Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 137: Infernal

The next morning, Agulie’s figure appeared in the hall of the arena registration. This is the agreed handover time.

Waiting for him is the three high-level devils under Joseph's devil, Royce, Araux and Vassasa.

Compared with yesterday, the spirit of Aroks seems to be a lot better, but due to the powerful overdraft, it is still somewhat weak. I feel that the power of Chen Rui’s body seems to have not weakened, but it has been strengthened. The gods of Aarons seem to have some sorrows and no words.

"His Lord Agurlie, before the handover of the arena, Master Joseph wants to talk to you, but he is now dealing with affairs in the Red Sea, please allow me to use the magic message to contact."

Chen Rui heard the news that Joseph was absent from Royce's mouth yesterday, and now deliberately looked around. Royce said, "Please rest assured that there are no strangers waiting for us except for four of us."

Chen Rui looked at the faceless Vasasha, looked at Royce again and nodded.

Vasasha's posture is superior, but there is still a certain distance compared with Athena. Royce is very persistent with this woman.

Royce took out a magical message, and the power was slightly displayed, but he was on the table.

The magical communication suddenly radiated a burst of light, and soon it seemed to be connected to the "network" beam that appeared in Joseph's figure.

Last night, Royce should have contacted Joseph. Joseph is still looking like a smile. He nodded in front of Chen Rui: "First of all, congratulate you, Lord Aguly. In just two months, you From the original mid-level demon to the high-order, and defeated my strongest high-level demon, created an amazing miracle."

Miracle your sister! If the smiling face tiger knows that the man under the mask is the one who wants to die, I am afraid that laughing will be more ugly than crying. Chen Rui secretly sneered, saying in his mouth: "For me, this is not a great miracle. It just lifted some seals on the body and defeated a low-level opponent that was not in the eyes."

Hearing Chen Rui’s description, Arrows clenched his fist tightly, but the fact is that the skill is not as good as people, so it is irrefutable. Judging from the strength of the opponent, even if you fight another game, your winning percentage is small, unless you can break through the bottleneck!

"Some, seal?" The smile on Joseph's face was even stronger.

"Don't say this" Chen Rui avoided this topic. "It seems that Joseph adults want to congratulate, not only is I defeating Aroks. According to the agreement, this arena should be mine."

"This is just an agreement between you and Aroks, but I can admit it," Joss laughed. "However, do you agree with Royce's agreement at the time?"

Chen Rui did not speak. He seemed to be thinking and said: "If I have said it, I will naturally abide by my promise. I am willing to help Master Joseph, but whether our relationship is equal cooperation or attachment, I have to wait for me to formally meet with adults. Make a decision later. Perhaps the adult will be a good middle-level opponent.

The upper, middle and lower levels were heard from Paglio last night, and they were sold now. Now, Joseph heard "middle-level opponents, four words, and they were splendid in the eyes: "Great, No matter which kind of relationship, I am very welcome, the arena is officially handed over to you to manage, I have authorized Royce, you can sign with him on the face of the handover document. ”

Chen Rui nodded and looked at Aroks: "I have to go to practice for a while, and further open the seal of my body. I wonder if I can hand over the affairs of the arena to one hand and take care of it?"

"I heard that Aroks lost to you, and this is your power." Joseph said disapprovingly: "The rule of the world is that the winner is the king, and the loser can only be stepped on his feet. ”

Aroks's clenched fist knuckles have already turned white. Chen Rui looked in his eyes and laughed a few times. He said, "So... I will openly break with the long princess Chia and announce our cooperation."

"I believe that it was a major blow to the princess." Joseph also smiled. "However, I feel that you will stay with her and will play a bigger role in our future. Your cloak will Isn't it a reserve team for the Royal Palace Guards? This is a wonderful place to play a lot of space."

The proposal that "Josef is really wise and wise" is in the middle of Chen Rui’s care, with a look of indulgence, and said: "If this is the case, the arena may have to be returned to Princess Xia. This should belong to My loot."

Joseph praised: "Smart people! The arena originally belonged to her, but in her father, because of an air game lost to my father, the lord of lord. Your eyes should be a little further, If our cooperation is successful, what do you think of an arena in the district? I still have a lot of resources in the dark moon. If you need it, I can provide it in unlimited quantities, but everything will wait for me to go back to the dark moon. I can return in the next few days, but some unexpected things happen temporarily. It may take a while to come back. The fastest half a month, at the latest, one month.

"Good! I will come back to meet the adults as soon as possible." Chen Rui deliberately made a sigh of inspiration, and his heart faintly guessed that Joseph’s unexpected incident was estimated and Bannak’s in Leia town. The heroic record, related. Bannak, it is the subordinate of Joseph, who can continue to drag Joseph in the red and the fight against Canita, and even further intensify, it can be regarded as the success of Chen Rui.

"So... I am very much looking forward to meeting you officially." Joseph smiled slightly, his figure faded away, and disappeared without a trace.

After the mask, Chen Rui is also smiling, this year's largest infernal, has successfully opened the curtain.

Royce took out a magical instrument about the transfer of the arena. After the signature of both parties, the handover was completed.

Chen Rui said to Aroks: "Alaux, you just heard what Joseph said. You still have to be responsible for the arena, but you must be clear, I am the real arena. controller."

Arrox's **** eyes clung tightly at the eyes of Chen Rui's mask, full of anger, Chen Rui said with a disapproval: "If you can't afford to lose, you can leave here immediately, I will never stop."

Araux snorted and didn't leave. He sat down on the sofa and took out a bottle of wine and drank it without saying a word.

"If there is nothing else, I don't think I will send two.

Royce and Vasasa looked at each other and left. When they reached the arena, Royce said: "Vasasa, if you have time, how about going for a drink?"

"No time." Vasa said with a blank expression.

Although Royce was deliberately asking this question, and this answer was as expected, but in his eyes, he still had a hint of sorrow: "Then I went to find another roller to drink."

"Just casual." Vasasha dropped two words and turned around and left.

Royce sighed and turned back to the arena.

After Royce turned back to the arena, Vasasa's pace was slightly, and then he quickly stepped forward.

In the hall, Chen Rui took out a bottle of hazelnut wine and threw it to Arrows: "This is the specialty of the yīn shadow empire, try it."

"What kind of tricks do you play?" Aroks took the bottle and didn't thank him: "Two months later, I will challenge you again. Can you dare to accept it?"

Chen Rui did not immediately agree, and asked: "You yesterday, it seems that m has reached the level of a little devil level."

The spirit of Aruks suddenly hit, and coldly said: "Yes, if I broke through to the devil level yesterday, the one who died must be you."

"Reality is reality, there is not so much if." Chen Rui throws an olive branch that is extremely yòuhuò, "However, I can turn your if it becomes a reality."

Araucus’s ears stood up: “What are you talking about? Can you make me a devil?”

"Do you think that a person who has reached the high-end high section from the middle-order low section in only two months can't do this?" Chen Rui smiled slightly.

"Maybe I should believe" Aroks's eyes flashed with enthusiasm. "What are your conditions?"

At this time, Royce's figure appeared in the hall. Arrox looked at the returning friend somewhat strangely. He only listened to Chen Rui's words that surprised him: "The condition is surrender. Surrender. Real surrender, not like you and Royce to Joseph."

"How do you know?" Aroks responded immediately: "Royce, what did you say to him?"

Royce didn't open his mouth and saw Chen Rui throwing a thing over him: "Royce, this is for you. With your knowledge, maybe I don't need to tell you what it is."

Royce caught it, it was just a red round fruit, the shell was hard, full of strange textures, the fruit exudes a touch of scent, and the inside seems to contain the power of divineness. "This fruit is a bit like ~www丶Royce’s eyes are round and round, and his hands feel a little trembling. The calmness and wisdom of the week seem to disappear instantly, muttering: “No, impossible”

"Nothing is impossible, now this demon fruit is you." Chen Rui faintly affirmed that Royce's gaffe was in his expectation, even if it was Athena, it was inevitable.

"Devil's Fruit" Aroks "Teng, the ground stood up and stared at the fruit in the hands of Royce, and the breathing became rushed.

It turned out to be a devil fruit! This fruit can greatly enhance the potential of the Mozu, making it possible to break through the bottleneck several times, and there is a small chance to get extra special ability! This is the most important priceless treasure of the Mozu! There are countless demons who know the efficacy of the devil's fruit, but there are only a handful of real ones.

The value of this fruit is incalculable. If you get it outside, I am afraid that it will cause unimaginable disputes. "Agulie, he gave Royce easily! (Starting with the new group. If you like this work Welcome to the starting point to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

The value of this fruit is incalculable. If you get it outside, I am afraid that it will cause unimaginable disputes. "Agulie, he gave Royce!"

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