan was a stunning figure in the world. The last time he felt the power of creating the original source in the Angel Palace, the inspiration in his heart, and the reverse of the creation of the source, actually made the original stagnant power of destruction a surprise. Feelings.

Although Chen Rui’s performance is mysterious, Satan believes that as long as this enemy dares to come to Sercored, he has full confidence to let it go, but after this month’s retreat, he understands the great benefits of creating the source. Satan gave birth to the idea of ​​oystering the enemy to gain the origin of the creation - "showing" the power of the source and "presenting" the source is two concepts, but for Satan, the meaning of creating the source is not possession, but comprehension, so the difference is not big. .

For the time being, this person is alive and worth more than death.

However, the power of the pseudo-god has its own uniqueness. It is more difficult to kill than to kill. Moreover, this person has escaped in the hands of Michael and Raphael and has achieved complete creation. The source is not a fluke.

When the power was applied, the calmness of the other party’s performance was not pretend, and it was sure to escape from his hands.

Therefore, Satan proposed the bet.

Nowadays, after hearing Chen Rui’s bargaining, Satan’s mind began to move. The strength of this guy is hidden in the level of the peak and the half god, but it should be far worse. If it is really close to the ultimate form of the main altar projected the Dilrosro projection, then the strength must be above this person, you only need to be careful, don't let him drill a hole, it should be a steady victory.

"Life and death, I am not in a hurry, I will not bother Satan."

Lan Boster looked at Chen Rui and looked at Satan again. He added: "I also want to see how close a certain 'close' god's power is."

Satan’s eyes flashed and he had made up his mind: "Good!"

Chen Rui nodded and showed a faint light in his hand: "Before we go together, in order to protect the integrity of both parties, please sign this equality contract first."

"You are called Richard? What is this article? There must be no actions against the other party within ten years? Do not attack the companions in the cooperative battle? Oh, ridiculously cautious." Satan glanced at the contents of the contract, revealing contempt The color, a wave of hand, signed the contract.

After signing the contract, Chen Rui secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but he knew that in this bet, he was still in an absolute west wind, still can not be relaxed, must judge the situation, seize every opportunity that may arise.

The strength of desperate dominance is no small feat, especially this terrible main altar close to the ultimate state, Diablos is already close to the existence of the real body. Chen Rui wants to let Lamborgh stay, but the water element king insists on going together.

From the sea of ​​Miro to the sea of ​​red double teeth, it is still dangerous, and the strength of Satan is also revealed at this time. It is only a little exertion of strength, and it is easy to spend the labyrinth of the sea of ​​Miro, even if Chen Rui displayed it. The invasion is like a fire. The power of the red-breasted sea outside the country, Satan only waved his hand and lifted the space for imprisonment and went directly to the waters of the main altar.

Looking at the tumbling magma under the feet and the bone island in the distance, feeling the suffocation in the air, Satan's eyes began to become serious.

"This kind of breath, it is already close to the ultimate form." Satan did not wait for Chen Rui's action, his body flashed, and it appeared in front of a bone island. A dark golden light came out and screamed toward the bone island.

The nearby magma blood sea was separated by the ray-driven aftermath, and the light hit the bone island, suddenly bursting open, and there was a huge gap. The power of this one-click strike is far more than Chen Rui’s trick of "purple.

Satan frowned, because he had already felt the passing of faith and vitality that followed, and in the blink of an eye, the gap had returned to its original state.

Satan's thoughts and movements appeared in the center of the two bone islands. The whole body spurred a powerful momentum, and the palms were pushed. With Satan as the center, countless flames broke out in an instant and rolled up to the two bone islands. Wherever the flames went, the extremely hot magma was evaporated by the powerful atmosphere, and the entire sea area seemed to be short.

Satan's movements were extremely fast. When he saw the bones of the island, he was swallowed up. In the violent tremors, countless debris exploded. Chen Rui was too late to start, and he was shocked.

At this time, the water element king shook his head against Chen Rui, only to see those broken ends quickly recondensed into bone islands. Satan's brow wrinkled more tightly, not only because of the rebirth of the bone island, but also because of the strange rules. Those who attack the bone island will lose considerable power and vitality. This is the most important basic force of the super-strong, even for the pseudo-powerful.

"Divisional attack!" Satan originally wanted to beat the bone island with a drum, then destroy Dilroslo, and win the victory of this game. I can't think of the strength of the bone island far beyond imagination, and it is very difficult to destroy both houses. A lot of the power of faith and vitality, he naturally does not want Chen Rui to sit on the side of the fishermen.

Chen Rui knows that the real enemy is still behind. Now it is necessary to destroy the bone island first, and immediately fly toward another bone island. Numerous purple lights are shining, and the extreme star has been cast on the way.

"The disease is like the wind!"

With the three words to drink out, the speed of the purple light suddenly increased, as if the electric mans direct direct to the bone island ~ ~ this speed is extremely amazing. Satan's afterglow sees this scene, his brow picks up slightly, but his attention quickly falls to the front. There, countless crystals have solidified into a huge hand, and they are grabbing him.

Satan snorted and shook his hand. The magma under his feet suddenly trembled, and there were countless high-speed fluttering fine ripples. A powerful stun of the air spread.

The giant hand was turned into countless pieces of debris under this force, and it was scattered. This is the special ability that Satan used to show in the secluded land. It is similar to the shock of the "high-frequency weapon". Now it is the power of the body. Emitted, the power is more than a hundred times strong, and the arm of Dilostro's phantom is instantly destroyed.

After the shock wave smashed the arm, the remaining momentum did not stop, and went straight to the bone island. The huge bone island immediately appeared a large area of ​​collapse and slowly recovered.

This time, the speed of collapse recovery is much slower than the previous smash, and the power and vitality of the smothered beliefs have also declined. The reason is very simple, because the other side of the bone island has also been attacked by Chen Rui.

Lambert nodded secretly, and the simultaneous attack of the two had already disturbed the bone island's certain balance of the power of the main altar. Even if the bone island can regenerate, at this speed, it will not collapse for a long time. (To be continued.)

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