Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1218: Shocked the truth of the audience

"Humble ants! I will set you in purgatory, and blaze the devastating fire to bite your soul. You will find that even a happy death is an unattainable expectation..." The tooth-cutting sound contains a special power of the soul. Even if it is a pseudo-powerful person, it will instinctively generate fear. Eleuther is always indifferent.

More precisely, this is a kind of indifference, calm eyes seem to be detached from fear, but also beyond life and death.

"Sadly..." Eleuther sighed. "The existence of non-existence, once the will really returns, you have completed the mission, it is just a bubble. If you say 'humble', in the face of disappearance, you I am no different."

When this sentence comes out, the woman is very angry: "You simply don't understand what is true eternal immortality! I have decided that your soul and soul will suffer endless suffering, and your eyes, I will stay Come down and let you see the end of the world with your own eyes! At that time, you will hate your choice and hate this unruly fate!

"Unfortunately, my soul and my soul have already come to an end." Ai Lusier did not look at the woman again, and turned his gaze to the broken wooden stick in his hand. In the crack of death, there seems to be a small sprout, indicating Hope, "But I will watch, keep watching, I will not hate. Queriana... No, Blanche, you don't have to hate, because in your eyes, there are more than awkward..."

After the words have not been finished, Ai Lusier's body trembled, and instantly disappeared as a particle collapse. The woman braved the hand of the electric mang, and the palm was two **** eyes.

The last sentence seems to echo in the ear with an echo. The woman’s suffocating suffocation was strong, and the hand holding the eyeball was forced to hold it. In the flame, the last point of ash slowly disappeared into the suffocating air.

The woman looked up at the sky. Raise your hands slowly.

In the center of the red cloud, the diamond's "eye" silhouette slowly opened, but it was not the pupil, but the pure blood color. Two blood-red columns of light projected from the outline and landed on the magma on the ground. The magma began to emerge. Two "founches", two of which are gradually forming.

When these two figures solidify, more and more beams of light are projected in the blood cloud. The whole space began to violently boil. In the laughter of the woman penetrating the clouds, there are countless terrible shadows in the blood, forming an endless ocean.

In the moment when the eyeballs were destroyed, Chen Rui’s vision had begun to blur, and the scenes that followed were more and more embarrassing. Eventually, the consciousness was shaken and consciousness returned to the dark moon’s house.

The light of the natural tree in the super system is also dimmed, and the original dense tree quickly withers. The power of life dissipated quickly, as if it had been extracted from the soul. Chen Ruifu continued to instill in the soul with the vitality and belief in the Star River, and finally stopped the aging process.

The withered tree trunks split open, revealing new trees inside. Beginning to shoot and sprout, returning from the towering tree to the two-meter-high tree, no matter what. It is a renewed life.

At the same time, in a distant place. Qi Lanya stared blankly at the Lingmu wand, which had a green sprout in her hand, slowly slamming in one direction. In the beautiful eyes full of sorrow, tears drip on the ground.

In the battlefield of Jin Yao’s territory, the battle between the Allied Coalition and the Devils’ Alliance is still going on.

Rex's response was very quick, and the black cavalry immediately made arrangements for the Elf's Magic Shooter Legion and the Magic Rifle Legion to the forefront, surrounded by heavy infantry vertical shield protection. Although the Black Cavalry is good at riding and shooting, advance and retreat Free, but the arches and guns of the elves are the first in both worlds. The arrows and precision of the elves are above the black cavalry. What is even more terrifying is that almost every arrow has this power; not only the bow The technique is equally sharp, and the black cavalry are not opponents even if they are in the same place, let alone the attack on the horse, and the elves have the protection of the infantry.

After several rounds of attack, the black cavalry couldn't get close, but also lost a lot of troops. Instead, the Elf Corps stepped into the camp and stepped closer to the core of the battlefield. Rex the Great certainly wouldn't let the elves go deep, the dwarf bear cavalry behind. And the orcs are also step by step, followed by behind.

However, it is not a wise move to see the long-range troops in the forefront. Moreover, the other side has a strong car. This kind of impending is more about creating pressure and encouraging morale.

Jerant took the initiative and let the cavalry return to the battle. From the scene, the two sides took up a tie.

Seeing the enemy's tough black flag soldiers forced to return, the human army was thunderous, but the cheers soon became a tense silence, and the row of huge figures behind the Mozu coalition forces moved.

Construct a war couple!

Thousands of huge war singers slowly ascended into the air, as if they were dark clouds, moving slowly toward the human army.

This speed is not fast, but it is more stressful than “fast”, especially the queue and layering that the warriors show when they move in the air. Like the truly well-trained elite, the hearts of every human coalition are shrouded. A layer of haze.

The shooting of the elf shooters and the gunmen fell on the war squad, leaving only the shallow dents, unable to penetrate the huge body, and under the command of Rex, the emergency retreat.

Hundreds of huge figures have emerged from the human army. It is the dragon from the Dragon Valley. Several Griffin Legiones have also prepared for the attack. On the other side of the Mozu, the Wyvern and the Winged Legion are also ready.

In the next position, both the magic crystal cannon and the catapult have been re-adjusted to the angle of attack, and the most intense battle phase is coming.

It is not the wish of Rex the Great to fight the strongest card so early, but at present he has no other choice. The commanders of both sides also issued an attack command.

Numerous light flames symbolizing death emerged from the array of the two sides, the magic crystal torch, the meteor of the catapult, the arrow of the car, the dragon's dragon, the long-range missile of the warrior, the magic army Magic, feather arrows, bullets...

Just as the flames on both sides were about to interweave, everything was still.

It was still a fierce battlefield, and it suddenly became silent. All the attacks are solidified in the air and look very different.

Everyone can feel this stillness. It’s like... time suddenly stopped.

At this time, there was one more person on the battlefield.

Although it is "stationary". Everyone feels the arrival of this person.

This person seems to wave his hand, and everything is back to normal, except that all the attacks on the battlefield have disappeared.

The most fierce confrontation between the two million troops was easily extinguished by this person between the waves.

The sprinting of the two sides of the army actually seemed to encounter the invisible wall, unable to advance half a point!

It is simply an irresistible force!

Everyone is invariably rushing to a feeling that this person alone can destroy all the troops present!

Must be the legendary half-god strong! (Ordinary people refer to the super-strength of the Emperor above the semi-god)

This man is wearing a mask and a cloak. Full of mysterious atmosphere.

The Allied Coalition Forces retreated, and the soldiers in the Devil’s side saw a familiar attire as soon as they saw this familiar costume.

The person’s body flashed, and three more people came next to him, three women.

These are three beautiful women, a white robe on the left, blond hair, beautiful face covered with frost and snow, like a glamorous iceberg; a black hair in the middle. Although wearing a veil can not see the true face, but it gives people a feeling of peerless city, the dark night of the starry night flashes the wise light; the blue-haired woman on the right looks arrogant, and the eyes contain the murderous blade. Occasionally, the gaze of the eyes gives people a feeling of close neighbors, and the two very different temperament are combined. It is full of alternative charm.

The charm and temperament of the three women have their own merits, but there is a special commonality. That is the headgear that is wearing the identity - the crown.

The eyes of Rex the Great suddenly contracted because. The masked woman in the middle, he has seen it!

That was the Longhorn City a few years ago!

What happened at the time was not only the woman, but also another little girl and...

No wonder, at that time, I felt that the temperament of a masked woman is the same kind of person as myself!

It turned out to be one of the three emperors of the Devil!


The hand of Rex the Great holding the sword trembled and fell on the masked cloak.

"Your Majesty! His Majesty the King!" The Devil's army no longer had any doubts. Qi Qidun slashed his sword and bowed his head.

This time, the human army has also understood that these three women are the empresses of the three great empires of the devil!

And the one that easily made the entire battlefield still is the legendary figure who conquered the three queens in intelligence, and the only Wangfu "Agulie"!

"Agulie" actually has such terrible strength, then if he wants to annihilate the entire human army, it is only between the palms...

The human allied forces have shown the color of horror. Where did the semi-god strong people on the human side go? Legend has it that the semi-god might not intervene in the world of ordinary people. There are also legends that the semi-god strong have their own battlefields in the two world wars. Now that this enemy has appeared, is it true that the human gods and gods have failed?

"This war of no meaning should be over..." The cloak said a "strange" word, and then a more incredible scene happened saw the three queens against the Mozu coalition Waving a wave. Although the soldiers, including Gerant and the generals of the Mozu, were unbelievable, they still obeyed the orders of the Queens, and all the soldiers began to retreat.

Is this going to stop the war? Or open the distance to solve this side of yourself? The hearts of the human allied forces are hanging up.

I saw the cloak step by step toward the geese, and the soldiers along the way wanted to stop. They were all solidified by a great force, unable to move, and they could only watch, the cloak went to the front of the coalition commander Rex. .

The cloak's footsteps stopped and quietly looked at the emperor of the Longhuang Empire on the podium.

"There must be a truce, father."

When this sentence was said, it suddenly shocked the audience, and in an instant, it was silent. (To be continued.)

Ps: Update situation, I have reported to you before, the rest of the time, a little bit of need to conceive a new book, just the world, rank, people, name, article, place name settings are enough to hurt the brain. In the future, there will be special posts for the collection of the dragons. It is said that the title of the book is now difficult to start. I thought about ten searches at the starting point, but they all repeat, the bunker...

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