Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1119: misfortune

Race: 堕 Angel

Comprehensive strength assessment: ssss+

Physique ssss+, strength ssss+, spiritual ssss+, speed ssss+.

Analysis: the body of the moon, the power of doom, evil, imprisonment, seal contract.

Danger level: Extremely dangerous!

Seal contract? Chen Rui secretly frowned, but on the surface was quietly applied: "Saliye, thank you. I am sorry, my strength is far less than yours, so in order to ensure the security of the transaction, have to take some small means."

"Hey!" Sullivan's gaze passed over Augustus and fell on Chen Rui's body. Although this person is not good at strength, but the means are different, if he wants to solve it with lightning speed, he is afraid that it is not one. An easy thing to do, it will give him a chance to escape. The most troublesome is the door to the space that excludes outsiders, and the book of destruction is hidden in the door of space by the person who does not know what it is. In case there is any difference, it is worth the loss.

Therefore, before you get the book of destruction, you can't be amazed.

"Then, please ask Lord Saliye to release my daughter first, then I will give you the book of destruction." Chen Rui is not a fool, but also understands the mind of Sali, but in order to blossom, he must take this risk, "otherwise I will exile the book of destruction forever in a special space, even if you kill me, you can't get it. Now, in the kingdom of your month, I may not have the confidence to escape, but before being shackled Solving your own self-confidence is still there."

"Your eyes tell me that you are serious." Sullivan said faintly: "To be honest, I least like to deal with you like a madman."

"I can regard this as a kind of praise... Then. Please release my daughter."

"Your daughter?" Sullivan clearly expressed disdain for this title. This person is only trying to get the blood of God like him. Because of the incompetence, the book of destruction is for this person. Far less than the blood of God is affordable. This guy's courage and means are really different, and there may be some tricks.

But here is his country of the moon. Even if it is a real fair trade, it is not afraid to play tricks with the small characters in the middle and early stages of the district.

"Well, I can give that little girl to you." Shahlia thought about it, a blue ball of light appeared on the side of the body, and the inside was a sleepy, exactly the same as seen in the mirror. . "Now, give me the book of destruction!"

This voice has the power to shock the soul, but Chen Rui is not moving, shaking his head: "You lift the imprisonment first, then hand her over to me, I will give you the book of destruction."

"I am not interested in playing tricks with you." Sullivan sneered a sneer, Chen Rui and Augustus felt that there was a terrible pressure in the space, and they could wipe out the two at any time. "Hand over the destruction." Book. Otherwise the transaction will end, you will pay the price of life!"

If there is no previous analysis of the eye of the analysis, Chen Rui will definitely propose a way to sign the contract, using the super system contract to limit the sari. Even if Shari’s strength is stronger than him, he may not be able to violate the contract.

However, in the analysis of the attributes of the Salisbury. The power of the "seal contract" has emerged, and this power is likely to have an incalculable impact on the contract. The ability of the peaks and false gods must not be underestimated. The power of the link is not omnipotent. On the same day, there was a good idea in the car. Now it’s about life and death, and you can’t easily take risks.

Seeing that she was in a stalemate, Chen Rui stepped forward. "Harry Sally leaves my daughter first, then I take out the book of destruction from the space. When she returns to her side, I will hand over the book of destruction."

Sally said a little: "Well, the dragons come to the middle of us. I hand the little girl to the dragon, and then you take out the book of destruction from the space. When the dragon returns to your side, you put Give me the book of destruction. Don't try to play tricks or escape with the book of destruction in advance. Even if you have some kind of talent in space, I may not be able to kill in an instant, but I absolutely grasp the dragon and The little girl is flying away."

Chen Rui thought about the transfer of electricity, and exchanged a look with Augustus, has reached a tacit understanding.

Augustus had already communicated with him before he entered the library. At that time, the silver scorpion who knew the book of destruction was actually in the hands of Chen Rui, and he was surprised for a while. However, these are not the focus nowadays. The most important thing is to save the blossoming, and the brilliant tower that the Dragon Emperor gave to Chen Rui was the key to getting out.

Chen Rui thought about the electric turn and nodded: "Okay, but you must first lift the power of her space. I want to confirm her authenticity and safety before the exchange."

Sullivan did not say more, looked at the blossoming ball of light, and the wrapped blue sphere gradually faded. After the space-like imprisonment force disappeared, it immediately showed the blossoming attributes in the eyes of the analysis.

race:? ?

Comprehensive strength assessment: s++

Physique s++, strength s+, spirit s++, speed s+

Attributes: Fire attributes, the body of the phoenix, the power of Nirvana, the seal of the gods.

The question mark of the race has been there before. It should be the relationship between human and the demon. But the attribute of "the seal of the gods" is new. Is this the... the blood of the gods?

Chen Rui only felt that the term was somewhat familiar, and suddenly thought about it. He also saw this attribute in another person - Satan!

Satan is actually a god!

Chen Rui finally understood why Satan would feel disdainful for Chen Rui to compare him with Michael.

"Your biggest mistake is to compare Michael with me!"

As a god, Satan has a sense of superiority far beyond Michael, perhaps not just a sense of superiority. The plan of the dark temple is probably that his power to the blood of God has been realized to a certain extent, and he wants to use the great faith to further improve or break through.

Whether it is intentional or unintentional, Satan’s plan is finally stopped by him, and it will be completely settled in ten years.

These changes in thinking were completed in an instant. Chen Rui took a look at Augustus, and Augustus met and flew to the middle of the two sides.

The blossoming slowly floated toward Augustus and was picked up by the Dragon Emperor. The heartbeat and breathing of the little girl are normal, that is, they are awake, and there are two small wings in the back.

"She doesn't have any serious problems. She just accepts the power of my country. The blood is about to wake up completely. I will wake up naturally." The voice of Sullivan sounded.

Augustus did not feel carefully and felt for a while, did not find any abnormalities, nodded to Chen Rui, but he did not dare to act rashly, because the spiritual strength of Sullivan has firmly locked him, as long as there is a change, It is certainly difficult to escape the poisonous hand.

Chen Rui appeared in front of the door of the starry sky, his body flashed, disappeared and reappeared, and there was already a silver scorpion in his hand.

Sullivan’s eyes stared at the blind man, although he could see that the blind man was the former silver scorpion, but he needed to make a final decision.

"Open it."

Chen Rui slightly opened a little, and Sally immediately felt the strong destructive power that leaked out, yes! It is the book of destruction, and the eyes are bright.

"I shout one, two, three, the dragon is in the moment of launching the move, you throw the donkey over, if the dragon is moved, the silver scorpion has not left your control, I immediately launched an attack, the little girl and the dragon will be together Annihilation!"

Augustus and Chen Ruifei exchanged a quick look and nodded.

At this moment, all of Chen Rui’s coping powers are ready to go – even if it is a direct attack by Sullivan when Augustus launches a teleport, it can also use time power and protective power to resist it. It takes only a moment to get Augola and Blossom into the Tower of Brilliance and then leave with the door of Starry Sky.

"One, two..." Sullivan's eyes passed a glimmer of color: "Three!"

In the next second, the light flashed alternately, and then the world of the whole month swayed with violent frequency, mixed with the laughter of Sally.

The tremor of the space gradually returned to calm, and the sari leaves were held in the hands of the silver scorpion, and Chen Rui’s side was holding the blossoming Augustus, suspended in the air. At this time, the closed eyes have been opened, the pupil has become a stagnant blue, and most of the bodies of Augustus and blossom have turned into blue crystals, and the crystals are spreading rapidly. Both of them have become crystals.

At this time, Chen Rui was breathing heavily, and there was a large crack in the star's body. The angry eyes behind the visor were staring at the sari.

At the time of the flash of fire, there were several turning points and changes. After the movement of Augustus, the body immediately solidified into crystals. This kind of crystallization contained powerful energy, which made Chen Rui’s brilliant tower impossible. Storage. And Sullivan seized the opportunity of this moment, shot Chen Rui, and took away the silver scorpion that had already come out.

Sally leaves a laughter: "Ha ha ha! How many years have passed, I finally got it! Stupid guy, dare to tell me the conditions!"

"Saliy!" Chen Rui tried several times and couldn't take away the coagulated Augustus and the blossoming roared, the devastating light of "true red extinct" went straight to Shali Go and go.

Sally looked at the red light, and the red light immediately stopped, as if it was bound, and then collapsed in an instant.

"If the same is the middle of the pseudo-god, this blow may be a little threatening, but in the realm of pseudo-god, the gap between the peak and the middle is farther than the ordinary realm, let alone this is in my country. "Sullivan opened the silver scorpion: "It seems that you have this book of destruction today, and it has helped me a lot. I will give you a last chance..."

The words of Sullivan came to an abrupt end, because he felt that his power was suddenly emptied by something. The source of this "thing" was actually... the silver scorpion that just opened!

The Book of Destruction?

No, it is the kind of special power that lurks in the source!

This strange feeling is no stranger to Sullivan, can not help but exclaimed: "Deprivation!" (to be continued.)

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