Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 125: Unexpected loss

The two fell on the carpet at the same time, and the clothes quickly decreased.

Even if Chen Rui is stupid, he knows what is going to happen. It’s just that this sudden compulsion is too unexpected.

What made him a little speechless was that he became a passive man and he was still struggling.

At this time, Christina finally unveiled the veil.

The first feeling is the star-like black eyes, and then the exquisite facial features become clearer. Her age is about seventeen or eight years old, but the temperament between the eyebrows seems to have a strange sense of maturity, but at this moment in the deep and savvy beauty of the weekdays, the flash of y looks.

Perfect, Chen Rui can't find a second adjective to describe her peerless face, and her heart beats up.

Even the first beauty of the dark moon, Princess Chia, in front of her, must be sè three points.

The perfect is not only the appearance, but also the white jade general dòng body, each part is like a masterpiece of God.

Beautiful is almost suffocating.

When Chen Rui almost suffocated, two pieces of warm red chún posted over and printed on his mouth. The wonderful feeling spread throughout the body, both of them were trembled, and Klittina’s movements appeared before. Oysters, then gradually become proficient.

Chen Rui’s first wěn was inexplicably taken away after Alice’s “fainting”. Now, this is the true meaning of deep wěn, especially before the ōng was still oppressed by two groups of Fengwen Wenyu, the kind of warm fragrance The taste of nephrite is not enough to describe it in any words.

The breath in Christina chún seems to carry a strange effect that evokes the hope of y. This effect becomes especially strong when the two men interweave with each other. Chen Rui’s eyes begin to change, and the characteristics of the male become Unprecedented hardship, from the beginning of rebirth, has been suppressing some primitive y look, like the ignited gunpowder, finally erupted out of control, and the action became active.

Soon, the rush of breath began to be mixed with the painful shallow shēn吟. Gradually, there was another kind of pleasant tone in shēn吟, which gradually became the main theme in this little world.

The magic tent has no defensive power, but under the command of the Dragon King, the two-legged dragons are not close to the tent. In the view of the Dragon King, this Chen Rui is indeed trustworthy. After learning the news of the Hydra, he did not immediately escape with his companions, but stayed here to think about countermeasures.

Chen Rui did not know that the Dragon King’s recognition of him had unexpectedly risen to a considerable height. At present, although he still has a faint sigh in his mind, he knows what he is doing, but his body is driven by instinct.

The same feeling "there is Christina who has been under his pressure, the white skin has been faintly red because of the continuous 〖Xing〗, overflowing the fine sweat.

I don't know if it is illusory. In some kind of sorghum, Christina's red chún will become black sè, and a pair of translucent black sè wings will appear behind it, faintly revealing the golden sè light, and the white jade-like dòng body formation. The sharp contrast gives an alternative strong yòuhuò.

No matter what form, the movements are the same." That is, the writhing woo is welcoming the hard and violent impact of the male.

It is difficult to suppress yòu people shēn吟 more and more high, hot breathing, two people involuntarily completely lost in the most instinctive blend.

I don't know how long it has passed.

The jī in the tent finally cooled down.

After cooling, it is a long silence.

Obviously, Christina is the first time, but her cable is expected to be strong, it seems that it has been accumulated for many years. Chen Rui, the virgin of the two worlds, was also the first time. He was able to fully cope with Christina’s almost horrible needs, and even completely filled her ignited y.

Chen Rui does not have the strong exhaustion of ordinary men, but feels the spirit of jealousy. Even the power in the body seems to have undergone some special changes, and he is also surprised by himself.

But now it is obviously not the time to study this.

Although there are still a lot of indulgence on the ground, although the skin still shows a strong red tide after the afterglow, Christina has recovered from that madness, the wings behind it disappeared, and the double chún of the black sè has returned to ruddy.

The beautiful eyes of the stars are woven with anger, sorrow and other complex gods, mixed into a strange silence, completely different from the usual silence.

It’s as if I didn’t expect the first wěn to be taken away by Alice. Chen Rui also did not expect that it was not Athena who ended her virgin career, but the yīn shadow female Cristina who only knew the enemy’s position soon!

Even Christina is not her real name.

Strictly speaking, "Chen Rui is the "since of life" but his heart is still very embarrassing, this kind of thing, the loss will always be a woman. Moreover, Christina's situation must be weird, this is purely an accident.

Anyway, the accident has already happened.

Chen Rui took out a chuáng blanket from the storage warehouse and gently covered it on the perfect body.

"Christina, sorry, this is an accident. I know that you want to kill me now, but your strength has been completely lost. Is it the reason why the three spirits are taken at the same time?"

In the eyes of analysis, her strength is only a level, low-level demon. From "cannot judge"

Yes, this is a huge slip that is completely impossible. There must be something wrong with it.

Christina didn't say anything, the man guessed it, and the problem really came out of the three "nine days of mystery fruit."

Lingguo is more powerful than the devil's quinoa. It was a good thing for Christina who practiced a certain secret method, but there is still a difference between the fruit and the devil. Among the magic durians, there is a special awake function that can suppress and decompose the strong y look produced in the secret method. This function is not available in the fruit.

Christina had already discovered this problem when she ate the first fruit, but she suppressed the y hope with strong will and strength, so the time to digest the spirit was extended from the originally estimated one hour. Maximize two hours.

If you go on like this smoothly, you probably won't have much problems.

However, the changes in the matter were unexpected. Bailu actually personally traced the wet night, just as her strength had dropped to an unmatchable level.

Bailuo is a descendant of the Leviathan royal family. This person is quite simple, strong and ambitious. It is not a generation of females. But the superficial kung fu is extremely home-grown, and the only yīn shadow empire is the daughter of a prince. The network of relationships is also very woven, and it is very prestigious in the military and cannot be easily removed. Christina knows this very well.

The practice of the secret law began secretly six months ago and has a considerable degree of danger. However, because the three situations of the empire have gradually separated from the control, in order to cope with the worst situation that may occur, even the most powerful opponent in the devil world, she considered it over and over again, and finally chose to take risks.

It was at this time that the news of the devils was heard in the town of Leia. The devil's quinoa is the best auxiliary material for practicing the secret method. Because it is too rare, it can't be met. Now the secret law is just a matter of practice. The appearance of the devil's quinoa is not a charcoal in the snow, so she decided to go there in person.

This Christina's identity was originally a "divided" of her. She used this identity to come to the town of Leia, and even took the sister of Bailuo's sister Diliya as a cover. However, Bai Luo still did not completely let go of suspicion, and sent people to follow. His purpose should be to eradicate Christina, a powerful and mysterious noble woman.

On the way to Leia town, he met a man with a dark will and a suspected Lucifer family. Then the man brought her more and bigger accidents.

Because Bai Luo personally chased, the situation was urgent, so she had to make a temporary choice, and at the same time served three spirits, but the strength of the three spirits, especially the strong y look that greatly exceeded her Imagine, finally, the biggest accident happened inevitably.


"Can you tell me your real name?"

"What is the instrument that was played before?"

The man’s unwilling voice rang again, and now he has asked a lot of boring questions, the purpose is to put more information out of her mouth before the killer.

Both sides are smart people, and they all know the relationship under such an accident. It is impossible to produce boring feelings and only hatred. If she doesn't know her power before, maybe this man still has the idea of ​​"conquering" and making her a slave to satisfy her expectations. But he should be very aware of her strength, and certainly can't be controlled by him, so she can only kill her before she recovers her strength and retaliates.

Change is her, and only this choice. Death is inevitable.

When Chen Ruizhen was helpless, she only listened to Christina and finally said: "I once overestimated myself. I should pretend to be completely conquered by you. Try to please you with the lowest method to see if you can survive. Then, when the power is restored, you will be smashed again. But I suddenly found that I can't do it. At this time, I am just a weak woman. Chen Rui is silent, sighing: "Why do you think I will kill you? ”

"Don't insult your own wisdom, don't waste any effort, you don't get any information from me." Christina's eyes faintly said: "My body...

......The taste is very good, because it was only the first time, so many chuáng secret methods in the royal family were not used. Before I die, I can let go of everything and completely satisfy you once, so that you can taste Asmod "y look, the real taste of the royal family. There is only one condition."

"What conditions?"

"Returning the yīn shadow cloak to the imperial royal family, this artifact has no effect on people other than the Azmod royal family. Of course, you can also make more demands on the royal family."

When it comes to dealing with body and life, Christina is extraordinarily calm, as if there were no lakes of any life. Calm almost dead.

Chen Rui’s heart twitched inexplicably, and seemed to see the flame in the dungeon, the last group that burned with life. @.

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