Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1128: Commission

"It's still enough for this kind of wine!" Bernd took a big drink with a glass of wine. The red nose was redder. "This is the wine that really suits the dwarf! I haven’t been in the Shichong Village since I last drunk. The law forgets that even the best yellow wine can't compare with the taste of this white wine!"

"Yellow wine and white wine have their own characteristics. I still prefer the taste of yellow wine. In fact, the devil's wine and purple berry wine are also very good." The face of the dwarf master's old friend Fenoa, the face of the elf master at the moment There are also some redness, obviously not very accustomed to the impulse of liquor, a bit too much to drink.

Chen Rui laughed and took out a bottle of purple berry wine and handed it over: "The two kinds of wine you like are the specialties of the Shadow Empire. This bottle is my last stock. But you have to stay at least one week here. I will go to the Shadow Imperial Palace to get some of the best royal fruit wines for you to take away."

"I'm welcome, who will make you the king of the three empresses, and 'just use the power to make a profit.'" Fenoa immediately replaced the white wine with purple berry wine, toast, "My friends Although I don't know what the future will look like, let's have a drink now."

The three men clinked together and smiled.

It turned out that the two mysterious masters who participated in the alchemy academic conference were Chen Rui’s two masters friends in the ground world, Fenoa and Bernd.

The two masters are all insiders of the abyss, so Chen Rui did not spend too much effort, and successfully invited two friends to come to the devil world through the tower of glory, as a mysterious guest attended the alchemy seminar.

After learning that the Devil World actually established a unified alliance, and the "true identity" of his friends turned out to be the Wangfu of the three great empires, even the well-informed Elf Fenoa could not be shocked: a human being. What does it mean to become the true master of the devil in a certain sense? Especially after more than one hundred years, it is the war between the two circles. Will there be some change in the future?

The prosperity of the devil world also surprised the two masters, the legendary or cognitive demon world. It is often associated with terms such as barrenness, ferocity, and evil, but what you see and hear today is very different. The prosperity of the devil is no less than the human world, and there are even many novel things that the human world does not have.

Except for the appearance, the feelings of the Mozu people are not much different from those of human beings. For elves and dwarves whose appearance is different from human beings, it is easier to accept. Although the elves of the ground are quite repulsive to the dark elves, as Fenoia, whose temperament is bleak and has been stunned, even the half-elf is acceptable, there is no knot or obstacle. In fact, this time as a master of the instrument to participate in this pure alchemy academic conference, brainstorming, the gains he has received are not small.

Chen Rui has promised two people. The magic game of the ground world will be upgraded to the magic world, and the research results obtained by the magic weapon will also be shared.

The Tower of Brilliance was severely damaged in the battle with Shaliye. Although Chen Rui tried to repair it in various ways, the Tower of Brilliant has certain automatic recovery characteristics, but it is still not completely repaired every ten days. Reluctantly used once, so before the next use time, Fenoa and Bernd will stay in the devil world for the time being.

"Fenoa, do you really want to accept the Mozu girl as a disciple?" Bernd asked.

"Yes. I have studied the magic pattern for most of my life, but unfortunately I have not found a suitable person. Belle's talent in the magic line is what I saw in my life. Even the elves do not have this qualification. Maybe she can't live forever. I can reach the guru's realm. But I can bet that in the category of magic lines, she will definitely become the top existence. Knowledge. There is no national border or ethnic boundaries. I can't miss such a disciple, even if she is a demon."

The words of Fenoa at the academic conference were not perfunctory. After the conference, Fenoa, who has always been unhurried, rarely took Chen Rui to visit Turia in the first time. I saw the magical genius girl.

After several tests, the Elf Master became more and more satisfied. Under Chen Rui’s testimony, Bellu’s as a disciple was accepted on the spot, which made the master of Turia and his wife, Master Ma Wena, very happy. Fenoa left a personally written magical note to let Belluan study for himself. In the future, whenever there is an opportunity, he will go to the **** empire to guide Belluan from time to time.

Although it is not convenient to show his true identity, Chen Rui is also pleased to see the Turias and Belle Ann happy.

"Yes, knowledge has no national boundaries." The dwarf master nodded first, and suddenly thought of something: "The elf of the embarrassing! I have to accept a disciple, and I will come to enjoy the wonderful white wine from time to time!"

The elf master first glimpsed and immediately laughed: "This has been discovered by you. It seems that there is also a sinister variator among the dwarves who have a rib."

"This is wisdom!" The old dwarf said with a beard and his nose was redder.

"Bernard, if you really want to accept disciples, of course, I fully support," Chen Rui haha ​​smiled: "Nothing else, I can manage the liquor, I can pack it and take it away."

"This is what you said!" The old dwarf was overjoyed and drank a swig of wine. The dwarfs have always been brave, but the power of the liquor is obviously different from that of the yellow wine that is slowly attacking. After the cow has been drinking for a while, it can't stand it. It falls on the sofa and starts to snoring.

"This method of drinking is also suitable for dwarves. For other races, it is too hurt." Chen Rui shook his head. The dwarf's physique has a special ability to absorb alcohol. After a drunk, it will be awkward.

"The devil's wine is generally better than the ground world, not to mention the Bernd this guy, even I am getting drunk." Fenoa shook his head. "Although it was rude, I have to remind, Chen. Rui, the commission, please remember to remember..."

"Do not worry, don't you be a bad person who is not trustworthy? Anyway, I am not a good person." Chen Rui laughed and laughed. "I just don't know why Alcatel suddenly has such a commission."

"I don't know, I just told the original words of Eleuther, in fact. I was very surprised when I heard this commission."

Fenoa came to the Devils this time. It also brought a commission from the legendary prophet Alan Lucer, that is, the natural tree that temporarily detained the elves should not be returned.

This commission is a bit strange. At the beginning, Ai Lusier let Chen Rui go to the tree of nature, and eliminated the quintessence of Queriana. The tree of nature was born again, and became a bud that was earned by Chen Rui. Since the natural domain is eroded by the power of the abyss, even with the three springs provided by Chen Rui, it takes two years to recover.

Chen Rui promised that the Elf Queen took care of the tree of nature. After two years, she returned to the Elves, and she was awarded the honorary title of Elf King. Now the legendary prophet gave him such a commission. It is not uncomfortable.

However, the tree of nature is a good thing. It has great benefits for Chen Rui’s practice and beliefs. It is of course better to stay.

"I only believe that the Ellison will not harm the elves, and may be inconvenient to open to the tribes. Eleuther is still my half teacher, my life is saved by him... "Fenoa sinks. "In fact, you only need to contact Master Span first, and then you can't appear in the Elf within two years. It is gone. So the Elves will find Spean." I don't know your whereabouts."

"Understood." Chen Rui shrugged. "When I went to the ground world, I called you, about a place, and came back to the Devil. You got a disciple here."

Fenoa smiled: "Of course, make a great invention for the phone."

"For a great invention." Chen Rui remembered the names of the two originals on the phone and the wireless phone.

Fenoa looked at the purple moonlight outside the window: "I don't think the moonlight of the devil world is so beautiful, but it is a pity that Patricia is not here. Otherwise, listening to her piano sound while drinking and enjoying the moon will be the greatest enjoyment in life."

"Patricia?" Chen Rui's mind emerged from the image of a beautiful and generous female elder elder. The elder is also the teacher of the elf little princess Michelle. Suddenly, "Of our elf friend and Patricia Elder have a leg, I remember she seems to be single now."

"Actually, I am with her..." Fenoa is rarely exposed, "just a friend."

"Friends? I thought it was you who spit the truth after drinking. It seems that I misunderstood." Chen Rui said with a strange smile. "In order to express my apology, I will take you to a good place for a while. But I can't guarantee that. When you wake up tomorrow morning, will you lie naked in the arms of a succubus or other beauty of the devil."

Fenoa groaned and smiled bitterly: "Well, you won, I am really drunk."

This is tantamount to acknowledging the spit of the man, and Chen Rui smiled and touched Fenoa with a cup: "For the beautiful Lady Patricia."

The elf drank a glass of wine and his ears moved: "What song is that? It's beautiful."

Chen Rui also heard the sound of magic TV in the distance, and replied: "It should be the replay of the last magical concert of the Imperial Capital. In a few days, there will be a large concert in the Darkmoon Territory. At that time, we can Go to the scene to watch."

"Moonlight, wine, food, beautiful music..." Fenoah's eyes are a bit stunned. Mixed wine is the most drunk. First, after the liquor is fruit wine, even the elves can't hold back: "I should regret the moon goddess." Because I like this demon world."

"The moon goddess may have fallen asleep, or pray to the great founder, thank you for creating this wonderful world worth Yes, great founder." Fenoa reluctantly The ground opened his eyes. "Do you know the founder?"

Chen Rui asked: "Do you know?"

"I have heard the adults of Eleuther say that the great founder created the world in seven days..."

Chen Rui nodded and started to have nothing. Later, I always felt that something was wrong. I thought about it for a while and woke up. I remember that I said that the founder destroyed everything in three days and then created it in three days. Everything that comes out of today, three plus three, equals six.

Why is Eleuther talking about seven days? Instead of six days?

"Fenoa, are you sure it is seven days?"

"Of course, seven days..." Fenoa said, finally unable to support, drunk on the sofa.

Chen Rui is trying to wake up Fenoa and ask him, the earthly mind gives birth to a special induction. This kind of induction is no longer strange, and the two stars are strengthened! Someone has succeeded again! (To be continued.)

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