Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 142: Murderous and conspiracy

Chen Rui refused to listen to the horns to sort out the language, walked the door and grabbed a miner to ask.

It turned out that after Chen Rui went to Leia Town, Ashina returned to Lugang Mountain and led the miners to move to the Xiqiao Mountain. The Red Devils Thieves Group did not invade again. The ghost dragon did not appear. The miners passed. A rare and stable life.

Xiqiao Mountain is far away from the Lugangshan Liantian Mine. The mining is extremely inconvenient, and the original lùtian mine is also finished. Although Chen Rui does not force the miners to complete the task, it is now very close to every three months. The transportation time must be paid by the Dark Moon City. Otherwise, all the miners will be heavily blamed. So the bold miners started to play the main pit idea.

Don't care about the possible emergence of dangerous creatures, secretly go to the main pit to investigate.

Chen Rui naturally knows that the so-called ghost dragon is impossible to attack the miners, but the lower layer of the main pit is not the same. Although there are extremely rich mineral resources, the inside of Warcraft is even more terrible. Xiqiao Mountain is the largest mine in the Angel Empire, but Because of this affliction, it has been ruined for a long time. It has been four hundred years and still cannot be solved.

After the miners entered the main pit, they did not encounter the terrible ghost dragon again. They were a little more lucky. They only found that the ore in the waste mine was unreasonably less than half, and I don’t know what the reason was. However, the impurities on the waste mines are quite troublesome, and the quality of the extracted ore will be greatly affected. I don’t know what the thieves have used.

Chen Rui certainly won't tell the miners that the waste mines were transported by him and have been turned over to Xia. He is anxious to know the whereabouts of Athena: "Why did Athena and Gade go to the main pit? How long have you been?"

"Chen Rui adults!" A glimpse, the sound sounded, it was the **** deputy captain Connor", under the report of the dark elf, hurriedly rushed down from the mining office on the mountainside.

"Connor! You are coming right, tell me what is going on, where is Athena?"

Connor frowned and said: "Chen Rui, this is the case. Athena is small.

The sister led us back to the mining office and it has gradually stabilized. However, a group of miners secretly went to the lower mining of the main pit in order to complete the mine payment task every three months. It was very smooth at first, and the terrible ghost dragon did not appear, so more and more miners began to go to mining. The lower level of Warcraft appeared, and the miners were trapped inside. The captains of Athena and Gade went to the rescue, but they never went back. The people sent to investigate were also missing. I was trying to report to the Darkmoon City urgently, just happened to meet the adults and ask the adults to arrange their hands to go to the Darkmoon City. ”

"When did Athena go to the lower level?"

"About last night, the result has not come back this morning."

It's been a night! Chen Rui face sè big change, report that the dark moon city is definitely too late, every one minute dragged "Athena will be more dangerous" immediately said: "You immediately find a miner who went to the lower level, I have to go down and see one Look."

Connor l screamed: "The following is too dangerous! Chen Rui adults, or urgently send people to report Darkmoon City!"

Chen Rui has ignited: "I am a mine officer. I am now ordering you. I will arrange for people to lead the way. I have to go down to the lower level!"

Connor bit his teeth: "I have been to the lower level, so let me go with the adults!"

"Good! Without further ado, let's go now!"

Connor immediately arranged some matters to the guards, and walked with Chen Ruichao on the mountain. "Seeing the miners along the way, the horror of Chen’s blame, Chen Rui blamed him for his mine officer’s dereliction of duty, and previously only planned the 1 red thief group. I didn’t expect that this would happen because of the deadline for payment. If Athena had something wrong, then everything in front of him would be successful and lost meaning. In any case, bring Athena back safely!

Connor walked and introduced Chen Rui to the main pit. The attack on the lower miners was a strange creature. Some of them were like flies. They were able to **** the flesh and blood of the body. Only a pair of skeletons was terrible and the most troublesome. Yes, they are quite numerous and hard to kill.

Despite the fact that the main mine of the magic lamp still looks yīnsen deep, Chen Rui is not the first time to enter the main pit, and put on the lighting ring, the magic compass in his hand, began to record the coordinates and path along the way.

The upper layer of the main pit is huge, but Connor is quite familiar with it, bypassing many corners and finally came to a bottomless entrance.

"Adult, here is the entrance to the lower floor. Originally there was a large lift. It was very convenient to enter and exit. However, since the underground Warcraft broke through the original seal four hundred years ago, the mining officer at that time could only destroy the large lift. Through this only emergency passage, the emergency passage is also sealed, and the creatures below the demon level can pass. But this seal can only limit the Warcraft under the Emperor level. If it exceeds the Emperor level, it can also break through here. If the emergency passage is destroyed, it will completely close the connection with the lower layer, which is equivalent to giving up the largest vein and thousands of years of operation. Therefore, this passage has been retained until now, so that it can be solved in the future."

"Well, let's go down." Chen Rui looked at the entrance of the passage that was less than two meters in diameter. * The depth is very deep. The miners on the weekdays secretly go to the lower level to mine.

Connor's eyes flashed. Chen Rui did not notice this, but he keenly felt a strange atmosphere.

murderous look?

Connor actually has murderous?

Although it was only a fleeting touch, it was captured by Chen Rui.

"You go down first, Connor, I follow you." Chen Rui wanted to go on first, and his mind changed his mind.

That murderously reappeared again." Chen Rui has opened the eyes of analysis: race: dark elves. Comprehensive strength assessment:.

Connor l screamed: "I don't want to be an adult, I am a little scared. Can adults go ahead?"

I am lighting up for you later. ”

With fear, while killing?

Chen Rui gave him a faint look: "Donner, here are two of us, I don't think you have to pretend."

Connor was silent for a while and shook his head. "I am a minerals officer. I really can't figure out what is the flaw."

Sure enough, there are yīn seeks! Chen Rui originally guessed that there were red miners and thieves in the miners. At that time, the situation was urgent. It was quite difficult to find out the fineness of the miners who were huge and unfamiliar. Later, under his efforts, the Red Devils Thieves The heads of the regiment and the main force are basically completely destroyed. Even if there are ān fines, there will be no wind and waves. I can’t think of it.

In this way, Athena went to the main mine to "rescue" and "most likely fell into some kind of premeditated."

"This is just an intuition." Chen Rui brows his head. "Maybe it is because there is no power. This kind of intuition is generally very accurate. Today I just tried it and I didn't think it was true."

"I don't think you have this kind of sensory ability, but unfortunately, it just makes you die faster." Connor shook his head: "In any case, you are still going to die, instead of being killed by the lower level of Warcraft, it is better for me to give you A happy one."

"I don't think that intuition is really terrible." Chen Rui sighed. "Before I die... I want to ask the last few questions, okay? ”

"Because calming is useless, I know your skill." The dark elf sneered, slowly retreating, and carefully opened the distance with Chen Rui. "Don't try to use any medicine." I have already pointed you in the sleeve. The throat, as soon as you move, immediately becomes a body. Now, as a winner, I can satisfy the last curiosity of a dying person. ”

Chen Rui seems to have been the last trick by Connor. He seems to be downcast and keeps his rigid posture. He is afraid to move: "The first question, is Athena and Gade cheated by you?"

"Strictly speaking, they themselves took the initiative to rescue the miners. I didn't lie to them." Connor was proud of it, "but those miners were actually forced to go to the lower level to mine." So I should be negative. Full responsibility. ”

"So, Athena and Gade are still below?" Chen Rui immediately asked the second question: "1 Why didn't they come back overnight?"...It's very simple"" Connor pointed to the emergency channel. Entrance, "When they go down, the enchantment of this passage has been destroyed by me." Now I can't get in and out, unless I can really reach the power of the Emperor's level, I can break it out. Otherwise, even if you ask for help in the Darkmoon, use. ”

Single line channel? Must be the power of the devil to lift! Chen Ruixin sank and asked: "Are you a magician strongman? How can you have the power to destroy the enchantment?"

"Of course I can't do it." Connor was very proud: "But the magical instruments given by my master can!" Even if Athena is a high-level demon, there is only one dead end below. ”

Chen Rui was shocked: "Is it the master? Is it Joseph or Canita? Or is it the red lord?"

Connor l screamed: "How can those little people compare with my master? And it is the guys who are red, how can they be stupid enough to directly murder the daughter of the First General of the Empire?"

Chen Rui was really taken Connor’s "master" was not a Joseph or a red lord, but a more powerful mysterious person, a small mine, there are more than one black hand Doped in it! Not only that, there must be another magical communication station nearby!

"Who are you in the host?"

Connor smirked and said: "You don't need to know this." Finally, I will send you an 〗 〖Attachment free of charge. I still have an identity. It is the ān fine of the Red Devils Thieves. The Red Devils and Thieves have made a big change."

The head of the team, Schneider, has already departed from the Red Sea, and will soon come to Xiqiao Mountain. At that time, the news of the red thieves’ murder of the Red Emperor’s gang will kill the first general’s daughter. George General has only one such The daughter must be very angry. It is very likely that some fragile balance of the angelic empire will be broken. This chaotic situation will be the master's most enjoyable opinion. ”

"Your master, not the angel empire!" Chen Rui Meng province, Connor's hand moved, two arrows hit the throat of lightning.

I have been forbearing for so long, and it is rare to face a weak person. I just enjoy the feeling of a winner. Although the words are a little more, I am going to end soon.

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