Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1156: Abaddon

"You are so determined to be widowed?" After Chen Rui disappeared, Lei Chan looked at his daughter in a state of sorrow. "You have been in Sacred Mountain for so many years, you should be very clear about what enemy your husband is about to face."

"Where the widow is, there is a **** who likes it most, but it is not here. As for the sly man, even if you die for tens of thousands of years, the goods will still be alive and kicking." A lazy voice sounded, it was Ended the "digestion" of Paglieu.

At that time, Lei Zen had joined forces at the Warlock Fortress with an enemy three, defeated Paglieu, Lola and Chen Rui. Later, Pagliu participated in the **** empire's fighting conference. The two were familiar to each other. Lei Zen sensed the breath of Pugliu's faintness and secretly surprised: "Does he have a way to escape?"

"Your message is too lagging, Lei Zen." Duron shook his finger: "Is it because of the relationship of 'retirement', even the mind and eyesight are degraded? Satan is strong again, after all, within the scope of false gods, It has not become a god."

"What do you mean?" Lei Zen frowned.

"The peak gods I know, in addition to Satan, there are four. - The Supreme Three Angels of the Ground World Light Church, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and the Devil have the power of evil and the body of immortality. Sally. About three years ago, Sally was already in the hands of Chen Rui, and a few months ago, the guy brought a crazy woman to the brightest mountain and the three strongest angels. One time, and if I came back without incident, I didn’t see any parts."

"How is this possible!" Lei Zen heart shock, could not help but blurt out.

No wonder Lei Zen was surprised, at the **** empire's fighting conference. Chen Rui defeated the demigod Lalaria in a cold, and advanced to the final with sweeping power. In the quarter-final, Lei Zen was easily defeated by Lalaria, and the strength was obvious. Take the strength of Lei Zen today. It wasn't Chen Rui's opponent that year. He had already expected that Chen Rui's strength might be improving in these years, but he did not expect to leap to this level!

Pseudo god! Peak pseudo-god! Also killed the Saliye who should be the same level as Satan!

"How is it impossible?" Duron Dragon shook his head in a vicissitude. "Don't look at me now in the middle of the demigod, but the dragon is more popular than the dragon. In front of the guy and several of his women, I can only bow down as an apprentice. The female madman who was injured there...the amount, the Lola, the strength is the middle of the false god. And Catherine reached the peak of the gods three years ago, and now it is likely to have touched the edge of the false god. As for Chen Rui, I am going to save now. Is a terrible mad woman, able to be qualified to be chased by Satan and his accomplices, you should imagine her strength, say it... Hey, that mad woman is not doing well with the awkward human being. ”

Although the last sentence is purely a poisonous dragon's own brain, the amount of information contained in this statement is enough to make Lei Zen shocked to speak. Others did not say that Paglieu, Lola, and Catherine were the ones who lost their own hands, and now even the worst Paglio. It has also climbed to the height that can only be looked up.

Lei Chan silently for a while, looked up and stared at the sky, as if there were a pair of eyes and he looked at him: you, will go further than I am.

"The road ahead. There is still a long way." Lei Chan whispered a word, looked at Tiffany and left the room.

Dark oven.

The secret of the original Mamen royal family was under the power of Satan. Has become an independent world.

In the dim sky, red light is looming. It seems that there is a red electric light shining behind the dark clouds, and the ground is black. Exuding the horrible heat, it is incredibly chilling.

The distant sky is undergoing fierce tremors. The two huge forces are constantly staggered and collided. Two eyes are calmly watching the two forces contend. The whole person seems to be integrated with the whole world, almost making people feel Not there.

In the violent impact, the two forces in the air once again separated.

The cockroach gasped slightly, and it was covered with black cockroaches, wrapped in dark red armor. There were several blood marks on her face that were cut by sharp edges. The numerous capillaries near the blood marks were slightly picked up, as if the fine spider web spread out, and the half-face was covered in an instant, which was especially embarrassing.

Opposite the cockroach is a black short-haired man with dark blue light on his eyes. The armor of the body is also dark blue as the main color. The tip of the fingers is about half a foot long, like a blade, shining. The cold light, the scar on the face is caused by this weapon.

The pupil flashed, the blood on the face showed blue smoke, and the force was excreted from the body. The spread of the face quickly converges and disappears: "The power of your disease is of no use to me. Barton."

"Really, however, your virulence is equally useless to me, even with the help of Sullivan's catastrophe." The man named Abaddon smiled. "I haven't seen you for so many years, you gave me enough surprise." Originally thought that you only have the soul body, I can't think of finding a bad body, the kind of strong melee ability is even a taboo. I am even more surprised that you actually defeated the sand. Liye also swallowed up his power, but unfortunately, you didn't get his evil spirits and couldn't resist the eyes of my soul. Even though the talents are the same, if I am alone, I still have no grasp over you. Unfortunately, now Two to one, and in this place, you have no chance of winning."

He shook his head: "There is no absolute thing. I don't think I have nowhere to go."

"You are not a person who can't recognize the reality. We used to be old friends. If you choose to surrender, rely on that friendship..."

"I have a relationship with you?" He smiled disdainfully. "I only remember that there is a guy who is not good, and my eyes are almost dug out by me."

"Men, it is inevitable that there will be times when you are confused by beauty." Abaddon said without a word: "You seem to be more moving now. Of course, as a soul talent, the one that fascinates me the most is your soul. It can be sensed that you should have a special soul blending ability..."

"I am not surprised by your shamelessness. I just didn't think that someone who came to be the closest to God had put down the pride of self-sufficiency. I didn't hesitate to bully." He interrupted Abaddon. If you look at it, look at Satan in the distance. Before Satan and Abaddon were chasing. Deliberately forced her to the West, and the result fell into this world that is clearly Satan's deputy kingdom.

In this country, the power of 贲薨 has been suppressed to a certain extent, and even if Satan does not take a shot, it is enough to let her distract and be jealous and unable to exert the strongest power.

The most troublesome thing is that Satan is not doing nothing. When Abaddon is fighting with her, he has spread the power. Completely blocked the nearby space, plus the kind of difficult time power, the chance of success is almost zero.

As I said, my heart was counting fast - in addition to Serco Red Mountain, Satan actually had a second deputy country. This hidden sub-national should have been a plan for Satan to deal with Sali. one.

Whether it is Satan or Abaddon, the strength is not inferior to her, especially the power of Abaddon is more restrained by her, and now such a fight is obviously consuming her power. I want to be a one-size-fits-all.

The only hope is that Chen Rui, who received the soul communication, came to the rescue. Because consciousness is integrated into a soul in the "world", the body must be in an unconscious state. It is the communication of the three sentences that made her pay. The price of a lot of money. If it was not in the country of its own disaster, it was already hit hard.

"What do I have to do, all by my heart. I can't take your fingertips, my pride is not something you can understand." Satan looked directly at his gaze: "In fact, this delay does not make any sense, even if it is It’s your little dragon kid. It’s also blocked by Abatton’s plague, unless you’re willing to choose self-annihilation, or you’ll just smash it and hand over the last page of destruction!”

贲薨 贲薨 一 : : : : : : : : : : : “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Not as good as Abatton or Sullivan to control or fool?"

"At this time, I still don't forget to provoke, it's awkward." Satan looked at Abaddon: "It is undeniable that either me, Abaddon or Sullivan have considerable ambitions. Or one day, when we get After a strong force, it will turn against each other again. However, the common goals and interests will at least allow us to see the day of hope. Before that, I can work with them with confidence. And you... I can only use 'dangerous 'To describe.'

“Can I regard this as a compliment?” He sneered and asked.

"Perhaps only that person can let you follow with desperation. Unfortunately, that don't have this opportunity anyway." Satan said, screaming out of the cold murderousness: "Look at the same year. For the sake of the fallen, I will give you the last chance to choose, surrender or annihilate!"

贲薨 Slowly shake your head: "Some questions, you don't know the answer. Since the words have already said this level, then there is no need to talk nonsense. Even if I am dying, you have to pay a heavy price, and you will never be able to Get the book of destruction!"

"It is undeniable that if you are desperate, we can't be unscathed, but to remind you," Abaddon put out his tongue and licked the blood on his nails, and more pressure on his heart, "even if you detonate the false gods I also have the opportunity to ingest your soul fragments at the last minute. At that time, it is really impossible to survive and not die. Who will let our talents exercise restraint?"

He snorted and didn't speak. Satan's brow suddenly wrinkled: "Someone broke in!"

This sentence made the eyes bright, and Abaddon said with a disapproval: "The kind of ants who don't have long eyes can just annihilate them!"

"The other party's speed is very fast! Come here!"

Satan's words just fell to the sound A purple electric light has broken through the dark red clouds of the sky.

Abaddon reveals the color of his movements. He finally understands why Satan wants to use "very fast" to describe it. Just by speed, even if he wants to be jealous!

In the next second, a figure appeared in front of the three people.

"It's you!" Satan looked at the figure staring at the purple star, his face showing an incredible color.

Actually this person!

Moreover, from the speed just mentioned...

The sly laughter rang: "Satan, now you should understand that when you start saying that I have no chance to follow someone again, why do I say that you don't know the answer..."

(The waist has been painful and very difficult. I saw a doctor yesterday and said that I have to rest for more than a week. Even if I practice knee exercises, I can't last longer. I will maintain one more every day, and wait until the middle of the month to add more.) (To be continued.)

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