Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1103: Elemental king's hunch

Sun Yat Volcano.

A light door disappeared from the air, and Chen Rui’s figure appeared in the Temple of the Flame.

The last blow to Rafael’s projection was purely to see that the guy was not pleasing to the eye. The “slap in the face” fan was loud enough, and it was a bad smell.

Anyway, even if Chen Rui does nothing, the Rashan of the holy mountain trip three years later will also try to put him to death.

"Dad!" A red light responded the fastest, taking the lead to Chen Rui.

"Dad! Where have you been?"

"I miss you so much."

Blossoming on his face, Chen Rui quickly sneaked out of the helmet, holding the daughter, just laughing, can not speak for a while.

After a while, the appearance of Catherine appeared behind him, and saw the deep and beautiful eyes and eyes of the night sky, and Chen Rui only felt warm and warm.

"Chen Rui, your hand..." Catherine found the strangeness of his right arm for the first time. She was surprised, but she saw Chen Rui shaking her head. It turned out that before he came back, the blossoming had already been very tired. I felt that my dad came back to the front and was excited and excited for a while. Now the eyelids slowly hang down, apparently falling asleep.

Sure enough, a moment of kung fu little girl squatted on Dad’s left shoulder and slept. Soon after, the body temperature began to slowly decrease, and the body involuntarily shivered, apparently still affected by the “side effects” of the awakening force.

Catherine had to take over, and Chen Rui was reluctant to let go. Seeing that Catherine deliberately showed her jealous appearance, Chen Rui smiled and went to kiss the face of Her Majesty the Queen.

Her Majesty smiled and secretly exerted the power of Nirvana to treat the injured right arm. The three of them came to the main hall together.

"Three. I am back." Chen Rui gave the blossoming to his child, and took out the smoldering crystal sand from the storage warehouse: "His Royal Ogmarton. I don't know if this is the flowering need." Fire crystal sand, are these enough?"

"Sure enough, it is a smoldering sand. These weights are enough. Not only can I give me a secret, but the rest will allow me to refine something special."

"Refining special things? I now doubt if you are a fake public and private, deliberately let Chen Rui go to find the crystal fire sand." Wind element king Sestin shook his head.

"Sestin!" Ogmarton was furious. "You are more suspicious than the water element!"

"Do you want me to praise you more than the earth elements?" Setstin sneered.

Chen Rui heard enough weight and made a big decision. The two elements of the king’s squaws made him feel funny, because the two of them are all analogous to their own rivals. It seems that the shackles of the elements are really interesting.

"You don't want to argue, but fortunately Chen Rui is not someone else." Light element king Delkus smiled apologetically toward Chen Rui.

"This is my honor." Chen Rui heard that the Three Kings did not mean to be a foreigner. Also made a joke, "His Royal Delkus is more liberal than the dark elements."

Delkus’s face was dark, and Seth and Ogmarton laughed.

"Chen Rui, I know that you are worried about your daughter. I still help the little girl to solve the problem first. To be honest, the fire affinity of this little girl... even I blame it. Unfortunately, the element king is this thing. Can't be like a human or a demonic emperor, otherwise I will choose her as the heir to the next fire element king." Ogmarton said with a big sigh, went to a platform in the hall. Not to avoid, in the face of Chen Rui took out a lot of materials.

Under the command of the king, the fire element of the bathing fire began to paint a mark on the ground, and Ogmarton waved his hands. Condensing the power of the entire Temple of Blaze, preparing for a special ritual of melting fire, turning the most pure source of fire into the mark of origin. Into the body of the blossoming.

"Thank you, Ogmarton."

"He is afraid that I can't hear our voices now. I said that he is welcome, he is right. Your hand..." Sethine discovered Chen Rui's injury and frowned. "With yours." Strength, even if the black prison desert is dangerous again, it will not be affected by this kind of injury. What powerful enemy is it?"

"Unfortunately, Sethine, you gave me the beads of my life, because I met an unexpected terrible enemy, more accurately, a woman, Gabriel."

The light element king and the wind element king also stunned at the same time: "The one who is the highest angel?"

Delkus looked at Chen Rui's eyes a bit more different: "As far as I know, Gabriel not only has the powerful strength of the peak pseudo-god, but also has a special talent, can break all power, although this Breaking through is not infinite, but with the strength of Gabriel, plus this terrible talent, it is considered to be the top of the peak power, you can actually escape from her hands."

Chen Rui smiled bitterly: "Your luck, in fact, the dream oasis is her sleeping place, these injuries are the result of me and her gambling smoldering sand..."

"No wonder," Setstin said awkwardly: "I felt extremely terrible in the Hells Desert. It turned out to be Gabriel! No matter what tricks you use or... Anyway, it can be in Gabriel. It’s really rare to get condensed crystal sand in your hand."

or it could be? Chen Rui did not understand the meaning of Setin's words, but he quickly said the more important news: "This time there is an unexpected gain, that is, the hands of Gabriel, and the phantom ice spring !"

This news made the Guangming three kings move at the same time. Chen Rui sighed with a sigh: "Unfortunately, this time I didn't get it. The phantom ice spring is the essence of the phantom spring water. It takes three years to generate. I reached an agreement with Gabriel. After the year, go to the bright mountain and trade."

"Would you like to exchange the phantom ice springs, is it a snowy ley tree?" Delkus witnessed Chen Rui stealing three snow darley trees, and immediately guessed it with the wisdom of the light element king.


"Isjolur is dead in your hands. It seems that you and the bright church's grievances, it seems that the transaction after three years is far more dangerous than this black prison desert." Delkus looked worried, in fact, this The little friend king still doesn't know Chen Rui's two "feats" in the bright mountain, otherwise he will be shocked.

"Now the original source fragments of the six elements have been assembled, but the heart of the elements of the water element has not been repaired. Otherwise ... oh, what is the third angel?" Setstin said disdainfully.

This made Chen Rui secretly thinking. After the restoration of the heart of the blue Bobst, can the elemental kings become a little strong? However, from the previous exchanges. Whether it is the Three Kings of Light or the Three Kings of Darkness, this is a slap in the face, even Moore is no exception. He is not a reluctant friend. Since people have unspeakable secrets, don't ask them.

Even after an event, the elemental king can match the Supreme Three Angels, but it must be restored after the restoration of the water element. Before that, Chen Rui must first go to the holy mountain to get the Phantom Ice Spring. This order cannot be reversed, so I still can't hope for it.

"In any case, some of our current strengths are too limited, and everything is up to you." Delkus nodded to Chen Rui, and heard the enemies of the Dark Three Kings, the Light Three Kings, please do this. Chen Rui’s heart could not help but give birth to a strange feeling.

"Chen Rui, you are a friend recognized by the Three Kings of Light, and also the people who have eliminated the three altars of the abyss. I want to tell you something."

Justin's dignified expression and tone made Chen Rui startled: "Is it related to the abyss?"

"I can't be sure." Sethine frowned. "In fact, the three of us gathered together this time. It is because of this. Elements are one of the basic substances that make up this world. As the master of the elements, we I feel some disturbing signs, and it seems that something terrible is about to happen."

“Is it a problem with the seal power of the abyss?” Chen Rui’s response was very rapid.

Sethine asked one sentence: "Do you know what will happen to the seal?"

Chen Rui nodded: "Everything will be destroyed. It is like the civilization of a main plane that I have passed down."

"In fact, the real purpose of the abyss is not only destruction, but what is certain is that they must first be destroyed, and everything in the world will cease to exist. I know that the abyss has been trying to use the believers to erode the world. Various entrances, but compared to the real seal. These are just small actions. The real seal... For the time being, there should be no problem."

Chen Rui’s heart is moving, and Setin can feel the power of the seal abyss? This statement is equivalent to telling him that the abyss seal is related to the elemental king.

"However, the three of us are not sure whether it is caused by the abyss," Setsin shook his head. "We just determined a certain sense of crisis. If you can, I hope that after returning to the Devil, and the Dark Three Kings... ...the amount should be discussed by the earth element king and the dark element king. If they have the same omen, then this matter is no small matter."

Chen Rui did not ask whether the abyss seal was the essence of the elemental king. He knew that there was something wrong with Setin, and he certainly had a dilemma. He did not go deep into this issue and asked: "So, what should I do?" ”

"We can only wait and see what happens But once the situation really develops to some extent, not only your strength but also the power of another person is needed."


"One of your wives, the lady named Dragon, who was recognized by the ‘the crown of the gods.’”

"Lola?" Chen Rui frowned. From the tone of Sethine, "Chen Rui" is just a slap in the face, and Lola is the real center of gravity.

What does this have to do with Rolla? Chen Rui thought of the attitudes of the elemental kings before the six-element kingdom and the crown of the gods, and they were more curious.

“It’s still early to say this,” said Light Elemental King Delkus. “No matter what happens, the heart of the water element that repairs the water element is the most basic premise. Sorry, but some things are really inconvenient. Say it now."

At this time, Ogmarton’s voice sounded: “The fire is ready, Ms. Catherine, please put the blossoming in this mark, Sethine, Delkus, you two Help me!" (To be continued.)

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