Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1207: Get together (overtime, just finished, a bit late)

It is not only the shackles and Catherine that recognize the "gate". The life of the Mozu is far above human beings. Even if it is a civilian, many of them have experienced similar accidents more than three hundred years ago. For a time, the entire devil world was sensational.

Nowadays, the three great empires of the Devils signed the alliance treaty and established the Confederacy. The Mozu is welcoming a rare time of peace and rapid development. Unexpectedly, at this time, the "door" actually appeared in advance.

This means that the five-year war between the two worlds will come early.

From the mouths of the Mozu practitioners who have returned to the devil world from the human world, it is known that the prosperity of the devil world has been chasing the human world, and the devils have enjoyed the peace time of the past few years, but the sun-drenched ground world is the devil world. Innumerable years of entrenched ideas, there are countless generations of hatred in the inner, facing the wars that are about to happen in the immediate future, many militant blood in the demon's bones are boiling.

In the dark moon residence, the festive atmosphere of the small pockets has disappeared, and everyone’s face has a dignified color. The body of Augustus suddenly has a faint brilliance.

"Is it a summoning contract?" Chen Rui has already judged the power characteristics of Guanghua.

"Yes." Long Huang Laozhang nodded. "It was a contract signed more than three hundred years ago."

Catherine reacted the fastest and was surprised to ask: "After Ou Rus, is it... the last two wars?"

"Yes." Augustus nodded. "The object of signing this contract is not only the devil, but also the race of the ground world. The strength of the contractor is..."

"Super-order?" Chen Rui has already guessed: "The content is that the super-powers must not interfere in the war? Or is there a so-called ... 'balance'?"

Balance is to maintain countless years. The result of the war between the two worlds.

There is no real winner, even the last white night the Great won. It is almost necessary to drive straight into the human empire. In the end, it also ended up with a midway stop.

Therefore, the truth of this never-ending war is that there is no ultimate victory or defeat.

The only theme song is the annihilation of life.

The purpose of this annihilation is sacrifice.

Chen Rui looked at the power of the summoning contract on Augustus and said, "Let's go, let's go and see."

"I will go too!" Paglieu, Lomon and others called out.

Isabella thought for a moment and said, "I will stay, Athena, blossoming, and going around are all here, need care and protection."

"I also stay." Hija looked at Alice who was just around the corner. This made the want to go to see the lively Princess Loli suddenly vented, while leaving behind Oliver, Krobe Ruth, Jiya and others.

There was Isabella staying here, and Chen Rui was relieved a lot. After a few words, he put everyone into the tower of glory and vacated in the direction of the light column. He stunned for a moment and followed.

Both are peaks and false gods, whether they are flying or moving. The speed is almost at the extreme. I feel that the insulting atmosphere of Chen Rui in the flight actually gives her soul a feeling of oppression that is almost suffocating. This is still a state in which he does not exert his full strength, and he is not surprised.

Fast forward. The two quickly left the scope of the Darkmoon Territory, which is estimated in the northeast of the Darkmoon Territory, based on the current distance. It should not be in the territory of the Angel Empire, but in the **** empire!

The blood claw territory on the east side of the **** empire is an insignificant small territory.

As expected, the place where the light column descended was the blood-claw territory of the territory to the east of the Bloody Empire.

this means. This will be the main battlefield entrance or exit.

From here, the army of the demon world enters the human world through the "gate", or the army of the human world enters the devil world from here.

The opening of the gate is not completed immediately. From the previous records, it takes about ten days.

Prior to this, the gate was highly repulsive and ordinary people could not get closer.

At that time, ordinary people did not know that some of the passing light was not the energy of the light column itself, but the person who could enter the light column.

When Chen Rui entered the area of ​​the light column, he felt a special force field coming and immediately guarded.

"Without resistance, the role of this force field is to filter and reject people other than the power of the kingdom." The voice of the cymbal rang in the heart.

Sure enough, this force field revolves around Chen Rui for a moment, and it automatically disappears after sensing the power of the country. Nothing happens.

Chen Rui nodded to the nod, and released all the people in the tower of glory. The worst of these people is Lomon and Tiffany, and they have reached the peak of the country, and naturally they will not be excluded.

Looking at the light column in front of you, the contract light on Augustus became more and more intense. He said, "Let's go in, the light column is just a space passage. It is generally not dangerous. It is estimated that other people are coming soon."

Rolla asked: "The other people you said, including all the superpowers of the Devil?"

"I have participated in several times. Three hundred years ago, representatives of major forces and many independent practitioners came," Oguraston paused. "And it is not only the power of the devil."

"More than just the devil?" Chen Rui’s eyes groaned. "It seems that we will meet old friends."

"There has been one." He looked at the sky and saw only a flash of light. There was already one more person in the line of sight.

When the people saw Chen Rui and Yan, they frowned and looked at Tiffany. They stayed on Lola for a moment and finally returned to Chen Rui.

"Sure enough, old friends," Chen Rui took back his eyes. "How long will it not be seen, Satan, it seems that your gains during this time are not small."

It is Satan, Chen Rui has seen at a glance that Satan’s strength has also increased by a considerable margin. It seems that there has been some breakthrough in the integration of the destruction container.

Tiffany gave a gift to Satan: "Teacher."

What kind of eyesight is Satan? At a glance, it is not easy to see that Tiffany and Chen Rui are not simple. I think that Chen Rui had prevented him from implementing the Dark Temple plan for the three empires. He sneered: "Tiffany, you seem to have found a bigger The backing of the situation. Moreover, the transaction between us has been completed. The word 'teacher' can't be dare."

Tiffany didn't change his face and said, "No matter what. You are a teacher."

Satan nodded: "Yes, there is a bit of the Queen's temperament. And the strength is almost half-god. If you choose to return to my blessing now, you will be the first pope of the Dark Temple in the future."

Tiffany hasn't spoken yet, and Chen Rui bluntly said: "Impossible."

Satan sneered: "Hey! If it wasn't for a ten-year contract, I would completely defeat your confidence now."

"Teacher, you are wrong, I will not promise you whether you win or lose." Tiffany said: "Because, I am his wife."

wife? Satan was shocked. Suddenly thought of something, the pupil suddenly contracted.

Chen Rui’s face is as calm as ever. Now he is not afraid of anyone. Even if all the hidden secrets are known to the world, what are the fears?

"A good ‘Agulie’! Good deeds! Good means! I am not as good as you!” Satan suddenly laughed. “With such an opponent, life will not be lonely!”

Chen Rui can't help but appreciate the color of appreciation, from the perspective of the opponent. Although Satan is cold and hot, his heart is deep, but his temperament is the most admirable of all his enemies.

He and Satan may never be friends, but they can become opponents. I don’t know each other.

Chen Rui slowly raised his hand, but did not attack, but presented two bottles of wine in his hand. Throw a bottle for Satan.

I frowned, because she had one more bottle in her hand.

"Take the wrong person this kind of thing. The explanation is no longer necessary." Chen Rui raised the bottle and said in a pun: "King ‘fallen.'

Satan passed the strange light in his eyes. Also lifted the bottle: "King ‘fallen.’

It seems to be remembering what happened, the hand trembled slightly, and did not raise the bottle.

Satan sipped his head and finished drinking the wine, and the bottle in his hand turned into a particle of ash. "There is no such feeling for a long time. At that time, the battle, killing you, or dying in your hands, there is no regrets!"

After that, the body streamer, the blink of an eye has not entered the light column.

Chen Rui looked at the crowd and walked to the light column, followed by everyone.

After watching these backs enter the beam of light, I looked at the bottle in my hand and silently removed the stopper and drank it.

After entering the light column is a long passage, and then comes to a central hall-like space, which is huge enough to accommodate millions of people.

On the opposite side, you can see the other direction of the space, which is obviously the way to the ground world.

In this space, there are already many people, divided into two sides. The number of these people is more than that of Chen Rui’s imagination. This time the change is too sudden, and many practitioners who have not come out of the world have come.

In terms of strength, it is like a pyramid, the country is the most, and then the demigod is less than one tenth of the nationalization, and the pseudo-god is rare.

Although there are still many people who should not have arrived, basically, this time will gather all the super-order powers in the ground world and the devil world.

Chen Rui and Satan are in the devil's side, Lei Zen and others are also here; and in the opposite human world camp, there are several familiar faces, including Dragon Valley Parmigis, Elf Qi Lanya of a family, and the strongest of the three angels, when Chen Rui and others appeared, these eyes suddenly concentrated.

"Michel." Satan took the lead and sneered out. "Your strength is really disappointing. The power of three hundred years of faith will only let you reach this level?"

Michael’s eyes moved from Chen Rui to Satan’s body, and there was a flash of light flashing in the field: “Do you want to try?”

Michael himself said that "the person closest to has also become the strongest false **** in the ground world, and Satan is the strongest false **** in the devil world. The grudge between the two goes back to In the same era of angels, this meeting is full of gunpowder.

Gabriel, with his eyes closed, opened his mouth coldly: "This is not a place to pick things up. You have to fight and fight."

This sentence can be said to be two, but Satan and Michael did not further stimulate the situation, but only sighed in unison, it was temporarily removed.

There are restraints on the strongest of the two sides to make an example. In the past, the "brightness" and "darkness" of hatred have not caused any major conflicts. It is Laralia's strange laughter, and at the same time, the dragons on both sides are in a bit of a hair.

The next step is to wait, and when the people are almost there, they should step into the theme. (To be continued.)

Ps: I work overtime today, I don't have time to write at noon, I am desperate to come back when I come back, I haven't eaten the rice, the update is a little later than usual, everyone forgive me.

Starved to death, eat.

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