Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1079: Ancient secret

I was a little surprised to see the new environment around me: "The palace where the adults are built with the power of the kingdom? The atmosphere here is quite amazing, giving me the feeling that it seems... even the real temple of the kingdom of God is just that."

"Welcome to the Temple of Stars," Chen Rui said with a smile: "I don't know what the real kingdom of God looks like... But you can see it here is something like the existence of a country of God, sit down."

He frowned and wanted to say something, but he finally endured and sat in the chair.

"The problem I want to ask mainly involves some secrets that should be called ancient or ancient." Chen Rui thought about it and said: "I know that some secrets may have some restrictions and taboos. If you can't answer, I don't. Will be stubborn."

I nodded.

"Well, then I started to ask, the first question, what is the secret of the war between the human and the devil every five hundred years? I remember you said that this is actually like a sacrifice, 'no result' is this kind of The rules of war, once someone violates the rules, will be 'corrected'? Why is there such a sacrifice? Who is the sacrifice?"

"Yes, they are all equivalent to sacrifices." Sighed a sigh. "In fact, in this world of the jungle, people are not sacrifices, the weak are sacrificed to the strong, and the so-called strong, in those truly supreme beings. In the eyes, it is only a plaything and a sacrifice. Therefore, the only way is to become the supreme being, and truly look down on all the creatures."

"What do you mean by the supreme being is a god?" Chen Rui frowned. "You haven't answered the questions I asked before."

I am silent, obviously I don't want to answer. Chen Rui has the first words and is not reluctant. I also asked: "What is the 'Abyss'?"

“‘They’ a curse and a taboo.”

Chen Rui remembers that Satan once slammed Dilroslo as "the curse of things." "Abyss" is also taboo in the old saying, but I don't understand what is going on: "What is the curse? Why is the abyss destroying everything?"

"Destruction is for creation." The look is a bit dignified: "But creation is based on erasing the original things, including you, me, everything. This question... I can only answer you so much."

What do you want to create in the abyss that destroys everything? Chen Rui’s heart is more skeptical, but all the previous questions have also been answered. Why is the Abyss the most important enemy, whether it is the Supreme Angel of the ground world or the Satan of the Devil World.

"The next question is, what is the Seven Artifact? The High Artifact? If so. Why are the Seven Artifacts in the Devil World for so many years that they have not been captured by the Superpower?"

"Seven artifacts... can be said to be the supreme artifacts. It is also a taboo. Only those scattered blood vessels can barely display; in fact, they can only drive the corresponding forces. No one can drive seven artifacts at the same time. No one can play its true power, even Satan, me, Michael can't."

Said, his gaze fell on Chen Rui’s body: "Unless someone is..."

"Unless? Someone?" Chen Rui showed a stunned color, smiled bitterly: "I understand. It really is a big misunderstanding."

"No matter whether it is misunderstood or not, you are the only one who can drive seven artifacts." He did not look at Chen Rui, but only extended his eyes to the starry sky outside the main hall. "perhaps……"

She did not say it anymore and fell silent again.

Chen Rui knows that this answer should be the end of it. It seems that the scorpion, the water element king and so on. The root of misunderstanding lies in the seven artifacts. The problem is. "One person" drives the seven artifacts to be recognized by the artifacts, and he is clearly the same as the occupation of the female. It’s strange to blame the super system is too embarrassing, even the highest artifact can be paralyzed.

“What is the secret of the book of destruction and the book of creation? What is the existence of creating containers or destroying containers?”

“If you compare the book of creation to a book, then creating a container is equivalent to a 'cover', and it is also the place to seal and preserve the source. I know that you have the so-called three holy things, but that is just using ' The cover 'made something, the real container, with incredible seal power, should still be in the Temple of Light."

This secret makes Chen Rui very surprised. The original three holy things are not really "silver scorpions."

“The Book of Creation and the Book of Destruction are the things left by the founder to create this world. It is said that the “creator” who was called by the gods destroyed everything in the original three days, and then created it in three days. everything of."

"What do you mean by "all things" including the gods?" Chen Rui is the second time to hear the term "creator" from the mouth of the shackles. This is simply the creation myth of the alien version, to be in the original In the materialistic world, people will be dismissed, but in this plane, everything is possible.

"Including the gods," he said, "About the creators, most of what I know is from the hidden ancient legends, and I can't be sure of the truth or the details."

Speaking of the gods, what Chen Rui thought of, he asked: "What is the 'twilight of the gods'? Are the gods really dead?"

When this question was asked, Chen Rui suddenly felt awkwardly a bit strange: "What do you look at me like?"

"This is another taboo problem. The so-called 'death' is actually the beginning of 'life'. Everything in the world is a cycle of life and death. I can only answer so much."

"I suddenly realized that you have the potential to be a master of the abbot." Chen Rui sighed, female donor, you played a good machine front, asked so many questions, almost all plausible answers.

I frowned and frowned: "I don't have much research on alchemy. Is the 'Abbot' a special honorary title?"

"Well, it's me wrong." Chen Rui shook his head, although there were still many problems in the fog, but it was a bit clue. "It may be that the new soul power has not been completely digested. Today's idea is not Very clear, some questions, or ask again next time."

"Adult, if you ask, can you let me say a few words."

Chen Ruiyi, then nodded.

He pointed to the vast expanse of the Milky Way: "I admit that this universe is extremely realistic, even I have been blinded even a few times ago, but I am blunt, no matter how fierce the faith and vitality of this 'Shenguo' It is not really a reality. Adults should concentrate on comprehending the source of creation and destruction, and strive to comprehend more powerful forces at an early date, instead of wasting time on this illusory self-indulgence."

"You are wrong. I am not bored to this extent. Building a country in it is self-deprecating. This is simply deceiving yourself." Chen Rui shook his head. "I want to say that this should be the real universe..."

"The real universe? Isn't this a self-deception?" His eyes were cold and his tone was unceremonious: "Your strength is far from Satan, whether it is strength recovery or power advancement. Ten years is not enough. If you really want to compete with him, then you must remove these flashy and impetuous things."

"I originally wanted to give you some special abilities. It seems that before I do this, I must first correct your concept." This kind of rudeness, which is unceremonious, is called a pertinent criticism, which makes Chen Rui stunned. In the meantime, Veronica’s figure has already appeared in front of her eyes. “Introduction, this is Veronica, this is awkward.”

"Veronica?" stunned Veronica's eyes: "I seem to have heard of this name when I was in the ground world. It seems to be entangled with your identity. I don't think you took her soul. It has become a believer in her own. Although the soul of this woman is extremely weak, but the talent is very good, if the adults and her soul integration practice, it should be able to benefit the growth of power."

Can get a "good" evaluation, for 贲薨, it is indeed a very high evaluation, but Ms. 似乎 seems to be too self-conscious, Veronica's soul is not deliberately extracted by Chen Rui.

After hearing this, Veronica finally realized that this woman is completely different from the previous Rolla and Catherine. It seems that Chen Rui is another kind of relationship, and she is not surprised.

Chen Rui shrugged: "Veronica, now give you a task, amount... three days, let this young lady believe that what we are in now is a real universe."

"Well, then... God?" Veronica asked inquiringly, Chen Rui understood what she meant, nodded and glanced at it.

I feel that there is a special power in my It seems that I have a part of the power to control this vast universe. At the same time, Chen Rui’s image in her eyes suddenly becomes taller and can’t be straight. Vision, but need to look up like a god, even with the soul of her now pseudo-god, it is still difficult to resist the generation of this emotion.

"Adult, what have you done?" His face changed slightly.

This is the "heart" character of the temple waiter. He maintains absolute respect for Chen Rui, the master of this control, and puts an end to all violations of will. When Chen Rui saw it, he had already given her the power of God, but it was Ordinary gods, power and authority under Veronica.

Feeling that the "heart" was shocked by the willingness to shake, Chen Rui thought about it and canceled the role of this feature. Oh, this is what I have come back to, and I am moved: "What power is it just now? Unlike the power of the contract, that feeling is simply..."

"Follow me, Miss Yan, we have three days of time. I believe that what you have seen and experienced personally is much more convincing than what I said directly." Veronica smiled slightly. Walking outside the main hall, I felt that this "powerful and incomparable" woman had a special power, and she was involuntarily driven to move forward. (To be continued.)

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