Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1082: Melt

With the encouragement of Chen Rui, Adeline also joined the ranks of the game, but the Naga girl did not participate in the game of Olivis and Lalaria, but chose her favorite stand-alone version of the game. Soon, I was eager to enter the entertainment.

At this time, there are still a few hours away from the Dark Lake Mountains in the dark moon. Chen Rui thought for a while and released the cockroaches from the super system. Since 贲薨 has really surrendered, there is no need to imprison her. Super system.

After absorbing the power of Queriana, the damaged soul has been repaired almost, although the strength is slightly more backward than before, but after all, the peak and false gods are the strongest one in Chen Rui’s hands. Zhang ace.

The embarrassment of leaving the super system is a bit like the emotion of the world, this is the first time she breathed free air after the war in the Temple of Light - if the soul needs breathing.

If it is an ordinary soul, it cannot survive in a normal environment for too long, unless it is transformed into an undead creature or the power of a special treasure.

Even the dark magician Guladam, who is proficient in undead magic, took a huge risk when he turned himself into a corpse. If it is an ordinary soul, the transformation is the loss of autonomy, becoming an undead creature with only fighting instinct.

贲薨 has a very special soul talent, strong and powerful, can live freely in the way of the soul without relying on any external force. These years have even coexisted with the source of destruction in the silver scorpion.

However, without the body, some of the abilities can't be played or maximized.

"Here is...independent space? The exterior of this space seems to move at high speed... such a huge interior space is definitely not an ordinary magical prop. It is simply a magnificent city." I hit the surrounding environment immediately. Discover the mystery of the space of the capital of Xinghuang. "What is that giant? There is a national strength, and I saw this creature for the first time."

"This is a civilized city of ancient alchemy. It is also a kind of civilization that I have inherited from the main plane. The giant is called the Titan. It belongs to the alchemy creature. It has the talent of lightning and storm. Come with me. We are going to the evolution pool now. You will also see more alchemy creatures."

“The ancient alchemy civilization? It’s amazing.” I looked at Chen Rui’s eyes. “Just, even the main plane may not have the kind of 'universe power' that is close to the ultimate. Adults should not say that. Is the ultimate strength a small civilization that is inherited from this main plane?"

He is an old-fashioned pseudo-powerful person with an imaginative experience and a plan of mind. The excuse to deceive others is to say that it is not easy to fool her. In a sense, you are the first person to expose the "inheritance" lies.

Chen Rui’s eyes flashed: “The true universe is boundless. There should be more than one main plane. I may be the unlucky one coming from another ‘the main plane’?”

This should be regarded as the closest thing to the truth since Chen Rui came to this world. Unfortunately. I don’t understand the "style".

"There is a 'creator', there are many things that can happen. However, I have not heard the records or legends of the alien gods." The gaze also flashed: "Compared with this ethereal legend." I believe in the rebirth of a certain soul."

Chen Rui smiled bitterly: "The soul is born again? I don't know if you guessed it or misunderstood it. Don't say this, it doesn't make sense to argue this topic."

"Okay. If this is an adult's order." His eyes turned, "So let's talk about these strange facilities."

"What you are seeing now is the evolutionary pool. The creatures of these operating devices are strange servants. They are the only non-combat arms, but they are more important than the combat arms. They can manufacture, repair and manipulate all kinds of equipment, if the entire alchemy city is A large machine, then they are all kinds of indispensable gears. The crusted area is a evolutionary pool, and alchemy creatures are generally unable to practice or advance, and can use 'super evolution' to the next level. , but there is a considerable failure rate."

Chen Rui discovered that when he started talking, his eyes were on a thing and he said: "This is a light spirit that has failed to advance. Her name is Mandela, a crazy guy in the ancient alchemy civilization. The special creature that was made can't be copied now. She should have been the most promising 'super-evolution' success, but unfortunately it has not been successful. The only difference is that although she has experienced many failures, she has never been as strong as a creature. Going backwards or physically annihilating, but the soul is getting weaker and weaker."

"You just said ‘same kind?' No, she’s 'heterogeneous’,” he stared at Manres’s body tightly. “I don’t think it’s actually a soul, and it’s so high...”

"Welling the body?"

"This woman still has a trace of soul. It should not be made directly like other creatures, but it is transformed from a real life."

Hey, Chen Rui was taken aback, and the red light was not the light of the “production” of the alchemy equipment! But the crazy scientist uses real people...

It turned out that from the very beginning, my own thinking was wrong. It is no wonder that "Jinghuang" was analyzed with the idea of ​​a light spirit, and it could not be solved.

"This body is too perfect, better than the body I prepared for myself... No, the original body is much more perfect." In the blink of an eye, there is a splendour: "Manlace? It’s screaming later."

Chen Rui immediately responded: "You mean..."

"With this perfect soul, I can really be born again," smiled. "If the power you give is really imaginary, then you can not only restore the peak of the year, but the strength should be able to go further." ""

"Will her original consciousness disappear completely?" Chen Rui frowned. Now the power of Manle's soul is extremely weak, but it has not really been annihilated.

"I will blend her soul, it can be understood as... her silk soul is swallowed up by me, but it won't disappear completely, so I can perfectly control the body. But her residual memory or consciousness is very It may also have a corresponding impact on me. This explanation does not know whether adults can understand."

"I understand." Chen Rui shrugged - no one knows this feeling better than him.

"Okay, let's start now." Blinking his eyes, "I need the help of an adult."

"how should I do?"

There is a smile on the corner of the mouth: "Creating the power of the source..."

Chen Rui nodded in no doubt. It’s no wonder that I’ve been trying my best to get the source of creation in the bright mountain. It’s not only for the higher level of power, but also for my own rebirth. For this reason, she prepared a body suitable for soul fusion. It is a foresight.

His soul power is much stronger than that of Manle, and with the help of Chen Rui’s creative roots, he did not spend too much time to successfully integrate the soul of the dragon with the body of Manle.

"Manles", who has been keeping her eyes closed, slowly opened her eyes. Chen Rui felt that her temperament had changed suddenly. Although the facial features were still the original red light spirit, she exuded a special evil spirit, which made it involuntarily attracted. At the same time, she felt the tremor and fear. It is like some kind of deadly poisonous flower.

"Mances" looked at his hands and showed a smile: "The perfect blend, this body has so many extra abilities, and the plasticity is above my imagination. Very good!"

Said. "Man Lace" waved his hand to Chen Rui, and a ray of light covered him. Of course, this kind of light will not cause any damage, on the contrary. Chen Rui was surprised to feel that his soul power had risen out of thin air. The increase in soul was not achieved by ordinary gain magic, but a new skill. It should be a fusion of the magic magic talent of the red light spirit. To.

"In addition to the ability to gain and negative. There is also the talent of the elements," "Man Lace" has a different light shining in the palm of his hand. Stretched a limb and made several slamming moves: "It seems that the melee ability is quite outstanding. This is to make up for some of my previous weaknesses. 'Manle' is the surname, from now on, my The name is called '贲薨.曼蕾丝'."

race:? ?

Comprehensive strength assessment: s++

Physique s++, strength s++, spiritual s++, speed s++.

Analysis: Invincible attributes, powerful magic body, element addition, melee proficiency, bed skills proficiency,? ? ,? ? ,? ? .

The question mark displayed in the eyes of the analysis should be an undetermined analysis result. It seems that the fusion has produced a very wonderful change. The only thing that has not changed is the strength level.

"Your strength..."

"Wait a minute," raised his eyes: "This 'Manla' was transformed into a light spirit by the guy named Dorudal, but the original soul has not disappeared, and many memories have remained. It just can't defy the controller's will. Because you saved her, she has a special gratitude to you. Even... she wants to repay you in some way, but unfortunately you have not grasped the opportunity."

Chen Ruicai knows that the red light spirit still retains a sense of consciousness before being transformed. Looking at the ambiguous smile, the old face is not red, and he said: "We still discuss your strength problem."

"Excuse me, as a strength near the peak, a strong master and a superior," he shook his head and sighed: "The performance you are doing is not qualified. First of all, your words and deeds can not produce people. There is awe, not to mention other ones."

"I just want to be my own." Chen Rui thought about it. "After it is covered with a layer of strength, the inside of me is no longer me?" ”

This sentence made you silent for a moment, and then the topic shifted: "About strength..."

As she said, the smell of her body began to skyrocket. The power of the original Emperor's peak broke through to the nationalization in an instant, and it is still rising. In the blink of an eye, it has reached the peak of the country.

"Because of the nature of the fusion and this physical limitation, my soul power is temporarily suppressed below the demigod. I am in urgent need of practice, improve the fusion of the soul and the strength of the body, and gradually return to the most peak state. ”

"Veronica should take you to the training ground, where the time rule is a thousand times."

"That is really a wonderful place, but not enough," he nodded. "The quickest way is to fight."

Chen Rui’s heart is moving: “If you want to fight, I have a very suitable place.”

(Athina is a heroic sword in her hand: Pro, the power of the outbreak is a subscription!) (To be continued.)

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