Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1154: Blight

Chen Rui, who quit the super system, got up and surprised everyone who was gathering and laughing.

"Paglio, just follow me."

"What happened?" Athena asked with a worried look.

"Lola and I met a strong enemy, and I pointed out that I want to let Paglieu go with me."

I? Paglieu pointed in amazement to his nose, and even he called himself a "strong enemy." What is the use of this uncle? The aunt should not have to be a whole person...

Duron’s head couldn’t help but be a big circle, but from the perspective of Chen Rui’s expression, this matter should be no different, not a joke, so Pagliu did not hesitate and immediately stood up: “Go.”

"Be careful." Several voices were said at the same time, not only Athena and others, but also Krobe Ruth.

"We will." Chen Rui nodded and said to Athena: "Tell me to Alice."

With a flash of light, Paglio entered the space of the tower of glory, and Chen Rui’s front appeared at the same time as the door of the starry sky, disappearing in place.

This scene made Alice in the far door of the kitchen look at the fish that was still steaming in the pot. She couldn’t help but pout, but I heard the last sentence and let the little princess smile and bite her lips, at least my brother. There are still people in my heart.

The palace of the **** empire, a door of space that faintly reveals the starlight opens, and Chen Rui’s figure flies out.

Judging from the performance before the show, the battle situation should be very critical, so Chen Rui did not go to see Tiffany, directly moved, appeared in the former Masters Union building.

Three years ago, when fighting with Sullivan, in order not to disturb the ordinary people nearby. The division of the division of the division was moved to a new location, and the original building included the library of the country where Sullivan was deputy. They were all separated by Tiffany.

Later, the kingdom of the month of Shaliye was swallowed up and has been improved and rebuilt over the years. In order to replace the original fourth floor of the bookstore, the former site of the division of the Master Division has been isolated since then, and the fourth floor of the Library of the New Alliance is not open.

According to Chen Rui, during the time when he led his friends and relatives to the special training of the UFO, the fourth floor of the library building of the 贲薨 architecture was nearing completion, and he was planning to transfer the entire sub-national to the new site, unexpectedly. There has been such an emergency.

Looking down from this position, there is a strange atmosphere of power scattered around, even the old-fashioned rune protection method that Chen Rui personally arranged in the past seems to be broken. A large part of the reason is because of this special power, the protection of the character matrix is ​​reduced to extremely weak conditions.

This is still the residual strength of the spilled out of the devastating country. From the perspective of this residual power, the enemy's strength is never in vain!

Chen Rui thought about it and did not release Paglieu and flew directly to the position of the library.

The building of the library has been damaged, the closer it is, the stronger the strength of the atmosphere, Chen Rui is approaching. The super system has already sounded a poisonous tone, and Chen Rui frowned, speeding up and rushing into the library.

He is not the first time to go to the devastating country. Although extremely fast along the way, Yu Guang can still see countless amazing signs of destruction, including the space around the country. In the blink of an eye, Chen Rui has entered the country of disaster.

After entering the disaster country. Chen Rui immediately discovered the anomaly of this sub-national.

A considerable part of the devastating country is swamp. The earth is black, but the inside is full of vitality, and the feeling given to Chen Rui at the moment is dead, whether it is the sky or the earth is covered with gray color, it seems to be a dim dark blue, so that People feel extraordinarily depressed.

The super system keeps coming up with hints, Chen Rui’s heart sinks in the heart, and the strength of the disaster, the disaster-stricken country is actually contaminated with special power, it can be seen that the threat of coming people is great, and his shoes are coming out at his feet. The speed suddenly increased and flew forward.

After flying for a period of time, he finally gave birth to induction, as the highest controller of the super system, within the corresponding distance, Chen Rui can feel the presence and movement of the linker, and now the full speed is flying towards the location of the induction.

The repressive force in front is becoming more and more intense. The source is a dark blue thing suspended in the sky. It is actually a cage of crystal structure, and the unconscious person in the cage is the fairy dragon roller!

Chen Rui immediately flew forward, not flying near, has been dyed with a strange dark blue, and then was rejected by the huge force, while the strength of a femoral erosion quickly and irresistibly eroded The body and soul are power!

Chen Rui’s thoughts and movements showed a great star change in an instant, and the resistance suddenly weakened. However, the dark blue crystal cages seemed to be some kind of living things. The more Chen Rui was holding up the pressure, the more he began to gather the strength, the inner face of the roller face. The faint color of the pain is revealed.

This situation surprised Chen Rui, and quickly retired, feeling the special power of this power, suddenly thought of the instructions before the 咐, the heart of the move, will Paglio from the tower of glory Released.

Paglieu came out of the tower of glory, and immediately felt the dark blue strange smell, blurted out: "The power of the disease!"

Chen Rui suddenly realized why he had a special statement to bring Pagliu.

Pagliu looked at the situation around the cage: "There is such a pure force of the disease, this strength, I am afraid that the highest level of power of the pseudo-god has been achieved, and the structure of this cage is quite troublesome. If you force or squeeze or impact directly, the force of the disease will double."

Paglieu’s words made Chen Rui’s cold sweat, and the secret was just that he had not forcibly broken the cage: “Is there any way to save the roller?”

"If it is other pseudo-god-level power, I have no way at all. As for the power of this disease... I am the 'death of the disease'," Duron screamed and shrugged his eyebrows. "Let's go find it." , here is it for me."

Pagliu said that the body has been equipped with a star armor, the delicate armor is intertwined with silver and green light, and there is a little bit of star light in the body. The poisonous dragon's hands are swept out of the mysterious trajectory, and the stars are especially shining stars. Form a special constellation. In the light of this "constellation", the dark blue cage of Rolla began to become a little thinner, and the dark blue between the heavens and the earth began to fade quickly.

Chen Rui sighed with a sigh of relief, and the figure disappeared and disappeared into an electric light.

Although the scope of the disaster-stricken country is very large, but the strength of the "purple. Polar Star" plus the speed of the wind and shadow boots does not require much time, but he shuttled back and forth several times, and did not sense the existence of 贲薨It only saw the exaggerated traces of destruction on the ground, indicating the terrible battle that happened not long ago, and the life of the entire country seems to disappear.

Chen Rui's brow wrinkled very tightly. After receiving the newsletter of the embarrassing news, he had already arrived at the fastest speed. I couldn't think of it as a late step.

The strength of Yan has now been able to compete with Michael, and here is her "home", and with the help of Lola, it has been destroyed to such an extent, and even forced to ask Chen Rui for emergency assistance. The strength of the enemy may be more than one enemy.

The Supreme Three Angels?

It should be impossible, even if the three angels came to the devil world, they did not know that the kingdom of the country is here.

It was originally the kingdom of Sali, but knowing that Sullivan has been annihilated, except for his own, there are only the Supreme Angels. It is probably the enemy who came to Sally, and the same enemy. death of a prince?

Chen Rui quickly speculated on various possibilities, and did not stop under his feet. He came to the former dark blue cage.

At this time, the power of the constellation of Paglio has become a spiral, and the power of the nearby disease has been sucked up, and the whole country is gradually returning to its original state.

The power of the disease that is enough to "infect" the false gods is a great complement to Paglieu.

Of course, this is only the targeted absorption of pure energy. If it is the peak of the false **** standing in front of Paglio, moving the little finger, it is enough to pinch the poison dragon.

Soon, the crystal of the cage of the captive Lola has become looming, and finally disappeared, and the shape of the roller suddenly fell down, and was caught by Chen Rui, who appeared in an instant.

Paglieu's power was indeed quite effective, and the dark blue on the face of the fairy dragon faded and finally opened his eyes.

"Chen Rui!" Lola screamed. "What?"

Chen Rui shook his head: "I received an urgent communication with a trace of soul in the 'world'. Just arrived at the disaster-stricken country, I only saw you trapped here, did not find you. What is the enemy? Are you and your team not really an opponent?"

"I don't know, I have been retreating in a shackled country, suddenly awakened by the power of shock, I heard the urgent call from the power of the said to be a strong enemy Offense, let me first escape to inform you to come to the rescue.” Lola recalled the scene at the time. “I accepted the power of the transfer. I was already out of this country, but I was discovered by the enemy. The other is a strange man, strength. They are very powerful. I was shackled by one of them with power, and then I lost consciousness..."

The enemy really has more than one! Chen Rui also asked: "When you were imprisoned, was you caught?"

"No, she fled to the other side and wanted to lead the two to let me escape. But a dark-haired, blue-eyed enemy saw her intentions and launched an attack on me. Before losing consciousness, I It seems that I saw this person catching up after banned me."

Chen Rui has already understood the process of the matter. His strategy is correct. He successfully led the enemy and the other party is eager to catch up, so he only temporarily banned Lola. Now that I came here for the first time, Paglieu, who brought the power to resolve the disease, successfully rescued Lola.

However, since you choose to escape, the other party must be the peak of the same level, and the strength is strong, can not be an enemy. It is not an easy task to separate the power of the soul into the super system. In the fierce battle, I am afraid that there is still a big danger. I can’t help but say three sentences. Therefore, the most important thing is to go to the rescue. . (To be continued.)

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