Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 146: Magic fly! Suspicious source of crystallization

Elemental people are born in nature and will die in nature. They do not have their own exclusive civilization, but generally do not easily involve 3 civilizations unless someone invades their territory.

If the Tauren and Medusa invade the territory of the Earth Elemental People, it is understandable, but how can the earth elements and those of the Magic Fly?

Chen Rui knows a little about the knowledge of these World of Warcraft creatures, and now is not the time to study, he is the first time to see this kind of battle, both sides are living in a deadly battle. Some Medusa and the Tauren even attacked him, and Lusa and the previous Tauren were already engaged in the battle. How can anyone tell him or her?

The eyes of the analysis show that there are many strengths in the surrounding fighting creatures. "I can't judge" Chen Rui doesn't dare to provoke, just pulling Athena and throwing away the dangerous battles, just picking some sorts like Soft persimmons such as earth elements are pinched.

Inevitably caused too much attention, Chen Rui while swearing Athena to converge on the magic fire, save strength and fight with the level of elemental elements, while trying to communicate with them. Strangely, the earth element should be a creature with considerable intelligence. However, in the eyes of analysis, all the earth elements that face Chen Rui, including the one that was previously defeated by Chen Rui. The soil elements of the level of strength, only one kind of information is fed back: kill! kill! kill!

The bloodthirsty demons are still the same as before, and there seems to be no thought at all. The eyes of the analysis cannot communicate at all.

The more advanced venomous flies and the other heart-shaped magic flies seem to have some consciousness. But these consciousnesses are full of treacherous evil and killing, and they are also unable to communicate. As for those, "unable to judge" level of fighting In the magic fly, Chen Rui did not dare to approach.

The various caves and simple houses on this battlefield should be the oldest nest of the Tauren. The main force of the magic fly and the earth elements seems to be attacking a place. The battle in that place is the most fierce. It seems to be a small pool.

In front of the pool, there is a strong Tauren wearing a leather armor and holding two huge stone axes in his hand. The stone axe swings, even if Chen Rui can hear a strong whistling sound, the ground near the pool will follow. Trembling. From the perspective of strength and attire, it should be the leader of the Tauren.

The magic flies close to the pool were torn apart by the terrible wind pressure, including the venomous fly that had a large head and could not be opened at all by the broken knife. This power is destroyed. Far from being able to match. Of course, the most important thing is the gap in strength.

Although the leader of the Tauren is very fierce, his opponent is equally strong, and it is the two elements of the earth. "The head is smaller than the one that Chen Rui encountered before. The facial features and muscles are relatively more delicate. It is even more terrible.

Not only that, the earth elements of the light green sè can also display a variety of earth magic, no need to chanting spells like the magician or evil wizard, many even high-level powerful magic.

The huge vine head condensed in the air, the stone shackles that grow out of the ground, the stone huā that can explode, and various kinds of offensive and defensive means, emerge endlessly, effectively compensate for the weakness of the attack.

The skill of the Tauren leader was also beyond Chen Rui’s expectation. He only heard a scream, and his foot suddenly appeared a circle of red sè.” Near him, all the Tauren’s feet appeared in a certain range. A kind of halo, but the color of the sè is lighter. The Tauren in this halo seems to attack more fierce and more powerful.

"Aura skills?" Chen Rui suddenly thought of the Paladin skills in a classic game in the past, can let the surrounding teammates get a special gain effect, the red sè halo of the Tauren leader is obviously this effect. However, this kind of "halo" can only compete against the Tauren. "As a friendly member of Medusa, although it is also within the scope of the aura, there is no special display or effect on the body.

Similarly, not far from there is a Tauren who has the ability to hold a stone rod in his hand. There is a kind of aura in the vicinity of the same kind of foot, which makes the speed of the Tauren speed up a lot. It seems that this auxiliary aura It should be the special ability of the mutant Tauren.

Chen Rui noticed that there was a corpse behind the Tauren who held the stone rod, that is, a tauren warrior who died in battle. After being surrounded by a group of magical flies, he was not swallowed up by flesh and blood, but Being controlled, the "Zombie" generally stood up, and the light in his eyes was light, and he even attacked the companion who held the stone rod.

"Zombie" Tauren seems to feel no pain. "No need for defense, just crazy attacking the Tauren holding the stone rod."

Although the Tauren holding the stone rod has the power to bless the aura, its fighting power seems to be weak, and it can no longer resist.

The nearby Tauren want to be rescued, but they are dragged by the Earth Elemental and the Magic Fly. Once this key Tauren dies, all the companions' gain effects will disappear and further fall into danger.

The Tauren holding the stone rod has been shot a few meters by a hammer and fell to the ground, and the zombie Tauren rushed forward without giving his former companion a breath.

At the beginning of the millennium, a light ball with a diameter of about one meter screamed and rushed toward the zombie tauren. The Tauren who was naturally resistant to magic could not withstand the impact of this light ball, and was pushed by the light ball at high speed. On a boulder, the whole body was swallowed up, leaving only a blackened body, and then the whole boulder collapsed.

The Tauren holding the stone rod stood up and stood up, surprised to see the key moments to save his stranger, this person is neither an elemental person nor a Medusa, nor a Tauren.

I saw that the stranger had a sigh of ng, and the voice was clearly heard in the brain: "Friend! Chen Rui!"

Although the Tauren was a little surprised, he did not hesitate to make the same action: "Friend! Torre!"

Chen Rui’s shots are obviously considered. Both Tauren and Medusa can communicate with the eyes of the analysis, and they just take advantage of this battle to win a good impression. The chances of surviving in the underground world and even finding a way out will increase greatly. If the Tauren side fails, facing the earth elements and the magic fly that cannot be exchanged, it is almost certain to die.

Chen Rui saw that Torre's close ability was relatively weak, and he called Athena over. The two men were holding Torre in it. Torre just made a lot of effort, and he shouted. The aura of the Tauren was much more. One is the red sè aura used by the Tauren leader, so that the nearby Tauren is not only speed but also has a lot of attack power.

The aura used by Torre can be effectively combined at the same time, and the aura of the Tauren leader is only a red sè. It seems that Torre’s talent in the aura is more than the leader. It is also estimated to be a leader in the Tauren. Important person.

With Torre's lesson, after the death of the Tauren's warrior, the body was immediately destroyed by his companions. It can be seen that the Tauren is quite angry and angry, but helpless. Chen Rui implicitly understands why Medusa Lusha had to destroy the body of his companion. It seems that the power of these magic flies is quite strange, and they can control the body! Devil's version of the virus?

With the help of Chen Rui and Athena, Torre began to move, and went to a more dangerous battle group, screaming along the way, and blessing the aura of the hard-working companions. The pressures of Chen Rui and Athena are also increasing, but this move has made the Tauren people feel more interested in protecting the two strangers beside Torre.

Another heroic Tauren fell again. After the companion dispelled the magical fly trapped on him, he was helplessly preparing to destroy the body. He was suddenly stopped by Chen Rui. Just now Chen Rui also saved the life of this tauren. The Tauren was not good at the moment, just reminding him that this body would be resurrected as an enemy by the magic fly.

Chen Rui nodded and directly let the Tauren rest assured through the eyes of the analysis, and greeted Athena and thrown away to resist the enemy, bent down and began to observe the body that was about to become a zombie. When they first assisted the Tauren with Lusa, he discovered that there were some abnormalities in the eyes of those earth elements, and they solidified some kind of crystals, as if they were flowing out of tears. At that time, it was too late to look at it. Just now he noticed that several, "resurrection" zombie tauren seemed to have the same singular characteristics. It’s hard to get a “living body” right now to verify some kind of guess.

Seeing that the corpse that had already died in this tauren began to slowly twitch, it was precisely, the precursor of "resurrection", only the strange liquid flowing out of the big bull's eye, not tears, but a yellowish sè After flowing out of the body, the liquid quickly solidifies into a crystal form, and the bull's eye gradually opens, revealing a faint yellow light.

Chen Rui’s heart moved and opened his hand to the head of the Tauren, decisively opening up a skill: aura conversion.

Unexplained energy substances can be transformed into aura, or is it transformed?

as predicted!

The eyes of the Tauren's dead body are almost completely Once opened, it will be completed, the conversion of "Zombies". Chen Rui quickly confirmed that the "transformation" of the Tauren's body began to violently twitch. "The crystal" quickly disappeared into a powder, the yellow light in the eyes gradually faded, and the scream of "squeaky" sounded for a long time.

Chen Rui took back his hand in surprise, and this month was transformed, and the aura actually increased by 10,000!

He guessed it right, this crystal that can make the Tauren become a zombie, it is an energy material that can be transformed into aura, and it should be the kind of crystal on the "waste mine"!

The crystals on the waste mine are actually the special secretions of the magic fly! Not only that, but the eye that has just been analyzed suggests that it is not only crystals, but also the magical fly that secretes crystals. This is a very small fly that can be drilled into the body from the nostrils or ear holes to secrete crystals. Control the body.

This kind of magic fly is the heart-shaped magic fly that Chen Rui saw before! Comprehensive strength assessment. !

Four hundred years of history of waste mines... crystallize... magic flies...

Chen Rui has an intuition, as if there is a big secret today, it has been faintly revealed by himself. @.

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