Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1110: Pseudo-deity

This time, Augustus came to the Darkmoon, mainly to visit Lalaria and Oliver, and after hearing that the two daughters had almost died in the sea of ​​death, they suddenly felt a cold sweat.

The treasure map is actually a collection of his, which is said to record the location of an ancient sea kingdom treasure, not knowing the truth. Later, it was stolen by Lalaria, and she actually took Olivis together to hunt for treasure. If it wasn’t for Chen Rui’s arrival, she would have died in the terrible abyss of the main altar.

Chen Rui is clear in his heart. It is not that this treasure map is deliberately left by the abyss. The treasure map should be a real treasure. It is only because of the age that the sea kingdom has just been turned into the main altar by the abyss. Fortunately, he sensed that Wissilna's link disappeared, otherwise it would be a shame if he went one step later.

What Augustus seems to think of is: "Chen Rui, you just said, what is the woman yelling?"

"Yes, adults have heard of her?"

"I can't be her... Is it the same name?" Augustus whispered to himself, suddenly waking up: "Right, she said before, returning to the middle of the false gods? It must be!"

"I think, your guess is correct." Chen Rui shrugged. "The strength of the scorpion was originally the peak of the false god. Because of some conditions, the strength is temporarily regressed and is now being restored step by step."

"It really is her," Augustus said with a wry smile. "When I left Long Island, my father, Cruzier, had warned me that there are a few people who can't be provoked. There are Satan and 贲薨, but unfortunately I was young and eager to see everything. After a promotion, I wanted to challenge Satan. The result was easily defeated, if not Satan looked at my old part with my grandfather Seshin. I am afraid I am early. It has been turned into a fly ash."

"It's not your grandfather, Seshen, but your grandfather's grandfather, Millsto." The faint voice came. "What you are experiencing should be only Satan's avatar, but that guy is never a person who talks about friendship. At the beginning, his true body should be sleeping in the power of silver scorpion, and don't want extra factors to affect himself. Otherwise, You have already become the dust of history, the little black dragon."

"Hey!" Augustus glanced at it, although according to the true age, he and Satan should be the strongmen of the same age, and indeed he did not know how old he was. But the phrase "Little Black Dragon" was still in the ears of the Dragon Emperor, still feeling harsh.

"I am not satisfied with my evaluation of the dragons. I also said this to Millsto." He said with sneer: "If you don't accept it, you can come back again! Your pseudo-god is just a success, even the faith life is not fully integrated." It is not my opponent at all. Even if the eye of the dragon **** is useless in your hand, and your current eye of the dragon **** is only a defective product, it has not been restored since it was damaged."

When Augustus heard "not paying for another fight," he was about to attack. He heard the words behind him and calmed down: "I stepped into the pseudo-god level and merged the essence of the dragon dragon of Rodriguez. The reason is actually a false god. In the fusion of faith life, there are all problems. I hope you can give me the corresponding advice."

These words of Augustus are actually told to Chen Rui. In his view, Chen Rui has reached the middle of the pseudo-god. Should be able to give him the appropriate advice. It is a pity that Chen Rui’s “pseudo-god level” is completely different from ordinary practitioners, and there is no pseudo-deity at all. Of course I couldn't answer, so I had to look down on my body.

"You seem to ask the wrong person. Little Black Dragon," looked at Augola with a smile and smiled. "He can't think of anything now. Or I will tell you."

Augustus looked at Chen Rui with surprise, knowing that he didn't lie. It seems that this guy really doesn't know (or can't remember). The current confrontation is slightly owed, and he said: "Please advise. ""

This attitude makes you nod your head: "The most fundamental difference between the pseudo-god and the demigod is not that the common law rises to the level of the law power, but the fusion of the national faith and life, and the real world of the demigod is gradually integrated into In the soul, the core of faith and life is formed. As long as the soul is not destroyed, the core will not disappear. This is the 'pseudo-god.'"

For the first time, Chen Rui heard such a theory and asked: "How to integrate the real country into the soul?"

"First of all, you need a real country, and there are many creatures that fully believe in you. These are actually the foundations of the semi-god level. Then... there is a metaphor, just like creating a space in the soul and all the real things in the kingdom. Incorporate into it, this kind of integration will make the law change qualitatively and become a power."

“Manufacturing space?” Chen Rui implicitly thought of something. “Is it equal to saying that the country of national power is the country of energy structure, which is equivalent to a general framework from the qualitative change of the domain to the kingdom of the country. It is transformed from the fictitious country of energy into a real entity. It can transmit the 'divided' assistance of the country during the battle, but this country is separated from itself. At the pseudo-god level, the country has merged into the pseudo-magic, completely becoming its own portion?"

It is like the revision of certain Dharma:

Nationalization is equal to seeing mountains as mountains, seeing water as water.

The semi-god level is equal to seeing the mountain is not the mountain, seeing the water is not water.

The pseudo-god level is equal to returning to the origin, seeing the mountain is the mountain, seeing the water is water, but compared with before, there is a completely different qualitative change.

"Of course, this is common sense. You won't even forget this." Augustus curiously asked Chen Rui a sentence, but did not ask more, but turned to the topic, "I Now there are some problems in the fusion country..."

When I heard that Augustus had said the difficulties I encountered, I was slightly decapitated: "The reason is very simple. The power of your country's faith is not enough for 'quality' or 'quantity." Faith is the most in the country. An important part is that the purer and thicker the faith, the more solid the pseudo-god will be, the stronger the power will be, and the larger the life space that can be accommodated. For a simple example, if your current pseudo-magic life space is a Island, then Satan...including me, the ocean!"

Augulas was shocked. With the deepening of the explanation, many incomprehensible or difficult things are still going to happen.

The practice and sentiment of the power of faith. It is not a one-off effort, it takes a long time and a lot of energy. The most commonly used state enters a state of dormancy, leaving the body and spirit at the lowest level of consumption, but simply separating the soul from the kingdom and feeling the faith.

He also explained the use of some false god-level beliefs and the mystery of dormancy, and Augustus couldn’t hear the dagger.

Chen Rui, who was listening to it, finally understood why the Supreme Three Angels, Saliye, Satan, including the 贲薨 (in the silver scorpion) these peaks and false gods, without exception, often enter the long-term "sleeping". It turned out to be the truth.

Although the life of the pseudo-god is very long, it is not endless. Sleeping can not only comprehend and practice faith, expand and strengthen the country of the pseudo-god, but also greatly reduce the consumption of life.

Chen Rui couldn't help but ask: "What is your current pseudo-god?"

"Because the damage was very serious at that time..." He said that when Chen Rui was decisive in the holy mountain, "but this body is almost absolutely pure, and the soul of the body makes my soul fusion perfect. Good to accommodate the strength of my country, plus the previous practice in that place, overall, the recovery is in good condition. For now, the initial pseudo-god is basically a short-term limit, to quickly return to the peak pseudo-god , can only take some shortcuts."

"The shortcut you said..." Chen Rui thought of what he said in the battle between Ao and Augulas. "Is it the kingdom of others?"

"More accurately, it is to devour the pseudo-god. Not everyone has this ability, the pseudo-magic has a powerful power, a little careless. It will burn all the jade, but I happen to have this talent. Although the power is better than not The practice of self-cultivation is more pure and powerful. It takes longer to digest and assimilate to achieve the desired effect, but it is the only shortcut to rapidly expand the strength."

"The higher the opponent's pseudo-god level. The greater the benefit to me, such as this little black dragon, I can try to recover after swallowing... or the 'shock' middle of the pseudo-god." I looked at it and immersed myself in comprehension. In the "Little Black Dragon", Augustus has completely entered a certain state at this moment, and he is unaware of other things.

Chen Rui certainly won't agree to do this: "Is there any other way?"

"That's for personal selection. Now that you have brought Satan to me, I can directly return to the state of the peak god. If you give me time to fully digest, then the strength will be even worse."

"This is too difficult." Chen Rui said with a bitter voice, "I still want to rely on you to quickly restore strength to deal with him, so, I will give you a special world star enhancement try, just before my friends In terms of the situation, the effect is quite good."

"Okay. However, take the example I used before and the little black dragon. Even if it is restored to the peak and false gods, the country is only the 'ocean', even if it covers the whole world? The legendary **** country, It is as vast as the galaxy of the sky, and there are countless lives in it. That is the true deity."

Speaking, I’m looking at Chen Rui’s eyes a little more profoundly: “In general, even those who are pregnant with the blood of the Protoss or the fragments of the gods...that is, the true gods of the gods cannot be reached. Breaking through the bottleneck becomes a true god. However, there may be some amazing people who may be able to touch the height that no one else can reach, and thus embark on the real path of becoming a god."

Chen Rui sighed, well, anyway, the more black, I am just someone.

After "breaking the cans," someone’s mind became more clear: "I understand that the reason why those people in Michael steal their faith is to use the power of the faith of countless bright believers to constantly expand their country and think. It is necessary to use the 'quantity change' to induce the true 'quality change' of the false to take the road of the gods. And what you have proposed, comprehending the source of creation and the source of destruction is another way, directly from the perspective of qualitative change. Departure, because creation and destruction are the most basic rules of the universe."

"Actually, this theory is not proposed by me," he said, looking straight into Chen Rui's eyes. "And it is not only a theory. Some people have personally practiced this road. It can be said that when I almost touched the final field... ...and now I am not sure whether he succeeded or failed."

Chen Rui thought that when he said that he had said this theory to Satan, Satan’s reaction was that he had an "old friend" behind him. It seems that this old friend is not necessarily awkward in Satan’s view. It is the one who Chen Rui has been mistakenly recognized.

"I don't want to explain any misunderstanding." Chen Rui shook his head. "If you try to let someone remember something, it is obviously a failure, because this is simply playing on the cow... the amount, you can understand the lowest level. The Warcraft playing instrument is trying to make it understand the music, understand?"

"Understood." 贲薨 Silence for a moment, suddenly revealing a rare smile, nodded: "The lowest level of Warcraft adults."

Chen Rui: "..." (to be continued..)

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