Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1112: a world full of hope

Chen Rui sees it all in his eyes. Naturally, I understand that Alice is deliberately whole person, shaking her head secretly. At this time, there is a voice coming from the side: "What are you doing here?"

Alice turned her head and looked at it. She did not lose her courtesy. She loosened her arm next to Chen Rui and gave a gift to the middle-aged man with a beard: "Chia Yaro."

"His Royal Highness Alice." The vice president of the Royal Academy looked at Alice, her eyes on the little girl riding on Chen Rui's neck, her pupils shrunk slightly.

"Uncle!" As soon as he saw the arrival of the mountain, Tuman suddenly got a good spirit and pointed to Chen Rui. "Come on this unknown source..."

"Hey!" Tuman hadn't finished talking, and he was slap in the face of Shiaro's slap in the face and left the rest of the words back.

Shi Yaluo gave Chen Rui a deep ritual: "His Royal Highness Alice, this sir, I am sorry, everything blames these two things that are not a thing, rude, please forgive me."

Chen Rui smiled slightly and said: "It's just a small matter, Alice, let's go first."

Alice nodded to Ciaro and took Chen Rui’s hand: "Brother, you rarely come to college, I will take you around."

"it is good."

Seeing that Alice took the man away from the distance, Tuman could not help but be anxious: "Uncle! That guy and Princess Alice..."

"Things that don't grow your eyes! If Alice's Highness is true to that lord, you two, and the other guys have some don't have the slightest hope!"

Tuman said with disapproval: "Now Alice is not married yet, who has hope, and the guy just was just a..."

"Shut up! You want the whole family to perish. You may want to provoke the lord!" Ciaro glared at the scorpion.

Family demise? The weight of this sentence made Tuman scared: "Who is that person?"

Suvor himself cleverly inserted: "I remembered, the old man. It seems to be the close relative of the old Goss. The old Gauss began to follow his majesty from the dark moon territory. Is this person the son of the old Gauss? Even so ......"

"The Boer family are all idiots like you? Losing you still have a face to pursue Princess Alice! Is the child a respectful look?" Suvor replied bluntly: "Although I don't know that." Your Excellency. But I am a little bit impressed by the little girl he is holding..."

"Little girl?" Tuman and Suvor said in unison, the dean of the Royal College, will be intimidated by a little girl? What did the little guy come to, isn’t the daughter of Hisa’s daughter not?

"Hey! Have you forgotten the finals of the Devil's Fighting Conference held in the Bloody Empire?"

"The finals of the finals are in the devil world. Who doesn't know the first strongman, Wang Fu Agulie, and Queen Catherine..." Tuman finally remembered, and the voice suddenly became stammered. "The little girl." ......"

Suvor hardly accepted: "She seems to call the man "Dad."

Both of them understood that it was not the daughter of His Majesty, but another daughter of His Majesty!

The little girl's father is stronger and more dazzling than her mother.

The man who is a household name in the devil world!

Just actually provoked him?

Tuman and Suwar, who wake up, almost scared the urine.

Both Suvor and Tuman are just trivial little people. Chen Rui did not pay attention to it, let Alice lead, walk on campus, attracting the attention of countless people.

Everyone saw that Princess Alice, who had always rejected all men, took the initiative to hold a man’s hand and laughed and couldn’t help but be surprised. The strange thing is that the man is not a handsome and handsome person, but the appearance is extremely ordinary. Unbelievable, Alice's expression is an unprecedented dance.

Although the Royal Academy was built soon, Chia paid considerable attention to this aspect. Whether it is the area or facilities are not inferior to the world's most famous Starlight Academy, it is full of style.

Duo Duo is also very interested in this novel place. Asking Dong to ask the West, Chen Rui has the heart to let her daughter feel a good learning atmosphere in advance. Answering them one by one, Alice inserts a few words from time to time. Princess Loli has a heart to save the country, simply loosening Chen Rui’s hand. Holding the blossoming around, but because of the body relationship. Looks more like a pair of little sisters.

"Alice's sister! What is that dress?"

"That is a tiger coat, it is used for performance. There is a recent campus stage show, they are rehearsing."

"Tiger suit? It's fun!"

"I am going to get you one," Alice said with a turn: "But you have to call my mother."

"Okay, sister. But mom is taller than you, and..."

The blossoming look at Alice's relatively barren chest. Compared with Catherine, a princess can only be regarded as an airport.

A princess burst into tears, is this what I want?

"Still call it."

"Okay! Sister."


The size of Loli approached the rehearsed girls, and the lovely appearance of the blossoms made the girls all around.

"His Royal Highness, who is this little girl?"

"Lovely little sister! What is your name?"

"This..." Alice's purple voice stunned and said, "This is my daughter!"

This sentence leads to a blast, Princess Alice, who was pursued by many boys, when did she have such a big daughter?

At this time, a word of blossoming was revealed: "Alice's sister, I want a tiger coat."

It turned out to be a sister, and the girls laughed. A girl brought a tiger coat and let it bloom. This dress is a magic material that can automatically adapt to the size.

"Wow, so cute little tiger!" Seeing the change of the tiger costume, the girls’ eyes flashed with little stars.

"Alice sister, why are you not a tiger?"

Alice quickly put on a tiger suit, "snapped", holding the blossoming hand, and looked forward to ask the girls around: "Is it like a mother and daughter?"

"It’s a tiger sister!"

"Haha! It's so cute!"

The girls laughed happily.

"Oh. No eyes." Alice shouted dissatisfiedly, dragging a small tail. With the blossoming left the performance field.

"Flowering, you secretly called me a mother. I will take you to the Academy's unique Sulun juice. Is it good?"

"Okay, sister!"


Looking at two cute big and small tigers, Chen Rui showed a smile.

The old Goss behind spoke up: "I can see that Alice is very happy. I haven't seen her smile for a while."

"is it?"

"His Royal Highness should understand the little princess's intention to you, this long princess... The amount is very clear." Although Xiya has been in the throne for a long time, the old man who grew up watching Hiya is still habitually calling the Queen. His Majesty is a long princess.

This title also made Chen Rui’s heart nostalgic, and then shook his head: “I know. However, I am going to have a big marriage with the shadow and **** two empresses...”

Old Gauss nodded: "This little princess is actually one of the earliest known people. When the messenger reported, she was just beside her. The little princess was definitely indepressed, but she is still very happy now, that kind of happiness, not Put it out. Your Highness knows why?"

Chen Rui has not answered yet. Here, Goss has already said the answer: "Trust, not so confident. More is trust in you."

Chen Rui looked at the "medium tiger" who walked briskly, and was silent.

"I have a son and a daughter. My daughter died soon after I left. My son followed the White Night Emperor. I never went back. The princess and the little princess both grew up and said a word, in my words. In my heart. It is like my daughter." Old Gauss's eyes showed a kind of color, Chen Rui nodded. It is clear that the old servant's loyalty to Xia, even when it was the most critical of the year. Did not leave Chia.

Not only is loyalty, there is another kind of love.

"His Highness, please forgive me. As far as I know, there are many women, including the three Queens, each of whom is unparalleled, but whether it is the human world or the devil, with those wives Compared with the nobility, the number of women you have can only be considered pitiful. The princess... She lost her mother from an early age, and completely changed herself under the pressure of His Royal Highness, but she is very happy now, not only It was because of the fulfillment of His Royal Highness, the re-control of the empire, and because of being with you. It can be said that meeting you in the dark moon that year was the biggest turning point in her life and the luckiest turning point. As for the little princess, I know that you may have your own arrangements, but anyway, please give the little princess happiness."

Old Gauss said, deeply bowed: "Thanks to His Highness, I can listen to an old guy for so long. Speaking, I am not qualified to say this to His Highness, but..."

"You are wrong. As an elder who loves Shia and Alice, you have this qualification." Chen Rui used another honorable saying in the world, even though in this world, it is collectively called "you", "I don't Will disappoint my loved ones, including Alice."

Old Gauss did not pay attention to the difference in the title, but after hearing the last sentence of Chen Rui, his eyes could not help but brighten and nodded: "Thank you, Your Highness."

"As a relative of Xia and Alice, you don't have to thank me."

"Don't say anything else, my life is what you save," Old Gauss smiled. "The changes in these years have been too great. Take this Royal Academy. Although it was established soon, it has won the attention of the Majesty. Soon. In the college exchanges of the three empire, three champions have also come back, and outstanding talents have emerged in various departments. The status and weight of the college are also increasing, becoming an important base for the reserve and cultivation of imperial talents."

After the establishment of the Royal Academy of the Three Empires, a corresponding exchange competition will be held every year, which not only rewards the rich, but also the winners can enter the eyes of the top of the empire, the future is limitless.

Compared with the well-known colleges in the human world, the facilities and scale of the three royal colleges in the Devil World are not inferior, but there is still a big difference between teachers and students. But I believe that as time goes by, it will become no worse. The presence.

"Now, when I look back, it seems like a dream. When I was struggling for the whole dark moon territory, I couldn’t think of it. There would be a situation like today. It’s not flattering or exaggerating. I have to say, the dark moon has today, 堕Today, the Angel Empire has today, the whole devil world is today, and it is the first hand of the temple. His extraordinary ability is not inferior to the powerful combat power he possesses, and even the best, is the deserved first in the devil world."

Chen Rui slowly shook his head: "No, this is not my own merit. Even without me, one day, one day, it will naturally develop to this step. And, now... not enough."

To fight against the abyss that may come in the future, these are not enough, not enough.

Although the three main altars have been destroyed, it does not mean that the crisis in the abyss will be completely resolved. It can only be said to be a delay.

The avatars of the three abyss of the abyss showed strong self-confidence before being destroyed. It seems that it is only a matter of time before coming to this world, and this time will not last long.

Whether it is a bluff or not, you must not relax your vigilance.

Whether or not he still exists when the abyss comes, but what is certain is that the economy must develop faster, the military must be further powerful, and the magic game must make more people stronger and more adapt to the characteristics of the abyss enemy. .

"Not enough?" These two words made Old Gauss look very unexpected. Based on the dark moon, they defeated the black scorpion in one fell swoop and helped Xia to ascend the throne. The military and economy of the empire angel empire entered an unprecedented period of rapid development and established the Three Kingdoms. The alliance, the devil world unified, ushered in true peace, these are not "after no one", but also "the unprecedented ancient people" great achievements, this is not enough?

Chen Rui did not explain just looking at the white moon in the air.

At that time, when I first came to this world, I also faced the two moons. His mood was the inability to express loneliness, despair and fear, and even cursed everything he encountered. But now, the smiling faces in the moon make him feel hope, because these people are there, the whole world is full of hope.

"Dad! This Sulun juice is so delicious, come on!"

The sound of the sky.

It is like an angel.

Not the so-called angel in this world, but the most beautiful and pure angel in my heart.

Chen Rui smiled and greeted the old Gauss and strode forward.

No matter what the purpose of the abyss is to destroy the world, whether it will face the real abyss in the rest of its life, no matter what enemies in the future, even...the gods.

In order to guard this voice, in order to protect all hope, he will burn everything to fight. (To be continued.)

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