Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1091: Condensed crystal sand

"I still need to confirm, Ms. Chen Rui, Ms. Catherine, please give me your hand, relax all the power, don't resist." Delkus's hands are full of crystal white light.

Catherine and Chen Rui extended their hand, and Delkus took the two men's hands and closed their eyes. The white light wrapped the two together and flickered.

Half a mile, the light disappeared, and Del Russ let go of his hand and looked at Chen Rui’s eyes with a deep meaning: “It is reasonable to say that your radiant body should be more easily detected by the heart of the light element. But very unexpected, I don't have any substantial discoveries, even if you say something of a 'sacred mark', I can't detect it. I just feel that I have some instinct and faint feeling that you have boundless power. As the universe is unfathomable, or the secret you have has gone far beyond the limits of what I can detect."

The elements of the wind element and the king of fire elements are surprised to look at each other. The heart of the element of the light element has the ability to “see through” everything, especially the deep knowledge of the body. Even if it is a false god, it is impossible to hide its ability. . However, Delkus actually said that Chen Rui’s secret has surpassed the limits he can detect.

Chen Rui knows that this is the reason for the super system.

"Ms. Catherine, you are equally unbelievable. If you say 'Nirvana' is a certain talent of the Des Moines," Delkus turned to look at Catherine: "I can tell You, the real mystery of that talent is to seek a step-by-step approach to some of the original blood, and thus get the strongest power. This process of low Bogao is quite dangerous, and it will be ruined if you don't pay attention. From your In terms of status, it should be guided and merged by some stronger blood. In this process, a small part of the blood is left in your body, and it also induces special changes. It gives you a powerful Strength. I can feel that your strength is beyond imagination. And with your current level of demigod, you should be able to counter the existence of the middle part of the demigod."

The words of Delkus reminded Chen Rui of the eyes of the analysis. Catherine’s "the phoenix of the fire", and he himself is the "love of the phoenix", these should be the reason of blossoming.

Delkus’s judgment is indeed quite accurate. In the original **** imperial battle contest, Catherine’s special power has begun to show signs. Catherine herself said that blossoming gave her a very powerful force. . It's just a part of digestion. As for the super-order confrontation, the battle with Stanwell in the middle of the demigod is the best proof. Although Catherine was concerned about her relationship with the Mozu, in order to avoid leaking more power, she had already stopped when Chen Rui arrived. However, she did not fall behind in the confrontation with Stanwell, let alone embrace. This unfavorable factor of blossoming.

"Close to... the most initial blood?" Catherine noticed the secret of "Nirvana" that Delkus called.

"Yes, the initial blood is extremely powerful, although it is scattered into seven shares. But relatively speaking, the power of the 'virtual' possessed by your pulse should be the most essential existence."

“‘Virtual'?” Chen Rui thought about the electric turn, and there was a cloak in his hand: “What do you call it?”

Catherine recognized that the cloak in Chen Rui’s hand is the shadow cloak of one of the seven artifacts, and Seth has already called out another name: “It’s really a virtual chapter!”

"Wind, fire, water, earth, light, darkness, emptiness." Chen Rui has realized. "What do you say, the seven scattered blood, are these seven?"

“Not bad.” Delkus frowned. “How did you come up with the virtual chapter? If it is a recognized blood, it will be a space prop. It cannot be earned.”

"There is a secret. I simply open it to the three His Royal Highness. I hope to get an accurate answer." Chen Rui said, and a long sword appeared in his hand. The Three Kings of Light are moving again.

"The chapter of light! No, there is the chapter of the earth, the chapter of the fire... the **** is on!" Ogmarton exclaimed, "The seven parts of the supreme thing are all in line, do you want to repeat it... ”

Ogmarton’s words did not go on. Chen Rui immediately asked: “What is the supreme thing? What is the secret of these seven items? I have not heard of this for the first time, but there is always no answer.”

"As their former and present master, you should be more clear than us," Delkus glanced at Chen Rui deeply. "No wonder, I have that feeling for you, no wonder, your daughter actually has that. Blood."

"I can say for sure, you have misunderstood," Chen Rui shook his head resolutely. He was not the first time he was misunderstood. It seems that the seven artifacts have once again become the root of misunderstanding. "The blossoming is that you own it." As for the seven things, strictly speaking, I am not their true master, but use a method similar to mystery to barely control their power."

Sethtin inserted: "No matter what you do, you are now their master. Sooner or later, you will understand..."

The fluttering flowers in the distance suddenly trembled and began to pick up and fall down. Chen Rui and Catherine have been paying attention to her daughter's movements, almost at the same time, and finally Chen Rui took a step and caught her daughter in time.

"Dad, I am so cold." The blossoming voice became weak.

"It will be fine, baby." Chen Rui trembled and tightened his daughter's rapidly chilling body.

"Dad, don't cry." Little girl reached out and touched Chen Rui's a little red eyes.

Feeling the coldness of the little hand, Chen Rui squeezed a smile: "Dad is just not feeling well, not crying, but also brave when blossoming."

"Well." The blossoming curled up and squatted, and no longer snorted, Catherine took the blossoming from Chen Rui's hand and held it tightly in her arms.

Chen Rui instantly returned to the three kings: "I don't want to know any secrets now, I just want to know, how can my daughter get rid of this pain?"

Delkus shook his head: "I understand your mood. I said that she is not a disease, but a sign of awakening of the blood. This is a natural and inevitable process. It is inevitable. As long as the awakening is successful, she will get Unimaginable power and potential. Just... It may be what you call 'reincarnation' or other reasons. This awakening is a bit early."

Justin's interface said: "In fact, this is a normal phenomenon, the problem is not big. When the recovery is successful, all the symptoms of discomfort will naturally disappear. You should not worry about this, but another thing - this blood The awakening is quite dangerous. Once it fails, it will not only lose power but also endanger life."

Chen Rui looked at Catherine and her daughter and said with a slap in the face: "I don't want her to have any unimaginable power. I only ask her to be safe in her life."

This is the parents.

Until now, Chen Rui has learned. What is the poor world of parents.

Real understanding.

Unfortunately, he has no chance to repay his parents.

"Awakening of the blood can not be prevented or reversed." Ogmarton’s voice sounded. "Fortunately, she is a purely fire body, there is a fist of fire...that is, the source of the fire is in the debris, I You can use the secret of the source to fuse the source of the fire into her body by imprint. This kind of imprint will greatly enhance her grasp of the entire recovery process, and it can also relieve the cold from time to time. I have the rest of the materials, but you still need to find something."

"What?" Chen Rui quickly asked.

"Condensed crystal sand, which also contains the essence of the earth system, can neutralize the power of the source, is the most suitable medium for the application of the fire system." Ogmarton reveals the color of regret: "Pity Yes. This kind of thing is extremely rare, and I don't know where it is."

"It's really rare, but I know there is a place that might have this kind of thing." Then Delkus inserted: "This was what I had inadvertently heard when I was working with the Church of Light. That place is -- The dream oasis of the Black Prison Desert."

"Black Prison Desert?" Chen Rui thought, "I seem to have heard of it. Together with the island of Stormwind, Nightmare Volcano and other places, it is known as one of the most dangerous places."

"You are wrong, if it is the Black Prison Desert. The island of Stormwind is not worth mentioning in front of it." The wind element King Sestin looks pale and dignified: "The beginning of the wind is the debris I found in the periphery of the Black Prison Desert." The process can be described as sinister. If it is not that I have the power to control the wind, it has already been annihilated. I have never been to the Dream Oasis. It is said to be the core of the Black Prison Desert. I will give you a piece of advice, even today. If you rush into it, you will also encounter unimaginable dangers."

"I don't doubt the advice of a friend, especially an elemental king. But no matter what, I can't stop me from bringing back the smoldering sand."

"This sacred pearl is for you, you can use it three times to resist any storm or wind element attack, but it has no ability to adapt to certain forces in the desert." Wind Elemental King opened his hand, a blue The color beads flew to Chen Rui.

"Thank you, thank you, my friend." Chen Rui accepted the beads of the scorpion. "Right, there is another important thing. Just because I was anxious to talk about the disease, I forgot to tell you, it is about The source of the fire is the source of debris and the king of water."

Ogmarton said: "I also want to ask you, where did you find the source of the fire?"

"Devil world ~ ~ more accurately, is in the desperate main altar, at that time with it, is the separation of Dilroslo, a avatar that is about to approach the ultimate form..." Chen Rui will be the sea of ​​death The battle that took place was simply repeated, especially the rupture of the heart of the water element, and the need for the phantom ice spring to repair.

"It turned out to be the case..." Ogmarton touched his jaw. "I thought that the original source fragments were all in place, and you can... I can't think of the element of the guy's heart breaking."

What can I do? Chen Rui looked at Ogmarton, but unfortunately the fire element king did not have the following.

"In fact, the king of water is right, and any elemental king will do the same," Delkus said. "You can destroy the desperate main altar. You have done a good job, but the heart that repairs the water." The phantom ice spring does not know where it is."

"There are still ten years, I will definitely find it." Chen Rui said to Catherine: "You stay here to take care of the blossoming, I immediately set off to the Black Prison Desert."

"Everything is careful." Catherine nodded, holding a blossoming flower that had gradually fallen into a drowsy. (To be continued.)

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