Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1202: "he"

Chen Rui suddenly realized that the original sequence of this illusion should be reversed!

It’s like looking backwards from the end of a movie!

Then the correct event process should be: the "eyes" are opened in the void, the power of the "giants" are swallowed, the body is split, and then something that causes the power of the "eyes" is torn apart, flying away, the giants are Take the time to turn the ground into a "corpse"!

No wonder the awkward posture of the "corpse" standing up before!

With this kind of enlightenment, Chen Rui has a correct judgment in the next scene.

In the void, the huge "eyes" that slowly opened up made the "giants" feel terrified.

Summon a whole "object" of "eyes" and reappear.

A certain body collapsed, but it did not completely disappear. It was aggregated into this "object". Like the previous scattering, it seems to be... seven rays!

- That is to say, it is the object formed by the annihilation of this body, summoning the "eyes" that can destroy the "great existence". Or, it is this body that has been summoned at the expense of death.

That body... The image before the split began to appear in sight.

Compared with those "great existence", this body is only small, but it is this small or even neglected figure, which leads to unimaginable results.

The tall and thin man, behind the twelve wings, half white, half black, looked up at the sky and the unattainable existence.

The facial features and body are blurred, but the attachment of the eyes, even if it is impossible to see. Can feel it.

This picture is slightly frozen. The image of the space became blurred and finally returned to a familiar place. cabin.

In the psychedelic forest, the cottage where Eleules is.

Chen Rui’s heart is like a stormy wave. He knows very well that it was just a “video” of spiritual power, and it is still incomplete. However, this incomplete picture reveals a terrifying secret, at least the tip of this secret.

The dusk of the gods!

What happened before?

What level of existence is that "eye"?

What is the summoning of the eyes...

When Chen Rui was thinking about the electric turn, he gave birth to a strong warning sign. Just seeing the front, a pair of eyes are looking at him - the "video", the man's eyes!

This is not a phantom! It is real... Chen Rui’s defense force, which feels extremely dangerous, suddenly rises up and looks at the eyes with vigilance. Perhaps because of some kind of spatial power, there is no special hint for the analytical eye.

These eyes, without special pressure, are full of deep meaning, as if everything can not be hidden. In the middle of the hole, there is a deep emotion, indifference, sadness, affection... even a little tired, and the various contradictory emotions merge into an incredible whole, only to take a look. Involuntarily attracted to the past.

Such a strange look, Chen Rui is sure that he is the first time to look at it, but there is a feeling of deja vu. Seems like I have seen it somewhere.

correct! Chen Rui was shocked and finally thought about it.

Elemental plane! Tree of Nature!

The man who caused the annihilation of the **** Lafite!

It turned out to be him!

The man's facial features and body were slowly clear, and the eyes only watched Chen Rui quietly. For a long time, I have spoken three words.

"I lost."

Chen Rui had already tried his best to calm down, and once again set off a shock that was difficult to suppress, because he thought of the last two words that Eleuther had said before disappearing.

Yes, you won.

I also won.

The previous sentence "You won" is what Chen Rui said. The last sentence "I won" refers to Eleuther himself.

Originally, Chen Rui did not understand the meaning of Ai Lusier. However, the phrase "I lost" in front of the man seems to be the whole incident becoming coherent and clear...

At this moment, Chen Rui seems to understand something.

When the key figures in the mirror world were chosen one by one, there was one more sentence from Eleuther. This gambling game has reached the most critical moment.

That's right, the gambling!

"My time is not much." The man's voice rang again, revealing a deep charm. "I can answer one question for each of you, only one."

you guys? Chen Rui felt a little bit, and he saw a graceful figure in the forest.

Wearing a silver tight armor, the graceful figure is set off, holding a spiral purple sword in his hand, it looks heroic.


Judging from the messy hair and the cracks on the armor, Gabriel is not easy to come here, and he can't see Raphael's figure. It seems that Raphael is still trapped in a psychedelic forest. In the magic array.

Gabriel did not close his eyes as usual, but the man who stood in the air and stood in the air, his eyes were unclear.

At this point, the front door of the cottage opened, not the Eleuther, but Qi Lanya.

Chen Rui once heard Melia say that Qi Lanya is not only a rumored disciple of Ai Lusier, but also a daughter. It should be able to exempt the magical array here. It is not a surprise that the previous archery field appeared directly in the hut.

Qi Lanya looked at the sky in surprise, and she only reacted for a long while. She understood that this should be a bad existence, and she had heard the man’s words before, and she took the courage to ask: "This adult, I can also ask. A question?"

"Of course, the daughter of Eleuther." The man seems to have known Qi Lanya's identity.

"Excuse me, where did my father go?"

"He shouldn't be in front of you anymore. Specifically, he went to a place where he wanted to end a certain 'start'. Unfortunately, the result is probably just to end himself." The man sighed. "As a guide to serve fate, it is really intriguing to have a heart that wants to reverse fate. This is his own path of choice."

The man's answer is esoteric and difficult to understand, but Chen Rui has already understood that Eleuther did not die, but chose to leave.

However, Chen Rui once heard that Fenoa said that Eleules was subject to certain special restrictions and could not leave the psychedelic forest. Then, the legendary prophet left the jungle and left the silver moon fairy of the elves. What does it mean?

Before returning, especially when the choice in the mirror world would directly kill the real people in the world, Chen Rui’s heart was full of anger and killing for Ellsil, because it directly threatened Athena. And the child’s life threatens him to fight for everything he guards.

However, now that Chen Rui’s hatred has gradually faded, things are not as simple as he originally thought, and what kind of role Eleules played in the end is becoming more and more confused.

Qi Lanya was more aware of something, and suddenly lowered her head.

"忒莎妮尔." The man's gaze turned to Gabriel. This title made Gabriel tremble slightly and slowly came over.

Looking up at the man in the void, Gabriel silver and red pupils, the feeling of unclear unclear is getting stronger, just staring at the man's eyes.

For a long time, Gabriel only asked: "Why would you choose that?"

The man's gaze became gentle and sighed.

This problem has caused some of the things that have been suppressed in Gabriel's heart to be released. The surface has long been calm, and there is only a sudden disappointment: "The **** of dawn, the son of the morning, the proudest angel, why do you choose?" Fall? My former comrades and partners, I am... Why do you choose to leave me?"

Although Gabriel asked three questions in succession, it actually equals one.


Chen Rui remembers that when he entered the psychedelic forest, he once said to Gabriel. If you lose these things, you can choose to face death. When Gabriel heard the word "choice", there was a strange wave of emotions, and there seemed to be deep sorrow in his eyes.

That is because she regards Chen Rui as "he", and in her heart, "choice" is the biggest knot.

Chen Rui sighs with a paragraph in the "Isaiah" that makes Gabriel tears in the mirror world: "The bright star, the son of the morning, why did you fall from the sky? You defeated the nations." Why was he cut down on the ground..."

This passage has a surprising overlap with Gabriel’s problems today.

Does this seem to describe someone's fall?

That paragraph and the "fallen" of Gabriel's question today seem to overlap, and Chen Rui's memory suddenly became clearer than ever, including the vague name.

The star of the morning light in the Bible, the most powerful and highest-ranking angel in the legend, is also the most famous fallen person. In the theology and legend of the world in the past, the name of this angel is often seen.

Even Chen Rui, who is not familiar with western theological culture, is familiar.

Some people confuse him with Satan, but in many classics, the two are actually separate.

Especially in this world Is this the man's name?

Yes, remember that when Shaliye misunderstood Chen Rui as someone, he asked for a word before he was swallowed up. He once said a word in horror: "Road..."

That's right!

It should be "he".

Here, the man looked deeply at Gabriel's eyes and said: "Hey Shannier, you have never let go of this matter. You didn't have the courage to ask me, and now finally... Then, I officially answered you. - my former comrades and partners, watching my woman silently... Sorry, because that is my choice."

This answer is equal to no answer, but Gabriel seems to have got an answer, and a tear in his eyes slowly slides down.

"I'm sorry, I don't know how to answer more questions from you." The man removed his gaze from Gabriel and fell on Chen Rui's body: "Now... it's up, incredible. Soul!" (To be continued.)

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