Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1115: Shock

Judging from the situation of Augustus's fall, it seems that he has completely lost the ability to control his body's balance. It seems that the two photos of the light that had just been attacked have caused him to be hurt by imagination.

Under the guidance of 贲薨, Augustus has already deepened his understanding of the pseudo-god, and his strength is much longer than before. He is also pregnant with the dragon artifact "Eye of the Dragon", the enemy that can defeat him like this. It is absolutely terrible to exist.

Chen Rui did not dare to neglect. In an instant, he had already displayed the "Purple. Extreme Star Change" and launched the power of "Dangerous Wind". The lightning appeared in the bottom of Augustus, and a force held the big one. Body shape.

The situation of Augustus is worse than the imagination. The huge body with the armor of the beggar is covered with cracks. The crack is full of blood and horrible wounds. The eyes are creased and the whole body is on the verge of collapse. The degree of collapse.

Chen Rui is trying to save, and Augustus’s next sentence made him change his face: “Don’t worry about me! Blossoming...”

correct! Blossoming has always been with Augola!

Chen Rui’s big shock, instantly turned into a purple electric light, and the point toward the front almost disappeared into the white light in the night.

The speed of the white light was extremely fast. In the state of the purple star, the force of "disease like the wind" and the wind and shadow boots "wind" was launched. Chen Rui actually barely kept up with the white light and could not catch up.

Chen Rui did not hesitate to launch the three-speed skill "Flashing" of the wind and shadow boots, and finally got closer.

I saw only a vague figure in the white light, and there was no trace of blossoming, but. Chen Rui knows that blossoming must be in the control of this person. At this time, the speed of both sides is too fast. And the distance is too far to be able to display time power. With a big bang, the right fist instantly condenses a powerful force of destruction. A deep red ray sings straight into the white light, and the night sky along the way seems to be split into two by this light.

True red is extinct!

The white light figure felt the power of this blow, but did not look back, but waved his hand at random. The red light of the extinction was like a snow near the flame, and it burst open.

Chen Rui only felt that a majestic force seemed to come face to face with a sharp sword. After the powerful attack of "true red extinction", the situation remained unabated. Straight through.

This power is extremely terrifying. Chen Rui clearly feels that as long as he is touched, the whole body will be completely destroyed like the "true red extinction".

"Mirror body"? "flying fly"? No, the opponent's movement speed is too fast, and the distance will be pulled away if it is slowed down, and the "flash" is only a minute away, in this case. Only use "shifting stars".

Chen Rui’s hands immediately showed a faint brilliance, and he swayed quickly. The sword-like power was drawn around, but the speed of the man was too fast. Can't pull back.

Then, a few high-speed lights intertwined.

Chen Rui has the experience of "speed war" with Gabriel. This time, it is already full of God's alert. Try to launch "Flashing" and evade in the light of vertical and horizontal. Let those lights all fall through.

This is the case, and the star-shaped armor that has passed by the ray of light has also cracked - a terrible power!

No one hit the attack and the person in the white light was slightly surprised. Chen Rui has slowly approached, and the man suddenly turned back. Chen Rui felt that the entire night sky, which was illuminated by the fireworks, suddenly darkened, leaving only two purple moons in the sky.

No, not the moon.

But the eyes.

Two huge eyes.

These two eyes looked calm and peaceful, but at this moment, Chen Rui's hair was erected, and he already felt the extremely dangerous atmosphere.

Moreover, he is not the first to see this "eye"!

He finally understood who this enemy is.

In the next second, Chen Rui felt that everything except the white light that had gone away in the distance had stagnated.

This is not a change in time flow rate, but space, space is solidified!

In the distance, I heard two words coming from the white light that went far: "Doom!"

The two words just dropped, and the eyes like the eyes immediately turned into blood red.

The strange atmosphere filled the whole space in an instant. This is not only the ordinary restraint power, but the power of special power. The body and the soul are simultaneously imprisoned. Intuition tells Chen Rui that the alien force is connected with his soul in a special rule that cannot be seen, just like the silk of fate. If you maintain the original state, the soul will continue to ruin and destroy, and a little move will trigger a chain reaction like a butterfly effect.

The power of this reaction will be extremely terrifying. If you want to further break through the shackles of these threads, even the soul will be crushed.

This is the power of "doom"!

I can't move, I can't use the mirror, and I can't use the flies.

You can only use the means of phasing stars to slowly offset this force.

Chen Rui had witnessed the person who used this power to compete with Satan. Now he feels the horrible power of this power. This is not the strongest "seven articles" of the man!

There is only one light spot left in the phantom. Every time I wait for a second, the hope of catching up will be a small point.

Blossoming is still in the hands of the other party! Chen Rui couldn't bear to endure, and he would slam the heart and violently explode all the power, and exert his power to flash the power of the flash, and rushed forward.

In an instant, Chen Rui felt a fierce turbulence in the soul. The whole solidified space, like a solid space, was ignited with explosives.

The consciousness suddenly blurred.

The power is flying fast, the body is constantly falling down, and there is a broken soul.

I really want to fly hard, but it is like being trapped in an endless quagmire.

The eyelids are getting heavier and heavier, knowing that this is going on

Turning around, the line of sight gradually fell into darkness.

Never wake up

No! How can I fall here!

wake up!

Blossoming, blossoming...

The daughter's name made Chen Rui re-ignite a strong fighting spirit, and the "mud pool" violently radiated a strong light. Chen Rui opened his eyes with excitement: "Flowering!"

There is no night sky. There is no white silhouette, just a beautiful face. Showing the color of concern.

Catherine, not just Catherine. There are also Tiffany and Jiya. When I saw that he woke up, he quickly ran out and seemed to be calling other people.

Chen Rui felt the tears of the soul coming from the soul. The body was almost scattered. It was not a dream, but a real fact.

"What about blossoming?"

"First raise your wounds and say, you have been sleeping for two days and two nights," Catherine's gaze suddenly faded: "Augras's injury is even heavier. He is still in a coma."

"Who grabbed the blossoming?" The Tiffany, who had always been silent, Chen Rui and Augustus were saved by her, but when she arrived, she only saw the two men who fell to the ground. The white light in the air has disappeared without a trace.

For Tiffany, the blossoming also has a special feeling. When she separated herself from the world, she was pure and pure and accepted her, even though she was only a "drama". Poor lines. It was wrong, but it was that time that made her return to the world of hope. When leaving the dark moon. Tiffany, who has always seemed indifferent, is crying in the face of everyone. For Tiffany, blossoming is the warm sunshine of the cold world in the heart. Chen Rui is also.

"Sand, Lee. Ye!" Chen Rui gnashed his teeth and said a name, although he did not see the person's appearance. But from that ability, it is the "old acquaintance" - Sally!

Sullivan used to control Chen Rui with the power of evil eyes. Later, he fought fierce battles with Satan for the silver scorpion and eventually lost.

"Sure enough, it is Sally." The voice of 贲薨 came from the side. "In this way, you are the power of his moon, this power is very strange, the wounds of the body are gone, it will make the soul And the consciousness is constantly broken automatically. I don’t think that with your current level of strength, you will be free from the power of the moon by your own willpower."

In terms of strength, between Sali and Satan, even if it is slightly inferior, the difference is extremely limited. When Satan defeated Sally in the battle of the silver scorpion, it did take some effort and effort.

So this time Chen Rui was chasing, it was not surprising that he was easily defeated in a hurry, or that he was lucky.

This kind of frontal battle, with Chen Rui’s current strength, is indeed far from the opponent.

Catherine listened to Chen Rui about Sullivan, knowing that this is a peak pseudo-god with the same level as Satan, and now frowned: "Why should Sally grab the blossoming?"

Chen Rui shook his head, although the name "Agulie" was hanged in the sari leaf, but the name "Agulie" is very ordinary, and no one outside knows the true face of "Wangfu Agulie". Rui had already communicated with Lei Zen who had asked him to go to the library. The most important thing is that Sullivan once saw the "Agulie" being killed by Satan. With Satan's strength level, the elimination of the "Agulie" at that time was effortless and should not cause doubt.

In fact, when Chen Rui tried again to appear in the devil world as Agurie, there was no wave of sorrow, but Chen Rui did not relax his guard. Even during the marriage, he remained quite cautious.

But I couldn't think of it. Sullivan didn't even find but took the blossoming. Did he know his identity and deliberately took his daughter? With the strength of Saliye, you can kill a big one. There is no need to do this.

"I think, I know the reason." He opened his mouth.

"What is it?"

"Blood veins. Blossoming blood."

"The blossoming blood?" The answer to Chen’s answer made Chen Rui and Catherine an accident. The two remembered the “special blood” emphasized by the Three Kings in the ground world.

"You can't even think of this?" His eyes were a bit strange: "She is your daughter."

"Now I have no patience to explain anything," Chen Rui looked directly at his eyes, "said the point."

"It seems that you really don't understand," he did not avoid Chen Rui's persecuted eyes. He said one word and one word that shocked the whole room: "God!"

(This book is about to usher in a new one, ask for a subscription!) (To be continued.)

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