Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1168: Feelings of deja vu

Chen Rui and the Water Elemental Great God are the top superpowers. The few turning changes in the battle are actually in the light stone fire, the blink of an eye, the "bubble" has been filled by the red, the power of the bulging is once again Bounce back. So round-trip, in the near-disappearing redness, Chen Rui’s figure has not been seen, and it should be wiped out and disappeared.

This victory is in the expectation of the great element of the water, and is about to leave and squat.

When you see the "bubble", the light of a group of stars shines, and this kind of starlight contains the power before the victory.

A figure that gradually changed from transparent to solid step by step, the previous blow did not seem to cause any damage to him.

Instead, the "bubble" containing the highest water power, by the power of the group of stars, actually quickly became thin, and eventually disappeared automatically.

The water element **** made the first appearance of dignified color in the eyes. He felt that the group of stars behind Chen Rui not only had an incredible atmosphere of great life and belief, but also the structure of the stars and stars in the nebula actually made him a big water system. The elements create an "illusion" - as if it is an infinite ocean, and it is unfathomable!

Chen Rui volleyed, step by step toward the water element, and the nebula behind him became more and more boundless.

This is one of the constellations of the "Stars of the Gods", the constellation of the super system marine goddess Helen - "The Sea of ​​Souls"!

Since the last time in the dark oven to face Abatton to display a separate "Death Constellation" force, Chen Rui once again combined the power of the "Soul of the Sea" constellation with its own star power, compared to the previous time, More sophisticated and round.

The water element **** made a circle of his hands, and a huge spider web made up of numerous fine ice crystals appeared on the side of Chen Rui. Chen Rui stepped down, "咔", and the star of the body actually showed a deep crack. A **** light burst out at the same time.

At this time, the stars of "The Sea of ​​Souls" began to swim slowly, and the rhythm produced by swimming faintly formed a song of water. "Cobweb" under this song, even a little melted, and soon became A curtain of water was taken up by the nebula.

The water gods made waves in a row, and various forms of water attack were overwhelming, but without exception, they were absorbed by the nebula.

Baichuan to the sea, Wanliuguizong.

This is the mystery of the "Sea of ​​Souls".

The strength and power of the "Hai Na Bai Chuan" demonstrated by the power of the "Soul of the Sea" constellation makes the water element gods finally move: it is not that the meaning of this "water" exceeds the level of the big elements, but because of " The purity of life and beliefs contained in the soul songs is also faintly above the plane of this all-element belief!

This is simply unbelievable. The most important thing is that the elemental plane can no longer suppress the power of this kind of star.

Chen Rui is very aware of his own situation. Although the power of a single constellation is longer than that of the "big stars of the gods", it is not sustainable. It must be a decisive blow to the water gods as soon as possible. .

At this time, the distance between the two people has been drawn a lot. The water element **** makes the squatting look up, and it is seen that Chen Rui’s figure suddenly appears in the sky. At the same time, the same figure appears on the left and right, and the water element is the god. Make it surrounded.

The water element **** immediately gave birth to a dangerous omen, and did not respond. The three rays of light containing the "Soul of the Sea" constellation have already flown out, staggered, and the surrounding space was suddenly divided. Opened up, formed a special triangular space, blocking the water element of the great gods.

Nirvana Dimension!

Without the slightest muddy water, the whole space burst open.

At the moment before the explosion, the "bubble" appeared again, but the water element was wrapped up by the **** of water. However, under the power of the Nirvana, which contained the power of the "Soul of the Sea", the "bubble" could not be played. The power of the rebound, the collapse of the moment, the blink of an eye, the water element of the gods have been completely engulfed by the power of "broken".

When the vacuum created by the Niegen dimension finally faded away, the figure of the water element reappeared in the sight of Chen Rui, and it was intact.

"It is worthy of defeating the people who belonged to Dilroslo. This attack should have evolved from the trick of the time. The quality of the righteousness or power is far better than the original." The water element **** praised one sentence. As the ontology, it absorbs the awareness of Lan Bossite, and naturally there is a scene of seeing "The Stars of God" for the first time.

However, Lan Boster’s memory is three years ago. Even if it is the knowledge and experience of excellence, such as the water element, I can’t think of it. In just three years, Chen Rui’s combat power has not only reached the level of the peak and false gods, but also this The power of recruiting has also grown to the point where it can't be counted.

The blow was not the "evolution" move of "The Stars of God", but only a small part of it.

"Where is Lola?" Chen Rui asked another question before.

This time, the water element is just silent for a moment, replied: "If you know it is useless, Rolla has become the seventh great **** of the elemental world, which means that she will fully accept the will of the god, become the whole The leader of the elemental world."

The news that Lola became the seventh big element made Chen Rui startled: "Completely accepted? Is it the robe of the gods?"

"Although you have fortunately defeated me this time, it is impossible to stop it." The water element **** did not answer, but said in a light way, the body became thin.

It turned out that the "Nefia Dimension" that combined the power of the "Soul of the Sea" has completely destroyed the body of the Great Water.

"As the highest **** of the gods, I will not really annihilate in this world. It will not take long for us to meet again..." The water **** makes the voice weaker and the eyes are sharper: "This failure is of course because of my greatness, but it also reflects your strength. It really does not despise. We will not give you more luck unless you escape the world now."

"I said, I will not leave alone, I will take my woman away." Chen Rui did not show weakness to the eyes of the water god.

"Then we may not have the chance to meet, because you are already dead before this. Whether it is stubborn or persistent, this is a fatal choice." The water element **** looked up at the sky, sneer Road: "And, your time is not enough..."

not enough time? Chen Rui subconsciously looked up at the water-colored gods and looked up at the sky that had become colorful. It was amazed, is it...

"You will have a new opponent soon. When you have to face it, there will never be only one big element to make it..." After the sentence is finished, the thin body of the water element is completely broken and becomes Numerous foams dissipate in the air.

Chen Rui has already faintly understood when he was fighting with the Great God of Water. In this world of elements, elemental creatures should not really die, but only return to the most basic units of elements or transform them into other forms. The same is true of the elemental creatures that were killed by him.

As for the great elements of the existence of the gods of Veronica, it should be truly immortal. The great element of water is only temporarily defeated, and will soon re-aggregate under the power of faith and restore strength.

And just after the first battle, Chen Rui’s own power was far better than the ordinary state, and the combat power was inevitably reduced.

This battle will make the big elements make them face up to his strength. In normal circumstances, this is a great glory, but in the current situation, it only makes things worse.

What you said has been verified. If you encounter the "one" element, you will be caught in an unprecedented battle. So, more than one?

escape? It is definitely impossible, only advance.

Chen Rui didn't think much about it. There is a saying that "there is a need to be bold in the difficult situation, and the situation is still calm." From the very beginning, through the small man to the present Chen Rui, he is no longer afraid of any strong enemy or battle. Especially to protect the most important people.

From the water element, the great **** heard the words just now, and Lola is now likely to have faced the final "procedure". When Moore gave him the land of Wo Yuan, he also mentioned the "last test moment", so he must immediately reach her. By the side.

The question is, where is the roller now?

Chen Ruizhen is anxious, the color in the sky has once again become strong. Gradually, all the colors began to move, not ordinary changes, but quickly flew in one direction, as if attracted by something.

Must be Lola! Chen Rui immediately moved quickly in the direction of color movement.

The scope of the elemental world is quite large. After a few hours, Chen Rui himself does not remember to move many times. However, he has not reached the source of the "attractiveness". He is now able to control it for a long time. Purple. Extreme star change, it is also difficult to avoid getting tired.

After a few high-speed moves, Chen Rui finally felt a faint special atmosphere. Although this breath is weak, it reveals an ancient and immortal meaning, even at his current level. Feel the indescribable mystery and incitement.

This feeling is somewhat familiar, as if I have encountered it.

Chen Rui’s heart moved, and immediately mobilized his body shape and moved at full speed in the direction of the breath.

Feelings are more and more clear, ancient, immortal, immortal... Countless words and thoughts emerge from Chen Rui’s mind at the same time, and there is also a sense of fear. As if there were a pair of eyes in the dark, I was looking down at the squatting ants.

Even his current strength, under this gaze, is still an ant!

Chen Rui’s heart was shocked, and finally I remembered that this terrible feeling of “familiarity” had been there.

The realm of chaos!

Those huge bodies floating in the space! To be continued.

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