Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1135: Decide

"I?" Rolla himself was surprised.

"Of course it is you, the recognizer of the crown of the gods." Hegel broke the key in one sentence.

The crown of the gods? Chen Rui's brow wrinkled more tightly. This artifact was obtained by Lola in the draw of the Elf prophet Eleuther. As a reward for accepting the task of the Tree of Nature, he and Lola each had a chance to draw. The draw card type is the ancient magic card "Fate of the Destiny" that Chen Rui is familiar with. As a result, Rolla burst into a slap in the air and draws a strongest order brand "Queen of White" after the gold emperor; he has drawn the most Weak resource card "wood".

"Queen of White" became the crown of the gods of the gods, and played an important role in the further understanding of the six elements of the country and even the break of the gods. However, Chen Rui also discovered that the elemental kings had shown a strange attitude when they saw this artifact. In fact, this kind of abnormality appeared after Rolla realized the six-element country, but he never knew the real reason. Today, it is very likely It is the time to uncover the mystery.

Chen Rui’s eyes looked directly at Moore: “I want to know the specific reasons, please do not perfunctory or ambiguous explanation.”

"There is a sleeping thing that seems to wake up, and it will have unpredictable consequences, so we need the power of Lola." Moore said the name of the thing: "The Staff of the Gods."

The name "The Goddess of the Gods" is naturally reminiscent of the crown of the gods that Rolla already has. Chen Rui immediately responded and asked: "Artifact? Or is it another part of the artifact set?"

"Yes," Moore nodded. "The sect of the gods left by the gods who controlled the elements in the past was composed of three artifacts. The crown of the gods, the rod of the gods, and the robe of the gods."

"Mastering the elements of the gods?"

Hegel interface said: "Yes, it is the **** of the gods. Now we want the Lola to help control. It is the stick of the gods. If it succeeds, Rolla can not only have this artifact, but the strength can be directly raised to the pseudo-god level. ""

Miss Fairy Dragon heard the promotion of the false god, and the purple enamel suddenly lit up. Paglieu and others also showed the color of shock - the pseudo-god is the closest level to the gods, and the power gap between the demigod and the pseudo-god is almost a world apart. Of course, the semi-god is promoted to the pseudo-god, which is more difficult than the nationalization to advance to the demigod. The most difficult part of the pseudo-god is the cohesiveness of the pseudo-god and the pseudo-god kingdom. Augustus used the time of the previous year. After obtaining the essence of Rodriguez's pseudo-god-level dragon power, he succeeded in condensing the false gods. Now Hegel says that Lola can directly promote the false gods. How can you not let everyone be surprised.

"If, what is the failure?" Chen Rui was not confused by the benefits Hegel said. What he cares most is not whether Rolla can be promoted to the false god, but her safety.

Moore was indulged and said the answer: "There is no danger in our life, but life is not dangerous. However, if it fails, she will not only lose the crown of the gods. She will also regress her strength, and... she will not be able to display six more in her life. The power of the elemental kingdom."

Everyone was silent, including a poisonous dragon who was jealous and envious of hate. The crown of the gods is over, and the six-element country is the strongest national talent of the fairy dragon. It is Lola who is risking his life and practicing successfully. There is also the six elements of Chen Rui’s hard work. The most powerful big move of Rolla is the power of the six elements.

Ordinary peaks and half gods may not be able to touch the path of the false gods for the rest of their lives. But if you can advance to the false god, you will fail. There is no such huge risk, it depends on Rolla's own decision.

The voices of Chen Rui and Lola almost blurted out at the same time.


"it is good!"

The rejection is Chen Rui. I agree with Lola.

Chen Rui shook his head at Rolla, but saw a rare resoluteness in the purple eyes of Lola. Lola did not look at Chen Rui again, but asked the earth element king: "You come to me specifically, things are definitely not the same. If I refuse, what special things will happen?"

"The elemental king's warning, this may be one of them." Moore sighed. "In fact, the awakening of the gods' stick is a bit sudden, much earlier than we expected. If the blue Bobst water element The heart has not broken, maybe the situation is not so serious, now Lan Bost... But even then, we will ask Lola to help, because she is the person who is recognized by the crown of the gods, will make the chance of success greatly Increase. Once the awakening of the gods is uncontrollable and induces some kind of change, the consequences will... even lead to terrible disasters as much as the abyss."

There are still terrible disasters that are no less than the abyss! Chen Rui’s heart could not help but shock.

Lola nodded. "Okay, I promise you."


"I am your woman, but not..." The fairy dragon bit his lip. "I have my own freedom. This is my choice."

On the weekdays, Luo Rui is not a small succulent singer, but also a singer who makes the poison dragon and Lomon's eyes sing, but this sentence shows a surprising decisiveness regardless of meaning or tone.

Chen Rui is not angry, just slowly beheading: "Well, I will accompany you."

"I'm afraid not..." Moore said, the earth element king sighed: "Because that place is the elemental world, that is, the elemental plane."

Athena asked: "Why can't Chen Rui go to the elemental world?"

“The elemental world is different from the ordinary plane. Unless there is a powerful force over the entire plane, only the recognized elements will allow free access.”

"Elements make?" Isabella, who is the most sensitive in thinking, seems to understand something.

"When Rolla was recognized by the crown of the gods, she already had another identity, and that was the element."

use element! Chen Rui secretly clenched his fist, the **** prophet Ai Lusier, even the most important things are concealed!

Isabella asked again: "What is the difference between this element of Rolla and you?"

"Elements make it the leader of the elements, which can limit the power of the elements and exert a great power beyond the ordinary level." Moore explained: "As for me... in the elemental world, it should be called the big element. It is the most advanced. The elements make the big elements of the elemental world only a total of six."

These six most advanced large elements make it apparent that they correspond to the six elemental kings of the main plane. Elemental kings should be the avatars of the big elements, due to certain limitations. The elemental king who appears in the main plane can only display the power of the demonic level.

Rolla spoke up: "When are we going?"

"The sooner the better."

Lola thought for a moment: "Tomorrow."

"Good!" Hegel stood up.

“I am very sorry,” Moore glanced angrily at Chen Rui. “If there are other ways, I don’t want Rolla to face this risk. I will do my best to protect her. She can come back for up to a year.”

Chen Rui nodded and said nothing.

"Let's go, Moore, tomorrow morning, let's come again."

Moore and Hegel left the palace. Others also left with interest, leaving only Laura and Chen Rui.

The fairy dragon slowly walked over to Chen Rui’s body and was about to speak. He only heard Chen Rui’s words.

"I am sorry."

Lola showed amazement, Chen Rui shook his head: "I blame me."

"Do not……"

"Lola, I understand." Chen Rui sighed. "The reason why you agreed, is to reach the realm of false gods as soon as possible to help me through the difficult mountain. If I have enough strength, you don't have to take this. Kind of risk."

"Yes, it is not." Rolla's purple eyes showed tenderness. "I just want to be with you. Not only me, Ini, Athena, they are all thinking. Everyone's The way is different. For example, Jiya is silently standing behind your support, and although I enjoy your care, I hope to stand by your side and face a powerful enemy."

Chen Rui’s eyes passed through the hustle and bustle. Nodded thoughtfully: "Yes, this is your freedom. It is also your choice."

"Is it angry?" Miss Fairy Dragon was a little embarrassed and took his arm. This sentence is her previous words, in front of so many people, did not leave face for his own men, this is taboo.

“How come?” Chen Rui kissed her face. “I decided.”


"I decided to take the time to do something." Chen Rui laughed, and a princess hugged Lola. "My goddess, the time of year is not short."


Obviously, a goddess is stupid.

The next day, Lola followed Moore and Hegel to leave the Darkmoon.

Soon after, Chen Rui said all his own decisions.

"What? You have to go out to practice?"

"Yes." Chen Rui replied with affirmation, "Leave the familiar place, put aside all distractions, and treat each day as the last day before the decisive battle, and concentrate wholeheartedly on the practice."

"Awkward humans, have you not taken the wrong medicine?"

"My uncle, isn't it smashed outside and is being chased by people, wanting to go out to take refuge?"


"Actually, this is the idea I had in the morning," Chen Rui shook his head. "Everyone is working hard and hard. I certainly can't delay my leg... I have decided that I will be back for up to two years."

Feeling the resolute tone, Paglio and Lomon couldn't afford it. After a while, Athena spoke up: "If this is your decision."

"We will support you." The succubus little waitress has some red eyes.

"No one is allowed to secretly face everything." Isabella thought about it and added one.

"Well." Chen Rui nodded.

"No more women to look at."

"Not allowed to pick up other women."

"Don't miss a woman"

"Don't bring other women back."

"Don't go to the human world to secretly find other women to have children."

Chen Rui: "..." (to be continued..)

Ps: Thank you for your concern. My mother's blood pressure has slowly stabilized. As for my grandmother, there are more than 90, and there are cancers. Recently, my physical condition is not second. I hope her old man can survive.

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