Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1222: "Super Three"

The black smoke gradually solidified, and it was faintly visible as a dark golden long whip.

The blood of Quilliana’s right eye became more and more hot, revealing a chilly smile. At this time, the surrounding blackness changed and the wound that had healed on the face appeared again, turned into a green color. Still active, like a certain change spell.

Quirina snorted and stepped back a few steps, holding her right eye, and there was blood spilling through her fingers. It was a green blood.

It turned out that the arrow of Queen Liv before was not only an ordinary injury, but also inspired by the smell of this graveyard, and played a real killing trick.

This shot was too sudden, even if she was the head of the three abyss, she was also slightly injured!

This is definitely not an accidental "accident", but a premeditated layout!

The one who can have such a budget must be the guy, the guy who let her come in advance in an incomplete form!

That guy, after the death, counted her again!

The elf queen is desperate to use the artifact moonlight cloud sea bow to shoot that arrow, it is for this purpose!

"Damn!" The roaring sound sounded through the sky. Queriana's right hand had already clenched the dark golden long whip. The terrible violent temper had already filled the space, and I slammed it. On the ground.

The entire floor of the Yinyue Xiandu trembled, cracked everywhere, and the deep cracks in the bottom of the hole, actually erupted magma, and those elves who could not escape were squandered in terrible fluctuations.

The blood of the sky clouds the burning ground, the most beautiful green capital and art treasures of the past, turned into a scorch!

Quirina’s slight gasps. I released my hand and the wound on my face had completely disappeared. The power of "green" has also evaporated, just in the blood of the right eye. There is a faint crack.

This dark injury was only temporarily suppressed. In a short time, I was afraid that it would be difficult to recover.

Queriana was about to completely destroy the remaining elves, and her eyes slammed into the air. As soon as she looked up, she saw the sky and a few streams of light rushed toward it.

In the blink of an eye, there are five more figures in front.

These five people. It has already represented the most powerful strength of this main plane.

Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Chen Rui, and Lola.

On the occasion of the advent of the abyss, the original hostile parties finally reached a covenant, and the war between the devil and the ground world came to an end, but did not withdraw, but was on standby at the Jinyao territory.

Just as Chen Rui planned to return to the Devils to find Satan and others, the Supreme Three Angels received an urgent message from the church and learned about the eruption of the nightmare volcano and the destruction of the Iron Gate Kingdom. It turned out that the abyss was the nightmare volcano!

Five people took the initiative. When the United States went east, the original iron gate kingdom was destroyed. However, the jade of the jade forest was found on the road - the vast forest sea was actually burned by one-third!

This made the five people change their destination and came to the scene at the first time. However, it is still a step later, the entire silver moon fairy. The entire elves have suffered from the catastrophe.

"Is it you? Blanche..." Look at the familiar face of the half-elf, and feel the other "familiar" hateful look. Chen Rui took a deep breath and said another name: "No. It should be called you, Queriana!"

"I said, I will meet again soon." Upon hearing the name of "Blanc", Quirina's eyes flashed and her lips slightly curved in a curve. This smile was full of fierce murder.

In front of this person, first defeated her in the tree of nature, destroying the door of the abyss that took nearly 20,000 years, almost to succeed, and then destroyed her main altar, destroying her projection.

She said to this person, she will meet soon, because as long as she has been more than a hundred years old, she will be able to truly break through the power enchantment and return to the main plane in a complete posture. Now she is being used by Lucer in advance. "Give birth", "meeting" is also ahead of schedule.

"At least it is faster than I expected." Chen Rui smiled slightly, as if it was water, but his heart was playing the spirit of twelve points, always beware of the other side.

This is not a projection, but the true body of Queriana!

Race: half-elf (the body of the spell)

Comprehensive strength assessment: ssss+++

Physique ssss+++, strength ssss+++, spiritual ssss+++, speed ssss+++.

Analysis: hate.

Danger level: extremely high!

Chen Rui knows today that it is different from the "s++" between the peaks of the emperor and the kingdom. There is actually more "ssss+++" in the level between the gods and the gods, which is a higher level!

This level of strength comparison, like the Super Saiyan in the comic book "Dragon Ball" that I have seen before, the Super Saiyan is also divided into Super Saiyan (referred to as Super 1), Super Super Saiyan (referred to as Super 2) ), Super Super Saiyan (referred to as Super 3) three levels, the strength difference between each layer is very large.

In the elemental world, he has already realized that the big elements make the "super 2" peak pseudo-god strength. In fact, despite the fact that in the home elemental boundary, because of the seal of some kind of taboo force, the big elements make them exert their strength. There is a certain amount of water, of course, the infinite rebirth in the elemental world is an extra golden finger.

In the absence of the aid of the seven artifacts, Chen Rui’s strength in the elemental world is only equivalent to between Super 1 and Super 2, until he struggles to comprehend the “Heavenly Stars” of the heavens. 2 levels.

Michael and Satan's original distance of 2 should be only one line apart. Under the stimulation of Chen Rui's strength, they have stepped into the level of Super 2, while Gabriel, 贲薨, Raphael included some of the gods. The Lola of Divine Power has been infinitely close to Super 2, and it is possible to break through at any time.

Chen Rui has now been able to master the power of incomplete integration of the constellations of the heavens. It is equivalent to mastering the supreme power of Super 2, and pressing against Michael and Satan to become the first strongest in the two worlds.

but. Quillana in front of her strength is better, ssss+++. It is equivalent to Super 3, and it is still the peak of Super 3. Perhaps only Chen Rui can fully integrate the stars and gods to compete with it.

The strength of the three dominance is estimated to be at the level of Super 3, Quiniana is the strongest, Ogmarton is second, and Dilrosro is the last.

No wonder the original death in the sea, just the projection of Dilroslo, reached a level of over 1, can compete with Satan. Although Satan had reservations at the time. But the strength of Dilroslo is indeed the pinnacle of the peak. The king of water has said that the strength of the three apocalypse is extremely terrible, but it is not God. Then, ssss+++ should be the last level to the **** level.

In any case, this time facing Queriana, it will be the biggest test ever.

Chen Rui is trying to put Lola into the star-studded stage, and the voice of Miss Fairy Dragon has already sounded in the heart. Chen Rui is hesitant. Did not immediately recover the roller.

Rolla's biggest wish is to fight alongside him. For this reason, the fairy dragon is willing to take great risks and accept the inheritance of the elemental world. If she is now in her business, she will be a star. From the perspective of Chen Rui, I am worried that my lover is injured. From the perspective of Lola, it is a kind of negation. Denied her efforts and strength in betting on her life.

Then, face the crisis together.

Chen Rui turned his head. Just in time to meet Lola's gaze, there is no need for the language of the heart. It is already a heart. A thousand words, nothing to say.

Lola's "Five Elements of the Fury" has a greater level of lethality and is a combat power that cannot be ignored. Moreover, Queriana seems to have been attacked by a special force, the damage is not light, and the strength has been weakened a lot. There are Lola and the Supreme Angels, or the best chance to defeat Queriana.

Queriana saw that the hateful enemy was afraid to distract her in the face of her enemies. She was more murderous and locked Chen Rui. The voice of Michael was sounded: "Kui Liana! Your opponent is us!"

Michael is arrogant and self-proclaimed to be the closest person to God. The Supreme Three Angels are also the masters of this terrestrial world. Now the abyss is on the ground world, which is equivalent to infringing his "territory", and Queriana now has the initiative. The meaning of Chen Rui’s shot was that the three of them were ignored and could not help but be angry.

When this sentence came out, Queriana’s eyes were removed from Chen Rui’s body and fell on Michael’s body. The sharp smile suddenly became contemptuous.

"It is nothing more than a humble, light-hearted god. If you have the power of blessing given by the gods, you can barely compete with the present. Unfortunately, you have lost the blessing of the master, and you are completely vulnerable." Queriana's There is no disguise in the tone. "However, when I had God bless, what was my existence? In the face of my true will, I didn't even have a look at your ants."

Chen Rui’s heart was moved. The information revealed by these words was previously unknown to him, revealing some major secrets.

The three of Michael were called "God" by Queriana. At the beginning, Michael was also the "waiter" who fooled the gods. Combined with the supernatural system, the Supreme Angel is probably a god. God, yes, light God!

"The power of blessing given by the gods" should be the divine power that the gods gave to the gods. Similar to the bonus of "Fengxing" and "Star Strengthening", from the words of Queriana, If the Supreme Three Angels and "God Bless" can compete with her in the body, it is equal to the strength of ssss + + +!

In this way, it can be inferred that the three people of Michael, including Satan, and others, are survivors of the "Twilight of the Gods". Because of the fallen gods, they went to God, and their strength fell, relying on themselves. After years of practice, I only slowly responded.

The last two sentences of Queriana are even more amazing - in the strongest era in which the three Michaels have the blessing of God, her "true will" even dismissed these "anthill ants", then, Queriana called " The true will" should be the level of God!

So, what form does she exist now? What is the relationship between the abyss and the gods? Why destroy everything? For a time, Chen Rui’s suspicion in his heart.

"If I want to choose the first person to kill, it is him, not you." Queriana's eyes returned to Chen Rui's body.

So contemptuously let Michael's face become iron blue, and stunned Chen Rui, and quickly formed a triangle formation with Gabriel and Raphael, surrounded by Queriana. (To be continued.)

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